903 resultados para ergonomic recommendations


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This document briefly summarizes the pavement management activities under the existing Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pavement Management System. The second part of the document provides projected increase in use due to the implementation of the Iowa DOT Pavement Management Optimization System. All estimates of existing time devoted to the Pavement Management System and project increases in time requirements are estimates made by the appropriate Iowa DOT office director or function manager. Included is the new Pavement Management Optimization Structure for the three main offices which will work most closely with the Pavement Management Optimization System (Materials, Design, and Program Management).


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To address a significant gap in the workplace coaching literature, we provide an up-to-date, comprehensive review of the literature in order to inform researchers, practitioners and organizations of the current state of play in workplace coaching research. In our review, we apply a systematic assessment of methodological rigour of the extant workplace coaching literature in order to gain insights into the link between rigour and research outcomes. Our review is fully inclusive and therefore includes both quantitative and qualitative studies of workplace coaching including coaching provided by supervisors. We explore the potential antecedents, moderators and mediators impacting on coaching outcomes, such as the coachee and coach profile and coaching intervention variables. Informed by our systematic review and methodological assessment, specific recommendations will be made to guide future research in the field of workplace coaching effectiveness and theoretical development.


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The spirit behind the creation of the task force is one of good government. It rests upon the basic premise that taxpayers demand the best service possible for their tax dollars. Combine this demand for efficiency with Iowa's aging roadway system, and a projected increase in the state's vehicle miles traveled, the need to examine cost savings becomes apparent. Beyond the rational for good and efficient government, however, is a major concern for potential future reductions in Federal highway funds. Iowa is likely entering a period of needing an expanded transportation system with at best a static capacity for maintenance and construction.


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This is the first time a multidisciplinary team has employed an iterative co-design method to determine the ergonomic layout of an emergency ambulance treatment space. This process allowed the research team to understand how treatment protocols were performed and developed analytical tools to reach an optimum configuration towards ambulance design standardisation. Fusari conducted participatory observations during 12-hour shifts with front-line ambulance clinicians, hospital staff and patients to understand the details of their working environments whilst on response to urgent and emergency calls. A simple yet accurate 1:1 mock-up of the existing ambulance was built for detailed analysis of these procedures through simulations. Paramedics were called in to participate in interviews and role-playing inside the model to recreate tasks, how they are performed, the equipment used and to understand the limitations of the current ambulance. The use of Link Analysis distilled 5 modes of use. In parallel, an exhaustive audit of all equipment and consumables used in ambulances was performed (logging and photography) to define space use. These developed 12 layout options for refinement and CAD modelling and presented back to paramedics. The preferred options and features were then developed into a full size test rig and appearance model. Two key studies informed the process. The 2005 National Patient Safety Agency funded study “Future Ambulances” outlined 9 design challenges for future standardisation of emergency vehicles and equipment. Secondly, the 2007 EPSRC funded “Smart Pods” project investigated a new system of mobile urgent and emergency medicine to treat patients in the community. A full-size mobile demonstrator unit featuring the evidence-based ergonomic layout was built for clinical tests through simulated emergency scenarios. Results from clinical trials clearly show that the new layout improves infection control, speeds up treatment, and makes it easier for ambulance crews to follow correct clinical protocols.


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Background: Previous research supports the claim that managers are vital players in the implementation of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), yet little is known about interventions aiming to develop managers’ leadership in facilitating implementation. In this pilot study, process evaluation was employed to study the feasibility and usefulness of a leadership intervention by exploring the intervention’s potential to support managers in the implementation of national guideline recommendations for stroke care in outpatient rehabilitation. Methods: Eleven senior and frontline managers from five outpatient stroke rehabilitation centers participated in a four-month leadership intervention that included workshops, seminars, and teleconferences. The focus was on developing knowledge and skills to enhance the implementation of CPG recommendations, with a particular focus on leadership behaviors. Each dyad of managers was assigned to develop a leadership plan with specific goals and leadership behaviors for implementing three rehabilitation recommendations. Feasibility and usefulness were explored through observations and interviews with the managers and staff members prior to the intervention, and then one month and one year after the intervention. Results: Managers considered the intervention beneficial, particularly the participation of both senior and frontline managers and the focus on leadership knowledge and skills for implementing CPG recommendations. All the managers developed a leadership plan, but only two units identified goals specific to implementing the three stroke rehabilitation recommendations. Of these, only one identified leadership behaviors that support implementation. Conclusion: Managers found that the intervention was delivered in a feasible way and appreciated the focus on leadership to facilitate implementation. However, the intervention appeared to have limited impact on managers’ behaviors or clinical practice at the units. Future interventions directed towards managers should have a stronger focus on developing leadership skills and behaviors to tailor implementation plans and support implementation of CPG recommendations.


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Report from the Iowa History Advisory Council on the following goals related to the teaching of Iowa history: Identify the current status of the teaching of Iowa history and the resources available regarding K-12 Iowa history instruction. Identify current materials that are dedicated to the teaching of Iowa history at the K-12 level. Study how other states and organizations implement state and local history. Study best practices for the teaching and learning of state and local history. Develop appropriate academic standards related to Iowa history. Provide recommendations to advance the study of Iowa history at the K-12 level.


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Lambs Grove Periodic Examination Report dated September 4, 2014 for the period June 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016


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In the last years, thanks to the improvement in the prognosis of cancer patients, a growing attention has been given to the fertility issues. International guidelines on fertility preservation in cancer patients recommend that physicians discuss, as early as possible, with all patients of reproductive age their risk of infertility from the disease and/or treatment and their interest in having children after cancer, and help with informed fertility preservation decisions. As recommended by the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the European Society for Medical Oncology, sperm cryopreservation and embryo/oocyte cryopreservation are standard strategies for fertility preservations in male and female patients, respectively; other strategies (e.g. pharmacological protection of the gonads and gonadal tissue cryopreservation) are considered experimental techniques. However, since then, new data have become available, and several issues in this field are still controversial and should be addressed by both patients and their treating physicians. In April 2015, physicians with expertise in the field of fertility preservation in cancer patients from several European countries were invited in Genova (Italy) to participate in a workshop on the topic of "cancer and fertility preservation". A total of ten controversial issues were discussed at the conference. Experts were asked to present an up-to-date review of the literature published on these topics and the presentation of own unpublished data was encouraged. On the basis of the data presented, as well as the expertise of the invited speakers, a total of ten recommendations were discussed and prepared with the aim to help physicians in counseling their young patients interested in fertility preservation. Although there is a great interest in this field, due to the lack of large prospective cohort studies and randomized trials on these topics, the level of evidence is not higher than 3 for most of the recommendations highlighting the need of further research efforts in many areas of this field. The participation to the ongoing registries and prospective studies is crucial to acquire more robust information in order to provide evidence-based recommendations.


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Os profissionais de Saúde Oral, nomeadamente os Médicos Dentistas, têm vindo a enfrentar variados riscos decorrentes da sua atividade profissional. Apesar de haver um esforço constante no sentido de melhorar os equipamentos e materiais dentários, através dos avanços tecnológicos, estes não conseguiram, ainda, colmatar significativamente os problemas Músculo-Esqueléticos dos Médicos Dentistas. Este tipo de problemas surge enquanto estudantes, durante a prática clínica, muitas vezes devido às condições de trabalho, à inexperiência inerente, mas, principalmente, devido às postura e aos hábitos de trabalho errados que adquirem e que, consequentemente, persistem ao longo da sua vida profissional. A presente dissertação, aliada a uma vasta literatura relacionada, pretende alertar os profissionais de Saúde Oral, com foco nos Médicos Dentistas, para as patologias decorrentes das posturas erradas no exercício da Medicina Dentária, denominadas de Desordens Músculo-Esqueléticas relacionadas com o Trabalho, identificando-as, assim como aos fatores de risco que influenciam o seu aparecimento. A elaboração desta dissertação, pretende, ainda, propor exercícios de Ginástica Laboral a realizar entre consultas, como estratégia de prevenção para o surgimento de Lesões MúsculoEsqueléticas Relacionadas com o Trabalho nos Médicos Dentistas e alertar para a importância da Ergonomia na conceção de um Consultório Dentário. Para a presente revisão bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica com recurso a livros e artigos publicados em revistas, e que foram consultados nas Bibliotecas da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade do Porto e da Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Procedeu-se à pesquisa por recurso aos motores de busca na internet, tais como, PubMed, Scielo, B-On e Medline, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave, em conjunto ou individualmente: “Lesões por esforços repetitivos”; “Lesões Músculo-Esqueléticas”; “Ergonomia”; “Prevenção”; “Fatores de Risco”; “Ginástica Laboral”; “Work related musculoskeletal disorders”; “Dentistry”; “Ergonomics”; “Pain”; “Prevention”; “Risk factors”. Foram selecionados artigos entre 1987 e 2015, com relevância para o presente trabalho de dissertação de Mestrado, escritos em Português e Inglês. Desta forma, a pesquisa bibliográfica permitiu verificar a prevalência de Lesões Músculo-Esqueléticas Relacionadas com o Trabalho, no âmbito da Medicina Dentária, assim como os fatores de risco associados ao seu aparecimento. Foram ainda tecidas algumas recomendações de forma a contribuir para o bem-estar dos Médicos Dentistas, elucidando-os para a necessidade de adotar posturas corretas e usando a Ergonomia como base para a organização e conceção de um Consultório Dentário. Recorreu-se, ainda, à ilustração de um programa de Ginástica Laboral, através de dois cartazes elucidativos, com o objetivo de prevenir, corrigir e compensar este tipo de patologias do Médico Dentista, desde a sua prática clínica. Após a elaboração desta dissertação, acredita-se ser de extrema importância a aplicação de diretrizes ergonómicas na conceção de um Consultório Dentário, na organização de tarefas, no procedimento clínico, na adoção de posturas, no posto de trabalho, na localização do equipamento e na escolha dos instrumentos. Este método, para além de minimizar o risco do aparecimento de doenças profissionais, também simplifica tarefas, proporciona a correta comunicação entre o Médico Dentista e o assistente e melhora a qualidade e produtividade laboral, através da redução da fadiga física e mental e do aumento da confiança e bem-estar dos Médicos Dentistas.


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Working Together to Promote Open Access Policy Alignment in Europe


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With the construction of operational oceanography systems, the need for real-time has become more and more important. A lot of work had been done in the past, within National Data Centres (NODC) and International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) to standardise delayed mode quality control procedures. Concerning such quality control procedures applicable in real-time (within hours to a maximum of a week from acquisition), which means automatically, some recommendations were set up for physical parameters but mainly within projects without consolidation with other initiatives. During the past ten years the EuroGOOS community has been working on such procedures within international programs such as Argo, OceanSites or GOSUD, or within EC projects such as Mersea, MFSTEP, FerryBox, ECOOP, and MyOcean. In collaboration with the FP7 SeaDataNet project that is standardizing the delayed mode quality control procedures in NODCs, and MyOcean GMES FP7 project that is standardizing near real time quality control procedures for operational oceanography purposes, the DATA-MEQ working group decided to put together this document to summarize the recommendations for near real-time QC procedures that they judged mature enough to be advertised and recommended to EuroGOOS.


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Non-adherence to health recommendations (e.g. medical prescriptions) presents potential costs for healthcare, which could be prevented or mitigated. This is often attributed to a person’s rational choice, to not adhere. However, this may also be determined by individual and contextual factors implied in the recommendations communication process. In accordance, this chapter focuses specifically on barriers to and facilitators of adherence to recommendations and engagement with the healthcare process, particularly concerning the communication between health professionals and patients. For this, the authors present examples of engagement increment through different degrees of participation, from a one-way/directive towards a two-way/engaging communication process. This focuses specifically on a vulnerable population group with increasing healthcare needs: older adults. Future possibilities for two-way engaging communications are discussed, aimed at promoting increased adherence to health recommendations and people’s self-regulation of their own health.