989 resultados para endothelium-dependent vasodilation


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The V-ATPase V(0) sector associates with the peripheral V(1) sector to form a proton pump. V(0) alone has an additional function, facilitating membrane fusion in the endocytic and late exocytic pathways. V(0) contains a hexameric proteolipid cylinder, which might support fusion as proposed in proteinaceous pore models. To test this, we randomly mutagenized proteolipids. We recovered alleles that preserve proton translocation, normal SNARE activation and trans-SNARE pairing but that impair lipid and content mixing. Critical residues were found in all subunits of the proteolipid ring. They concentrate within the bilayer, close to the ring subunit interfaces. The fusion-impairing proteolipid substitutions stabilize the interaction of V(0) with V(1). Deletion of the vacuolar v-SNARE Nyv1 has the same effect, suggesting that both types of mutations similarly alter the conformation of V(0). Also covalent linkage of subunits in the proteolipid cylinder blocks vacuole fusion. We propose that a SNARE-dependent conformational change in V(0) proteolipids might stimulate fusion by creating a hydrophobic crevice that promotes lipid reorientation and formation of a lipidic fusion pore.


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The computer simulation of reaction dynamics has nowadays reached a remarkable degree of accuracy. Triatomic elementary reactions are rigorously studied with great detail on a straightforward basis using a considerable variety of Quantum Dynamics computational tools available to the scientific community. In our contribution we compare the performance of two quantum scattering codes in the computation of reaction cross sections of a triatomic benchmark reaction such as the gas phase reaction Ne + H2+ %12. NeH++ H. The computational codes are selected as representative of time-dependent (Real Wave Packet [ ]) and time-independent (ABC [ ]) methodologies. The main conclusion to be drawn from our study is that both strategies are, to a great extent, not competing but rather complementary. While time-dependent calculations advantages with respect to the energy range that can be covered in a single simulation, time-independent approaches offer much more detailed information from each single energy calculation. Further details such as the calculation of reactivity at very low collision energies or the computational effort related to account for the Coriolis couplings are analyzed in this paper.


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Many effects of nitric oxide (NO) are mediated by the activation of guanylyl cyclases and subsequent production of the second messenger cyclic guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP activates cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PRKGs), which can therefore be considered downstream effectors of NO signaling. Since NO is thought to be involved in the regulation of both sleep and circadian rhythms, we analyzed these two processes in mice deficient for cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (PRKG1) in the brain. Prkg1 mutant mice showed a strikingly altered distribution of sleep and wakefulness over the 24 hours of a day as well as reductions in rapid-eye-movement sleep (REMS) duration and in non-REM sleep (NREMS) consolidation, and their ability to sustain waking episodes was compromised. Furthermore, they displayed a drastic decrease in electroencephalogram (EEG) power in the delta frequency range (1-4 Hz) under baseline conditions, which could be normalized after sleep deprivation. In line with the re-distribution of sleep and wakefulness, the analysis of wheel-running and drinking activity revealed more rest bouts during the activity phase and a higher percentage of daytime activity in mutant animals. No changes were observed in internal period length and phase-shifting properties of the circadian clock while chi-squared periodogram amplitude was significantly reduced, hinting at a less robust oscillator. These results indicate that PRKG1 might be involved in the stabilization and output strength of the circadian oscillator in mice. Moreover, PRKG1 deficiency results in an aberrant pattern, and consequently a reduced quality, of sleep and wakefulness, possibly due to a decreased wake-promoting output of the circadian system impinging upon sleep.


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Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was evaluated in a sample of alcohol-dependent patients with the 36-item Medical Outcome Study Short-Form Health Survey (MOS-SF-36). The instrument was administered to 147 patients (77% males), aged 26-78, with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of alcohol dependence. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS), the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ), and the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) were also administered to the first 100 patients included in the study. The reliability and validity of the MOS-SF-36 were evaluated. Test-retest intraclass coefficients for a 10-day interval were in the range .65 to .79, whereas the Cronbach alpha coefficient indicated good internal consistency (range .70 to .89). Compared to scores observed in the general population, MOS-SF-36 scores for alcohol-dependent patients were relatively low (indicating worse perception of HRQoL), especially in the psychological and role dimensions (range 52/100 to 55/100), but were closer to populational values in the physical and functional dimensions (range 61/100 to 75/100)). The highest correlation between MOS-SF-36 dimensions and HDS was found in the MOS-SF-36 "mental health" dimension (r=-.56, p < .001); this dimension was also correlated highly with the psychiatric dimension of the ASI (r=-.73, p < .001). The eight dimensions of the MOS-SF-36 were 21% to 127% lower in patients with HDS greater than or equal to 16 (major depression) compared to those with HDS less than or equal to 7 (absence of depression). The MOS-SF-36 dimensions were 10% to 141% lower in patients with high "ASI alcohol" scores, indicating worse HRQoL profiles with a higher severity of alcohol dependence. The MOS-SF-36 presents good criteria for reliability and validity in alcohol-dependent patients. The results suggested that alcohol-dependent patients perceived their problems more as psychological than physical. The severity of alcohol dependence and depression seemed to influence the perception of HRQoL negatively.


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Aging is associated with an increased risk of depression in humans. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of depression and its dependence on aging, here we study signs of depression in male SAMP8 mice. For this purpose, we used the forced swimming test (FST). The total floating time in the FST was greater in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice at 9 months of age; however, this difference was not observed in 12-month-old mice, when both strains are considered elderly. Of the two strains, only the SAMP8 animals responded to imipramine treatment. We also applied the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and studied changes in the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) uptake systems, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor density in the cortex, and levels of TPH2. The DST showed a significant difference between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice at old age. SAMP8 exhibits an increase in 5-HT transporter density, with slight changes in 5-HT2a/2c receptor density. In conclusion, SAMP8 mice presented depression-like behavior that is dependent on senescence process, because it differs from SAMR1, senescence resistant strain.


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To determine the effect of aging on IFN-gamma-induced MHC class II antigen expression, we produced bone marrow¿derived macrophages in vitro. In these conditions, we analyzed the effect of aging on the genomic expression of macrophages without the influence of other cell types that may be affected by aging. Although macrophages from young and aged mice showed an identical degree of differentiation, after incubation with IFN-gamma, the expression at the cell surface of the IA complex and the levels of IAbeta protein and mRNA were lower in aged macrophages. Moreover, the transcription of the IAbeta gene was impaired in aged macrophages. The amount of transcription factors that bound to the W and X, but not to the Y, boxes of the IAbeta promoter gene was lower in aged macrophages. Similar levels of CIITA mRNA were found after IFN-gamma treatment of both young and aged macrophages. This shows that neither the initial cascade that starts after the interaction of IFN-gamma with the receptor nor the second signals involved in the expression of CIITA are impaired in aged macrophages. These data indicate that aging is associated with low levels of MHC class II gene induction by IFN-gamma because of impaired transcription.


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Whether adenosine, a crucial regulator of the developing cardiovascular system, can provoke arrhythmias in the embryonic/fetal heart remains controversial. Here, we aimed to establish a mechanistic basis of how an adenosinergic stimulation alters function of the developing heart. Spontaneously beating hearts or dissected atria and ventricle obtained from 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to adenosine or specific agonists of the receptors A(1)AR (CCPA), A(2A)AR (CGS-21680) and A(3)AR (IB-MECA). Expression of the receptors was determined by quantitative PCR. The functional consequences of blockade of NADPH oxidase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), phospholipase C (PLC), protein kinase C (PKC) and L-type calcium channel (LCC) in combination with adenosine or CCPA, were investigated in vitro by electrocardiography. Furthermore, the time-course of ERK phosphorylation was determined by western blotting. Expression of A(1)AR, A(2A)AR and A(2B)AR was higher in atria than in ventricle while A(3)AR was equally expressed. Adenosine (100μM) triggered transient atrial ectopy and second degree atrio-ventricular blocks (AVB) whereas CCPA induced mainly Mobitz type I AVB. Atrial rhythm and atrio-ventricular propagation fully recovered after 60min. These arrhythmias were prevented by the specific A(1)AR antagonist DPCPX. Adenosine and CCPA transiently increased ERK phosphorylation and induced arrhythmias in isolated atria but not in ventricle. By contrast, A(2A)AR and A(3)AR agonists had no effect. Interestingly, the proarrhythmic effect of A(1)AR stimulation was markedly reduced by inhibition of NADPH oxidase, ERK, PLC, PKC or LCC. Moreover, NADPH oxidase inhibition or antioxidant MPG prevented both A(1)AR-mediated arrhythmias and ERK phosphorylation. These results suggest that pacemaking and conduction disturbances are induced via A(1)AR through concomitant stimulation of NADPH oxidase and PLC, followed by downstream activation of ERK and PKC with LCC as possible target.


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Substance P (SP), an undecapeptide belonging to the tachykinin family, is released during the activation of sensory nerves, and causes vasodilation, edema and pain through activation of tissular Neurokinin 1 receptors. SP proinflammatory effects are terminated by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP), while the aminopeptidase dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPPIV) can also play a role. The aim of this randomized, crossover, double-blind study was to assess the cutaneous vasoreactivity (flare and wheal reaction, burning pain sensation) to intradermal injection of ascending doses of SP in six volunteers receiving a single therapeutic dose of the DPPIV inhibitor sitagliptin or a matching placebo. Cutaneous SP challenges produced the expected, dose-dependent flare and wheal response, while eliciting mild to moderate local pain sensation with little dose dependency. However, no differences were shown in the responses observed under sitagliptin compared with placebo, while the study would have been sufficiently powered to detect a clinically relevant increase in sensitivity to SP. The results of this pilot study are in line with proteolytic cleavage of SP by ACE and NEP compensating the blockade of DPPIV to prevent an augmentation of its proinflammatory action.


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Stimulation ofcortisol secretion by food intake has been implicated in the pathogenesis of some cases of ACTH-independent Cushing's syndrome, via an aberrant response of the adrenal glands to gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). We report here a novel case of food-dependent Cushing's syndrome in a patient with bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia. In this patient we were able to confirm a paradoxical stimulation of cortisol secretion by GIP in vivo as well as in vitro on dispersed tumor adrenal cells obtained at surgery. In addition to GIP, in vitro stimulation of these cultured tumor adrenal cells with leptin, the secreted product of the adipocyte, induced cortisol secretion. By comparison, no such stimulation was observed in vitro in adrenal cells obtained from another patient with bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing's syndrome that did not depend on food intake, in tumor cells obtained from a solitary cortisol-secreting adrenal adenoma, and in normal human adrenocortical cells. These results demonstrate that as in previously described cases of food-dependent Cushing's syndrome, GIP stimulated cortisol secretion from the adrenals of the patient reported here. Therefore, they indicate that such a paradoxical response probably represents the hallmark of this rare condition. In addition, they suggest that leptin, which normally inhibits stimulated cortisol secretion in humans, participated in cortisol hypersecretion in this case. Further studies in other cases of food-dependent Cushing's syndrome, however, will be necessary to better ascertain the pathophysiological significance of this finding.


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Understanding how plants sense and respond to heat stress is central to improve crop tolerance and productivity. Recent findings in Physcomitrella patensdemonstrated that the controlled passage of calcium ions across the plasma membrane regulates the heat shock response (HSR). To investigate the effect of membrane lipid composition on the plant HSR, we acclimated P. patens to a slightly elevated yet physiological growth temperature and analysed the signature of calcium influx under a mild heat shock. Compared to tissues grown at 22°C, tissues grown at 32°C had significantly higher overall membrane lipid saturation level and, when submitted to a short heat shock at 35°C, displayed a noticeably reduced calcium influx and a consequent reduced heat shock gene expression. These results show that temperature differences, rather than the absolute temperature, determine the extent of the plant HSR and indicate that membrane lipid composition regulates the calcium-dependent heat-signaling pathway.


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SUMMARY LatY136F knock-in mice harbor a point mutation in tyrosine 136 of the linker for activation of T cells (LAT), and show accumulation of TH2 effector cells leading to IgG1 and IgE hypergammaglobulinemia. The observed polyclonal. B cell activation was not a direct effect of the mutation on B cells since in the absence of T cells mutant B cells did not show an activated phenotype. After adoptive transfer of LAT mutant T cells into wild type (WT) Tcell-deficient recipients, recipient B cells became activated. We show in vivo and in vitro that the LatY136F mutation promotes Tcell-dependent B cell activation leading to germinal center, memory and plasma cell formation even in the absence of MHC class II. This effect was, however, dependant on CD40 and CD80/CD86. All the plasma and memory B cell populations found in physiological T cell-dependent B cell responses were found. Characterization of the abundant plasmablasts observed in. secondary lymphoid organs of LatY136F mice revealed the presence of a previously uncharacterized CD93expressing subpopulation, whose existence was confirmed in WT mice after immunization. In LatY136F mice, B cell activation was polyclonal and not antigen-driven, since the increase in serum IgG1 and IgE concentrations involved antibodies and autoantibodies with different specificities equally. Although the non-complement-fixing IgG1 and IgE were the only isotypes significantly increased in LatY136F serum, we observed early onset of systemic autoimmunity with nephritis showing IgE autoantibody deposits and severe proteinuria. These results show that TH2 cells developing in LatY136F mice can trigger polyclonal B cell activation and thereby lead to systemic autoimmune disease. RESUME Les souris présentent une mutation ponctuelle au niveau de la tyrosine 136 de l'adaptateur requis pour l'activation des cellules T (LAT) et développent, de ce fait, une accumulation de cellules T effectrices de type TH2 ainsi qu'une hypergammaglobulémie des isotypes IgG1 et IgE. Dans ce modèle murin, l'activation des cellules B et la production d'anticorps qui y est associée ne sont pas dues à un effet direct de la mutation. Nous avons mis en évidence que l'interaction physique entre cellules T activées et cellules B est indispensable au développement de ce phenotype. D'un point de vue moléculaire, cette interaction ne requiert pas l'intervention des complexes majeurs d'histocompatibilité de classe II, garant de la spécificité d'une réponse immunitaire. Cependant, les molécules de costimulation CD40 et CD80/CD86 sont indispensables à une réponse complète des cellules B. Les souris LatY136F développent d'importantes populations de cellules B des centres germinatifs, de cellules B mémoires ainsi que de cellules sécrétant des anticorps, qui présentent les mêmes caractéristiques que lors d'une réponse immunitaire à un antigène classique. En observant plus précisément les plasmablastes présents dans les ganglions des souris LatY13sF, nous avons détecté une sous-population exprimant CD93; l'expression de ce marqueur par les cellules B n'a jamais été mise en évidence durant une réponse immunitaire. Cependant, notre étude a permis de confirmer sa présence, dans les ganglions de souris de type sauvage, lors d'immunisation avec différents antigènes. Nous avons montré que l'activation des cellules B des souris LatY136F est polyclonale et n'est pas dirigée par un antigène; les taux d'autoanticorps augmentent de manière proportionnelle à ceux des anticorps totaux. Bien que les IgG1 et les IgE ne soient pas des isotypes connus pour leurs propriétés pathogéniques, nous avons observé le développement d'une autoimmunité systémique caractérisée par une néphrite impliquant des dépôts d'autoanticorps du type IgE ainsi que par une sévère proteinurée.


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Aging is associated with an increased risk of depression in humans. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of depression and its dependence on aging, here we study signs of depression in male SAMP8 mice. For this purpose, we used the forced swimming test (FST). The total floating time in the FST was greater in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice at 9 months of age; however, this difference was not observed in 12-month-old mice, when both strains are considered elderly. Of the two strains, only the SAMP8 animals responded to imipramine treatment. We also applied the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and studied changes in the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) uptake systems, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor density in the cortex, and levels of TPH2. The DST showed a significant difference between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice at old age. SAMP8 exhibits an increase in 5-HT transporter density, with slight changes in 5-HT2a/2c receptor density. In conclusion, SAMP8 mice presented depression-like behavior that is dependent on senescence process, because it differs from SAMR1, senescence resistant strain.


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Alteration of the surface glycosylation pattern on malignant cells potentially affects tumor immunity by directly influencing interactions with glycan-binding proteins (lectins) on the surface of immunomodulatory cells. The sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins Siglec-7 and -9 are MHC class I-independent inhibitory receptors on human NK cells that recognize sialic acid-containing carbohydrates. Here, we found that the presence of Siglec-9 defined a subset of cytotoxic NK cells with a mature phenotype and enhanced chemotactic potential. Interestingly, this Siglec-9+ NK cell population was reduced in the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Broad analysis of primary tumor samples revealed that ligands of Siglec-7 and -9 were expressed on human cancer cells of different histological types. Expression of Siglec-7 and -9 ligands was associated with susceptibility of NK cell-sensitive tumor cells and, unexpectedly, of presumably NK cell-resistant tumor cells to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Together, these observations have direct implications for NK cell-based therapies and highlight the requirement to consider both MHC class I haplotype and tumor-specific glycosylation.


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Aging is associated with an increased risk of depression in humans. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of depression and its dependence on aging, here we study signs of depression in male SAMP8 mice. For this purpose, we used the forced swimming test (FST). The total floating time in the FST was greater in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice at 9 months of age; however, this difference was not observed in 12-month-old mice, when both strains are considered elderly. Of the two strains, only the SAMP8 animals responded to imipramine treatment. We also applied the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and studied changes in the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) uptake systems, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor density in the cortex, and levels of TPH2. The DST showed a significant difference between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice at old age. SAMP8 exhibits an increase in 5-HT transporter density, with slight changes in 5-HT2a/2c receptor density. In conclusion, SAMP8 mice presented depression-like behavior that is dependent on senescence process, because it differs from SAMR1, senescence resistant strain.


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CD1d is a major histocompatibility complex class 1-like molecule that regulates the function and development of natural killer T (NKT) cells. Previously, we identified a critical role for the CD1d-NKT cell arm of innate immunity in promoting the development of UVB-induced p53 mutations, immune suppression, and skin tumors. Sunburn, an acute inflammatory response to UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury, represents a clinical marker for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) risk. However, the innate immune mechanisms controlling sunburn development are not considered relevant in NMSC etiology, and remain poorly investigated. Here we found that CD1d knockout (CD1d(-/-)) mice resist UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation compared with wild-type (WT) mice. This resistance was coupled with a faster epithelial tissue healing response. In contrast, the skins of UVB-irradiated invariant NKT cell-knockout (Jα18(-/-)) and NKT cell-deficient (TCRα(-/-)) mice, which express CD1d but are deficient in CD1d-dependent NKT cells, exhibited as much cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation as WT mice. In the absence of NKT cells, CD1d-deficient keratinocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages exhibited diminished basal and stress-induced levels of pro-inflammatory mediators. Thus, our findings identify an essential role for CD1d in promoting UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation. They also suggest sunburn and NMSC etiologies are immunologically linked.