974 resultados para electron, bound-state QED, g-factor, field emission point arrays


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I studied the effects exerted by the modifications on structures and biological activities of the compounds so obtained. I prepared peptide analogues containing unusual amino acids such as halogenated, alkylated (S)- or (R)-tryptophans, useful for the synthesis of mimetics of the endogenous opioid peptide endomorphin-1, or 2-oxo-1,3-oxazolidine-4-carboxylic acids, utilized as pseudo-prolines having a clear all-trans configuration of the preceding peptide bond. The latter gave access to a series of constrained peptidomimetics with potential interest in medicinal chemistry and in the field of the foldamers. In particular, I have dedicated much efforts to the preparation of cyclopentapeptides containing D-configured, alfa-, or beta-aminoacids, and also of cyclotetrapeptides including the retro-inverso modification. The conformational analyses confirmed that these cyclic compounds can be utilized as rigid scaffolds mimicking gamma- or beta-turns, allowing to generate new molecular and 3D diversity. Much work has been dedicated to the structural analysis in solution and in the receptor-bound state, fundamental for giving a rationale to the experimentally determined bioactivity, as well as for predicting the activity of virtual compounds (in silico pre-screen). The conformational analyses in solution has been done mostly by NMR (2D gCosy, Roesy, VT, molecular dynamics, etc.). A special section is dedicated to the prediction of plausible poses of the ligands when bound to the receptors by Molecular Docking. This computational method proved to be a powerful tool for the investigation of ligand-receptor interactions, and for the design of selective agonists and antagonists. Another practical use of cyclic peptidomimetics was the synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic analogues of endomorphin-1 lacking in a protonable amino group. The studies revealed that a inverse type II beta-turn on D-Trp-Phe constituted the bioactive conformation.


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In der vorgelegten Doktorarbeit werden Experimente vorgestellt, die an einem einzelnen Proton in einer Penningfalle durchgeführt worden sind. Die Eigenbewegung eines isoliert gespeicherten, freien Protons konnte elektronisch durch Kopplung an einen Resonanzschwingkreis nachgewiesen werden. Dies stellt eine nicht-destruktive Messung dar, d. h. das Teilchen geht während der Messung nicht verloren. Die freie Zyklotronfrequenz, die aus den drei gemessenen Eigenfrequenzen hervorgeht, ist eine von zwei zur Bestimmung des magnetischen Moments notwendigen Frequenzen. So wird im Gegensatz zu den existierenden Arbeiten eine direkte Bestimmung des g-Faktors ermöglicht. Planung, Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme des experimentellen Aufbaus wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführt, womit eine Messgenauigkeit von 10-7 erreicht wurde. Die dabei zu bewältigenden technischen Herausforderungen zur Bestimmung der zweiten Frequenz (der Larmorfrequenz) ergeben sich aus der Kleinheit des magnetischen Moments. Bei dem für diese Messung benötigten Spinzustand des Teilchens handelt es sich um einen internen Freiheitsgrad, der nur über eine Kopplung des magnetischen Moments an die Eigenbewegung bestimmt werden kann. Eine neuartige, hybride Penningfalle wird in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt, die als Quantensprung-Spektrometer die Spininformation auf die Eigenbewegung abbildet. Damit liegt der aus der magnetischen Kopplung resultierende Frequenzunterschied in den beiden Spinzuständen erstmalig in einem elektronisch detektierbaren Bereich.


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Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition of antihydrogen confined in a neutral atom trap and comparison with the equivalent spectral line in hydrogen will provide an accurate test of CPT symmetry and the first one in a mixed baryon-lepton system. Also, with neutral antihydrogen atoms, the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter can be tested unperturbed by the much stronger Coulomb forces.rnAntihydrogen is regularly produced at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator by three-body-recombination (TBR) of one antiproton and two positrons. The method requires injecting antiprotons into a cloud of positrons, which raises the average temperature of the antihydrogen atoms produced way above the typical 0.5 K trap depths of neutral atom traps. Therefore only very few antihydrogen atoms can be confined at a time. Precision measurements, like laser spectroscopy, will greatly benefit from larger numbers of simultaneously trapped antihydrogen atoms.rnTherefore, the ATRAP collaboration developed a different production method that has the potential to create much larger numbers of cold, trappable antihydrogen atoms. Positrons and antiprotons are stored and cooled in a Penning trap in close proximity. Laser excited cesium atoms collide with the positrons, forming Rydberg positronium, a bound state of an electron and a positron. The positronium atoms are no longer confined by the electric potentials of the Penning trap and some drift into the neighboring cloud of antiprotons where, in a second charge exchange collision, they form antihydrogen. The antiprotons remain at rest during the entire process, so much larger numbers of trappable antihydrogen atoms can be produced. Laser excitation is necessary to increase the efficiency of the process since the cross sections for charge-exchange collisions scale with the fourth power of the principal quantum number n.rnThis method, named double charge-exchange, was demonstrated by ATRAP in 2004. Since then, ATRAP constructed a new combined Penning Ioffe trap and a new laser system. The goal of this thesis was to implement the double charge-exchange method in this new apparatus and increase the number of antihydrogen atoms produced.rnCompared to our previous experiment, we could raise the numbers of positronium and antihydrogen atoms produced by two orders of magnitude. Most of this gain is due to the larger positron and antiproton plasmas available by now, but we could also achieve significant improvements in the efficiencies of the individual steps. We therefore showed that the double charge-exchange can produce comparable numbers of antihydrogen as the TBR method, but the fraction of cold, trappable atoms is expected to be much higher. Therefore this work is an important step towards precision measurements with trapped antihydrogen atoms.


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Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Experiment zur Messung des magnetischen Moments des Protons basiert auf der Messung des Verhältnisses von Zyklotronfrequenz und Larmorfrequenz eines einzelnen, in einer kryogenen Doppel-Penning Falle gespeicherten Protons. In dieser Arbeit konnten erstmalig zwei der drei Bewegungsfrequenzen des Protons gleichzeitig im thermischen Gleichgewicht mit entsprechenden hochsensitiven Nachweissystemen nicht-destruktiv detektiert werden, wodurch die Messzeit zur Bestimmung der Zyklotronfrequenz halbiert werden konnte. Ferner wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmalig einzelne Spin-Übergänge eines einzelnen Protons detektiert, wodurch die Bestimmung der Larmorfrequenz ermöglicht wird. Mithilfe des kontinuierlichen Stern-Gerlach Effekts wird durch eine sogenannte magnetische Flasche das magnetische Moment an die axiale Bewegungsmode des Protons gekoppelt. Eine Änderung des Spinzustands verursacht folglich einen Frequenzsprung der axialen Bewegungsfrequenz, welche nicht-destruktiv gemessen werden kann. Erschwert wird die Detektion des Spinzustands dadurch, dass die axiale Frequenz nicht nur vom Spinmoment, sondern auch vom Bahnmoment abhängt. Die große experimentelle Herausforderung besteht also in der Verhinderung von Energieschwankungen in den radialen Bewegungsmoden, um die Detektierbarkeit von Spin-Übergängen zu gewährleisten. Durch systematische Studien zur Stabilität der axialen Frequenz sowie einer kompletten Überarbeitung des experimentellen Aufbaus, konnte dieses Ziel erreicht werden. Erstmalig kann der Spinzustand eines einzelnen Protons mit hoher Zuverlässigkeit bestimmt werden. Somit stellt diese Arbeit einen entscheidenden Schritt auf dem Weg zu einer hochpräzisen Messung des magnetischen Moments des Protons dar.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto uno studio analitico sul modello di Hubbard esteso unidimensionale al fine di osservare la presenza di eventuali risonanze che possano dare origine alla formazione di stati legati di due particelle. L'esistenza di uno stato legato stabile ha suscitato grande interesse negli ultimi anni, sia in ambito teorico che sperimentale, poichè è alla base di molti fenomeni che vengono osservati nei sistemi a molti corpi a basse temperature, come il BCS-BEC crossover. Pertanto si è ritenuto utile studiare il problema a due corpi nel modello di Hubbard esteso, che in generale non è integrabile. Il modello considerato contiene interazioni a primi e secondi vicini, in aggiunta all'interazione di contatto presente nel modello di Hubbard. Il problema è stato indagato analiticamente attraverso il Bethe ansatz, che consente di trovare tutti gli autovalori e le autofunzioni dell'Hamiltoniana. L'ansatz di Bethe sulla funzione d'onda è stato generalizzato per poter tener conto dei termini di interazione a più lungo raggio rispetto all'interazione di contatto. Si trova che, in questo modello, nel limite termodinamico, possono avvenire delle risonanze (o quasi-risonanze) in cui la lunghezza di scattering diverge, contrariamente a quanto avviene nel modello di Hubbard. Tale fenomeno si verifica quando il livello energetico discreto degli stati legati “tocca” la banda di scattering. Inoltre, con l'aggiunta di nuovi termini di interazione emergono nuovi stati legati. Nel caso in esame, si osservano due famiglie di stati legati, se lo spin totale delle due particelle è 1, e tre famiglie di stati legati, se lo spin totale è 0.


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In dieser Arbeit wird die bisher präziseste und erste direkte Hochpräzisionsmessung des g-Faktors eines einzelnen Protons präsentiert. Die Messung beruht auf der nicht-destruktiven Bestimmung der Zyklotronfrequenz und der Larmorfrequenz eines in einer Penning-Falle gespeicherten Protons. Zur Bestimmung der Larmorfrequenz wird die Spin-Flip-Wahrscheinlichkeit als Funktion einer externen Spin-Flip-Anregung aufgenommen. Zu diesem Zweck wird der kontinuierliche Stern-Gerlach Effekt verwendet, welcher zu einer Kopplung des Spin-Moments an die axiale Bewegung des Protons führt. Ein Spin-Flip zeigt sich dabei in einem Sprung der axialen Bewegungsfrequenz. Die Schwierigkeit besteht darin, diesen Frequenzsprung auf einem Hintergrund axialer Frequenzfluktuationen zu detektieren. Um diese Herausforderung zu bewältigen, wurden neuartige Methoden und Techniken angewandt. Zum einen wurden supraleitende Nachweise mit höchster Empfindlichkeit entwickelt, welche schnelle und damit präzise Frequenzmessungen erlauben. Zum anderen wurde eine auf dem statistischen Bayes Theorem basierende Spin-Flip-Analyse-Methode angewandt. Mit diesen Verbesserungen war es möglich, einzelne Spin-Flips eines einzelnen Protons zu beobachten. Dies wiederum ermöglichte die Anwendung der sogenannten Doppelfallen-Methode, und damit die eingangs erwähnte Messung des g-Faktors mit einer Präzision von 4.3 10^-9.


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Coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) stabilizes fibrin fibers and is therefore a major player in the maintenance of hemostasis. FXIII is activated by thrombin resulting in cleavage and release of the FXIII activation peptide (AP-FXIII). The objective of this study was to characterize the released AP-FXIII and determine specific features that may be used for its specific detection. We analyzed the structure of bound AP-FXIII within the FXIII A-subunit and interactions of AP-FXIII by hydrogen bonds with both FXIII A-subunit monomers. We optimized our previously developed AP-FXIII ELISA by using 2 monoclonal antibodies. We determined high binding affinities between the antibodies and free AP-FXIII and demonstrated specific binding by epitope mapping analyses with surface plasmon resonance and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Because the structure of free AP-FXIII had been characterized so far by molecular modeling only, we performed structural analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance. Recombinant AP-FXIII was largely flexible both in plasma and water, differing significantly from the rigid structure in the bound state. We suggest that the recognized epitope is either occluded in the noncleaved form or possesses a structure that does not allow binding to the antibodies. On the basis of our findings, we propose AP-FXIII as a possible new marker for acute thrombotic events.


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A positron and electron can form the bound state called positronium. When positronium is formed in a porous material, its lifetime is based on the electron density of the pore walls, temperature, and pore size according the Rectangular Extenstion to the Tao-Eldrup Model. Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy is an established technique of finding positronium lifetimes. Using this technique, we find positronium lifetimes at various temperatures and compare these to the expectations of the model. We find that the pore size relationship is consistent, but more data must be gathered under different conditions in order to draw conclusions about relationships between lifetime, temperature, and pore size.


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Molecules are the smallest possible elements for electronic devices, with active elements for such devices typically a few Angstroms in footprint area. Owing to the possibility of producing ultrahigh density devices, tremendous effort has been invested in producing electronic junctions by using various types of molecules. The major issues for molecular electronics include (1) developing an effective scheme to connect molecules with the present micro- and nano-technology, (2) increasing the lifetime and stabilities of the devices, and (3) increasing their performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art devices. In this work, we attempt to use carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as the interconnecting nanoelectrodes between molecules and microelectrodes. The ultimate goal is to use two individual CNTs to sandwich molecules in a cross-bar configuration while having these CNTs connected with microelectrodes such that the junction displays the electronic character of the molecule chosen. We have successfully developed an effective scheme to connect molecules with CNTs, which is scalable to arrays of molecular electronic devices. To realize this far reaching goal, the following technical topics have been investigated. 1. Synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by thermal chemical vapor deposition (T-CVD) and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) techniques (Chapter 3). We have evaluated the potential use of tubular and bamboo-like MWCNTs grown by T-CVD and PE-CVD in terms of their structural properties. 2. Horizontal dispersion of MWCNTs with and without surfactants, and the integration of MWCNTs to microelectrodes using deposition by dielectrophoresis (DEP) (Chapter 4). We have systematically studied the use of surfactant molecules to disperse and horizontally align MWCNTs on substrates. In addition, DEP is shown to produce impurityfree placement of MWCNTs, forming connections between microelectrodes. We demonstrate the deposition density is tunable by both AC field strength and AC field frequency. 3. Etching of MWCNTs for the impurity-free nanoelectrodes (Chapter 5). We show that the residual Ni catalyst on MWCNTs can be removed by acid etching; the tip removal and collapsing of tubes into pyramids enhances the stability of field emission from the tube arrays. The acid-etching process can be used to functionalize the MWCNTs, which was used to make our initial CNT-nanoelectrode glucose sensors. Finally, lessons learned trying to perform spectroscopic analysis of the functionalized MWCNTs were vital for designing our final devices. 4. Molecular junction design and electrochemical synthesis of biphenyl molecules on carbon microelectrodes for all-carbon molecular devices (Chapter 6). Utilizing the experience gained on the work done so far, our final device design is described. We demonstrate the capability of preparing patterned glassy carbon films to serve as the bottom electrode in the new geometry. However, the molecular switching behavior of biphenyl was not observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), mercury drop or fabricated glassy carbon/biphenyl/MWCNT junctions. Either the density of these molecules is not optimum for effective integration of devices using MWCNTs as the nanoelectrodes, or an electroactive contaminant was reduced instead of the ionic biphenyl species. 5. Self-assembly of octadecanethiol (ODT) molecules on gold microelectrodes for functional molecular devices (Chapter 7). We have realized an effective scheme to produce Au/ODT/MWCNT junctions by spanning MWCNTs across ODT-functionalized microelectrodes. A percentage of the resulting junctions retain the expected character of an ODT monolayer. While the process is not yet optimized, our successful junctions show that molecular electronic devices can be fabricated using simple processes such as photolithography, self-assembled monolayers and dielectrophoresis.


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One-dimensional nanostructures initiated new aspects to the materials applications due to their superior properties compared to the bulk materials. Properties of nanostructures have been characterized by many techniques and used for various device applications. However, simultaneous correlation between the physical and structural properties of these nanomaterials has not been widely investigated. Therefore, it is necessary to perform in-situ study on the physical and structural properties of nanomaterials to understand their relation. In this work, we will use a unique instrument to perform real time atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) of nanomaterials inside a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) system. This AFM/STM-TEM system is used to investigate the mechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties of boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) and Silicon nanorods (SiNRs). BNNTs are one of the subjects of this PhD research due to their comparable, and in some cases superior, properties compared to carbon nanotubes. Therefore, to further develop their applications, it is required to investigate these characteristics in atomic level. In this research, the mechanical properties of multi-walled BNNTs were first studied. Several tests were designed to study and characterize their real-time deformation behavior to the applied force. Observations revealed that BNNTs possess highly flexible structures under applied force. Detailed studies were then conducted to understand the bending mechanism of the BNNTs. Formations of reversible ripples were observed and described in terms of thermodynamic energy of the system. Fracture failure of BNNTs were initiated at the outermost walls and characterized to be brittle. Second, the electrical properties of individual BNNTs were studied. Results showed that the bandgap and electronic properties of BNNTs can be engineered by means of applied strain. It was found that the conductivity, electron concentration and carrier mobility of BNNTs can be tuned as a function of applied stress. Although, BNNTs are considered to be candidate for field emission applications, observations revealed that their properties degrade upon cycles of emissions. Results showed that due to the high emission current density, the temperature of the sample was increased and reached to the decomposition temperature at which the B-N bonds start to break. In addition to BNNTs, we have also performed in-situ study on the electrochemical properties of silicon nanorods (SiNRs). Specifically, lithiation and delithiation of SiNRs were studied by our STM-TEM system. Our observations showed the direct formation of Li22Si5 phases as a result of lithium intercalation. Radial expansion of the anode materials were observed and characterized in terms of size-scale. Later, the formation and growth of the lithium fibers on the surface of the anode materials were observed and studied. Results revealed the formation of lithium islands inside the ionic liquid electrolyte which then grew as Li dendrite toward the cathode material.


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Supercritical carbon dioxide is used to exfoliate graphite, producing a small, several-layer graphitic flake. The supercritical conditions of 2000, 2500, and 3000 psi and temperatures of 40°, 50°, and 60°C, have been used to study the effect of critical density on the sizes and zeta potentials of the treated flakes. Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area measurement, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are used to observe the features of the flakes. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP), dimethylformamide (DMF), and isopropanol are used as co-solvents to enhance the supercritical carbon dioxide treatment. As a result, the PCS results show that the flakes obtained from high critical density treatment (low temperature and high pressure) are more stable due to more negative charges of zeta potential, but have smaller sizes than those from low critical density (high temperature and low pressure). However, when an additional 1-hour sonication is applied, the size of the flakes from low critical density treatment becomes smaller than those from high critical density treatment. This is probably due to more CO2 molecules stacked between the layers of the graphitic flakes. The zeta potentials of the sonicated samples were slightly more negative than nonsonicated samples. NMP and DMF co-solvents maintain stability and prevented reaggregation of the flakes better than isopropanol. The flakes tend to be larger and more stable as the treatment time increases since larger flat area of graphite is exfoliated. In these experiments, the temperature has more impact on the flakes than pressure. The BET surface area resultsshow that CO2 penetrates the graphite layers more than N2. Moreover, the negative surface area of the treated graphite indicates that the CO2 molecules may be adsorbed between the graphite layers during supercritical treatment. The FE-SEM and AFM images show that the flakes have various shapes and sizes. The effects of surfactants can be observed on the FE-SEM images of the samples in one percent by weight solution of SDBS in water since the sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) residue covers all of the remaining flakes. The AFM images show that the vertical thickness of the graphitic flakes can ranges from several nanometers (less than ten layers thick), to more than a hundred nanometers. In conclusion, supercritical carbon dioxide treatment is a promising step compared to mechanical and chemical exfoliation techniques in the large scale production of thin graphitic flake, breaking down the graphite flakes into flakes only a fewer graphene layers thick.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are interesting materials with extraordinary properties for various applications. Here, vertically-aligned multiwalled CNTs (VA-MWCNTs) are grown by our dual radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). After optimizing the synthesis processes, these VA-MWCNTs were fabricated in to a series of devices for applications in vacuum electronics, glucose biosensors, glucose biofuel cells, and supercapacitors In particular, we have created the so-called PMMA-CNT matrices (opened-tip CNTs embedded in poly-methyl methacrylate) that are promising components in a novel energy sensing, generation and storage (SGS) system that integrate glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. The content of this thesis work is described as follows: 1. We have first optimized the synthesis of VA-MWCNTs by our PECVD technique. The effects of CH4 flow rate and growth duration on the lengths of these CNTs were studied. 2. We have characterized these VA-MWCNTs for electron field emission. We noticed that as grown CNTs suffers from high emission threshold, poor emission density and poor long-term stability. We attempted a series of experiments to understand ways to overcome these problems. First, we decrease the screening effects on VA-MWCNTs by creating arrays of self-assembled CNT bundles that are catalyst-free and opened tips. These bundles are found to enhance the field emission stability and emission density. Subsequently, we have created PMMA-CNT matrices that are excellent electron field emitters with an emission threshold field of more than two-fold lower than that of the as-grown sample. Furthermore, no significant emission degradation was observed after a continuous emission test of 40 hours (versus much shorter tests in reported literatures). Based on the new understanding we learnt from the PMMA-CNT matrices, we further created PMMA-STO-CNT matrices by embedding opened-tip VA-MWCNTs that are coated with strontium titanate (SrTiO3) with PMMA. We found that the PMMA-STO-CNT matrices have all the desired properties of the PMMA-CNT matrices. Furthermore, PMMA-STO-CNT matrices offer much lower emission threshold field, about five-fold lower than that of as grown VA-MWCNTs. The new understandings we obtained are important for practical application of VA-MWCNTs in field emission devices. 3. Subsequently, we have functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices for glucose biosensing. Our biosensor was developed by immobilized glucose oxidase (GOχ) on the opened-tip CNTs exposed on the matrices. The durability, stability and sensitivity of the biosensor were studied. In order to understand the performance of miniaturized glucose biosensors, we have then investigated the effect of working electrode area on the sensitivity and current level of our biosensors. 4. Next, functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices were utilized for energy generation and storage. We found that PMMA-CNT matrices are promising component in glucose/O2 biofuel cells (BFCs) for energy generation. The construction of these BFCs and the effect of the electrode area on the power density of these BFCs were investigated. Then, we have attempted to use PMMA-CNT matrices as supercapacitors for energy storage devices. The performance of these supercapacitors and ways to enhance their performance are discussed. 5. Finally, we further evaluated the concept of energy SGS system that integrated glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. This SGS system may be implantable to monitor and control the blood glucose level in our body.


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ZnO has proven to be a multifunctional material with important nanotechnological applications. ZnO nanostructures can be grown in various forms such as nanowires, nanorods, nanobelts, nanocombs etc. In this work, ZnO nanostructures are grown in a double quartz tube configuration thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) system. We focus on functionalized ZnO Nanostructures by controlling their structures and tuning their properties for various applications. The following topics have been investigated: 1. We have fabricated various ZnO nanostructures using a thermal CVD technique. The growth parameters were optimized and studied for different nanostructures. 2. We have studied the application of ZnO nanowires (ZnONWs) for field effect transistors (FETs). Unintentional n-type conductivity was observed in our FETs based on as-grown ZnO NWs. We have then shown for the first time that controlled incorporation of hydrogen into ZnO NWs can introduce p-type characters to the nanowires. We further found that the n-type behaviors remained, leading to the ambipolar behaviors of hydrogen incorporated ZnO NWs. Importantly, the detected p- and n- type behaviors are stable for longer than two years when devices were kept in ambient conditions. All these can be explained by an ab initio model of Zn vacancy-Hydrogen complexes, which can serve as the donor, acceptors, or green photoluminescence quencher, depend on the number of hydrogen atoms involved. 3. Next ZnONWs were tested for electron field emission. We focus on reducing the threshold field (Eth) of field emission from non-aligned ZnO NWs. As encouraged by our results on enhancing the conductivity of ZnO NWs by hydrogen annealing described in Chapter 3, we have studied the effect of hydrogen annealing for improving field emission behavior of our ZnO NWs. We found that optimally annealed ZnO NWs offered much lower threshold electric field and improved emission stability. We also studied field emission from ZnO NWs at moderate vacuum levels. We found that there exists a minimum Eth as we scale the threshold field with pressure. This behavior is explained by referring to Paschen’s law. 4. We have studied the application of ZnO nanostructures for solar energy harvesting. First, as-grown and (CdSe) ZnS QDs decorated ZnO NBs and ZnONWs were tested for photocurrent generation. All these nanostructures offered fast response time to solar radiation. The decoration of QDs decreases the stable current level produced by ZnONWs but increases that generated by NBs. It is possible that NBs offer more stable surfaces for the attachment of QDs. In addition, our results suggests that performance degradation of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on ITO is due to the increase in resistance of ITO after the high temperature growth process. Hydrogen annealing also improve the efficiency of the solar cells by decreasing the resistance of ITO. Due to the issues on ITO, we use Ni foil as the growth substrates. Performance of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on Ni foils degraded after Hydrogen annealing at both low (300 °C) and high (600 °C) temperatures since annealing passivates native defects in ZnONWs and thus reduce the absorption of visible spectra from our solar simulator. Decoration of QDs improves the efficiency of such solar cells by increasing absorption of light in the visible region. Using a better electrolyte than phosphate buffer solution (PBS) such as KI also improves the solar cell efficiency. 5. Finally, we have attempted p-type doping of ZnO NWs using various growth precursors including phosphorus pentoxide, sodium fluoride, and zinc fluoride. We have also attempted to create p-type carriers via introducing interstitial fluorine by annealing ZnO nanostructures in diluted fluorine gas. In brief, we are unable to reproduce the growth of reported p-type ZnO nanostructures. However; we have identified the window of temperature and duration of post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas which leads to suppression of native defects. This is the first experimental effort on post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas although this has been suggested by a recent theory for creating p-type semiconductors. In our experiments the defect band peak due to native defects is found to decrease by annealing at 300 °C for 10 – 30 minutes. One of the major future works will be to determine the type of charge carriers in our annealed ZnONWs.


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Titanium oxide is an important semiconductor, which is widely applied for solar cells. In this research, titanium oxide nanotube arrays were synthesized by anodization of Ti foil in the electrolyte composed of ethylene glycol containing 2 vol % H2O and 0.3 wt % NH4F. The voltages of 40V-50V were employed for the anodizing process. Pore diameters and lengths of the TiO2 nanotubes were evaluated by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The obtained highly-ordered titanium nanotube arrays were exploited to fabricate photoelectrode for the Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCS). The TiO2 nanotubes based DSSCS exhibited an excellent performance with a high short circuit current and open circuit voltage as well as a good power conversion efficiency. Those can be attributed to the high surface area and one dimensional structure of TiO2 nanotubes, which could hold a large amount of dyes to absorb light and help electron percolation process to hinder the recombination during the electrons diffusion in the electrolyte.


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The spectrum of electrons from muons decaying in an atomic bound state is significantly modified by their interaction with the nucleus. Somewhat unexpectedly, its first measurement, at the Canadian laboratory TRIUMF, differed from basic theory. We show, using a combination of techniques developed in atomic, nuclear, and high-energy physics, that radiative corrections eliminate the discrepancy. In addition to solving that outstanding problem, our more precise predictions are potentially useful for interpreting future high-statistics muon experiments that aim to search for exotic interactions at 10−16 sensitivity.