955 resultados para egg production rate


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Effects of different levels of salinity on survival, growth and gonadal development of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) were studied under laboratory conditions in glass aquarium, for a period of ten weeks. The initial individual size of the GIFT was 20.23±4.45 and the salinity levels tested were 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppt. The highest survival of 87.5% was found in 0 ppt and the lowest 60.5% in 20 ppt. Though the survival decreased progressively with increased salinity, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) among 0, 5, and 10 ppt. Similar to what has been observed in survival, the specific growth rate (SGR %/day) also decreased as of 1.30, 1.24, 1.08, 0.90 and 0.71, respectively, with the increased salinity of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppt. The gonadal development was highest in 0 ppt with a GSI value of 3.75 and lowest of 2.01 in 20 ppt. In the second experiment, gonadal development and seed production performance of GIFT in brackishwater condition were investigated for a period of three months. Each of the three fine meshed hapas of 20 square meters made from nylon net was placed in a freshwater (0 ppt) and in a brackish water (10-15 ppt) pond of the Brackishwater Station (BS). GIFT of 65 g average weight from a single cohort were stocked into three hapas at a rate of 2 per m. The male vs female ratio was 1:3. The development of gonad was faster with the higher gonadosomatic index (GSI %) of 3.85 % in freshwater condition than that of 2.73 % in brackish water. Within three months of the study period, a total of 70,510 and 44,250 GIFT fry were produced respectively, in freshwater and brackishwater conditions. Finally under third experiment, a participatory on-farm trial was carried out to evaluate the production performance of GIFT in monoculture and in polyculture with silver barb in coastal freshwater pond conditions. Nine ponds were selected for three treatment combinations of GIFT monoculture (T1), GIFT and silver barb polyculture (T2), and silver barb monoculture (T3). The ponds have been stocked in April, 05 at a density of 25,000 fry per ha. Fishes were fed with rice bran at the rate of 6% bw per day. In one month culture period, GIFT attained an average weight of 16.27 g in monoculture and 17.23 g in polyculture, against an average stocking weight of 0.37 g. Silver barb reached an average weight of 16.62 g in polyculture with GIFT and 10.01 g in monoculture, against an average stocking weight of 3.79 g.


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Freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii fry produced during late season can not withstand low temperature thus the prawn culture programme during winter is hampered. To overcome this problem, late season (August-September) prawn juveniles (0.9-6.8 g) were stocked at a density of 1.43 to 3.57/square meter in 350-476 square-meter ponds in Pabna and Mymensingh districts during October 2000 and cultured till May 2001. Monthly average water temperature during the winter months (December-February) varied from 16 to 22 °C and gradually increased to 32 °C in May. The prawn fry showed fast growth rate and attained an average weight of 60-70 g within eight months including three winter months. Growth compensation was observed during summer months. Survival rate was 60-79%. After extrapolation of the present growth rate more than 1,600 kg/ha production can be achieved in better-managed ponds. Extrapolated cost of production was Tk. 268,000 and 200,000 Tk./ha in two best ponds, sale value was Tk. 644,9146 [sic] and 528,466 and gross profit was Tk. 376,000-410,000, suggesting a higher economic feasibility of farming freshwater prawn with over-wintered juveniles.


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Six treatments each with 12 replications designed to optimize the dose of inducing agent PG to achieve fertilization and hatching success of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus were tested. The females were given single injection of 7-12 mg PG/kg body weight and the males were given 4 mg PG/kg body weight. Fertilization and hatching rate varied from 67±4.55% to 66±3.0% and 59±4.88% to 57±6.21% for the doses of 10, 11 and 12 mg PG/kg of body weight, respectively. The hormone dose had significant (P<0.05) effect on fertilization and hatching. Six mini shallow cisterns (570 cm x 105 cm) were used to investigate the efficacy of zooplankton and Artemia nauplii as feed for spawn rearing. Three-day old spawns were stocked in six mini shallow cisterns at a stocking density of 100 individuals/L of water. Two treatments each with three replications were used to develop culture technique of the climbing perch. In case of treatment-1, the spawns were fed with Artemia nauplii three times daily, while in treatment-2, zooplankton were used as feed in the same manner as in treatment-1. After 14 days of rearing, mean final weight of the fry of treatments-1 and 2 were 95.55±6.71 and 57.69±5.40 mg, respectively. In treatment-1, spawn fed with Artemia nauplii showed significantly (P<0.05) higher mean weight than the spawn fed with zooplankton (treatment 2).


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A feeding trial was conducted for six months in farmer's ponds to assess the performance of BFRI formulated catfish feed on the growth and survival of Clarias batrachus (L.). Nine interested farmers and their ponds (size range: 10-15 dec) in the Barera union of Mymensingh Sadar were selected. The ponds were divided into 3 treatments each with 3 replications. Among the three treatment diets, two diets - traditional (F1) and BFRI formulated (F3) were prepared by using low cost agro-based locally available ingredients and the commercial diets was Saudi-Bangla Grower-1 (F2). The diets were designed as F1, F2 and F3 for traditional (20.40% protein), Commercial (31% protein) and BFRI formulated (30.44% protein) diets respectively. The fingerlings of catfish (7.3 g) were collected from local fish vendors and stocked at the rate of 100/dec. Feeding rates were adjusted by weight after fortnightly sampling of fish. Feeding rate were 10 and 8% of the total body weight respectively for 1st, 2nd month and 5% for the rest of the experimental period. The range of some selected water quality parameters were as follows: dissolved oxygen 4.0 - 7.4 mg/l, temperature 24.0°- 33.9°C, pH 6.8 - 8.00, and transparency 17.0 - 32.00 cm. Which showed suitability of the ponds for rearing fish. At the end of the experiment, significantly highest gain (p<0.05) in weight (1210.96% ±87) and lowest gain in weight (865.25% ±90) were observed in the group of fish fed on diets F3 and F1 respectively. However, no significant differences in growth (p>0.05) was observed in fish fed on commercial diet (F2) and BFRI formulated diet (F3). The FCR value ranged between 2.00 and 2.80 with the traditional diet (F1) showing significantly lower FCR. The total production of fish ranged between 1398.08 and 2145.34 kg/ha with F3 diet resulting in the highest production and net profit. A simple economic analysis showed that fish fed with BFRI formulated (F3) diet resulted in the highest net profit in farmer's pond.


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Four experiments each with three replications were conducted in 12 experimental ponds to control the euglenophytes bloom viz. treatment 1 (T1, covering of one third of the water surface by duckweed (Lemna minor); treatment 2 (T2), application of 123.5 kg lime/ha/month; treatment 3 (T3), use of both duckweed as in T1 and lime as in T2; treatment 4 (T4) was considered as control where neither duckweed nor lime was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the rate of 1080 fishes/ha with the species ratio of 8:4:6:9:13, respectively. The lowest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T3 followed by T2, and T1. In the ponds of T3, euglenophytes bloom did not occur possibly due to alkaline pH, shade and nutrient absorption by duckweed. Thin bloom was observed in the ponds of T1 where pH was neutral or slightly alkaline. The grazing on euglenophytes by the silver carp and silver barb also had some contribution in controlling the bloom. Growth of fishes was comparatively higher in the ponds of T3 and T1, which might be due to better water quality and availability of adequate food while the lower fish growth as recorded from the ponds of T4 might be due to euglenophytes bloom. Thick bloom inhibited light penetration which hampered photosynthesis and growth of other phytoplankton that are the preferred food of planktivorous fishes. Mortality of fishes in ponds having euglenophytes bloom was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation in the early morning or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolites secretion by the euglenophytes.


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Eggs of P. monodon are classified into 5 different types on the basis of morphological criteria and hatching rates: A sub(1) eggs, which undergo normal development with 58% hatching rate; A sub(2) eggs, which show delayed and/or abnormal development with 32% hatching rate; B eggs, which are unfertilized and characterized by irregular cytoplasmic formation; C eggs, which are unfertilized and show no change in appearance; and D eggs, which are unfertilized and show extensive bacterial presence. The establishment of a highly linear relationship between percent A sub(1) eggs and hatching rate provides a useful tool to aid the hatchery technician in determining which spawnings to reject outright and which to rear through the larval and post-larval stages.


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Experiments were undertaken to assess the survival, spawning, fecundity and nauplii production of ablated P. monodon females reared in flow-through broodstock tanks with white coralline and black sand substrate for 62 days. The similar trend observed in mortality rates in both substrates suggests that variation in substrate material for broodstock tanks is not a likely cause of prawn mortality. There were also no significant differences observed between rematurtion rates, i.e. number of spawnings, under the different treatments. Singnificantly higher nauplii production were observed in females in tanks with white substrates. At present, the land-based broodstock tanks in SEAFDEC utilize white coralline substrates due to higher hatching rate of eggs and nauplii production, convenience in siphoning out debris and excess food that tend to accumulte in the tank, and contrast provided by the white substrate during nightly observations of ovaries.


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The survival, growth and production of Penaeus monodon in earthen ponds were observed. A significant effect of stocking density on the survival rate of prawns was observed. The final average weight obtained varied inversly with the stocking density and the production varied directly with stocking density and survival rates. The maintenance of a clear water environment is recommended as a preventive measure against Vorticella attack.


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Penaeus monodon and P. indicus juveniles were stocked and reared for about 3 months in earthen ponds at different density combinations with Chanos chanos. The presence of either Penaeus species at any density ratio did not affect significantly the C. chanos survival. Survival rates of the penaeids indicated that intraspecific and interspecific competition occurred and were reduced with the reduction in stocking rate. It is concluded that further studies on higher density ratios and feeding and economic consideration would be of help to the development of this kind of fishpond management system.


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The study was conducted at the Central Experimental Station, Philippine Rice Research Institute, Maligaya, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines during the wet season to determine the suitable stocking density(s) for better growth and yield of fish under rice-fish production systems. Recovery rate of GIFT tilapia in different stocking densities ranged from 75.74 to 83.47%. Among different treatments, rice +5,000 fingerlings/ha and rice +10,000 fingerlings/ha resulted in the highest recovery rate of 83.33% and 83.47%, respectively. The lowest recovery rate of 75.75% was obtained from rice +20,000 fingerlings/ha, but similar to that was obtained (78.56%) from rice +15,000 fingerlings/ha. Significantly higher rate of gain in body weight and that of specific growth rate were recorded in the treatment from rice +5,000 fingerlings/ha, while other treatments resulted in similar absolute and specific growth rate. Fish yield increased significantly with relatively higher stocking densities, but higher densities produced maximum number of smaller fishes and also lower recovery rate.


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An investigation on growth, production and fishery of three Indian major carps: rohu, Labeo rohita, catla, Catla catla and mrigal, Cirrhinus mrigala and three exotic carps: silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio was carried out in Nasti baor during February to April months. In catch per unit effort (CPUE) study the highest catch/day/person (3.13 kg) and catch/day/gear (40.65 kg) was recorded in the month of March for kochal fishing. In komar fishing catch/day/person (15.08 kg) and catch/day/gear (1206 kg) was also found higher in March. Komar fishing was done only in March and April and its CPUE was greater in both the months than that of kochal. The average recovery rate (combination of all six species) was 37.80 considering the stocking from July month of the previous year. The recovery rate of common carp (54.1) was the highest and lowest (13.90) in case of silver carp. When the recovery was calculated on the basis of one year data and stocking, it was 55.6%. Analysis of production model revealed that the present production (54,806 kg/year) is less than both theoretical production (model I- 85,285 kg/year and model II -75,952 kg/year) estimated. Therefore, it may be concluded that the fish production from Nasti baor could still be increased from the present level of production.


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Different forms of Bacillus probiotics was assessed in the earthen ponds on tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) culture. The experiment was designed with three different treatments depending on the mode of application (T1=oral probiotics; T2=spreading probiotics and T3=oral+ spreading probiotics). The shrimp was cultured for 120 days with the stocking density of 6-PL/m².Oral probiotics in the respective ponds were supplied with feeds. Whereas, spreading probiotics was applied to the pond water during pond preparation at 30, 60 and 90 days of culture period. Results of the experiment revealed that, all forms of Bacillus probiotic had effective role to keep the culture environment friendly in terms of mineralization of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content in bottom sediment; holding of water transparency in a congenial state, increasing the density of planktonic biomass and boosting the THB-Vibrio ratio in water and sediment with insignificance (p>0.05) difference between different treatments. Whilst, spreading form of Bacillus pro biotic showed higher weight gain (27.58±1.18g), survival rate (70.75±8.54%) and production (1167.66±109.62 kg/ha) and expected lower FCR (1.81 ±0.06) values with significant difference (p<0.01) with others methods of application, indicated its superiority in tiger shrimp culture.


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In order to study of the artificial propagation efficiency in white fish (Coregonus lavaretus) and its fingerlings producing in IRAN, a 9 mounts study project was been done which during it, the characteristics of the matures and brood stocks fishes, the condition of their natural and artificial propagation, and the characteristics of produced frys, were been studied. Throughout the total 82 pieces caught fishes during September til February 2003, 10 pieces of them were the female brood stocks which during the catch time did not have spouse. The study of these fishes showed that there was no significant correlation between their weight and their length. The most and the least absolute fecundity of these brood stocks were 19120 and 11496 respectively. The artificial propagation was been done by 5 males and 4 females broods took which 57602 ova, with 89/2% fertilization rate, earned from them. The incubation period prolonged 55 days in 8°c. At the end of the incubation, 23913 larvae released. So the artificial propagation efficiency was calculated 41/51% in this study. Yolk sack absorption prolonged 4 days. 3 different food treatment were considered for fry breeding which contain of Brachiouns plicatilis as live food, salmon starter food as commercial food, and the mixed of equal amounts of live and commercial foods as third treatment. For each treatment, 3 repeat has been considered. Breeding duration prolonged 13 weeks throughout this period, different characteristics of fry were been studied weekly. The breeding results showed that there was very significant correlation between the weight and the length of frys. However the live food provided better results in growth and survival rate of frys during breeding initial 6 weeks. More ever, commercial food, in some characteristics, provided more acceptable results in comparing the live food after sixth week. The results of this study project showed that the artificial propagation in whitefish is possible in IRAN and the producing of its frys in order to restocking or introducing this species to the other Iranian suitable water resources is executable. Based on the earned information from this study, the suitable time for natural spawning of whitefish in IRAN (Amirkabir dam lake) determined between 10th January til 20th February.


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Ozone due to having low half-life and devoid of environmental harmful effects is recognized as one of the most effective disinfectant and fungicide in aquaculture. The objective of this study is to consider the effects of periodicay ozonation, hydrogen peroxide treatment, and physical treatment capability in hatching rate enhancement. Three concentrations of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 ppm ozone (10 min) and peroxide hydrogen with dose of 500 and 1000 ppm in two procedures accompanied with physical treatment and without physical treatment were examined on hatching rate. In the first year, Egg ozonation (0.1 ppm) with physical treatment have been resulted the greatest hatching rate (81.4%). In the second year, egg treatment with 1000 ppm hydrogen peroxide with physical treatment have been showed the greatest hatching rate (78%). Average hatching rate for the blank control treatment (without disinfectin and physical treatment) was 32.7%. From the economic viewpoint, 0.05 ppm ozone with physical treatment, due to considerable minimizing at consumption energy and ozonation system retention costs, indicated as the best treatment than other ozone treatments for fungal control. Very low correlation (r=-0.14) have been observed between hatchery water temperature and fungal infection percentage in control treatment.


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Fish sauce is a popular fermented product used in south Asian countries which is made from different small fishes in this research work it was attempted to produce fish sauce from kilka of the Caspian sea, the fish sauce was made from three models of kilka ,such as whole kilka , cooked whole kilka and dressed kilka , each of these models treated it four different fashions of fermentation such as:1- Traditional method, 2- Enzymatic method 3- Microbial method, 4- Mixture of enzyme and microb The results of this investigation showed that time of fermentation for the traditional method was six month, enzymatic method one month, microbial method 3 month and the mixture of enzyme and microb 1 month. The rate of fermentation was least for dressed Kilka, microbial and biochemical changes of Kilka fish sauce were evaluated, total bacterial count was 2.1-6.15 log cfu/ml total volatile nitrogen (TVN) in samples recorded was 250 mg /100g, the amount of protein varied between 10-13 percent, the name of commercial enzymes added was Protamex and Flavourzyme, the bacteria added was L act ob acillus and Pediococous, fish sauce containers fish and 20% salt, temperature of keeping for fermentation was 37 degree c for 6 month.