999 resultados para dough characteristics
Reducing carbon conversion of ruminally degraded feed into methane increases feed efficiency and reduces emission of this potent greenhouse gas into the environment. Accurate, yet simple, predictions of methane production of ruminants on any feeding regime are important in the nutrition of ruminants, and in modeling methane produced by them. The current work investigated feed intake, digestibility and methane production by open-circuit respiration measurements in sheep fed 15 untreated, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) treated and anhydrous ammonia (NH3) treated wheat, barley and oat straws. In vitro fermentation characteristics of straws were obtained from incubations using the Hohenheim gas production system that measured gas production, true substrate degradability, short-chain fatty acid production and efficiency of microbial production from the ratio of truly degraded substrate to gas volume. In the 15 straws, organic matter (OM) intake and in vivo OM digestibility ranged from 563 to 1201 g and from 0.464 to 0.643, respectively. Total daily methane production ranged from 13.0 to 34.4 l, whereas methane produced/kg OM matter apparently digested in vivo varied from 35.0 to 61.8 l. The OM intake was positively related to total methane production (R2 = 0.81, P<0.0001), and in vivo OM digestibility was also positively associated with methane production (R2 = 0.67, P<0.001), but negatively associated with methane production/kg digestible OM intake (R2 = 0.61, P<0.001). In the in vitro incubations of the 15 straws, the ratio of acetate to propionate ranged from 2.3 to 2.8 (P<0.05) and efficiencies of microbial production ranged from 0.21 to 0.37 (P<0.05) at half asymptotic gas production. Total daily methane production, calculated from in vitro fermentation characteristics (i.e., true degradability, SCFA ratio and efficiency of microbial production) and OM intake, compared well with methane measured in the open-circuit respiration chamber (y = 2.5 + 0.86x, R2 = 0.89, P<0.0001, Sy.x = 2.3). Methane production from forage fed ruminants can be predicted accurately by simple in vitro incubations combining true substrate degradability and gas volume measurements, if feed intake is known.
Advancing maturity of forage maize is associated with increases in the proportion of dry matter (DM) and starch, and decreases in the proportions of structural carbohydrates in the ensiled crop. This experiment investigated the effects of three maize silages of 291 (low), 339 (medium) and 393 (high) g DM per kg fresh weight on the performance of 48 Simmental. Holstein-Friesian cattle. Equal numbers of steers (mean start weight = 503 (s.d. 31.3) kg) and heifers (mean start weight = 378 (s.d. 11.2) kg) were offered individually isonitrogenous diets composed of the three silages plus a protein supplement with minerals once daily until slaughter at the target live weight of 575 and 475 kg for steers and heifers, respectively. Intake was reduced on the low diet (P < 0.01) compared with the other two treatments. Dietary starch intake increased by a total of 1 kg/day between low and medium diets but by only 0.2 kg/day between medium and high diets. Unlike starch intake, total neutral-detergent fibre intake showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) between diets. There were no differences in live-weight gain between treatments but differences (P < 0.05) in food conversion efficiency indicated relative gains of 115, 100 and 102 g gain per kg DM intake for diets low, medium and high, respectively. There were no differences between diets in carcass weights, fat score and overall conformation.
The objective of this work was to determine the rumen fermentation characteristics of maize land races used as forage in central Mexico. In vitro gas production (ml per 200 mg dry matter (DM)) incubations were carried out, and cumulative gas volumes were fitted to the Krishnamoorthy et al. (1991) model. The trial used a split-plot design with cultivation practices associated with maize colour (COL) as the main plot with three levels: white, yellow and black maize; growing periods (PER) were the split plots where PER1, PER2 and PER3 represented the first, second and third periods, respectively and two contrasting zones (Z1 = valley and Z2 = mountain) were used as blocking factors. The principal effects observed were associated with the maturity of the plants and potential gas production increased (P < 0.05) in stems (PER 1 = 51.8, PER2 = 56.3, PER3 = 58.4 ml per 200 mg DM) and in whole plant (PER 1 = 60.9, PER2 = 60.8, PER3= 70.9 ml per 200 mg DM). An inverse effect was observed with fermentation rates in leaves (P < 0.01) with 0.061, 0.053 and 0.0509 (per h) and in whole plant (P < 0.05) with 0.068, 0.057, 0.050 (per h) in PER1, PER2 and PER3 respectively. The digestibility of the neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) decreased with maturity especially in leaves (P < 0.05) with values of 0.71, 0.67 and 0.66 g/kg; in rachis (P < 0.01) 0.75, 0.72, and 0.65 in PER1, PER2 and PER3 respectively. The NDF content in leaves in leaves (668, 705 and 713 g/kg DM for PER1, PER2 and PER3, respectively), stems (580, 594 and 644 g/kg DM) and, husk (663, 774 and, 808 g/kg DM) increased (P < 0.05) with increasing plant maturity, rachis were significantly different between periods (P < 0.01). The structure with-the best nutritive characteristics was the husk, because it had the lowest fibre contents, especially in acid-detergent lignin, with values of 22.6, 28.6 and 37.6 g/kg DM in PER1, PER2 and PER3, respectively.
Sires of seven Bos taurus beef breeds were mated with Bos indicus Boran cows at two sites, one near sea level and the other at about 1000 m altitude, and over three years. Purebred Boran calves provided controls for comparisons between sire breeds for growth to 4 years of age, mortality and carcase characteristics in a range environment where all the animals were kept under a similar management regime. Numerous sire breed x site, sire breed x year of birth and site x year of birth interactions were established. Mortality was high, but there was no significant sire breed effect, although purebred Borans had a higher survival than crossbred calves. There was no significant difference between genotypes in birth weight. Generally, Bos taurus cross steers achieved greater live weight gains and heavier carcase weights at 4 years of age than did purebred Borans. Limousin-cross steers had significantly (p<0.05) less fat in the tenth rib sample joint than any of the other genotypes. A productivity index that combined calf survival and carcase weight indicated that the Chianina crosses were more productive than any other genotype at either site. Purebred Borans were more productive than all the Bos taurus crossbreds with the exception of the Chianina crosses at site 1, but were only superior to the Limousin crosses at site 2, which was at the higher altitude. When lean meat yield was introduced into the productivity index, the Boran purebreds were the least productive at site 2.
Hydrophobic chemicals are known to associate with sediment particles including those from both suspended particulate matter and bottom deposits. The complex and variable composition of natural particles makes it very difficult therefore, to predict the bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants. To overcome these problems we have previously devised a test system using artificial particles, with or without humic acids, for use as an experimental model of natural sediments. In the present work we have applied this experimental technique to investigate the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of pyrene by the freshwater fingernail clam Sphaerium corneum. The uptake and accumulation of pyrene in clams exposed to the chemical in the presence of a sample of natural sediment was also investigated. According to the results obtained, particle surface properties and organic matter content are the key factors for assessing the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of pyrene by clams. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The coadsorption of water and preadsorbed oxygen on Ru{0001) was studied by synchrotron-based high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A dramatic change was observed in the interaction of water with oxygen between low and high oxygen precoverages. Low oxygen coverages below 0.18 ML induce partial dissociation, which leads to an adsorbed layer of H2O and OH. Around half the oxygen atoms take part in this reaction. All OH recombines upon heating to 200 K and desorbs together with H2O. Oxygen coverages between 0.20 and 0.50 ML inhibit dissociation, instead a highly stable intact water species is observed, which desorbs at 220 K. This species is significantly more stable than intact water on the clean surface. The stabilization is most likely due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with neighboring oxygen atoms. For intermediate oxygen coverages around 0.18 ML, the dissociation behavior depends on the preparation conditions, which points toward possible mechanisms and pathways for partial dissociation of water on Ru{0001}.
The microstructure and thermal characteristics of Thai indigenous (Gallus domesticus) and broiler chicken (commercial line CP707) biceps femoris and pectoralis muscles were determined. Perimysium thicknesses were 14.2 mum for biceps femoris muscle and 7.10 mum for pectoralis muscle of indigenous chicken muscles, thicker than those of broiler muscles, which were 9.93 mum for biceps femoris muscle and 3.87 mum for pectoralis muscle (P < 0.05). Five endothermic peaks with peak transition temperatures (T-p) of 54.9, 61.7, 65.4, 70.6, and 76.1degreesC were obtained for broiler pectoralis muscle, whereas only 3 endothermic peaks (T-P of 56.6, 62.6, and 74.9degreesC were obtained for broiler biceps femoris muscle. Thai indigenous biceps femoris and pectoralis muscles had endothermic peaks with T-P ranges of 53.5 to 54.8, 60.7 to 61.9, and 75.9 to 76.9degreesC. The fiber diameters of Thai indigenous chicken muscles were greater (P < 0.05) than those of the broiler, 31.7 vs. 20.4 mum for biceps femoris muscle and 28.9 vs. 26.6 pm for pectoralis muscle, respectively. After cooking at 80degreesC for 10 min, the fiber diameter of indigenous chicken muscles significantly decreased while those of the broiler significantly increased. The mean of sarcomere lengths of the raw muscles ranged from 1.56 to 1.64 mun and decreased to 0.92 to 1.32 mum (P < 0.001) for broiler muscles and 1.22 to 1.35 mum (P < 0.001) for indigenous chicken muscles after cooking. The perimysium and endomysium of broiler muscles melted after cooking at 80degreesC, however, only slight disintegration was observed in these tissues in the indigenous chicken muscles.