993 resultados para domain size


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Genomic data of several organisms have revealed the presence of a vast repertoire of multi-domain proteins. The role played by individual domains in a multi-domain protein has a profound influence on the overall function of the protein. In the present analysis an attempt has been made to better understand the tethering preferences of domain families that occur in multi-domain proteins. The analysis has been carried out on an exhaustive dataset of 2 961 898 sequences of proteins from 930 organisms, where 741 274 proteins are comprised of at least two domain families. For every domain family, the number of other domain families with which it co-occurs within a protein in this dataset has been enumerated and is referred to as the tethering number of the domain family. It was found that, in the general dataset, the AAA ATPase family and the family of Ser/Thr kinases have the highest tethering numbers of 450 and 444 respectively. Further analysis reveals significant correlation between the number of members in a family and its tethering number. Positive correlation was also observed for the extent of a sequence and functional diversity within a family and the tethering numbers of domain families. Domain families that are present ubiquitously in diverse organisms tend to have large tethering numbers, while organism/kingdom-specific families have low tethering numbers. Thus, the analysis uncovers how domain families recombine and evolve to give rise to multi-domain proteins.


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The RILEM work-of-fracture method for measuring the specific fracture energy of concrete from notched three-point bend specimens is still the most common method used throughout the world, despite the fact that the specific fracture energy so measured is known to vary with the size and shape of the test specimen. The reasons for this variation have also been known for nearly two decades, and two methods have been proposed in the literature to correct the measured size-dependent specific fracture energy (G(f)) in order to obtain a size-independent value (G(F)). It has also been proved recently, on the basis of a limited set of results on a single concrete mix with a compressive strength of 37 MPa, that when the size-dependent G(f) measured by the RILEM method is corrected following either of these two methods, the resulting specific fracture energy G(F) is very nearly the same and independent of the size of the specimen. In this paper, we will provide further evidence in support of this important conclusion using extensive independent test results of three different concrete mixes ranging in compressive strength from 57 to 122 MPa. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We review the spatio-temporal dynamical features of the Ananthakrishna model for the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect, a kind of plastic instability observed under constant strain rate deformation conditions. We then establish a qualitative correspondence between the spatio-temporal structures that evolve continuously in the instability domain and the nature of the irregularity of the scalar stress signal. Rest of the study is on quantifying the dynamical information contained in the stress signals about the spatio-temporal dynamics of the model. We show that at low applied strain rates, there is a one-to-one correspondence with the randomly nucleated isolated bursts of mobile dislocation density and the stress drops. We then show that the model equations are spatio-temporally chaotic by demonstrating the number of positive Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension scale with the system size at low and high strain rates. Using a modified algorithm for calculating correlation dimension density, we show that the stress-strain signals at low applied strain rates corresponding to spatially uncorrelated dislocation bands exhibit features of low dimensional chaos. This is made quantitative by demonstrating that the model equations can be approximately reduced to space independent model equations for the average dislocation densities, which is known to be low-dimensionally chaotic. However, the scaling regime for the correlation dimension shrinks with increasing applied strain rate due to increasing propensity for propagation of the dislocation bands. The stress signals in the partially propagating to fully propagating bands turn to have features of extensive chaos.


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In this paper, we analyze the combined effects of size quantization and device temperature variations (T = 50K to 400 K) on the intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n) and thereby on the threshold voltage (V-th) for thin silicon film (t(si) = 1 nm to 10 nm) based fully-depleted Double-Gate Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs. The threshold voltage (V-th) is defined as the gate voltage (V-g) at which the potential at the center of the channel (Phi(c)) begins to saturate (Phi(c) = Phi(c(sat))). It is shown that in the strong quantum confinement regime (t(si) <= 3nm), the effects of size quantization far over-ride the effects of temperature variations on the total change in band-gap (Delta E-g(eff)), intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n), Phi(c(sat)) and the threshold voltage (V-th). On the other hand, for t(si) >= 4 nm, it is shown that size quantization effects recede with increasing t(si), while the effects of temperature variations become increasingly significant. Through detailed analysis, a physical model for the threshold voltage is presented both for the undoped and doped cases valid over a wide-range of device temperatures, silicon film thicknesses and substrate doping densities. Both in the undoped and doped cases, it is shown that the threshold voltage strongly depends on the channel charge density and that it is independent of incomplete ionization effects, at lower device temperatures. The results are compared with the published work available in literature, and it is shown that the present approach incorporates quantization and temperature effects over the entire temperature range. We also present an analytical model for V-th as a function of device temperature (T). (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Transmit antenna selection (AS) has been adopted in contemporary wideband wireless standards such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). We analyze a comprehensive new model for AS that captures several key features about its operation in wideband orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. These include the use of channel-aware frequency-domain scheduling (FDS) in conjunction with AS, the hardware constraint that a user must transmit using the same antenna over all its assigned subcarriers, and the scheduling constraint that the subcarriers assigned to a user must be contiguous. The model also captures the novel dual pilot training scheme that is used in LTE, in which a coarse system bandwidth-wide sounding reference signal is used to acquire relatively noisy channel state information (CSI) for AS and FDS, and a dense narrow-band demodulation reference signal is used to acquire accurate CSI for data demodulation. We analyze the symbol error probability when AS is done in conjunction with the channel-unaware, but fair, round-robin scheduling and with channel-aware greedy FDS. Our results quantify how effective joint AS-FDS is in dispersive environments, the interactions between the above features, and the ability of the user to lower SRS power with minimal performance degradation.


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The cytological architecture of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a meiosis-specific proteinaceous structure, is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about the biochemical properties of SC components or the mechanisms underlying their roles in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hop1, a key structural component of SC, has begun to reveal important insights into its function in interhomolog recombination. Previously, we showed that Hop1 is a structure-specific DNA-binding protein, exhibits higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction, and induces structural distortion at the core of the junction. Furthermore, Hop1 promotes DNA condensation and intra- and intermolecular synapsis between duplex DNA molecules. Here, we show that Hop1 possesses a modular domain organization, consisting of an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD). Furthermore, we found that Hop1CTD exhibits strong homotypic as well as heterotypic protein protein interactions, and its biochemical activities were similar to those of the full-length Hop1 protein. However, Hop1CTD failed to complement the meiotic recombination defects of the Delta hop1 strain, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains of Hop1 are essential for meiosis and spore formation. Altogether, our findings reveal novel insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 and help to further our understanding of its role in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination.


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Bacterial DNA topoisomerase I (topoI) carries out relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA through a series of orchestrated steps, DNA binding, cleavage, strand passage and religation. The N-terminal domain (NTD) of the type IA topoisomerases harbor DNA cleavage and religation activities, but the carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) is highly diverse. Most of these enzymes contain a varied number of Zn2+ finger motifs in the CTD. The Zn2+ finger motifs were found to be essential in Escherichia coli topoI but dispensable in the Thermotoga maritima enzyme. Although, the CTD of mycobacterial topoI lacks Zn2+ fingers, it is indispensable for the DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme. The divergent CTD harbors three stretches of basic amino acids needed for the strand passage step of the reaction as demonstrated by a new assay. We also show that the basic amino acids constitute an independent DNA-binding site apart from the NTD and assist the simultaneous binding of two molecules of DNA to the enzyme, as required during the catalytic step. Although the NTD binds to DNA in a site-specific fashion to carry out DNA cleavage and religation, the basic residues in CTD bind to non-scissile DNA in a sequence-independent manner to promote the crucial strand passage step during DNA relaxation. The loss of Zn2+ fingers from the mycobacterial topoI could be associated with Zn2+ export and homeostasis.


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A wave propagation based approach for the detection of damage in components of structures having periodic damage has been proposed. Periodic damage pattern may arise in a structure due to periodicity in geometry and in loading. The method exploits the Block-Floquet band formation mechanism, a feature specific to structures with periodicity, to identify propagation bands (pass bands) and attenuation bands (stop bands) at different frequency ranges. The presence of damage modifies the wave propagation behaviour forming these bands. With proper positioning of sensors a damage force indicator (DFI) method can be used to locate the defect at an accuracy level of sensor to sensor distance. A wide range of transducer frequency may be used to obtain further information about the shape and size of the damage. The methodology is demonstrated using a few 1-D structures with different kinds of periodicity and damage. For this purpose, dynamic stiffness matrix is formed for the periodic elements to obtain the dispersion relationship using frequency domain spectral element and spectral super element method. The sensitivity of the damage force indicator for different types of periodic damages is also analysed.


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Identifying the determinants of neuronal energy consumption and their relationship to information coding is critical to understanding neuronal function and evolution. Three of the main determinants are cell size, ion channel density, and stimulus statistics. Here we investigate their impact on neuronal energy consumption and information coding by comparing single-compartment spiking neuron models of different sizes with different densities of stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels and different statistics of synaptic inputs. The largest compartments have the highest information rates but the lowest energy efficiency for a given voltage-gated ion channel density, and the highest signaling efficiency (bits spike(-1)) for a given firing rate. For a given cell size, our models revealed that the ion channel density that maximizes energy efficiency is lower than that maximizing information rate. Low rates of small synaptic inputs improve energy efficiency but the highest information rates occur with higher rates and larger inputs. These relationships produce a Law of Diminishing Returns that penalizes costly excess information coding capacity, promoting the reduction of cell size, channel density, and input stimuli to the minimum possible, suggesting that the trade-off between energy and information has influenced all aspects of neuronal anatomy and physiology.


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The study of the fracture behaviour of concrete structures using the fictitious crack model requires two fracture properties of the concrete mix, namely, the size-independent specific fracture energy G(F). and the corresponding tension softening relation sigma(w) between the residual stress carrying capacity sigma and the crack opening w in the fracture process zone ahead of a real crack. In this paper, bi-linear tension softening diagrams of three different concrete mixes, ranging in compressive strength from 57 to 122 MPa whose size-independent specific fracture energy has been previously determined, have been constructed in an inverse manner based on the concept of a non-linear hinge from the load-crack mouth opening plots of notched three-point bend beams. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The bio-corrosion response of ultrafine-grained commercially pure titanium processed by different routes of equal-channel angular pressing has been studied in simulated body fluid. The results indicate that the samples processed through route B-c that involved rotation of the workpiece by 90 deg in the same sense between each pass exhibited higher corrosion resistance compared to the ones processed by other routes of equal-channel angular pressing, as well as the coarse-grained sample. For a similar grain size, the higher corrosion resistance of the samples exhibiting off-basal texture compared to shear texture indicates the major role of texture in corrosion behavior. It is postulated that an optimum combination of microstructure and crystallographic texture can lead to high strength and excellent corrosion resistance.


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Mechanisms involved in establishing the organization and numbers of fibres in a muscle are not completely understood. During Drosophila indirect flight muscle (IFM) formation, muscle growth is achieved by both incorporating hundreds of nuclei, and hypertrophy. As a result, IFMs provide a good model with which to understand the mechanisms that govern overall muscle organization and growth. We present a detailed analysis of the organization of dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs), a subset of the IFMs. We show that each DLM is similar to a vertebrate fascicle and consists of multiple muscle fibres. However, increased fascicle size does not necessarily change the number of constituent fibres, but does increase the number of myofibrils packed within the fibres. We also find that altering the number of myoblasts available for fusion changes DLM fascicle size and fibres are loosely packed with myofibrils. Additionally, we show that knock down of genes required for mitochondrial fusion causes a severe reduction in the size of DLM fascicles and fibres. Our results establish the organization levels of DLMs and highlight the importance of the appropriate number of nuclei and mitochondrial fusion in determining the overall organization, growth and size of DLMs. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This article presents the details of estimation of fracture parameters for high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Brief details about characterization of ingredients of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Experiments have been carried out on beams made up of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC considering various sizes and notch depths. Fracture characteristics such as size independent fracture energy (G(f)), size of fracture process zone (C-f), fracture toughness (K-IC) and crack tip opening displacement (CTODc) have been estimated based on the experimental observations. From the studies, it is observed that (i) UHSC has high fracture energy and ductility inspite of having a very low value of C-f; (ii) relatively much more homogeneous than other concretes, because of absence of coarse aggregates and well-graded smaller size particles; (iii) the critical SIF (K-IC) values are increasing with increase of beam depth and decreasing with increase of notch depth. Generally, it can be noted that there is significant increase in fracture toughness and CTODc. They are about 7 times in HSC1 and about 10 times in UHSC compared to those in HSC; (iv) for notch-to-depth ratio 0.1, Bazant's size effect model slightly overestimates the maximum failure loads compared to experimental observations and Karihaloo's model slightly underestimates the maximum failure loads. For the notch-to-depth ratio ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 for the case of UHSC, it can be observed that, both the size effect models predict more or less similar maximum failure loads compared to corresponding experimental values.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of finding a spectrum hole of a specified bandwidth in a given wide band of interest. We propose a new, simple and easily implementable sub-Nyquist sampling scheme for signal acquisition and a spectrum hole search algorithm that exploits sparsity in the primary spectral occupancy in the frequency domain by testing a group of adjacent subbands in a single test. The sampling scheme deliberately introduces aliasing during signal acquisition, resulting in a signal that is the sum of signals from adjacent sub-bands. Energy-based hypothesis tests are used to provide an occupancy decision over the group of subbands, and this forms the basis of the proposed algorithm to find contiguous spectrum holes. We extend this framework to a multi-stage sensing algorithm that can be employed in a variety of spectrum sensing scenarios, including non-contiguous spectrum hole search. Further, we provide the analytical means to optimize the hypothesis tests with respect to the detection thresholds, number of samples and group size to minimize the detection delay under a given error rate constraint. Depending on the sparsity and SNR, the proposed algorithms can lead to significantly lower detection delays compared to a conventional bin-by-bin energy detection scheme; the latter is in fact a special case of the group test when the group size is set to 1. We validate our analytical results via Monte Carlo simulations.


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Inter-domain linkers (IDLs)' bridge flanking domains and support inter-domain communication in multi-domain proteins. Their sequence and conformational preferences enable them to carry out varied functions. They also provide sufficient flexibility to facilitate domain motions and, in conjunction with the interacting interfaces, they also regulate the inter-domain geometry (IDG). In spite of the basic intuitive understanding of the inter-domain orientations with respect to linker conformations and interfaces, we still do not entirely understand the precise relationship among the three. We show that IDG is evolutionarily well conserved and is constrained by the domain-domain interface interactions. The IDLs modulate the interactions by varying their lengths, conformations and local structure, thereby affecting the overall IDG. Results of our analysis provide guidelines in modelling of multi-domain proteins from the tertiary structures of constituent domain components.