969 resultados para discontinuous Galerkin method, numerical analysis, meteorology, weather prediction


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The carbon diffusion in steel, where the carbon diffusivity varies with the carbon content, was solved with the integral methods under the third boundary condition. The variation of carbon diffusivity in steel with the carbon content was described with two different functions, linear dependence and exponential dependence. The integral approximation for both cases was improved with the numerical computation to more accurately predict the carbon profiles. The integral solution is more accurate than the formulation based on the assumption of a constant diffusivity or those based on the assumption of a constant diffusivity and/or constant carbon content at part surface. It is also more easily used in practice than the numerical method to describe the carburising process and predict the carbon content at steel surface and carbon profiles in treated layer.


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Roll forming is an incremental bending process for forming metal sheet, strip or coiled stock. Although Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a standard tool for metal forming simulation, it is only now being increasingly used for the analysis of the roll forming process. This is because of the excessive computational time due to the long strip length and the multiple numbers of stands that have to be modelled. Typically a single solid element is used through the thickness of the sheet for roll forming simulations. Recent investigations have shown that residual stresses introduced during steel processing may affect the roll forming process and therefore need to be included in roll forming simulations. These residual stresses vary in intensity through the thickness and this cannot be accounted for by using only one solid element through the material thickness, in this work a solid-shell element with an arbitrary number of integration points has been used to simulate the roll forming process. The system modelled is that of roll forming a V-channel with dual phase DP780 sheet steel. In addition, the influence of other modelling parameters, such as friction, on CPU time is further investigated. The numerical results are compared to experimental data and a good correlation has been observed. Additionally the numerical results show that the CPU time is reduced in the model without friction and that considering friction does not have a significant effect on springback prediction in the numerical analysis of the roll forming process.


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Electrical power systems are evolving from today's centralized bulk systems to more decentralized systems. Penetrations of renewable energies, such as wind and solar power, significantly increase the level of uncertainty in power systems. Accurate load forecasting becomes more complex, yet more important for management of power systems. Traditional methods for generating point forecasts of load demands cannot properly handle uncertainties in system operations. To quantify potential uncertainties associated with forecasts, this paper implements a neural network (NN)-based method for the construction of prediction intervals (PIs). A newly introduced method, called lower upper bound estimation (LUBE), is applied and extended to develop PIs using NN models. A new problem formulation is proposed, which translates the primary multiobjective problem into a constrained single-objective problem. Compared with the cost function, this new formulation is closer to the primary problem and has fewer parameters. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) integrated with the mutation operator is used to solve the problem. Electrical demands from Singapore and New South Wales (Australia), as well as wind power generation from Capital Wind Farm, are used to validate the PSO-based LUBE method. Comparative results show that the proposed method can construct higher quality PIs for load and wind power generation forecasts in a short time.


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A multilayer surface plasmon resonance biosensor (SPRB) incorporating a grating-graphene configuration is investigated for enhanced sensitivity. The numerical analysis of the impact of integrating a periodic array of subwavelength grating on top of a layer of graphene sheet for improving sensitivity is presented. The result of monitoring the biomolecular interactions of DNA hybridization is compared against the outcome of the conventional SPRB, a graphene-based multilayer SPRB, and a multilayer layer grating SPRB, and is mathematically validated. It is demonstrated that the inclusion of a grating and graphene layer on top of the gold thin film is an excellent candidate for a highly sensitive SPRB. To achieve further enhancement of sensitivity, the subwavelength grating is numerically optimized against its geometry including grating configurations (rectangular, sinusoidal, and triangular), grating depth, volume factor, and grating period. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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The roll forming process is increasingly used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of structural and crash components from Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS). Due to the high strength of UHSS (<1GPa) even small and commonly observed material property variations from coil to coil can result in significant changes in material yield and through that affect the final shape of the roll formed component. This requires the re-adjustment of tooling to compensate for shape defects and maintain part geometry resulting in costly downtimes of equipment. This paper presents a first step towards an in-line shape compensation method that based on the monitoring of roll load and torque allows for the estimation of shape defects and the subsequent re-adjustment of tooling for compensation. For this the effect of material property variation on common shape defects observed in the roll forming process as well as measurable process parameters such as roll load and torque needs to be understood. The effect of yield strength and material hardening on roll load and torque as well as longitudinal bow is investigated via experimental trials and numerical analysis. A regression analysis combined with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques is employed to establish the relationships between the process and material parameters and to determine their percentage influence on longitudinal bow, roll load and torque. The study will show that the level of longitudinal bow, one of the major shape defects observed in roll forming, can be estimated by variations in roll load and torque.


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At present, companies and standards organizations are enhancing Ethernet as the unified switch fabric for all of the TCP/IP traffic, the storage traffic and the high performance computing traffic in data centers. Backward congestion notification (BCN) is the basic mechanism for the end-to-end congestion management enhancement of Ethernet. To fulfill the special requirements of the unified switch fabric, i.e., losslessness and low transmission delay, BCN should hold the buffer occupancy around a target point tightly. Thus, the stability of the control loop and the buffer size are critical to BCN. Currently, the impacts of delay on the performance of BCN are unidentified. When the speed of Ethernet increases to 40 Gbps or 100 Gbps in the near future, the number of on-the-fly packets becomes the same order with the buffer size of switch. Accordingly, the impacts of delay will become significant. In this paper, we analyze BCN, paying special attention on the delay. We model the BCN system with a set of segmented delayed differential equations, and then deduce sufficient condition for the uniformly asymptotic stability of BCN. Subsequently, the bounds of buffer occupancy are estimated, which provides direct guidelines on setting buffer size. Finally, numerical analysis and experiments on the NetFPGA platform verify our theoretical analysis.


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The initial process design of a roll forming system is often based on the traditional ‘flower pattern diagram’. In this diagram, the cross sections of the strip at each roll stand are superimposed on a single plane; the diagram is a 2D representation of the 3D process. In the present work, the flower pattern is extended into three dimensions. To demonstrate the method, the forming path or trajectory of a point at the edge of the strip during forming a V-section is considered. The forming path is a surface curve that lies on a cylindrical surface having its axis along the machine axis. This surface is unwrapped to give its plane development and important features of the forming process can be determined and are readily interpreted from this plane curve. It is shown that at any stage in the process, the axial strain and the curvature of the sheet adjacent to the point are dependent on the slope of the trajectory in this plane projection. This new diagram, which apparently has not been used previously, provides a useful initial method of examining the roll forming process and optimising the flower pattern. The model is purely geometric, as is the original flower pattern approach, and does not include the effect of material behaviour. The concept is applied to several cases available in the literature. It shows that the lowest level of shape defect in the part is achieved when the trajectory of the strip edge follows the shortest line length between the start and finish of forming, leading to the least longitudinal strain introduced in the flange. This trend is in agreement with previous experimental observations, suggesting that the analytical model proposed may be applied for early process design and optimisation before time-consuming numerical analysis is performed.


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Apresenta-se uma formulação do tipo incrementaliterativa destinada a análise não linear de pórticos espaciais. Considera-se os efeitos não lineares introduzidos pelas mudanças de configuração geométrica da estrutura e também pela combinação destes efeitos com aqueles inerentes ao comportamento plástico exibido pelo material. As relações cinemáticas empregadas permitem a consideração de deslocamentos arbitrariamente grandes, acompanhadas de pequenas deformações . A modelagem do comportamento plástico do material é efetuada através do conceito de rótula plástica, estabelecido a partir de um critério de plastificação generalizado. Adota-se uma matriz de rigidez geométrica de barra baseada em momentos semitangenciais. Para elementos com extremos plastificados, é deduzida uma matriz de rigidez elasto-plástica. Emprega-se um método numérico do tipo incremental-iterativo, que utiliza como condição básica de controle da análise a constância do trabalho realizado pelos incrementos de cargas, em cada passo incremental (Método de Controle por Trabalho).A formulação permite uma descricão completa do desempenho mecânico da estrutura, inclusive em estágio de deformação pós-crítico em que ocorre regressão do carregamento com aumento de deslocamentos, ou vice-versa. A formulação foi implementada em um programa computacional elaborado em linguagem FORTRAN. Vários exemplos numéricos são apresentados para mostrar a eficiência das procedimentos propostos.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o comportamento de camadas superficiais de solo melhorado como base de fundações superficiais. Nesta pesquisa foram realizados ensaios de placa de 30 cm de diâmetro sobre camadas de solo residual compactado e de solo tratado com cimento (teor de 5% de cimento), ambas com 60 cm de espessura. O programa experimental também incluiu a retirada de amostras de campo das camadas de solo melhorado para a execução de ensaios triaxiais drenados (CID) com medida interna de deformações, a fim de obter parâmetros constitutivos para a realização de simulações numéricas. Uma comparação entre os resultados dos ensaios triaxiais com amostras retiradas em campo e moldadas em laboratório (Rohlfes Junior, 1996) é apresentada. A diferença entre os resultados dos ensaios triaxiais com amostras de campo e laboratório foi significativa para o caso das amostras de solo melhorado com cimento, tal fato é atribuído principalmente a dificuldade de mistura em campo. O Método dos Elementos Finitos foi utilizado para simular o comportamento carga x recalque das placas assentes sobre camadas de solo melhorado. O modelo Pseudo-Elástico Não Linear (Hiperbólico) foi empregado na análise numérica para modelar o comportamento dos novos materiais. Os resultados dos ensaios de placa sobre camadas de solo melhorado demonstraram que houve um aumento significativo da capacidade de suporte, além de uma redução considerável dos recalques, quando comparados ao comportamento carga x recalque do solo natural (Cudmani, 1994). A analise do comportamento de fundações superficiais assentes em solos estratificados, através de simulações numéricas, demonstrou ser eficiente para a previsão do comportamento carga x recalque das mesmas.


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The purpose of this work is to provide a brief overview of the literature on the optimal design of unemployment insurance systems by analyzing some of the most influential articles published over the last three decades on the subject and extend the main results to a multiple aggregate shocks environment. The properties of optimal contracts are discussed in light of the key assumptions commonly made in theoretical publications on the area. Moreover, the implications of relaxing each of these hypothesis is reckoned as well. The analysis of models of only one unemployment spell starts from the seminal work of Shavell and Weiss (1979). In a simple and common setting, unemployment benefits policies, wage taxes and search effort assignments are covered. Further, the idea that the UI distortion of the relative price of leisure and consumption is the only explanation for the marginal incentives to search for a job is discussed, putting into question the reduction in labor supply caused by social insurance, usually interpreted as solely an evidence of a dynamic moral hazard caused by a substitution effect. In addition, the paper presents one characterization of optimal unemployment insurance contracts in environments in which workers experience multiple unemployment spells. Finally, an extension to multiple aggregate shocks environment is considered. The paper ends with a numerical analysis of the implications of i.i.d. shocks to the optimal unemployment insurance mechanism.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos um novo método numérico com passo adaptativo baseado na abordagem de linearização local, para a integração de equações diferenciais estocásticas com ruído aditivo. Propomos, também, um esquema computacional que permite a implementação eficiente deste método, adaptando adequadamente o algorítimo de Padé com a estratégia “scaling-squaring” para o cálculo das exponenciais de matrizes envolvidas. Antes de introduzirmos a construção deste método, apresentaremos de forma breve o que são equações diferenciais estocásticas, a matemática que as fundamenta, a sua relevância para a modelagem dos mais diversos fenômenos, e a importância da utilização de métodos numéricos para avaliar tais equações. Também é feito um breve estudo sobre estabilidade numérica. Com isto, pretendemos introduzir as bases necessárias para a construção do novo método/esquema. Ao final, vários experimentos numéricos são realizados para mostrar, de forma prática, a eficácia do método proposto, e compará-lo com outros métodos usualmente utilizados.


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The behavior of the fluid flux in oil fields is influenced by different factors and it has a big impact on the recovery of hydrocarbons. There is a need of evaluating and adapting the actual technology to the worldwide reservoirs reality, not only on the exploration (reservoir discovers) but also on the development of those that were already discovered, however not yet produced. The in situ combustion (ISC) is a suitable technique for these recovery of hydrocarbons, although it remains complex to be implemented. The main objective of this research was to study the application of the ISC as an advanced oil recovery technique through a parametric analysis of the process using vertical wells within a semi synthetic reservoir that had the characteristics from the brazilian northwest, in order to determine which of those parameters could influence the process, verifying the technical and economical viability of the method on the oil industry. For that analysis, a commercial reservoir simulation program for thermal processes was used, called steam thermal and advanced processes reservoir simulator (STARS) from the computer modeling group (CMG). This study aims, through the numerical analysis, find results that help improve mainly the interpretation and comprehension of the main problems related to the ISC method, which are not yet dominated. From the results obtained, it was proved that the mediation promoted by the thermal process ISC over the oil recovery is very important, with rates and cumulated production positively influenced by the method application. It was seen that the application of the method improves the oil mobility as a function of the heating when the combustion front forms inside the reservoir. Among all the analyzed parameters, the activation energy presented the bigger influence, it means, the lower the activation energy the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, as a function of the chemical reactions speed rise. It was also verified that the higher the enthalpy of the reaction, the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, due to a bigger amount of released energy inside the system, helping the ISC. The reservoir parameters: porosity and permeability showed to have lower influence on the ISC. Among the operational parameters that were analyzed, the injection rate was the one that showed a stronger influence on the ISC method, because, the higher the value of the injection rate, the higher was the result obtained, mainly due to maintaining the combustion front. In connection with the oxygen concentration, an increase of the percentage of this parameter translates into a higher fraction of recovered oil, because the quantity of fuel, helping the advance and the maintenance of the combustion front for a longer period of time. About the economic analysis, the ISC method showed to be economically feasible when evaluated through the net present value (NPV), considering the injection rates: the higher the injection rate, the higher the financial incomes of the final project


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Oil production and exploration techniques have evolved in the last decades in order to increase fluid flows and optimize how the required equipment are used. The base functioning of Electric Submersible Pumping (ESP) lift method is the use of an electric downhole motor to move a centrifugal pump and transport the fluids to the surface. The Electric Submersible Pumping is an option that has been gaining ground among the methods of Artificial Lift due to the ability to handle a large flow of liquid in onshore and offshore environments. The performance of a well equipped with ESP systems is intrinsically related to the centrifugal pump operation. It is the pump that has the function to turn the motor power into Head. In this present work, a computer model to analyze the three-dimensional flow in a centrifugal pump used in Electric Submersible Pumping has been developed. Through the commercial program, ANSYS® CFX®, initially using water as fluid flow, the geometry and simulation parameters have been defined in order to obtain an approximation of what occurs inside the channels of the impeller and diffuser pump in terms of flow. Three different geometry conditions were initially tested to determine which is most suitable to solving the problem. After choosing the most appropriate geometry, three mesh conditions were analyzed and the obtained values were compared to the experimental characteristic curve of Head provided by the manufacturer. The results have approached the experimental curve, the simulation time and the model convergence were satisfactory if it is considered that the studied problem involves numerical analysis. After the tests with water, oil was used in the simulations. The results were compared to a methodology used in the petroleum industry to correct viscosity. In general, for models with water and oil, the results with single-phase fluids were coherent with the experimental curves and, through three-dimensional computer models, they are a preliminary evaluation for the analysis of the two-phase flow inside the channels of centrifugal pump used in ESP systems


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The aim of this work was to develop a quality index method (QIM) scheme for whole ice-boxed refrigerated blackspot seabream and to perform shelf-life evaluations, using sensory analysis, GR Torrymeter measurements and bacterial counts of specific spoilage organisms (SSO) during chilled storage. A QIM scheme based on a total of 30 demerit points was developed. Sensory, physical and microbiological data were integrated and used to determine the rejection point. Results indicated that the shelf-life of blackspot seabream is around 12-13 days. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.