920 resultados para differentiate
Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus, 1781) midgut is internally lined by an epithelium of polytenic cells, some low others prismatic with well developed brush border. Their apical portion are enlarged by secretory vesicles, forming button-like structures that are pinched off to the lumen, some accompained by the nucleus characterizing apocrine and holocrine secretions. This epithelium is gradually renewed by small, non polytenic regenerative cells, found scattered at its basal portion. At the end of the third instar the metamorphosis begins. The epithelial cells present signs of degeneration and at the first day of pupation the regenerative cells increase in number. By the 5th day of pupation these regenerative cells, besides being increased in number, differentiate themselves into two layers: one similar to the dense conective tissue that sustainning the larval epithelium is pinched off to the midgut lumen forming the yellow bodies; the other, develops right under it as the imaginal epitelium. The disorganized muscles bundles of the midgut wall, are invaded by phagocytes. At the end of pupation the midgut has a low prismatic epithelium with brush-border. In the adult, the torax portion of the midgut has prismatic homogeneously basophilic epithelium while in the abdominal portion the epithelium is made of high prismatic cells full of small vacuoles. The larval midgut epithelium suffers programmed cell death non compatible with apoptose. During the metamorphosis the midgut lenght diminishes from 31mm in the larva to 14mm in the adult.
A qualidade da semente na produção agrícola é um dos principais fatores a ser considerado na implantação da cultura, de forma que se torna importante a obtenção de informações sobre a germinação e o vigor das sementes, além da necessidade de avaliá-los. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo adequar a metodologia do teste de condutividade elétrica para a avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Pisum sativum subsp. arvense. Para tanto, foram utilizados dez lotes de sementes da cultivar IAPAR 83, empregando-se períodos de condicionamento de 8, 16, 20, 24 e 28 horas, combinados às temperaturas de 20 e 25°C e volumes de 75 e 250mL de água. Além destes, foram conduzidos os testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação e emergência de plântulas. Para ambas as avaliações, foram utilizadas quatro repetições de 50 sementes. Os testes de vigor, assim como o teste de germinação foram sensíveis para avaliar a qualidade das sementes dos diferentes lotes estudados, porém houve variações na ordenação deles quanto ao vigor. O volume de água, o tempo e a temperatura de embebição influenciaram os valores de condutividade elétrica. Concluiu-se que o teste de condutividade elétrica utilizando 250mL de água, na temperatura de 25°C por 24 horas é promissor para a diferenciação de lotes de sementes de P. sativum subsp. arvense.
O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em utilizar estratégias para obter e analisar relatos sobre sexualidade de cinco jovens, ambos os sexos, com deficiência mental, por diferentes procedimentos metodológicos: 1) Desenho da Figura Humana; 2) Apresentação de bonecos da família sexuada; 3) Apresentação das pranchas dos temas: namoro, casamento, masturbação, jogos sexuais, menstruação, relação sexual, gravidez, parto, amamentação e abuso sexual. Observou-se que os jovens: a) têm noção de identidade e papéis sexuais; b) diferenciam e nomeiam órgãos sexuais humanos, especialmente o órgão sexual masculino adulto; c) apesar de saberem nomeá-los, nem todos sabem sua função; d) com frases curtas e objetivas os jovens mostraram os conceitos sobre os diferentes temas apresentados. As estratégias utilizadas foram eficientes para incentivar o relato de jovens com limitação intelectual em temas complexos como a sexualidade.
Biomateriais poliméricos são desenvolvidos para uso como substitutos de tecidos danificados e/ou estimular sua regeneração. Uma classe de biomateriais poliméricos são os biorreabsorvíveis, compostos que se decompõem tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. São empregados em tecidos que necessitam de um suporte temporário para sua recomposição tecidual. Dentre os vários polímeros biorreabsorvíveis, destacam-se os alfa-hidróxi ácidos, entre eles, diferentes composições do poli(ácido lático) (PLA), como o poli(L-ácido lático) (PLLA), poli(D-ácido lático) (PDLA), poli(DL-ácido lático) (PDLLA), além do poli(ácido glicólico) (PGA) e da policaprolactona (PCL). Estes polímeros são considerados biorreabsorvíveis por apresentarem boa biocompatibilidade e os produtos de sua decomposição serem eliminados do corpo por vias metabólicas. Diversas linhas de pesquisa mostram que os diferentes substratos à base de PLA estudados não apresentam toxicidade, uma vez que as células são capazes de crescer e proliferar sobre eles. Além disso, diversos tipos de células cultivadas sobre diferentes formas de PLA são capazes de se diferenciarem sobre os diferentes polímeros e passar a produzir componentes de matriz extracelular. Neste trabalho, é revisada a utilização de substratos à base de alfa-hidróxi ácidos, com destaque para diferentes formas de PLA, utilizados como substratos para cultura de células, bem como suas aplicações.
O presente artigo trata da interdisciplinaridade, da psiquiatria e da atenção psicossocial. Ao longo do texto, faz-se um relato histórico a respeito da constituição e da crise do saber científico organizado em disciplinas, analisa-se a dificuldade teórica de se conceituar a interdisciplinaridade e, ao final, aborda-se a psiquiatria e sua relação com a interdisciplinaridade na realidade da atenção psicossocial. Os autores defendem que a psiquiatria, por sua história, guarda singularidades que a diferenciam de outras especialidades médicas e que - a um primeiro momento - poderiam fazê-la ir em direção contrária à interdisciplinaridade. Os autores concluem que os serviços de atenção psicossocial, pelas características que lhes são inerentes, são lugares privilegiados para a formação psiquiátrica com características interdisciplinares.
A avaliação antropométrica (pêso, altura, circunferência branquial, prega cutânea tricipital, prega cutânea subescapular, índice de Quetelet e circunferência muscular do braço) e bioquímica (proteínas e lipides) foi realizado em 120 indivíduos (93 masculinos e 27 do sexo feminino), de 17 a 72 anos de idade, moradores de área endêmica de malária (Humaitá -AM). de acordo com a história da doença (malária) eles foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 - controle (n = 30), sem história de malária; G2 - controle (n = 40), com história de malária, mas sem manifestação de doença atual; G3 - doentes com Plasmodium vivax (n = 19) e G4 - doentes com Plasmodium faleiparum (n = 31). O diagnóstico de malária foi estabelecido por manifestações clínicas e confirmado laboratorialmente (gota espessa e esfregaço). No global as medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas discriminaram os grupos diferentemente. As medidas antropométricas do pêso, altura, reservas calóricas e estoque proteicos somáticos, apresentaram pouca sensibilidade, discriminado apenas os grupos extremos (Gl > G4). As medidas bioquímicas, no geral diferenciaram dois grandes grupos, os sadios e os doentes (G1+G2) e (G3+G4). Os doentes com Plasmodium falciparum (G4) foram os que se apresentaram em pior estado nutricional para a maioria das variáveis, sem entretanto, nenhuma variável individual que os discriminasse significativamente do G3. Estes dados permitem concluir que a malária resulta em desnutrição do hospedeiro, cuja gravidade está relacionada ao tipo e estágio da doença.
Brazil is currently the worlds largest producer of papaya (Carica papaya L.), producing fruits for both the domestic market and export. Only fruits from hermaphrodite plants are marketed because they have the necessary commercial characteristics, i.e. they are pear-shaped and have thicker flesh and a smaller internal cavity. Increased papaya yield has been limited mainly by the ratio of female to hermaphrodite (1:2) plants normally occurring in orchards. This ratio causes great losses to papaya producers and the identification of the sex of seedlings during the nursery stage would be an important advance. In our study random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to differentiate between the sexual forms of three commercial C. papaya cultivars belonging to the Solo group. RAPD assays using the BC210 primer were able to detect hermaphrodites in all of the cultivars tested. The BC210(438)molecular marker was much better at papaya sex differentiation than other markers described in the literature.
An improved on-site characterization of humic-rich hydrocolloids and their metal species in aquatic environments was the goal of the present approach. Both ligand exchange with extreme chelators ( diethylenetetraaminepentaacetic acid ( DTPA), ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA)) and metal exchange with strongly competitive cations (Cu(II)) were used on-site to characterize the conditional stability and availability of colloidal metal species in a humic-rich German bogwater lake ( Venner Moor, Munsterland). A mobile time-controlled tangential-flow ultrafiltration technique (cut-off: 1 kDa) was applied to differentiate operationally between colloidal metal species and free metal ions, respectively. DOC ( dissolved organic carbon) and metal determinations were carried out off-site using a home-built carbon analyzer and conventional ICP-OES ( inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry), respectively. From the metal exchange equilibria obtained on-site the kinetic and thermodynamic stability of the original metal species ( Fe, Mn, Zn) could be characterized. Conditional exchange constants K ex obtained from aquatic metal species and competitive Cu(II) ions follow the order Mn > Zn >> Fe. Obviously, Mn and Zn bound to humic-rich hydrocolloids are very strongly competed by Cu( II) ions, in contrast to Fe which is scarcely exchangeable. The exchange of aquatic metal species (e.g. Fe) by DTPA/EDTA exhibited relatively slow kinetics but rather high metal availabilities, in contrast to their Cu(II) exchange.
Strains of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans exhibited differences in the inhibition of Fe(2+) oxidation in the presence of 250 mm of cadmium, zinc, and manganese sulfates in respirometric assays. Strains LR and I35 were practically not inhibited, whereas strains SSP and V3 showed significant inhibition (30-70%). Analysis by SDS-PAGE of total proteins from cells grown in the absence of metal sulfates showed different profiles between the more tolerant strains (LR and 135) and the more susceptible ones (SSP and V3). Total proteins of strains LR and V3 were also resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE). A set of major proteins (40, 32, 22, and 20 kDa) could be identified only in the more tolerant strain LR. Our results show that protein profiles analysis could differentiate A. ferrooxidans strains that considerably differ in the tolerance to metal sulfates and present low genomic similarity as revealed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data obtained previously in our laboratory.
This paper describes the application of artificial neural nets as an alternative and efficient method for the classification of botanical taxa based on chemical data (chemosystematics). A total of 28,000 botanical occurrences of chemical compounds isolated from the Asteraceae family were chosen from the literature, and grouped by chemical class for each species. Four tests were carried out to differentiate and classify different botanical taxa. The qualifying capacity of the artificial neural nets was dichotomically tested at different hierarchical levels of the family, such as subfamilies and groups of Heliantheae subtribes. Furthermore, two specific subtribes of the Heliantheae and two genera of one of these subtribes were also tested. In general, the artificial neural net gave rise to good results, with multiple-correlation values R > 0.90. Hence, it was possible to differentiate the dichotomic character of the botanical taxa studied.
We present a description of the external morphology and internal oral features of the tadpole of Scinax catharinae and comparisons with the known tadpoles of the S. catharinae group. Two characters of the external morphology present some intraspecific variation: the row of submarginal papillae, which can be uniseriate or absent, and the tail tip, which can be large or small, truncated or not. That said, the tadpole of S. catharinae presents some distinguishing features that differentiate it from other tadpoles in the S. catharinae group: i) the marginal row of papillae with alternate disposition, ii) the spiracle opening on the midline of the body, iii) longest snout length, and iv) largest interorbital distance. The studied species were segregated into five ecomorphological guilds, characterized by external morphological features, tadpole habitat use and vegetation formation of species range. The taxonomy of the S. catharinae group is complex, due to the morphological similarities among the adults. Larval characters could help in the resolution of the taxonomic and phylogenetic complexities, since the morphological differences among the tadpoles in this group seem more conspicuous than those found among the adults.
Cathorops spixii is one of the most abundant venomous fish of the southeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, and consequently causes a great part of the accidents seen there. The accidents affect mainly fishermen, swimmers and tourists and are characterized by punctiform or wide wounds, erythema, edema, pain, sudoresis, indisposition, fever, nausea, vomiting and secondary infection. The objective of this work was to characterize the inflammatory response induced in mice by both venoms (mucus and sting) of the catfish C spixii. Our results demonstrated that both venoms induced a great number of rolling and adherent leukocytes in the post-capillary venules of cremaster muscle of mice, and an increase in the vascular permeability in peritoneal cavity. Mucus induced the recruitment of neutrophils immediately after injection followed later by macrophage infiltration. In contrast, the cellular infiltration elicited by sting venom was rapidly resolved. The peritonitis reaction provoked by venoms was characterized by cytokine (IL-6), chemokines (MCP-1 and KC) or lipid mediator (LTB4) production in the peritoneal cavity. The macrophages from 7-day mucus venom-induced exudates upon in vitro mucus venom stimulation, expressed CD1 Ic x MHC class II and release bioactive IL-12p70. on the other hand, sting venom-elicited peritoneal macrophages lost the ability to differentiate into dendritic cells, following re-stimulation in vitro with sting venom, they do not express CD11c, nor do they exhibit sufficient levels of MHC class II. In conclusion, both types of venoms (mucus or sting) promote inflammatory reaction with different profiles, and the inflammatory reaction induced by the first was characterized by antigen persistence in peritoneal cavity that allowed the activation of phagocytic cells with capacity of antigenic presentation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The chromosomes of Hyla fuscovaria, H. hayii and II. prasina, with 2n=24, and of Hyla sp. (aff. circumdata), a new species, with 2n=24 and 2n=25, were studied.The karyotypes with 2n=24 in the four species were very similar, with almost no differences in the size and morphology of the chromosomes. The numerical variability found in Hyla sp. (aff. circumdata) is due to the occurrence of a supernumerary chromosome in some specimens. NOR data obtained for the first time in the four species and C banding analysis of H. prasina indicate that such types of banding may be useful to differentiate species with very similar karyotypes, contributing to the understanding of chromosome evolution and the establishment of phylogenetic relationships among Brazilian Hyla species.
Cytogenetic studies were carried out on five species of Leptodactylus, namely L. fuscus, L, notoaktites, L. labyrinthicus, L. ocellatus, and L. podicipinus, after standard staining, Ag-NOR and C-banding as well as BrdU incorporation for three of them. The species had 2n = 22 chromosomes and two basic karyotype patterns. Chromosome 8 was a marker bearing a secondary constriction. In all species, this secondary constriction corresponded to the Ag-NOR site. The species had centromeric C-bands in all chromosomes of the complement, but some interstitial or telomeric bands seemed to differentiate some karyotypes, either at the species or the population level. In L. ocellatus, the C-banding pattern confirmed the occurrence of a heteromorphic pericentric inversion in chromosome 8 in specimens from one of the populations. The BrdU incorporation technique showed no detectable difference in the replication patterns of the major bands in the chromosomes of L. noroaktites, L. labyrinthicus, and L. ocellatus.
Objectives: Diffuse uterine myohypertrophy (DUMH) is a condition clinically diagnosed by the presence of uterine bleeding, homogeneous and diffuse uterine enlargement, and absence of any myoendometrial cause of bleeding. Since the morphologic criteria for the diagnosis of this entity are still controversial, this study aimed to investigate the clinical presentation and the morphologic findings of the cases of DUMH presenting at the University Hospital of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, Methods: We retrospectively studied 43 consecutive patients with DUMH submitted to hysterectomy (test group) and compared the findings with those obtained from 28 patients submitted to hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus (control group). There were no significant differences in age, weight or height between the two groups. Results: the uterine weight of the DUMH group (mean +/- S.D. 157.4 +/- 46.4 g) was significantly heavier than that of the control group (99.5 +/- 35.4 g) and myometrial thickness was significantly greater in the DUMH group (2.5 +/- 0.5 cm) than in the control group (1.9 +/- 0.4 cm). No positive correlation was observed between increased uterine weight and parity, but there was a positive correlation between uterine weight and myometrial thickness. on the basis of the present study, we suggest that the diagnosis of DUMH be made clinically and in cases of uterine weight greater than or equal to 120 g and myometrial thickness greater than or equal to 2.0 cm. In addition, 10 cases of each group were analyzed by morphometry to evaluate interstitial fibrosis and myometrial hypertrophy. The data showed that the increase in uterine weight in DUMH is caused by enlargement of individual myometrial fibers rather than accumulation of interstitial collagen. Conclusion: Discriminant analysis to estimate the diagnostic significance of a number of clinical and pathologic variables (age, parity, uterine weight and morphometric parameters) was able to differentiate cases of DUMH from controls in 100% of the patients.