972 resultados para ddc: 004.678
The water and bottom sediments of Lake Victoria (Kenya) were analysed for A1, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd. The total metal concentrations were determined and their mean variations and distributions discussed. The bottom lake waters showed higher concentration levels than the surface waters. The range of values (in mg/l) in the bottom and surface lake waters were as follows: Surface Waters: A1(0.08 - 3.98), Fe(0.09 - 4.01), Mn(0.02 - 0.10). Zn(0.01 -0.07), Pb(0.001- 0.007), Cu(not detected - 0.006), Cr(not detected - 0.004). Bottom Waters: A1(0.1 0 - 6.59), Fe(0.23 - 9.64), Mn(0.04 - 0.39), Zn(0.01- 0.08), Pb(0.002 - 0.009), Cu(not detected - 0.03). Cr(not detected -0.002). River mouths and shallow areas in the lake showed higher total metal concentrations than offshore deeper areas. Apart from natural metal levels, varied urban activities and wastes greatly contribute to the lake metal pollution as shown by high Pb and Zn levels in sediments, around Kisumu and Homa Bay areas. Other comparatively high values and variations could be attributed to the varied geological characteristics of the lake and its sediments. Compared to the established W.H.O (1984) drinking water standards manganese, aluminium and iron levels were above these limits whereas zinc, lead, chromium, copper and cadmium were below.
碳源是制约生物脱氮效率的重要因素.我国城市污水碳源不足,需要考虑补充碳源提供反硝化电子供体.在复合垂直流人工湿地(IVCW)系统中,通过湿地特有的通气管补充碳源到湿地底部,改善了湿地内部微生物环境,强化了湿地脱氮功能,对氮的去除效率有显著提高.结果表明,葡萄糖作为外加碳源提高系统的反硝化能力要优于羧甲基纤维素(CMC),投加葡萄糖的系统比未补充碳源的系统脱氮效率有显著提高(p<0.05).通过投加不同量的葡萄糖进行对比实验,发现对于处理量60 L.d-1的IVCW系统最佳葡萄糖投加量为1.5 g.此时C6
斑纹薄鳅(Leptobotia zebra)最初是由Wu(1939)描述的一个新种,当时定名为斑纹沙鳅(Botia zebra),后来Chen(1980)根据眼下刺不分叉将其改归为薄鳅属的物种。本研究通过对线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因序列的测定和分析,发现斑纹薄鳅和薄鳅属(除斑纹薄鳅)物种间的平均遗传距离为0.177,和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅(Sinibotia pulcher)的平均遗传距离仅为0.057。系统发育分析发现斑纹薄鳅并未和薄鳅属的物种聚在一起,而是和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅聚在一起形成姐妹群。
通过土壤添加硒盆栽试验,研究了黄棕壤不同浓度Se对水稻生物量、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶系统的影响.结果表明,低浓度Se(<8mg·kg-1)对水稻根和地上生物量、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素a/b有促进作用,并整体提高了作物抗氧化酶系统,使MDA下降,SOD、CAT、POD、GSH Px活性相应提高.而高浓度Se(>16mg·kg-1)对水稻根和地上生物量、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素a/b有明显的抑制作用,对抗氧化酶系统产生胁迫效应,使GSH Px明显上升,MDA上升,SOD、CAT、POD酶活性明显下降.各项生理指标与土
对常德和汉江的异养性指数(HI)进行了分形分析,表明异养性指数在二维空间分布具有自相似性.异养性指数数据点与化学综合污染指数(P)数据点在双对数坐标中分段拟合时,当常德和汉江的LogP分别小于0 602和0 493时,常德和汉江的分形维数分别为0 39332和0 74110;当常德和汉江的LogP大于0 602和0 493时,常德和汉江的分形维数分别为0 30678和0 27239.拐点的出现表明异养性指数的变化在两个尺度域内遵从着不同的规律.拐点尺度以前,分维数较高,表明群落组成复杂,群落所受污染压迫较
采用一种简便而快速的方法分离了盐泽螺旋藻的藻胆体。藻胆体的最大吸收波长位于618 nm,室温下荧光反射峰位于677~678 nm。利用7~15%SDS—聚丙烯酸胺梯度凝胶板状电泳,可分出三条有色多肽,其中藻蓝蛋白的α亚单位与别藻蓝蛋白的α亚单位几乎重叠,不易区分;另有分子量为117,99,53,49,27,24.5和14kD的七条无色多肽。117和 99kD多肽可能联结藻胆体和类囊体,并作为末端能量受体,而14kD多肽多为“核”亚结构的组分,其余的可能为“棒”亚结构内和“核”“棒”亚结构间的联结蛋白。
湖北、湖南和江西等地采集的稻田蓝藻经过分离、培养、缺氮培养初步找到可能固氮的蓝藻后,进一步得出了无菌的纯培养的蓝藻藻种,经过试验和用微量凯氏法测定其产生的氮量,确定了四种蓝藻系固氮蓝藻。在100毫升无菌无氮培养基中生长四天的结果测定,水生686固氮蓝藻(Anabaena azotica)、水生678固氮蓝藻(A.azotica forma a)、水生670固氮蓝藻(Anabaena variabilis forma)和水生508固氮蓝藻(Nastoc Linckia forma)的固氮量分别为1.0146
<正> 固氮蓝藻能够利用空气中的游离氮素,合成氮素化合物,不断的释放出来,死亡分解之后,更可以释放出大量氮素化合物,作为其它植物的氮肥。过去国外的一些试验证明可以利用固氮蓝藻作为水稻的氮肥肥源;我们在1958年进行的固氮蓝藻对盆栽水稻的肥效试验和与湖北省农业科学研究所协作的田间施用固氮蓝藻水生686号和水生678号作为水稻追肥试验的结果,也证明固氮蓝藻可作为水稻田的氮肥新肥源。在我们的试验中,每亩稻田接入的固氮蓝藻数量是滤去培养液后的湿重5市斤,因此,大面积的稻田
The effects of organic-rich sediment and sulfide exposure on Hydrilla verticillata were investigated. The organic richness of sediment was simulated by adding sucrose into sediments, and sulfide exposure was conducted by adding sodium sulfide to plant roots. The length, biomass and density of shoot reduced in the sucrose-amended sediments, and the largest reduction occurred in the highest 1.0% addition treatment by 84.2%, 56.7% and 92.4%, respectively. However, the 0.1% addition treatment stimulated the growth of root. The effects of below-ground sulfide exposure on the physiological activities of H. verticillata were determined by adding sulfide to the below-ground tissue. Significantly inhibitory effects of sulfide were observed on plant photosynthesis, root carbohydrate and nitrogen synthetic reserves. The net photosynthetic rates, soluble carbohydrate and soluble protein contents in root were reduced by 104%, 71.8% and 49.8%, respectively, in the 0.6 mM sulfide treatment.
P>Semen sample was collected from two captive adult Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) during physical examination. One individual was aged about 9 years with body length 143 cm (total length) and body weight 46.1 kg in 2003. The age of the other was unknown and its body length was 147 cm and body weight was 43 kg in 2004. Ultrastructure of their spermatozoa was examined using scanning and transmission electron microscope. The sperm concentration was 4.17 x 10(9) spermatozoa per ml by the cytometer. The approximate dimensions of the spermatozoa were as follows: head length, 3.366 +/- 0.140 mu m (mean +/- SE, n = 15); head width, 1.896 +/- 0.099 mu m (n = 15); and neck length, 1.004 +/- 0.074 mu m (n = 10). The tail included midpiece, principal piece and terminal piece. The length of the midpiece was 1.882 +/- 0.077 mu m (n = 9). There is no apparent boundary between the principal piece and the terminal piece, so the length of the principal piece and the terminal piece was 44.612 +/- 3.485 mu m (n = 5). Total length of the spermatozoa was 53.314 +/- 4.580 mu m (n = 10). The acrosome covered approximately 45.8% of the anterior portion of the head.