922 resultados para criminal defendants


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Psychiatry is now subject to two apparently contradictory movements. On the one hand, the need to respect the autonomy and rights of patients is reinforced and coercive measures are strictly defined and limited. On the other hand, security concerns in our society leads to prosecution of psychiatric disorders, especially when accompanied by behavioral problems or criminal acts. In these situations of compulsory treatment or care provided in prisons, a number of dilemmas emerge. The place of the healthcare professional in treatments ordered by the Justice and problems related to administrative detention are discussed in more detail.


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The article presents a special form of a European comparative synopsis. For this case examples have been chosen ranging from administrative or minor (criminal) offences to increasingly serious offences and offenders. In this way it can be comparatively demonstrated how the criminal justice systems studied handle specific cases and whether they do so in a similar or different way.


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The level of information provided by ink evidence to the criminal and civil justice system is limited. The limitations arise from the weakness of the interpretative framework currently used, as proposed in the ASTM 1422-05 and 1789-04 on ink analysis. It is proposed to use the likelihood ratio from the Bayes theorem to interpret ink evidence. Unfortunately, when considering the analytical practices, as defined in the ASTM standards on ink analysis, it appears that current ink analytical practices do not allow for the level of reproducibility and accuracy required by a probabilistic framework. Such framework relies on the evaluation of the statistics of the ink characteristics using an ink reference database and the objective measurement of similarities between ink samples. A complete research programme was designed to (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples in a more reproducible way, (b) comparing automatically and objectively ink samples and (c) evaluate the proposed methodology in a forensic context. This report focuses on the first of the three stages. A calibration process, based on a standard dye ladder, is proposed to improve the reproducibility of ink analysis by HPTLC, when these inks are analysed at different times and/or by different examiners. The impact of this process on the variability between the repetitive analyses of ink samples in various conditions is studied. The results show significant improvements in the reproducibility of ink analysis compared to traditional calibration methods.


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Becker (1968) and Stigler (1970) provide the germinal works for an economic analysis of crime, and their approach has been utilised to consider the response of crime rates to a range of economic, criminal and socioeconomic factors. Until recently however this did not extend to a consideration of the role of personal indebtedness in explaining the observed pattern of crime. This paper uses the Becker (1968) and Stigler (1970) framework, and extends to a fuller consideration of the relationship between economic hardship and theft crimes in an urban setting. The increase in personal debt in the past decade has been significant, which combined with the recent global recession, has led to a spike in personal insolvencies. In the context of the recent recession it is important to understand how increases in personal indebtedness may spillover into increases in social problems like crime. This paper uses data available at the neighbourhood level for London, UK on county court judgments (CCJ's) granted against residents in that neighbourhood, this is our measure of personal indebtedness, and examines the relationship between a range of community characteristics (economic, socio-economic, etc), including the number of CCJ's granted against residents, and the observed pattern of theft crimes for three successive years using spatial econometric methods. Our results confirm that theft crimes in London follow a spatial process, that personal indebtedness is positively associated with theft crimes in London, and that the covariates we have chosen are important in explaining the spatial variation in theft crimes. We identify a number of interesting results, for instance that there is variation in the impact of covariates across crime types, and that the covariates which are important in explaining the pattern of each crime type are largely stable across the three periods considered in this analysis.


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Nanoparticles, a new tool to deter crime? The detection of fingermarks at a crime scene or on evidence related with a criminal affair constitutes one of the main tasks of the investigators. Fingerprints, due to their uniqueness and invariability in time, remain a key element of an identification process (being for suspects or victims). The main difficulty resides in the fact that, most of the time, fingermarks are not visible through naked eye due to their chemical composition and the small amount of material that is left on the scene. There are said to be latent and their detection requires the application of specific techniques (optical or chemical). If numerous efficient techniques currently exist, there is a continuing quest for developing new techniques or reagents with an enhanced sensitivity towards secretions and with an increased efficiency. This article gives an outline about some currently performed researches based on the use of functionalized nanoparticles to detect latent fingermarks.


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Continuing developments in science and technology mean that the amounts of information forensic scientists are able to provide for criminal investigations is ever increasing. The commensurate increase in complexity creates difficulties for scientists and lawyers with regard to evaluation and interpretation, notably with respect to issues of inference and decision. Probability theory, implemented through graphical methods, and specifically Bayesian networks, provides powerful methods to deal with this complexity. Extensions of these methods to elements of decision theory provide further support and assistance to the judicial system. Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Inference and Decision Analysis in Forensic Science provides a unique and comprehensive introduction to the use of Bayesian decision networks for the evaluation and interpretation of scientific findings in forensic science, and for the support of decision-makers in their scientific and legal tasks. Includes self-contained introductions to probability and decision theory. Develops the characteristics of Bayesian networks, object-oriented Bayesian networks and their extension to decision models. Features implementation of the methodology with reference to commercial and academically available software. Presents standard networks and their extensions that can be easily implemented and that can assist in the reader's own analysis of real cases. Provides a technique for structuring problems and organizing data based on methods and principles of scientific reasoning. Contains a method for the construction of coherent and defensible arguments for the analysis and evaluation of scientific findings and for decisions based on them. Is written in a lucid style, suitable for forensic scientists and lawyers with minimal mathematical background. Includes a foreword by Ian Evett. The clear and accessible style of this second edition makes this book ideal for all forensic scientists, applied statisticians and graduate students wishing to evaluate forensic findings from the perspective of probability and decision analysis. It will also appeal to lawyers and other scientists and professionals interested in the evaluation and interpretation of forensic findings, including decision making based on scientific information.


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This paper is the first to use a randomized trial in the US to analyze the short- and long- term impacts of an afterschool program that offered disadvantaged high-school youth: mentoring, educational services, and financial rewards to attend program activities, complete high-school and enroll in post-secondary education on youths' engagement in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse, criminal activity, and teenage childbearing. Outcomes were measured at three different points in time, when youths were in their late-teens, and when they were in their early- and their latetwenties. Overall the program was unsuccessful at reducing risky behaviors. Heterogeneity matters in that perverse effects are concentrated among certain subgroups, such as males, older youths, and youths from sites where youths received higher amount of stipends. We claim that this evidence is consistent with different models of youths' behavioral response to economic incentives. In addition, beneficial effects found in those sites in which QOP youths represented a large fraction of the entering class of 9th graders provides hope for these type of programs when operated in small communities and supports the hypothesis of peer effects.


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Aquest article tracta el tema del “ne bis in idem” com a garantia processal penal del sistema interamericà de protecció dels drets humans. Tot fent referència als casos portats a la Cort Inteamericana de Drets Humans, s’hi presenten algunes consideracions que s’han tingut en compte a l’hora de flexibilitzar-ne el principi. Aquesta garantia es compara amb el sistema del “double jeopardy” de la common law. Així mateix, es compara també amb altres sistemes de protecció dels drets humans, com l’europeu, el del Tribunal Penal Internacional i el del Pacte de Drets Civils i Polítics de les Nacions Unides. Per concloure, es destaca la importància de l’harmonització de les garanties del procés penal en relació amb la discussió de conflictes jurisdiccionals. Aquest text és fruit de les reflexions debatudes Durand el curs de postgrau de la Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de São Paulo, “As Garantias do Processo Penal no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos”, 2008.


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Este artículo trata el tema del ne bis in idem como garantía procesal penal dentro del sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos. Haciendo referencia a los casos llevados ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, se presentan algunas reflexiones que fueron tomadas en consideración para la flexibilización del principio. Esta garantía se compara con el sistema del “double jeopardy” de la common law. Asimismo, se compara también con otros sistemas de protección de los derechos humanos, como el europeo, el del Tribunal Penal Internacional y el del Pacto de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de las Naciones Unidas. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia de la armonización de garantías del proceso penal en la discusión de conflictos jurisdiccionales. Este texto es producto de las reflexiones debatidas en el curso de postgrado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de São Paulo, “As Garantias do Processo Penal no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos”, 2008.


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This study was commissioned by the European Committee on Crime Problems at the Council of Europe to describe and discuss the standards used to asses the admissibility and appraisal of scientific evidence in various member countries. After documenting cases in which faulty forensic evidence seems to have played a critical role, the authors describe the legal foundations of the issues of admissibility and assessment of the probative value in the field of scientific evidence, contrasting criminal justice systems of accusatorial and inquisitorial tradition and the various risks that they pose in terms of equality of arms. Special attention is given to communication issues between lawyers and scientific experts. The authors eventually investigate possible ways of improving the system. Among these mechanisms, emphasis is put on the adoption of a common terminology for expressing the weight of evidence. It is also proposed to adopt an harmonized interpretation framework among forensic experts rooted in good practices of logical inference.


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La mesura de seguretat és la conseqüència jurídica de naturalesa penal prevista per la llei davant la comissió d'un fet delictiu, en virtut de la qual es priva d'un determinat dret al responsable, no en funció de la seva culpabilitat -perquè li falta en absolut, o bé la conserva però notablement limitada o reduïda- sinó valorant la seva perillositat criminal. Aquesta perillositat s’exterioritza amb la comissió del delicte i s’ha de considerar en tot cas la privació del dret com a imprescindible per controlar-la.


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Determining the time since deposition of fingermarks may prove necessary in order to assess their relevance to criminal investigations. The crucial factor is the initial composition of fingermarks because it represents the starting point of any ageing model. This study mainly aimed to characterize the initial composition of fingerprints, which show a high variability between donors (inter-variability), but also to investigate the variations among fingerprints from the same donor (intra-variability). Solutions to reduce this initial variability using squalene and cholesterol as target compounds are proposed and should be further investigated. The influence of substrates was also evaluated and the initial composition was observed to be larger on porous surface than non-porous surfaces. Preliminary aging of fingerprints over 30 days was finally studied on a porous and a non-porous substrate to evaluate the potential for dating of fingermarks. Squalene was observed to decrease in a faster rate on a non-porous substrate.


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En France, l'expert psychiatre ou psychologue est présenté dans le Code pénal comme un « technicien », disposant de compétences singulières, qui réalise un travail que le juge ne pourrait réaliser lui-même. À partir d'une recherche théorique et empirique, cet article s'intéresse aux relations juge-expert et interroge les fonctions recouvertes par les expertises psychiatriques et psychologiques en phase présentencielle au pénal, au-delà de la mission énoncée dans les textes et dans l'ordonnance de commission d'expertise. Nous sommes partis de l'hypothèse que les fonctions des expertises psychiatriques et psychologiques dépassent le cadre d'un écrit technique et d'une déposition technique en Cour d'assises tel qu'énoncé dans les textes et missions, pour recouvrir des fonctions variées et non explicitées dans le processus judicaire. Concerning certain functions of legal expertise in criminal justice. In France, the expert psychiatrist or psychologist is presented in the Penal Code as a "technician" with singular skills, who performs the work that the judge cannot do himself. Based on theoretical and empirical research, this article focuses on relationship between judge and expert. It also questions the psychiatric and psychological evidence based on psychiatric and psychological evaluations in the penal preparation stage and in the writing and technical evidence presented by the evaluation commission. This is based on the hypothesis that psychiatric and psychological evaluations go beyond the established framework of a technical report or a technical statement made in the criminal court. These texts and assignments refer to various functions, which are not made explicit during the judicial process. A propósito de algunas funciones de los peritajes judiciales en un pleito. En Francia, el experto psiquiatra o psicólogo está presentado en el código penal como un "técnico", que dispone de competencias profesionales particulares, lleva a cabo un trabajo que el juez no sabría realizar por sí mismo. Partiendo de una investigación teórica y empírica, este artículo está centrado en las relaciones juez-experto e interroga sobre las funciones cubiertas por los peritajes psiquiátricos y psicológicos en la fase pre-sentencia en lo penal, más allá de la misión enunciada en los textos y en la ordenanza de la comisión de peritaje. Nuestro punto de partida ha sido la hipótesis que las funciones de los peritajes psiquiátricos y psicológicos van más allá del marco de un escrito técnico y de una deposición técnica en el Tribunal de lo penal tal como queda enunciado en los textos y misiones, para abarcar funciones variadas sin explicitar en el proceso judicial.


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Este trabajo analiza la evolución que ha tenido el legislador y la judicatura española en la persecución de los crímenes internacionales. Desde que amparados en la jurisdicción universal los tribunales españoles se declarasen competentes para perseguir a Pinochet, hasta la imputación del delito de prevaricación al juez Garzón por iniciar diligencias en relación con posibles crímenes internacionales cometidos en España durante la guerra civil y el período de la dictadura, muchas y variadas han sido las actuaciones por parte del legislador y del poder judicial. La esquizofrenia que éstas denotan debería servir como laboratorio de los pros y contras a los que tiene que hacer frente el modelo de lucha contra la impunidad a nivel nacional, sin que ello suponga perder el sentido mismo de esta lucha: ofrecer el derecho a una tutela judicial efectiva a aquel que ha sido víctima de los más abominables crímenes que se puedan cometer contra el género humano.