989 resultados para credible commitments.


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Previous research has reported both agreements and serious anomalies in relationships between production attributes of sugarcane varieties in variety trials (VTs) and commercial production (CP). This paper examines VT and CP data for tonnes of cane per hectare (TCH) and sugar content (CCS). Data, analysed by REML, included 107 VTs and 54 CP mill years for 9 varieties from the mill districts of Mulgrave, Babinda, and Tully for harvest years 1982-99. Important consistencies included high TCH of Q152, high CCS of Q117 and Q120, and low CCS of H56-752. Significant anomalies existed with respect to TCH for Q113, Q117, Q120, Q122, Q138, and H56-752 and to CCS for Q113 and Q124. Investigation of these anomalies was assisted by access to independent REML analyses of CP data for 65692 individual Tully cane blocks from 1988 to 1999 and by the knowledge of persons familiar with the preferential uses of varieties by farmers. Minor anomalies were due to limited year or mill area data. Q124 TCH was deemed to be decreased and its CCS increased by severe disease in Babinda CP in the extremely wet 1998 and 1999 seasons. Other serious anomalies have credible but unsubstantiated explanations. The most convincing, for Q113, Q117, Q138, and H56-752, are that these varieties were deployed unevenly with regard to late season harvesting, predominant use or avoidance on high fertility soils, or use confined to low fertility sandy soils, respectively. Uneven deployment results in confounding of these effects in the varietal CP statistics at mill area level. It is concluded that VTs cannot be enhanced to anticipate or evaluate most effects of uneven deployment. They give adequate predictions of relative CP performance for varieties deployed evenly across confounding influences. Routine analyses of individual block CP data would be useful and enhanced by addition of relevant information to the block records.


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Many studies on birds focus on the collection of data through an experimental design, suitable for investigation in a classical analysis of variance (ANOVA) framework. Although many findings are confirmed by one or more experts, expert information is rarely used in conjunction with the survey data to enhance the explanatory and predictive power of the model. We explore this neglected aspect of ecological modelling through a study on Australian woodland birds, focusing on the potential impact of different intensities of commercial cattle grazing on bird density in woodland habitat. We examine a number of Bayesian hierarchical random effects models, which cater for overdispersion and a high frequency of zeros in the data using WinBUGS and explore the variation between and within different grazing regimes and species. The impact and value of expert information is investigated through the inclusion of priors that reflect the experience of 20 experts in the field of bird responses to disturbance. Results indicate that expert information moderates the survey data, especially in situations where there are little or no data. When experts agreed, credible intervals for predictions were tightened considerably. When experts failed to agree, results were similar to those evaluated in the absence of expert information. Overall, we found that without expert opinion our knowledge was quite weak. The fact that the survey data is quite consistent, in general, with expert opinion shows that we do know something about birds and grazing and we could learn a lot faster if we used this approach more in ecology, where data are scarce. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Moreton Bay Waterways and Catchments Partnership, now branded the Healthy Waterways Partnership, has built on the experience of the past 15 years here in South East Queensland (SEQ). It focuses on water quality and the ecosystem health of our freshwater, estuarine and marine systems through the implementation of actions by individual partners and the collective oversight of a regional work program that assists partners to prioritise their investments and address emerging issues. This regional program includes monitoring, reporting, marketing and communication, development of decision support tools, research that is directed to problem solving, and maintaining extensive consultative and engagement arrangements. The Partnership has produced information-based outcomes which have led to significant cost savings in the protection of water quality and ecosystem resources by its stakeholders. This has been achieved by: – providing a clear focus for management actions that has ownership of governments, industry and community; – targeted scientific research to address issues requiring appropriate management actions; – management actions based on a sound understanding of the waterways and rigorous public consultation; and, – development and implementation of a strategy that incorporates commitments from all levels of stakeholders. While focusing on our waterways, the Partnership’s approach includes addressing catchment management issues particularly relating to the management of diffuse pollution sources in both urban and rural landscapes as well as point source loads. We are now working with other stakeholders to develop a framework for integrated water management that will link water quality and water quantity goals and priorities.


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Economic philosophy is anything but a part of the mainstream diet in the course of an economics education. Yet there are those – including occasional Nobel prizewinners – who argue that an understanding of economic philosophy is absolutely fundamental to an understanding of economics, of why economists disagree and of why “economic rationalists” are often derided by those from other professional backgrounds. The argument put in this paper is that many social science debates hinge more on the values or social philosophy implicitly involved than on technical matters of economic 'science', and that a nuanced understanding of economics requires that each school of thought be traced back to its foundations in terms of its implicit economic philosophy a prioris.


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O presente estudo consiste numa pesquisa processual, de natureza qualitativa, expresso na modalidade narrativa. Tem como pressuposto que o papel do professor implica uma tal responsabilidade que resulta em exigência de aperfeiçoamento constante, para que este profissional possa apresentar-se capaz de uma ação pedagógica bem-sucedida. Um professor, assim caracterizado, corresponde ao profissional efetivamente engajado na prática docente, manifestando atitude de reflexão sobre esta mesma prática, não apenas antes, em sua preparação, mas durante o seu desenrolar e mesmo depois desta, procurando extrair da própria ação elementos que ajudem a constantemente melhorá-la. Sob tais aspectos, destaco a prática reflexiva de Professoras do Ensino Fundamental, nos anos iniciais de escolaridade, especialmente relativa a suas ações pedagógicas bem-sucedidas em aulas, que busco enfocar como objeto de estudo e de investigação nesta dissertação. A coleta de dados da pesquisa deu-se por meio de 1) entrevistas semi-estruturadas, 2) relatos orais, 3) observação de aulas e 4) notas de campo. A análise dos dados, a discussão dos resultados e os encaminhamentos possíveis para a formação de professores foram construídos e expressos levando em conta princípios e critérios da Investigação Narrativa. Das conclusões, tecidas à luz do que resulta desta investigação, destacam-se as que são assim enunciadas: a) as Professoras realizam práticas reflexivas de tipos e níveis diferentes, contudo, tais reflexões ocorrem visivelmente atreladas às suas dificuldades e aos seus conflitos didático-pedagógicos, cada qual em seu contexto específico de ação; b) As Professoras conseguem realizar reflexões na sua ação, bem como reflexões sobre a sua ação com aproximações à literatura pedagógica, ainda que com ausência de explicitação de aspectos sociológicos, filosóficos, políticos, antropológicos, epistemológicos, enfim, dos aspectos que conferem maior criticidade e critério à reflexão, ou seja, atributos de reflexividade. Em função disso, ressalto a importância do progresso da escola em consonância com o progresso e a profissionalização do trabalho docente, através da consideração de cada contexto específico num movimento de busca de sentido para o ensino e para a aprendizagem. Nas considerações finais, propugno para o professor reflexivo compromissos evidentes com o futuro, no presente de suas salas de aula, para que possa ter maior capacidade de resposta pedagógica às necessidades educativas dos seus alunos, que se inserem e vivem na complexa sociedade deste século XXI.


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A recent focus on intermediary compensation underscores the need to organize the many complex incentives used by channel practitioners. Employing a grounded theory methodology, a channel incentives classification scheme is induced from 170 unique channel incentives used in 59 high technology suppliers’ channel programs. The incentives are organized into 16 subcategories and 5 major categories: Credible Channel Policies, Market Development Support, Supplemental Contact, High-Powered Incentives, and End-User Encouragements. Each incentive subcategory is discussed as a means of controlling reseller behaviors. Also, the conditions that give rise to the implementation of incentives are investigated through four testable research propositions.


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For many decades, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been widely known for being a reliable oil exporter. This fact, however, has not exempted it from facing significant domestic energy challenges. One of the most pressing of these challenges involves bridging the widening electricity supply-demand gap where, currently, the demand is growing at a very fast rate. One crucial means to address this challenge is through delivering power supply projects with maximum efficiency. Project delivery delay, however, is not uncommon in this highly capital-intensive industry, indicating electricity supplies are not coping with the demand increases. To provide a deeper insight into the challenges of project implementation and efficient practice, this research adopts a pragmatic approach by triangulating literature, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The research was conducted in the Saudi Arabian power supply industry – Western Operating Area. A total of 105 usable questionnaires were collected, and 28 recorded, semi-structured interviews were conducted, analysed and synthesised to produce a conceptual model of what constitutes the project implementation challenges in the investigated industry. This was achieved by conducting a comprehensive ranking analysis applied to all 58 identified and surveyed factors which, according to project practitioners in the investigated industry, contribute to project delay. 28 of these project delay factors were selected as the "most important" ones. Factor Analysis was employed to structure these 28 most important project delay factors into the following meaningful set of 7 project implementation challenges: Saudi Electricity Company's contractual commitments, Saudi Electricity Company's communication and coordination effectiveness, contractors' project planning and project control effectiveness, consultant-related aspects, manpower challenges and material uncertainties, Saudi Electricity Company's tendering system, and lack of project requirements clarity. The study has implications for industry policy in that it provides a coherent assessment of the key project stakeholders' central problems. From this analysis, pragmatic recommendations are proposed that, if enacted, will minimise the significance of the identified problems on future project outcomes, thus helping to ensure the electricity supply-demand gap is diminished.


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This work describes how the physical properties of a solvent affect the design variables of a physical gas absorption process. The role of every property in determining the capital and the running cost of a process has been specified. Direct mathematical relationships have been formulated between every item of capital or running cost and the properties which are related to that item. The accuracy of the equations formulated has been checked by comparing their outcome with some actual design data. A good agreement has been found. The equations formulated may be used to evaluate on the basis of economics any suggested new solvents. A group of solvents were selected for evaluation. Their physical properties were estimated or collected as experimental data. The selected ones include three important solvents, the first is polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether (Selexol) which represents the currently most successful one, The other two solvents are acetonyl acetone (B2) and n-formyl morpholine which have been suggested previously as potential credible alternatives to the current ones. The important characteristics of: acetonyl acetone are its high solubility and its low viscosity, while the n-formyl morpholine is characterised by its low vapour pressure and its high selectivity. It was found that acetonyl acetone (B2) is the most attractive solvent for commercial applications particularly for process configurations that:include heat exchangers and strippers. The effect of the process configuration on the selected solvent was investigated in detail and it was found that there is no universal solvent which is the best for any process configuration, but that there is a best solvent for a given process configuration. In previous work, acetonyl acetone was suggested as a commercially promising physical solvent. That suggestion was not fully based on experimental measurement of all the physical properties. The viscosity of acetonyl acetone and its solubility at 1 atm were measured but the vapour pressure and the solubility of C02 and CH4 at high pressure were predicted. In this work, the solubilities of C02, CH4 and C3H8 in acetenyl acetone were measured for a partial pressure range of (2 ~ 22) bar at 25°C, The vapour pressure of this solvent was also measured, and the Antoine equation was formulated from tbe experimental data. The experimental data were found to be not In agreement with the predicted ones, so acetonyl acetone was re-evaluated according to the experimental data. It was found that this solvent can be recommended for further trials in a pilot plant study or for small scale commercial units.


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In this contribution I look at three episodes in the history of neurophysiology that bring out the complex relationship between seeing and believing. I start with Vesalius in the mid-sixteenth century who writes that he can in no way see any cavity in nerves, even in the optic nerves. He thus questions the age-old theory (dating back to the Alexandrians in the third century BC) but, because of the overarching psychophysiology of his time, does not press his case. This conflict between observation and theory persisted for a quarter of a millennium until finally resolved at the beginning of the nineteenth century by the discoveries of Galvani and Volta. The second case is provided by the early history of retinal synaptology. Schultze in 1866 had represented rod spherules and bipolar dendrites in the outer plexiform layer as being separated by a (synaptic) gap, yet in his written account, because of his theoretical commitments, held them to be continuous. Cajal later, 1892, criticized Schultze for this pusillanimity, but his own figure in La Cellule is by no means clear. It was only with the advent of the electron microscopy in the mid-twentieth century that the true complexity of the junction was revealed and it was shown that both investigators were partially right. My final example comes from the Hodgkin-Huxley biophysics of the 1950s. Their theory of the action potential depended on the existence of unseen ion pores with quite complex biophysical characteristics. These were not seen until the Nobel-Prize-winning X-ray diffraction analyses of the early twenty-first century. Seeing, even at several removes, then confirmed Hodgkin and Huxley’s belief. The relation between seeing and believing is by no means straightforward.


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Mathematics is highly structured and also underpins most of science and engineering. For this reason, it has proved a very suitable domain for Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) research, with the result that probably more tutoring systems have been constructed for the domain than any other. However, the literature reveals that there still exists no consensus on a credible approach or approaches for the design of such systems, despite numerous documented efforts. Current approaches to the construction of ITSs leave much to be desired. Consequently, existing ITSs in the domain suffer from a considerable number of shortcomings which render them 'unintelligent'. The thesis examines some of the reasons why this is the case. Following a critical review of existing ITSs in the domain, and some pilot studies, an alternative approach to their construction is proposed (the 'iterative-style' approach); this supports an iterative style, and also improves on at least some of the shortcomings of existing approaches. The thesis also presents an ITS for fractions which has been developed using this approach, and which has been evaluated in various ways. It has, demonstrably, improved on many of the limitations of existing ITSs; furthermore, it has been shown to be largely 'intelligent', at least more so than current tutors for the domain. Perhaps more significantly, the tutor has also been evaluated against real students with, so far, very encouraging results. The thesis thus concludes that the novel iterative-style approach is a more credible approach to the construction of ITSs in mathematics than existing techniques.


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Public values are moving from a research concern to policy discourse and management practice. There are, though, different readings of what public values actually mean. Reflection suggests two distinct strands of thinking: a generative strand that sees public value emerging from processes of public debate; and an institutional interpretation that views public values as the attributes of government producers. Neither perspective seems to offer a persuasive account of how the public gains from strengthened public values. Key propositions on values are generated from comparison of influential texts. A provisional framework is presented of the values base of public institutions and the loosely coupled public propositions flowing from these values. Value propositions issue from different governing contexts, which are grouped into policy frames that then compete with other problem frames for citizens’ cognitive resources. Vital democratic commitments to pluralism require public values to be distributed in competition with other, respected, frames.


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Background: Some Australian pharmacists use continuing education to maintain knowledge and acquire new information. There has been a progression from continuing education to continuing professional development (CPD) - a mandatory requirement for pharmacists in all jurisdictions of Australia. Aim: To identify post-registration learning trends of community pharmacists in Western Australia. Method: A questionnaire was developed and administered by face-to-face interviews with community pharmacists in metropolitan Perth. Pharmacists registered for less than 12 months and pharmacists working in hospitals were excluded. Results: 103 pharmacists were approached with a response rate of 95%. Journals (41%), reference books (23%) and the Internet (18%) were the most commonly used educational resources cited by pharmacists. Keeping scientific information up-to-date (39%) and gathering practical knowledge (22%) were the leading motivators for pharmacists to participate in continuing education. Factors that hindered participation in continuing education included lack of time (34%), family commitments (21%) and business commitments (21%). 79% of pharmacists agreed with the concept of mandatory CPD. 47% of pharmacists suggested that the primary sanction for not complying with mandatory CPD should be counselling to determine reasons for non-compliance. Conclusion: Community pharmacists preferred educational resources that were easily accessible at convenient times. Most pharmacists were able to fulfil the requirements of CPD, however, further educational support and promotion would ensure the successful uptake of CPD by community pharmacists in Western Australia.


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This volume explores sports mega-events, their social, political, and cultural characters, the value systems that they inscribe and draw on, the claims they make on us and the claims the organisers make for them, the spatial and ethical relationships they create, and the responses of civil societies to them. Our premise is that sports mega-events are not simply sporting or cultural phenomena. They are also political and economic events, characterised by the generation and projection of symbolic meanings – most obviously over the nature of statehood, economic power, and of collective cultural identity – and by social conflict, especially over land use, and over the extent and contours of public spending commitments. Because of their peculiar spatial and temporal organization, they raise questions about the relationships between global cultural and economic flows and particular local and national spaces. Because of their evolutionary characteristics, they ask us to consider not simply the time of the event but of the effects of the event on the long-term direction, implementation, and consequences of public policy.


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The measurement of different aspects of information society has been problematic over along time, and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is spearheading in developing a single ICT index. In Geneva during the first World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in December 2003, the heads of states declared their commitment to the importance of benchmarking and measuring progress toward the information society. Consequently, they re-affirmed their Geneva commitments in their second summit held in Tunis in 2005. In this paper, we propose a multiplicative linear programming model to measure Opportunity Index. We also compared our results with the common measure of ICT opportunity index and we found that the two indices are consistent in their measurement of digital opportunity though differences still exist among regions.


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This article provides a unique contribution to the debates about archived qualitative data by drawing on two uses of the same data - British Migrants in Spain: the Extent and Nature of Social Integration, 2003-2005 - by Jones (2009) and Oliver and O'Reilly (2010), both of which utilise Bourdieu's concepts analytically and produce broadly similar findings. We argue that whilst the insights and experiences of those researchers directly involved in data collection are important resources for developing contextual knowledge used in data analysis, other kinds of critical distance can also facilitate credible data use. We therefore challenge the assumption that the idiosyncratic relationship between context, reflexivity and interpretation limits the future use of data. Moreover, regardless of the complex genealogy of the data itself, given the number of contingencies shaping the qualitative research process and thus the potential for partial or inaccurate interpretation, contextual familiarity need not be privileged over other aspects of qualitative praxis such as sustained theoretical insight, sociological imagination and methodological rigour. © Sociological Research Online, 1996-2012.