988 resultados para corrosion inhibitor


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Fluorescence microscopy studies using 4-morpholinoscriptaid (4MS) demonstrated rapid cellular uptake of this scriptaid analogue into the cytoplasm but no nuclear penetration. As 4MS and scriptaid have the same in vitro activity against HDACs and KASUMI-1 cells; 4MS exemplifies a rational approach to subtly modify ‘profluorogenic’ substrates for intracellular studies.


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The effect of Fe in Al is technologically important for commercial Al-alloys, and in recycled Al. This work explores the use of the novel rapid solidification technology, known as direct strip casting, to improve the recyclability of Al-alloys. We provide a comparison between the corrosion and microstructure of Al-Fe alloys prepared with wide-ranging cooling rates (0.1. °C/s to 500. °C/s). Rapid cooling was achieved via direct strip casting, while slow cooling was achieved using sand casting. Corrosion was studied via polarisation and immersion tests, followed by surface analysis using scanning electron microscopy and optical profilometry. It was shown that the corrosion resistance of Al-Fe alloys is improved with increased cooling rates, attributed to the reduced size and number of Fe-containing intermetallics.


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© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. A self-assembled multilayer (SAM) from sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (SLS) and glutamic acid (GLU) is formed on copper surface. Its inhibition ability against copper corrosion is examined by electrochemical analysis and weight loss test. In comparison to SAM formed by just SLS or GLU, a synergistic effect is observed when the coexistence of SLS and GLU in SAM. The SLS/GLU SAM has an acicular multilayer structure, and SAM prepared under the condition of 5 mM SLS and 1 mM GLU shows the best protection efficiency. PM6 calculation reveals that the synergistic effect stems from interactions between SLS, GLU and cupric ions.


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Corrosion has significant adverse effects on the durability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, especially those exposed to a marine environment and subjected to mechanical stress, such as bridges, jetties, piers and wharfs. Previous studies have been carried out to investigate the corrosion behaviour of steel rebar in various concrete structures, however, few studies have focused on the corrosion monitoring of RC structures that are subjected to both mechanical stress and environmental effects. This paper presents an exploratory study on the development of corrosion monitoring and detection techniques for RC structures under the combined effects of external loadings and corrosive media. Four RC beams were tested in 3% NaCl solutions under different levels of point loads. Corrosion processes occurring on steel bars under different loads and under alternative wetting - drying cycle conditions were monitored. Electrochemical and microscopic methods were utilised to measure corrosion potentials of steel bars; to monitor galvanic currents flowing between different steel bars in each beam; and to observe corrosion patterns, respectively. The results indicated that steel corrosion in RC beams was affected by local stress. The point load caused the increase of galvanic currents, corrosion rates and corrosion areas. Pitting corrosion was found to be the main form of corrosion on the surface of the steel bars for most of the beams, probably due to the local concentration of chloride ions. In addition, visual observation of the samples confirmed that the localities of corrosion were related to the locations of steel bars in beams. It was also demonstrated that electrochemical devices are useful for the detection of RC beam corrosion.


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The colostrum trypsin inhibitor (CTI) gene and transcript were cloned from the Cape fur seal mammary gland and CTI identified by in silico analysis of the Pacific walrus and polar bear genomes (Order Carnivora), and in marine and terrestrial mammals of the Orders Cetartiodactyla (yak, whales, camel) and Perissodactyla (white rhinoceros). Unexpectedly, Weddell seal CTI was predicted to be a pseudogene. Cape fur seal CTI was expressed in the mammary gland of a pregnant multiparous seal, but not in a seal in its first pregnancy. While bovine CTI is expressed for 24-48h postpartum (pp) and secreted in colostrum only, Cape fur seal CTI was detected for at least 2-3months pp while the mother was suckling its young on-shore. Furthermore, CTI was expressed in the mammary gland of only one of the lactating seals that was foraging at-sea. The expression of β-casein (CSN2) and β-lactoglobulin II (LGB2), but not CTI in the second lactating seal foraging at-sea suggested that CTI may be intermittently expressed during lactation. Cape fur seal and walrus CTI encode putative small, secreted, N-glycosylated proteins with a single Kunitz/bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) domain indicative of serine protease inhibition. Mature Cape fur seal CTI shares 92% sequence identity with Pacific walrus CTI, but only 35% identity with BPTI. Structural homology modelling of Cape fur seal CTI and Pacific walrus trypsin based on the model of the second Kunitz domain of human tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and porcine trypsin (Protein Data Bank: 1TFX) confirmed that CTI inhibits trypsin in a canonical fashion. Therefore, pinniped CTI may be critical for preventing the proteolytic degradation of immunoglobulins that are passively transferred from mother to young via colostrum and milk.


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This paper presents a hypothesis and its experimental validation that simultaneous improvement in the hardness and corrosion resistance of aluminium can be achieved by the combination of suitable processing route and alloying additions. More specifically, the corrosion resistance and hardness of Al- xCr (x= 0-10 wt.%) alloys as produced via high-energy ball milling were significantly higher than pure Al and AA7075-T651. The improved properties of the Al- xCr alloys were attributed to the Cr addition and high-energy ball milling, which caused nanocrystalline structure, extended solubility of Cr in Al, and uniformly distributed fine intermetallic phases in the Al-Cr matrix.


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Surface passivation of AZNd Mg alloy with Pr(NO3)3 is studied using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in surface generation/tip collection (SG/TC) and AC modes. Corrosion protection afforded by the Pr treatment and the degradation mechanism in a simulated biological environment was examined on a local scale and compared with non-treated AZNd. SG/TC mode results revealed a drastic decrease in H2 evolution due to the Pr treatment. Mapping the local insulating characteristics using AC-SECM showed higher conductivity of the surface where H2 evolution was most favorable.


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© 2015 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute. This paper describes an interesting attempt to quantitatively evaluate the corrosion behaviour of base oils using a novel approach based on electrochemical techniques. The present study evaluates the corrosion behaviour of biodegradable base oils with and without additives in an aqueous chloride solution using electrochemical measurements. Potentiodynamic polarisation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques were used to quantitatively determine the corrosion behaviour of these oils, and the results were compared to the conventional immersion tests. Both these electrochemical measurements were carried out in a three-electrode system where AS1020 mild steel alloy was used as a working electrode in a purpose made pipette cell. The results obtained from the electrochemical measurements help to evaluate the best biodegradable base oil for formulating eco-friendly industrial lubricants.


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© 2015 by Nace International. This paper presents new experimental evidences on the capability of a novel electrochemical corrosion monitoring sensor, which was recently conceived, for measuring localized corrosion under disbonded pipeline coatings. The sensor's design includes an artificial crevice for simulating the conditions developed under disbonded coatings and an electrode array for measuring current density distribution over its surface. The sensor capabilities were further evaluated by studying the dependency of corrosion patterns and current density distribution on the Cathodic Protection (CP) potential applied upon immersion in an aqueous environment. At the less negative CP potential, a good correlation was found between the inhomogeneous corrosion distribution under the disbonded coating as measured by the sensor and actual metal loss and corrosion attack observed on its surface at the end of the test. At more negative CP potentials no corrosion was detected or observed on the sensor's surface. In addition, characteristic changes in the cathodic current distribution at different CP potentials illustrated the possibility of employing the sensor to obtain valuable feedback on the performance of a given CP setup, without requiring its interruption or compensation of IR-drops. Furthermore, the sensor's capability to detect some of the effects of overprotection were shown at the most negative CP potential applied.


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An approach to achieving the ambitious goal of cost effectively extending the safe operation life of energy pipelines to, for instance, 100 years is the application of structural health monitoring and life prediction tools that are able to provide long-term remnant pipeline life prediction and in-situ pipeline condition monitoring. A critical step in pipeline structural health monitoring is the enhancement of technological capabilities that are required for quantifying the effects of key factors influencing buried pipeline corrosion and environmentally assisted materials degradation, and the development of condition monitoring technologies that are able to provide in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline damage. This paper provides an overview of our current research aimed at developing new sensors for monitoring, categorising and quantifying the level and nature of external pipeline and coating damages under the combined effects of various inter-related variables and processes such as localised corrosion, coating damage and disbondment, cathodic shielding. The concept of in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline corrosion is illustrated by a case of monitoring localised corrosion under disbonded coatings using a new corrosion monitoring probe. A basic principle that underpins the use of sensors to monitor localised corrosion has been presented: Localised corrosion and coating failure are not an accidental occurrence, it occurs as the result of fundamental thermodynamic instability of a metal exposed to a specific environment. Therefore corrosion and coating disbondment occurring on a pipeline will also occur on a sensor made of the same material and exposed to the same pipeline condition. Although the exact location of localised corrosion or coating disbondment could be difficult to pinpoint along the length of a buried pipeline, the ‘worst-case scenario’ and high risk pipeline sections and sites are predictable. Sensors can be embedded at these strategic sites to collect data that contain ‘predictor features’ signifying the occurrence of localised corrosion, CP failure, coating disbondment and degradation. Information from these sensors will enable pipeline owners to prioritise site survey and inspection operations, and to develop maintenance strategy to manage aged pipelines, rather than replace them.


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No presente trabalho, estudou-se o efeito inibidor do silicato de sódio na corrosão de uma liga de AI-Mg-Si em meio arejado e desarejado, contendo quantidades variadas de Ion cloreto no pW = 10,O . Nos diferentes tipos de ensaios realizados, tais como, traçado de curvas de polarização, ensaios galvanostáticos e com par galvânico, utilizou-se corpos de prova anodizados ou polidos. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que 1 g/l de silicato de sódio neutro de composição Na2O : 3.3 SiO2, demonstrou total efeito inibidor da corrosão da liga de A1-Mg-Si, em solução contendo até 60 p.p.m. de NaC1. Em concentrações de 1060 p.p,m. e maiores de NaC1, o silicato mostrou apenas efeito retardador da corrosão, com diminuição da incidência de pites. A análise dos produtos de corrosão, formadas sobre a superficie dos pites, feita usando-se raio-X e espectroscopia de infravermelho, mostrou que esses produtos têm estrutura amorfa e contêm silicato e grupos hidroxila. Finalmente, medidas de capacitância da dupla camada, confirmaram a existência de uma película que se forma sobre a superfície da liga de alumínio, quando em solução de silicato.


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Estudou-se o comportamento à corrosão de diversos materiais metálicos como aço, cobre, latão e pares galvânicos (aço-latão) em álcool etilico combustível (91.1 - 93.9 -INPM) adicionado de várias substâncias a fim de avaliar possíveis efeitos inibidores ou aceleradores da corrosão. Foi verificado a influência na corrosão, de ion cloreto, acetato de sódio, ácido benzóico, trietanolamina, butinodiol e um inibidor comercial. O acetato de sódio seguido do produto comercial se revelaram os melhores aditivos sob o ponto de vista da inibição da corrosão. A adição de cloreto, como um possível contaminante foi estudada e obteve-se um aumento bastante grande na taxa de corrosão. A adição de perclorato de potássio ao álcool combustível normalmente utilizado para aumentar a condutividade da solução nos ensaios eletroquímicos, mostrou ser prejudicial por modificar apreciavelmente as características do comportamento à corrosão dos materiais ensaiados, aumentando-a ou diminuindo-a conforme o caso.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a ação inibidora do íon borato na corrosão do aço-carbono, em soluções aquosas aproximadamente neutras, arejadas e desarejadas, na presença ou não de ions cloreto, à temperatura ambiente. Através do traçado de curvas de polarização potenciostáticas, de experimentos cronopotenciométricos e cronogalvanométricos, com ou sem riscagem do corpo de prova, e do comportamento do aço comum em ensaios de imersão a longo prazo, concluiu-se que o ion borato possui uma ação inibidora sobre a corrosão do aço, desde que o potencial não seja muito elevado. Observou-se também que o aço sofre corrosão por pites em soluções de borato, mesmo na ausência de íons agressivos e que os pites ocorrem em potenciais tanto mais baixos quanto mais diluídas forem as soluções de borato. Para soluções contendo 1000 ppm de bórax ou mais, o potencial de pite, determinado por técnicas cronopotenciométricas, está acima do potencial de corrosão. Para soluções com concentrações iguais ou superiores a 5000 ppm de bórax, não foi detectada corrosão por pites na faixa de potencial estudada, isto é, desde o potencial de evolução de H2 até o potencial de evolução de 02. A adição de 100 ppm de NaCl à solução contendo 2500 ppm de bórax reduz o potencial de pite de aço comum, em relação ao seu valor na ausência de íon cloreto.


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GOMES, Carlos E. M. et al. Effect of trypsin inhibitor from Crotalaria pallida seeds on Callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris), v. 43, n. 12, p. 1095-1102, 2005.ISSN 0981-9428. DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2005.11.004.