976 resultados para correlation of answers


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A combined study of magnetic parameters of basalt and andesite samples has been carried out in the framework of geological investigations of the Franz Josef Land. This study has included determination of coercivity, saturation magnetization, Curie points, natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and magnetic susceptibility as well as examination of ferromagnetic minerals with a microscope. Data on chemical composition of the rocks have been obtained for all the samples, and radiological ages have been determined for the majority of the rocks. Thermomagnetic curves of the samples have been subdivided into four types depending on composition of ferromagnetic NRM carriers. Data showing multiple changes in the predominant composition of the igneous rocks have been obtained. Each stage of magmatism is characterized by a specific type of the ferromagnetic component in the rocks and, therefore, magnetomineralogical investigations can be used for differentiation and correlation of the igneous rocks.


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+ = present, ++ = abundant, - = not observed


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Lobsigensee is a small kettle hole lake 15 km north-west of Bern on the Swiss Plateau, at an altitude of 514 m asl. Its surface is 2ha today, its maximum depth 2.7 m; it has no inlet and the overflow functions mainly during snow melting. The area was covered by Rhone ice during the Last Glaciation (map in Fig.2). Local geology, climate and vegetation are summarized in Figure 3A-C, the history of settlement in Figures 5-7. In order to reconstruct the vegetational and environmental history of the lake and its surroundings pollen analysis and other bio- and isotope stratigraphies were applied to twelve profiles cored across the basin with modified Livingstone corers (Fig.3 D). (1) The standard diagram: The central core LQ-90 is described as the standard pollen diagram (Chapter 3) with 10 local pollen assemblage zones of the Late-Glacial (local PAZ Ll to Ll0, from about 16'000(7) to 10'000 years BP) and 20 PAZ of the Holocene (local PAZ L11 to L30), see Figs. 8-10 and 20-24. Local PAZ L 1 to L3 are in the Late-Glacial clay and record the vegetational development after the ice retreat: L1 shows very low pollen concentration and high Pinus percentages due to long-distance transport and reworking; the latter mechanism is corroborated by the findings of thermophilous and pre-Quaternary taxa. Local PAZ L2 has a high di versi ty of non-arboreal pollen (NAP) and reflects the Late-Glacial steppe rich in heliophilous species. Local PAZ L3 is similar but additionally rich in Betula nana and Sal1x, thus reflecting a "shrub tundra". The PAZ L1 to L3 belong to the Oldest Dryas biozone. Local PAZ L4 to L 10 are found in the gyttja of the profundal or in the lake marl of the littoral and record the Late-Glacial forests. L4 is the shrub phase of reforestation with very high Junlperus and rapidly increasing Betula percentages. L5 is the PAZ with a first, L7 with a second dominance of tree-birches, separated by L6 showing a depression in the Betula curve. L4 to L7 can be assigned to the Balling biozone. Possible correlation of the Betula depression to the Older Dryas biozone is discussed. In local PAZ L8 Plnus immigrates and expands. L9 shows a facies difference in that Plnus dominates over Betula in littoral but not in profundal spectra. L8 and L9 belong to the Allerod biozone. In its youngest part the volcanic ash from Laach/Eifel is regularly found (11,000 BP). The local PAZ Ll0 corresponds to the Younger Dryas blozone. The merely slight increase of the NAP indicates that the pine forests of the lowland were not strongly affected by a cooler climate. In order to evaluate the significance of the littoral accumulation of coniferous pollen the littoral profile LQ-150 is compared to the profundal. Radiocarbon stratigraphies derived from different materials are presented in Figures 13 and 14 and in Tables 2 and 3. The hard-water errors in the gyttja samples and the carbonate samples are similar. The samples of terrestrial plant macrofossils are not affected by hard-water errors. Two plateaux of constant age appear in the age-depth relationship; their consequence for biostratigraphy as well as pollen concentration and influx diagrams are discussed. Radiocarbon ages of the Late-Glacial pollen zones are shown in Table 10. The Holocene vegetational history is recorded in the local PAZ L 11 to L30. After a Preboreal (PAZ L11) dominated by pine and birch the expansions of Corylus, Ulmus and Quercus are very rapid. Among these taxa Corylus dominates dur ing the Boreal (PAZ L 12 and L 1 3), whereas the components of the mixed oak forest dominate in the Older Atlantic (PAZ L14 to L16). In the Younger Atlantic (PAZ L 17 to L 19) Fagus and Alnus play an increasing, the mixed oak forest a decreasing role. During the period of local PAZ L19 Neolithic settlers lived on the shore of Lobsigensee. During the Subboreal (PAZ L20 and L21) and the Older Subatlantic (L22 to L25) strong fluctuations of Fagus and often antagonistic peaks of NAP, Alnus, Betula and Corylus can be interpreted as signs of human impact on vegetation. L23 is characterized not only by high values of NAP (especially apophytes and anthropochorous species) but also by the appearance of Juglans, Castanea and Secale which point to the Roman colonization of the area. For a certain period during the Younger Subatlantic (PAZ L26 to L30) the lake was used for retting hemp (Cannabis). Later the dominance of Quercus pollen indicates the importance of wood pastures. The youngest sediments reflect the wide-spread agricultural grass lands and the plantation of Pinus and Picea. Radiocarbon dates for the Holocene are given in Figure 23 and Table 4, the extrapolated ages of the Holocene pollen zones in Table 15. (2) The cross sections: Figures 25 and 26 give a summary of the litho- and palynostratigraphy of the two cross sections. Based on 11 Late-Glacial and 9 Holocene pollen diagrams (in addition to the standard ones), the consistency of the criteria for the definition of the pollen zones is examined in Tables 7 and 8 for the Late-Glacial and in Tables 11 to 14 for the Holocene. Sediment thicknesses across the basin for each pollen zone are presented in these tables as well as in Figures 43 to 45 for the Late-Glacial and in Figures 59 to 65 for the Holocene. Sediment focusing can explain differences between the gyttja cores of the profundal. Focusing is more than compensated for through "stretching" by carbonate precipitation on the littoral terrace. Pollen influx to the cross section are discussed (Chapters 4.1.5. and 4.2.3.). (3) The regional pollen zones: Based on some selected sites between Lake Geneva and Lake Constance regional pollen zones are proposed (Table 16, 17 and 19). (4) Paleoecology: Climatic change in the Late-Glacial can be inferred from Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Chironomidae and d18O of carbonates: a distinct warming is recorded around 12' 600 BP and around 10' 000 BP. The Younger Dryas biozone (10'700-10'000 BP) was the only cooling found in the Late-Glacial. The Betula depression often correlated wi th the Older Dryas biozone was possibl not colder but dryer than the previous period. During the Holocene the lowland site is not very sensitive to the minor climatic changes. Table 22 summarizes climatic and trophic changes before 8'000 BP as deduced from various biostratigraphies studied by a number of authors. Ostracods, Chironomids and fossil pigments indicate that anoxic conditions prevailed during the BoIling (possibly meromixis). Changes in the lake level are illustrated in Figure 74. A first lake-level lowering occurred in the early Holocene (10'000 to 9'000 BP), a second during the Atlantic (about 6'800 to 5'200 BP). The first "shrinking" of the lake volume resulted in a eutrophication recorded by laminations in the profundal and by pigments of Cyanophyceae. The second fall in water level corresponds to an increase of Nymphaeaceae. Human impact can be inferred in three ways: eutrophication of the lake (since the Neolithic), changes of terrestrial vegetation by deforestations (cyclicity of Fagus, see Figures 78 to 80), and enhanced erosion (increasing sedimentation rates by inwashed clay, particularly since the Roman Colonization, see Figures 49 and 81). Summary: This paper was planned as the final report on Lobsigensee. However, a number of issues are not answered but can only be asked more precisely, for example: (1) For the two periods with the highest rates of change, Le. the Bolling and the Preboreal biozones, pollen influx may reflect vegetation dynamics. Detailed investigations of these periods in annually laminated sediments are planned. (2) Biostratigraphies other than palynostratigraphy are needed to estimate the degree of linkage or independence in the development of terrestrial and lacustrine ecosystems. Often our sampling intervals were not identical, thus influencing our temporal resolution. (3) 6180- and 14C-stratigraPhies with high resolution will elucidate the leads and lags of these dynamic periods. Plateaux of constant age in the age-depth relationship have a strong bearing on both biological and geophysical understanding of Late-Glacial and early Holocene developments. (4) Numerical methods applied to the pollen diagrams of the cross section will help to quantify the significance of similari ties and dissimilarities across a single basin (with Prof. Birks). (5) Numerical methods applied to different sites on the Swiss Plateau and on the transect across the Alps will be helpful in evaluating the influence of different environmental factors (with Prof. Birks). (6) A new map 1: 1000 with 50cm-contour lines prov ided by Prof. Zurbuchen will be combined with a grid of cores sampling the transition from lake marl to peat enabling us to calculate paleo-volumes of the lake. This is interesting for the two "shrinking periods" (in Fig. 74A numbers 2-6 and 7-10), both accompanied by eutrophication. The pal eo-volume during the Neoli thic set tlement of the Cortaillod culture linked wi th an est l.mate of trophic change derived from diatoms (Prof. Smol in prep.) could possibly give an indication of the size of the human population of this period. (7) For the period with the antagonism between Fagus peaks and ABC-peaks close collaboration between palynologists, geochemists and archeologists should enable us to determine the influence of prehistoric and historic people on vegetation (collaboration with Prof. Stockli and Prof. Herzig). (8) The core LL-75 taken with a "cold letter box" will be analysed for major and trace elements by Dr. Sturm for 210pb and 137Cs by Prof.von Gunten and for pollen. We will see if our local PAZ L30 really corresponds to the surface sediment and if the small seepage lake reflects modern pollution.


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This study is a synthesis of paleomagnetic and mineral magnetic results for Sites 819 through 823 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133, which lie on a transect from the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) down the continental slope to the bottom of the Queensland Trough. Because of viscous remagnetization and pervasive overprinting, few reversal boundaries can be identified in these extremely high-resolution Quaternary sequences. Some of the magnetic instability, and the differences in the quality of the paleomagnetic signal among sites, can be explained in terms of the dissolution of primary iron oxides in the high near-surface geochemical gradients. Well-defined changes in magnetic properties, notably susceptibility, reflect responses to glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations and changes in slope sedimentation processes resulting from formation of the GBR. Susceptibility can be used to correlate between adjacent holes at a given site to an accuracy of about 20 cm. Among-site correlation of susceptibility is also possible for certain parts of the sequences and permits (tentative) extension of the reversal chronology. The reversal boundaries that can be identified are generally compatible with the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and demonstrate a high level of biostratigraphic consistency among sites. A revised chronology based on an optimum match with the susceptibility stratigraphy is presented. Throughout most of the sequences there is a strong inverse correlation both between magnetic susceptibility and calcium carbonate content, and between susceptibility and d18O. In the upper, post-GBR, sections a more complicated type of magnetic response occurs during glacial maxima and subsequent transgressions, resulting in a positive correlation between susceptibility and d18O. Prior to and during formation of the outer-reef barrier, the sediments have relatively uniform magnetic properties showing multidomain behavior and displaying cyclic variations in susceptibility related to sea-level change. The susceptibility oscillations are controlled more by carbonate dilution than by variation in terrigenous influx. Establishment of the outer reef between 1.01 and 0.76 Ma restricted the supply of sediment to the slope, causing a four-fold reduction in sedimentation rates and a transition from prograding to aggrading seismic geometries (see other chapters in this volume). The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and the end of the transition period mark a change to lower and more subdued susceptibility oscillations with higher carbonate contents. The major change in magnetic properties comes at about 0.4 Ma in the aggrading sequence, which contains prominent sharp susceptibility peaks associated with glacial cycles, with distinctive single-domain magnetite and mixed single-domain/superparamagnetic characteristics. Bacterial magnetite has been found in the sediments, particularly where there are high susceptibility peaks, but its importance has not yet been assessed. A possible explanation for the characteristic pattern of magnetic properties in the post-GBR glacial cycles can be found in terms of fluvio-deltaic processes and inter-reefal lagoonal reservoirs that develop when the shelf becomes exposed at low sea-level.


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The Mesocena elliptica Ehr. zone in deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean is characterized by a short vertical range at the base of the Pleistocene section. Depending on sedimentation rate this zone lies at various depths below the ocean bottom. M. elliptica is unknown in recent oceanic plankton. In fossil state known species indicate that sediments containing them are of Oligocene-Miocene age. New data obtained in early 1960's show that within a short interval, evidently in Early Pleistocene, M. elliptica was abundant in plankton, primarily in tropical regions. Correlation of paleomagnetic data with results of diatom analysis shows that the Mesocena elliptica zone always lies above the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, and that maximum contents of M. elliptica coincide with the Jaramillo event (0.85-0.95 million years ago).


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The Mesocena elliptica Ehr. zone in deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean is characterized by a short vertical range at the base of the Pleistocene section. Depending on sedimentation rate this zone lies at various depths below the ocean bottom. M. elliptica is unknown in recent oceanic plankton. In fossil state known species indicate that sediments containing them are of Oligocene-Miocene age. New data obtained in early 1960's show that within a short interval, evidently in Early Pleistocene, M. elliptica was abundant in plankton, primarily in tropical regions. Correlation of paleomagnetic data with results of diatom analysis shows that the Mesocena elliptica zone always lies above the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, and that maximum contents of M. elliptica coincide with the Jaramillo event (0.85-0.95 million years ago).


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At Sites 689 and 690, drilled during ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 113 on the Maud Rise (southeast Weddell Sea), moderately to well preserved radiolarian assemblages were obtained from continuously recovered upper Oligocene and Neogene sequences. Based on radiolarian investigations, a biostratigraphic zonation for a time interval covering the late Oligocene to the middle Miocene is proposed. The radiolarian zonation comprises 10 zones. Five zones are new, and five zones previously defined by Chen (1975) were modified. The zones and the ranges of the nominate species are directly calibrated with a geomagnetic polarity record. This is the first attempt at a direct correlation of late Oligocene to middle Miocene radiolarian zones with the geomagnetic time scale. Six hiatuses were delineated in the studied upper Oligocene to middle Miocene sections. One major hiatus, spanning ca. 6 m.y., is between the upper Oligocene and the lower Miocene sequences. Another important hiatus separates the lower and middle Miocene sediments. As a base for the biostratigraphic investigations, a detailed taxonomic study of the recovered radiolarian taxa is achieved. Three new radiolarian species that occur in upper Oligocene and lower Miocene sediments are described (Cycladophora antiqua, Cyrtocapsella robusta, and Velicucullus altus).


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The known temporal relationship between the benthic foraminiferal d18O record and the marine Os isotope record is used to reinterpret the absolute chronology and paleoceanographic context of an episode of organic carbon burial on the West African margin Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 959. Although organic-rich sediments require significant corrections for in situ decay of 187Re to 187Os, these results demonstrate the utility of the marine Os isotope record for chemostratigraphic correlation of organic-rich sediments that are devoid of age diagnostic microfossils with pelagic carbonate sequences. Revision of the ODP Site 959 chronology shifts the age assignment of an interval of biosiliceous, organic-rich sediment deposition from the Oligocene to the late Eocene and earliest Oligocene, likely culminating with the first major glaciation of the Oligocene (Oi1). We speculate that enhanced organic carbon burial over much of the West African margin may have contributed to drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide before and during the Oi1 event and suggest that Os isotope chemostratigraphy provides a valuable tool for further exploring this possibility.


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Nearly continuous cores of Quaternary fine-grained sediments with distinct dark-light colored cycles were recovered from Sites 794, 795, and 797 in the basinal parts of the Japan Sea during Leg 127. A comparison of gray value (darkness) profiles supplemented by visual inspection of core photographs between sites indicated that most of the dark and light layers were correlatable between sites, and that two of the dark layers lie close to adjacent marker ash layers. These observations indicate that deposition of dark and light layers resulted from basin-wide synchronous events. In order to understand the origin of these dark-light cycles, petrographical, mineralogical, compositional, and paleontological studies were carried out on closely spaced samples from the upper Quaternary sediments recovered from Site 797. Age model was constructed based on comparison between variation in diatom abundance and the standard oxygen isotope curve of Imbrie et al. (1984), the latter was interpolated between the five age controlled levels established at Site 797. The two curves show similar patterns which enabled us to "tune" the sediment ages to the oxygen isotope stages. We have to use variation in diatom abundance as a substitute for oxygen isotope curve since oxygen isotopic data are not available at the studied sites. Bottom water oxygenation conditions were estimated based on two criteria: (1) the degree of lamina preservation and (2) the ratio of Corg to Stot. The surface water productivity was deduced from the Corg and biogenic silica content. Results suggest that the bottom water oxygenation level and the surface water productivity varied significantly in response to the glacial-interglacial cycles. Glacio-eustatic sea-level changes and subsequent changes in water circulation in the Japan Sea appear to have been responsible for these variations and consequent changes in sediment composition throughout the Quaternary.


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We present new U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP) data on rocks from Mt Newton and Cumpston Massif in the southern Prince Charles Mountains. Our data demonstrate that Mt Newton was affected by a newly proposed Palaeoproterozoic "Newton" Orogeny at c. 2100-2200 Ma. Sedimentation, felsic volcanism (c. 2200 Ma), metamorphism and folding, followed by granite intrusion (c. 2100 Ma), suggest development of a trough or aulacogene in the area during the early Palaeoproterozoic. An orthogneiss from Cumpston Massif yielded an age of c. 3180 Ma for granitic protolith emplacement, which is in good agreement with many U-Pb zircon ages from similar rocks in the southern Mawson Escarpment. A syn- to late-tectonic muscovite-bearing pegmatite from Cumpston Massif yielded a c. 2500 Ma date of emplacement, which indicates early Palaeoproterozoic activity in this block, probably in response to a tectono-magmatic episode in the Lambert Terrane bordering the Ruker Terrane in the northeast. The correlation of tectono-magmatic events in both the Ruker and Lambert terranes of the southern Prince Charles Mountains provides evidence for their common evolution during the Proterozoic.


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Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records from four high-resolution sediment cores, forming a depth transect between 1237 m and 2303 m on the South Iceland Rise, have been used to reconstruct intermediate and deep water paleoceanographic changes in the northern North Atlantic during the last 21 ka (spanning Termination I and the Holocene). Typically, a sampling resolution of ~100 years is attained. Deglacial core chronologies are accurately tied to North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) ice core records through the correlation of tephra layers and changes in the percent abundance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) with transitions in NGRIP. The evolution from the glacial mode of circulation to the present regime is punctuated by two periods with low benthic d13C and d18O values, which do not lie on glacial or Holocene water mass mixing lines. These periods correlate with the late Younger Dryas/Early Holocene (11.5-12.2 ka) and Heinrich Stadial 1 (14.7-16.8 ka) during which time freshwater input and sea-ice formation led to brine rejection both locally and as an overflow exported from the Nordic seas into the northern North Atlantic, as earlier reported by Meland et al. (2008). The export of brine with low ?13C values from the Nordic seas complicates traditional interpretations of low d13C values during the deglaciation as incursions of southern sourced water, although the spatial extent of this brine is uncertain. The records also reveal that the onset of the Younger Dryas was accompanied by an abrupt and transient (~200-300 year duration) decrease in the ventilation of the northern North Atlantic. During the Holocene, Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water only reached its modern flow strength and/or depth over the South Iceland Rise by 7-8 ka, in parallel with surface ocean reorganizations and a cessation in deglacial meltwater input to the North Atlantic.