1000 resultados para configuração
Com o objetivo de avaliar a uniformidade da distribuição volumétrica e o efeito da angulação dos bicos na barra em pulverizações, foi conduzido experimento em laboratório, com dez unidades de cada uma das pontas de jato plano XR 11003 e de jato cônico vazio TXVK-4, fabricadas pela Spraying Systems Co. As pontas XR 11003 foram avaliadas, isoladamente, em mesa de prova para bicos construída conforme a Norma ISO 5682-1:1996, a 0,30; 0,40 e 0,50 m de altura, submetidas à pressão de 200 e 300 kPa e posicionadas com ângulos de 30º e 45º no sentido horário e anti-horário e na vertical; as pontas TXVK-4 foram avaliadas nas mesmas alturas, porém a 300 e 400 kPa, e somente na vertical. A distribuição média do volume coletado em cada configuração, das dez unidades de cada ponta, foi inserida num programa computacional, desenvolvido para o estudo, que permitiu a simulação do padrão de deposição de uma barra pulverizadora, com 24 bicos, com sobreposições variáveis, obtendo-se, ao final, o coeficiente de variação da sobreposição, o desvio- padrão e a média do volume aplicado. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de ajustes no espaçamento entre bicos para a obtenção de melhor uniformidade na distribuição, principalmente quando se utiliza ângulo na barra; há menor influência da variação da altura da barra sobre a uniformidade da distribuição quando o espaçamento entre bicos é reduzido.
The composites manufactured with long fibres aligned in a single direction, and overlay has been shown to have better performance than the short fibers randomly distributed. In particular, the lignocellulosic fibers extracted from the sisal leaves, used in conjunction with the epoxy resin has attracted the attention of many researchers because the final properties of the system formed. In this work composites based on epoxy resin reinforced with sisal fibers were manufactured. The sisal fibres were treated with an alkaline solution of 0.06 mol/l NaOH. The treated, and untreated fibres were subjected to tension x extension tests. The composites were manufactured in the "Lossy" mold with the specifications of the samples to be produced (300x20x4 mm). The tension tests were carried out in accordance with the ASTM standards 3039 (for the composite aligned in a single direction) and ASTM D5573 (for composites in overlay), three point bending tests were performed according to ASTM D790. Analyzing the results of the tests of tension and three point bending tests, it was observed that the composites with the configuration of overlapping had the better elastic module in both tests. As to the maximum resistance to tension, the best result was the composites aligned in a single direction. Tests of absorption of water and micrographs are in progress
O gradiente térmico da superfície para o interior do sólido depende da taxa de colisões das partículas e da condutividade térmica do material utilizado. Quando um sólido é imerso em plasma, a transferência de energia ocorre por radiação e colisões das partículas sobre a superfície do material. Dependendo da taxa de colisões das particulas e da condutividade térmica do sólido existirão gradientes térmicos da superfície para o interior das amostras, ocorrendo picos térmicos na superficie, ou seja, o aquecimento pontual nas regiões de colisões. A fim de estudar esse efeito, amostras de aço rápido AISI M35 cujos valores de dureza são fortemente sensíveis à temperatura de revenimento, foram utilizadas como micro sensores térmicos. Amostras foram temperadas em forno resistivo e, em seguida, parte das mesmas foram revenidas em forno resistivo e a outra parte em plasma. A partir do gráfico da dureza (Hv) em função da temperatura (T) das amostras revenidas em forno resistivo foi possível obter uma função Hv(T) para determinação indireta do perfil térmico das amostras tratadas em plasma. As amostras foram revenidas em plasma utilizando temperatura de referência igual a 550 oC. Em seguida foi obtido o perfil de dureza dessas amostras ao longo da seção transversal e, subsequentemente, o perfil de temperatura. Verificou-se que amostras tratadas em plasma, ao contrário daquelas tratadas em forno resistivo, apresentaram gradiente de temperatura da superfície para o núcleo. Além disso, verificou-se que as amostras tratadas em configuração planar apresentaram gradientes térmicos inferiores àquelas tratadas em configuração cátodo oco, variando de 20 a 120 °C, respectivamente
In this work, a pneumatic dryer has been designed and assembled in laboratory scale in order to study and evaluate configurations more efficient for application in drying of important materials of Northeast region in Brazil. The equipment was tested with drying of corn and rice grains, in conditions of temperature and air velocity at 80 oC and 35 m/s, respectively. For this type of dryer, it is recommended to work at temperatures above 200 °C and air velocity with higher dynamic pressure. However, even under operating conditions below what it is recommended, the results obtained with the pneumatic dryer were satisfactory. In addition, experiments of drying were performed by using a cabinet dryer (batch dryer) under the same conditions used in the pneumatic dryer. Flash one curves for the corn were fitted satisfactorily by applying of the Lewis model, while a better agreement was found for rice by using the Page model. The data obtained with both drying processes allowed to compare the performance between pneumatic and batch dryers. In respect to drying rate, the pneumatic dryer presented a similar performance to the batch dryer during processing with corn and a superior performance to the last one during processing with rice. Therefore, it was possible to verify that the pneumatic dryer assembled in this preliminar study can be applied for different materials and under different operating conditions
The aim of this work is to use a new technology in the treatment of produced wastewaters from oil industry. An unit for treat produced waters called UTMDIF, was designed, installed and operated in an industrial plant for treatment of effluents from oil industry. This unit operates by means of the method of separation of phase inversion and can become a promising alternative to solve the problem of oil/water separation. This method constitutes the basis of the working of a new design of mixersettler of vertical configuration which occupies small surface area. The last characteristic becomes specially important when there is limitation on the lay-out of the plant, for example, over maritime platforms to explore oil. This equipment in a semi-industrial scale treats produced wastewaters contaminated with oil at low concentrations (ranging from 30 to 150 mg/L) and throughputs of 320 m3/d (47,4 m3 m-2 h-1). Good results were obtained in oil/water separation which leads to the necessary specification to discharge those wastewaters. Besides, the non dependence of the efficiency of separation in spite of the salinity of the medium becomes the equipment an attractive new technology to treat wastewaters containing oil at low concentrations
This work aims to study the drying of cashew-nut pulp with different lay-out of dryers using conventional and solar energy. It concerns with the use of exceeding of the regional raw material and the suitable knowledge for the applicability of the drying systems as pathway for food conservation. Besides, it used renewable sources as solar energy to dry these agroindustrial products. Runs were carried out using a conventional tray-dryer with temperature, air velocity control and cashew slice thickness of 55°C, 65°C, 75°C; 3.0; 4.5, 6.0 m s-1; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 cm, respectively, in order to compare the studied systems. To evaluate the conventional tray-dryer, it was used a diffusional model of 2nd Fick´s law, where the drying curves were quite well fitted to an infinite flat plate design. For the drying runs where the room temperature had no control, it was developed a phenomenological-mathematical model for the solar dryer with indirect radiation under natural and forced convection based on material and energy balances of the system. Besides, it was carried out assays in the in natura as well as dehydrated, statistic analysis of the experimental drying data, sensorial analysis of the final dry product and a simplified economical analysis of the systems studied
The use of membrane filters in the post-treatment of sewage has been increasingly employed to obtain water quality, applicable to various forms of reuse. Despite the advantages presented using the permeate membranes, such as saving water and reducing water pollution, the concentrate generated in the process ends up being an inconvenience to the deployment of this technology due to lack of sustainable solutions for their management. Thus, the main objective of this research was to evaluate the use of membranes for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis concentrated in agriculture, using it as liquid fertilizer. The permeated membranes were also assessed in order to identify activities in which they could be reused. Five configurations were established from four types of membranes, so that each configuration represents a different system. The tests were conducted in batch mode, with triplicate for each configuration. The results indicated that permeated the microfiltration and ultrafiltration can be used in urban areas, in non-potable uses. Have the nanofiltration permeate can be reused in the industry, replacement cooling towers, and other non -potable uses required in the manufacturing unit. The permeate obtained in reverse osmosis met the intended uses for nanofiltration as well as the standards required for boiler feed, adding alkalizing being required to raise the pH to the recommended value. Concentrates generated in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis can be availed as liquid fertilizer in agriculture, but they must be diluted in the irrigation water, in order to adjust the salt concentration allowed for the least tolerant crops patterns
This work intends to develop an approach based through scientific criteria in the operational diagnosis of ponds of stabilization, starting from analyses accomplished in loco and in laboratory of 78 systems of sewer treatment through ponds of stabilization in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The objectives of the research are: to map, to evaluate and to diagnose the operational acting of the ponds of stabilization of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, through visits in loco and analyses laboratory; to build a SIG, through the map rain, locate the points of releases of sewages of the systems of existent ponds in Rio Grande do Norte, as well as operational data and his/her respective efficiency diagnosis in the removal of BOD and Coliforms Termotolerantes; to evaluate, in real scale, three systems of ponds of stabilization of RN in the operational efficiency for the parameters BOD5, COD, pH, Temperature, OD and Coliforms Termotolerantes. Of 78 ETEs of appraised RN just, 9% or 7 had maximum concepts in what concerns the removal of BOD and Coliforms Termotolerantes and 41% or 32, they had the worst concepts in term of operational efficiency. The flowing concentrations ETEs of RN of BOD and Coliforms were of 410mg/L and 2,50x107UFC/100ml, the predominant configuration is of the type F1+M1+M2, the relationship BOD/COD revealed for the sewer tributary characteristic biodegradable high. For the study of case of 3 ETEs, the best operational efficiencies in decreasing order were: Cidade (Municipal district), it Roça (State) and São Miguel (SAAE). The removals of final BOD were 51,6mg/L; 108,27mg/L and 62,6mg/L, tends efficiency of 82%; 74% and 81%. In term of coliforms removal in the final effluentes were 1,90x103UFC/100ml; 1,50x104UFC/100ml and 3,10x104UFC/100ml, tends efficiencies of 99,99%; 99,95% and 99,90%. In what it concerns the practice of agricultural reúso of cultures consumed raw, none of 3 ETEs assisted the parameters of the Resolution CONAMA 357/05, for other reúso practices, all assisted the categories B and C of OMS. For release in body receiving ETE Cidade just, they assist the demands of the resolution of CONAMA 357/05, by study of purification solemnity of the receiving body. The maintenance lack and operation; exclusive operator in ETEs and operation knowledge was the contributory factors for the operational fall in appraised ETEs of RN
The present research intends to propose a reading in a new dimension of the fantastic (weird) literature and, especially, of its Brazilian more representative author, Murilo Rubião. At the beginning with concepts and associations with the erotic, starting from the myth of Eros and Psique and developing relations with Georges Bataille's theory on the theme. Afterwards, other associations are made, now with relation to the own fantastic literature. With the essence of this literature, examples of the traditional close to the contemporary. A last, association is made with the absurd literature. The contemporary man as being object and its configuration represented in the field of the dreams and its possibilities. At the end of the work, a "post scriptum" suggests a more imersive reading of tales in the entire that appeared broken into fragments along the research
Este estudio pretende dilucidar las motivaciones que llevan a los lectores del romance Grande Sertão: Veredas a la categorización de ciertas construcciones gramaticales que se encuentran en la obra como proverbiales. Para ello, recurren a la investigación de los procesos cognitivos implicados en la configuración del patrón discursivo proverbio, teniendo como soporte teórico a la Lingüística Cognitiva. En este empeño, nos ancoramos en las nociones de construcciones corporeizadas, simulación mental, frecuencia, patrón discursivo y en la expresión idiomática. Suponemos que los proverbios constituyen un patrón discursivo cristalizado a partir de la recurrencia de uso y, en virtud de eso, indagamos: ¿Qué mecanismos cognitivos son activados por los lectores en el proceso de categorización de las expresiones dichas proverbiales? Motivados por la situación problema presentada, formulamos algunos experimentos con la intención de aclarar las cuestiones investigadas y concluimos que los lectores recurren a constituciones construccionales subyacentes a los proverbios conocidos a través de las interacciones realizadas en su entorno sociocultural, para dar cuenta de la semántica de construcciones inéditas. En ese proceso, los esquemas y frames se activan a través de simulaciones mentales instanciadas por experiencias corporales y culturales, decisivas para la concretización de los procesos de las construcciones proverbiales
This work has as objective generality to make a multidimensional analysis in the genre journalistic assay, communicative genre that, beyond complex and multimodal, presents hybrid characteristics. Specifically, with the intention to propose defining criteria of the cited genre, this research looks for to establish differences and similarities between the assay and other genres of the same sphere, from the description and interpretation of used multimodal resources. The analysis of the formal, schematical and rhetorical resources identified in the formatting of the journalistic assay sample that the analyses are supported in the socio-semiotic and socio-rhetorical approaches. In the formal dimension, we contemplate elements that constitute design of the text, including the forms of representation from the typography, the colors, images, as well as the aspects communicative-linguistics: the modalization indices, the communicative operators and the category time; in the schematical dimension, we present the organizational structure, considering the rhetorical movements postulates for Swales (1990) and in the rhetorical dimension we observe the categories: who writes, for who it writes, on what it writes and where writes. The adopted methodologicals postulates are of qualitative nature and the procedure is documentary, data that in we are valid them written texts of this genre as analysis object. Corpus it is constituted by a composed sample for 14 extracted texts of a set of 173 propagated journalistic assays weekly for the magazine Veja, in the period between August of 2004 and January of 2008. The analysis of the data showed that the journalistic assay, object of this study, materializes through multiple symbolic representations and multiple subjects that turn since a small episode of the daily facts of great social relevance in the present time, of historical and cultural nature, nationwide or international. Used for the first time by Montaigne in 1580, to assign, in saying of the proper author, written fast on its life and historical events, which could nor be remembered later , the term `assay' was enriched with other specifications, of form to enclose the one that if they call scientific assay today, academic assay, journalistic assay and other types of specific assays. These denominations have to see with the enrollment of the members of diverse of practices communities, in virtue of the multiplicity of activities carried through in these spheres. The conclusions the one that we arrive had been the following ones: 1. the discursive genre is not a pure entity, in virtue of the multiplicity of situations where the sorts if insert in the social actions; 2. the institutions define the configuration of one definitive genre, also its proper assignment, since for backwards of all discursive genre a voice exists to discipline - institutional voice, and in the case of the assays for analyzed us, the institutional voice if it presents, really, as a defining trace; 3. the journalistic assay, for its multiple symbolic representations, multiple subjects and for passing explicit or implicit opinions of its author, resembles it other genres, being able, therefore, to be inserted in a colony of opinionatives genres
Based on studies on the structure of copulates sentences in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), according to grammar theory, it s analyzed on this dissertation, the complex copulate sentences what, in the PB, initiated by the formation é ruim que in the PB, bringing the hypothesis that they can have one predicacional reading (PRED) and other especificacional reading (ESP). It s revealed what, though they are similar slightly, that makes the different that are triggered is structural configuration of sentence and the form as come emerged the its constituents: that of PRED interpretation, that we defined as Common Copulate Sentence (or SCC), it s checked that the constituent ruim, and only it, is predicate of a Small Clause, and appears in the structure on even position wherein is pronounced, not passing by the method of movement, from where introduce wide predication on all subject, that is the CP built-in; those sentences é ruim que understanding ESP, that denominate of Negative Copulate Sentence (or SCN), whereas the fixed expression contradict or right what is asserted in built-in, it s perceived what the ruim is a part of this fixed expression, and surely crystallized, which appears in structure per movement, germinated as adjunct of Inflexional Phrase (IP) and being elevation to specifier to FocP (or SpecFocP), where acquires discursive interpretation of focus. Besides the mode as the ruim or the fixed expression emerge in that sentences, the relation between the copula and main verb likewise contribute to distinguish the sentences: 1) regarding flexion of mode, when is a SCC, the copula must be in the mode indicative, and the main verb, in the subjunctive; when is a SCN, copula and main verb must be always on indicative; 2) regarding flexion of temp, both the copula as main verb of the SCC can be flexed, whereas at the SCN, the main verb can vary in present, past and future, but the copula should appear, necessarily, in third persona of present of indicative, what confirms our hypothesis that there is an fixed expression at the copulate sentences with é ruim que ESP. Other two evidences are pointed as characteristics that distinguish the sentence with é ruim que PRED of sentence with é ruim que ESP: 1) in semantics, the constituent ruim equals not good, that has appreciation, when the reading will PRED; already the pair é ruim equals not, at the ESP; 2) in prosody, there discrete sound elevation the ruim on the other constituents of SCC, PRED, while there is accentuated acoustic elevation on the ruim of SCN, ESP. Our search it is grounded in authors as Zanfeliz (2000), Modesto (2001), Mioto (2003), Kato & Ribeiro (2006), Lobo (2006), Quarezemin (2006, 2009, 2011, 2012) e Resenes (2009), researchers that devoted their attention on studies the formation and organization of the constituents of cleaved sentences and focalization of constituent, basing itself in approach generative of linguistic
The transmedia storytelling is a phenomenom recently conceptualized theoretically (JENKINS, 2009), arising from ficcional mediatic products and disseminated as well by the use on other fields. This search aims to analyze how the transmedia storytellings can be applied to journalism on the basis of an specific genre, the reporting. To that, take as reference theoretical developments performed by brazilian authors (FECHINE et al., 2011, 2012, 2013), on the basis of televisive fiction, which culminated on concepts as transmediation and transmedia contents and deepened the comprehension and the research in this area. Thenceforth, this study propone a problematization and apropriation of this theoretic support for the journalism field, using, for that, a comprehension of journalistic production on a speech level, as well as its social practices (newsmaking). The empiric research also take two different paths. First, analyze a group of reportings, in which there is transmediation, in order to verifying the configuration of the transmedia phenomenom - more specifically of the transmedia storytelling - and its particularities to journalism. Then, develops an investigation, based on the etnographic method, of the productive routine on the special reporting section of the Jornal do Commercio (Recife/PE), aiming to investigate the conditions of transmediation in this range and the practices that favor and difficult the employment of transmedia storytelling. The result are, therefore, compared and related, with the goal of providing multidimensional view of the phenomenom
The real estate dynamic originates new spatial forms, which can determine new uses and new places. We tried to analyze this work, the spatial transformations in the Ribeira district, Natal / RN, due to the advancement of the housing market that is gradually transforming the landscape with the introduction of new types of housing, especially by verticalization. The verticalization of the neighborhood occurs almost at once, changing the local landscape. Notwithstanding this process, given the rapid growth of Natal in the last two decades and the strategic location of the neighborhood, it is pertinent to note that, if not the process of vertical integration, perhaps the neighborhood had been at the mercy of other urban interventions and other approach the real estate market. The research used as instruments interviews with actors who work in the property market in the town and representatives of organizations that have implemented major legislation in the area, the Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) and the Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo (SEMURB) as well as photographs on the area, in order to verify this new configuration that has been consolidated in the district. To support the theoretical discussion, there was a documentary and bibliographical research. In this way, the object of study of this search sees the uniqueness of urban renewal in the district of Ribeira and its relationship with the historic preservation laws and incentives for residential occupation in the neighborhood, especially regarding the vertical building
This research has the goal to analyze the urban setting of the Planalto neighborhood, in Natal /RN, seeking to unravel the processes, agents and contradictions associated with the production of the space. The choice of neighborhood is justified by the observation that changes in its urban setting have been growing in speedy way. We highlight the performance of the housing market, in partnership with the state, and the construction of condominiums and buildings closed by the housing program Minha Casa, Minha Vida. This has favored the reproduction of a new " urban reality in the neighborhood, setting an urban standard that differs from the original morphology, seen as peripheral within the urban dynamics of the city. The research is a qualitative study, through documents, interviews with stakeholders, and photographic documentation. In this perspective , we seek to understand the current phase (2000s) the production of space in the neighborhood process through the development of the housing market , as an extension of the urban development in central zone of Natal/RN, analyzing the performance of agents and their producers the "new " uses redefining the "old ". Thus, it can be seen that there is in the neighborhood, urban reality in a pluralistic constitution, from the existence of different social classes inhabiting the same space. On this way, the city is produced from the appropriation of space by different social classes, although due to the economic condition of each of them