963 resultados para civil procedure


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The recent global economic and financial crisis has led the economies of many countries into recession, in particular at the periphery of the European Union. These countries currently face a significant contraction of both public investment in infrastructure and private investment in buildings and, as a result, the unemployment is particularly noticeable in the civil engineering and building sectors. Consequently, in all countries in recession the professional development of fresh civil engineering graduates is disproportionate to their high study effort and qualifications, since they rarely have the opportunity to gain experience in practice and their knowledge gradually becomes obsolete. Under these circumstances, it is imperative for the technical universities in countries in recession to plan and implement a substantial reform of the civil engineering studies syllabus. The objective should be to enable graduates to broaden the scope of their professional activity and increase their employability. In this paper, the widening of civil engineering studies curricula is proposed, in particular in the light of the development of the graduates’ potential on project, programme and portfolio management. In this direction, after a thorough literature review, including ASCE's Body of Knowledge for the 21st century and IPMA's Competence Baseline, it is recommended among others: to increase significantly the offered modules on project management and add new modules on strategy management, leadership behavior, delivery management, organization and environment etc; to provide adequate professional training during the university studies five year period; and to promote fresh graduates’ certification by professional bodies. The proposals are exemplified by presenting a reformed syllabus for the civil engineering studies offered currently by the National Technical University of Athens.


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During extreme sea states so called impact events can be observed on the wave energy converter Oyster. In small scale experimental tests these impact events cause high frequency signals in the measured load which decrease confidence in the data obtained. These loads depend on the structural dynamics of the model. Amplification of the loads can occur and is transferred through the structure from the point of impact to the load cell located in the foundation. Since the determination of design data and load cases for Wave Energy Converters originate from scale experiments, this lack of confidence has a direct effect on the development.

Numerical vibration analysis is a valuable tool in the research of the structural load response of Oyster to impact events, but must take into account the effect of the surrounding water. This can be done efficiently by adding an added mass distribution, computed with a linearised potential boundary element method. This paper presents the development and validation of a numerical procedure, which couples the OpenSource boundary element code NEMOH with the Finite Element Analysis tool CodeAster. Numerical results of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure under the influence of added mass due to specific structural modes are compared with experimental results.


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Ranking problems arise from the knowledge of several binary relations defined on a set of alternatives, which we intend to rank. In a previous work, the authors introduced a tool to confirm the solutions of multi-attribute ranking problems as linear extensions of a weighted sum of preference relations. An extension of this technique allows the recognition of critical preference pairs of alternatives, which are often caused by inconsistencies. Herein, a confirmation procedure is introduced and applied to confirm the results obtained by a multi-attribute decision methodology on a tender for the supply of buses to the Porto Public Transport Operator. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


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Slender masonry structures are distributed all over the world and constitute a relevant part of the architectural and cultural heritage of humanity. Their protection against earthquakes is a topic of great concern among the scientific community. This concern mainly arises from the strong damage or complete loss suffered by this group of structures due to catastrophic events and the need and interest to preserve them. Although the great progress in technology, and in the knowledge of seismology and earthquake engineering, the preservation of these brittle and massive structures still represents a major challenge. Based on the research developed in this work it is proposed a methodology for the seismic risk assessment of slender masonry structures. The proposed methodology was applied for the vulnerability assessment of Nepalese Pagoda temples which follow very simple construction procedure and construction detailing in relation to seismic resistance requirements. The work is divided in three main parts. Firstly, particular structural fragilities and building characteristics of the important UNESCO classified Nepalese Pagoda temples which affect their seismic performance and dynamic properties are discussed. In the second part the simplified method proposed for seismic vulnerability assessment of slender masonry structures is presented. Finally, the methodology proposed in this work is applied to study Nepalese Pagoda temples, as well as in the efficiency assessment of seismic performance improvement solution compatible with original cultural and technological value.


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A tese tem como foco quatro eixos centrais: o ensino superior, a sociedade civil, a cidadania e a hegemonia. Na primeira parte da tese, estes eixos teórico-conceptuais são explanados numa perspectiva da promoção de uma compreensão mais ampla da sociedade civil e do estado, nomeadamente o contratualismo, o liberalismo, o materialismo e o neoliberalismo. Um protagonismo fundamental é atribuído às concepções de Antonio Gramsci de sociedade civil, cidadania e estado aplicadas no ensino superior no Sul da Amazónia brasileira. A segunda parte da tese concentra-se num estudo de caso com três premissas de análise: a fragmentação do ensino superior brasileiro; a reconfiguração da cidadania e hegemonia; e o ensino superior no contexto do Amazonas. O ensino superior no Brasil teve início com as escolas jesuíticas, que, depois de encerradas pelo Marquês de Pombal não tiveram sucessoras em solo brasileiro, ao nível do que poderia ter sido o embrião de um sistema de ensino superior. A chegada da Corte Imperial Portuguesa, em 1808, permite reinstalar novos cursos. A primeira unidade de ensino superior no Amazonas surge apenas no princípio do século XX. Um século depois, tem início o processo de expansão com a implantação de unidades no interior do estado. O ensino superior no Brasil, nas últimas décadas, assumiu um caráter híbrido e de massificação. A massificação, no entanto, ainda é uma realidade a ser alcançada. Apesar dos avanços realizados na última década, ainda subsiste ainda uma forte exclusão de estudantes. O enfoque sobre o ensino superior e a cidadania, no contexto do Amazonas, surge na articulação de um conjunto de informação empírica, extraída de entrevistas realizadas com atores chave locais, com as categorias de pensamento de Antonio Gramsci, que sustentam teoricamente o estudo. Esta articulação tem no ensino superior a possibilidade de desenvolver a cidadania como o princípio organizador e fim último deste nível de ensino. Neste sentido, a hegemonia ganha um estatuto de orientação e direção que permite aos sujeitos envolvidos no ensino superior maior possibilidade de autonomia, liberdade, justiça social, empregabilidade e desenvolvimento social. O modelo de universidade para a cidadania apresenta-se como uma possibilidade de mudanças no horizonte social, económico e também político, no interior da própria universidade. O ensino superior, perspectivado como um instrumento essencial para a cidadania, tem como objetivo primordial a qualificação de professores para a educação de base, Reflexivamente, esta qualificação não deixará potencialmente de produzir retornos positivos na própria expansão e abrangência numérica e educativa do próprio ensino superior. Desta forma, a cidadania no ensino superior é perspectivada neste estudo como um deslocamento de lógicas de compreensão individual e de individualização elitista dos benefícios para lógicas assentes em construções mais coletivas, portadoras de benefícios sociais. A interiorização do ensino superior no Amazonas é assumida no estudo como uma possibilidade de formação académica para o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas e científicas críticas e mais conscientes, constituindo um horizonte determinante para a ativação de processos de integração regional e nacional. Em suma, os pontos de confluência entre o ensino superior, a sociedade civil, a cidadania e as propostas de Gramsci, estão relacionados com a formação, a conscientização política, e o bem-estar económico e social.


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In the cold war, the United Kingdom government devised a number of public education campaigns to inform citizens about the precautions that they should undertake in the event of a nuclear attack. One such campaign, Protect and Survive, was released to the general public and media in May 1980. The negative publicity this publication received is considered to be a reason why a successor publication was never released despite the increased risk of nuclear attack. Using recently released records from the UK National Archives the paper considers that, aside from this explanation, interlocking institutional objectives, rather than simply inertia, provides an explanation for this hiatus.


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‘Disaster education’ is a fledgling area of study in lifelong education. Many countries educate their populations for disasters, to mitigate potential damage and loss of life, as well as contribute to national security. In this paper, which draws on interview data from the German Federal Office for Civil Defence and Disaster Assistance and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief, archival research, analysis of websites and promotional materials as well as relevant academic literature, I examine disaster education and preparedness for national emergencies in Germany. I argue that it is not generally extended to the general public, rather confined to trained experts, decentralised, localised and exclusive. Theorising disaster education as a ‘civil defence pedagogy’ (Preston, 2008), a type of public pedagogy, which contributes to shaping narratives of national identity, I argue that it is unlikely that Germany will develop a more inclusive, universal, formalised, nor high-profile campaign in disaster education in the foreseeable future. This, I suggest, is due to narratives of the German democratic nation state as secure, federal, peaceful and unified, which originated at the founding of West Germany in 1949, and continue to shape contemporary political narratives.


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O Homem tem modificado consideravelmente o meio natural e transformado profundamente as paisagens primitivas. As vias de comunicação e os aglomerados populacionais constituem referências evidentes da sua presença e denotam o percurso do homem no tempo. Neste processo de mudança contínua o papel dos engenheiros foi fundamental pois a sua prática remonta às civilizações anteriores à era Cristã da qual temos o testemunho de Arquimedes (287-212 a.C.) que foi um grande cientista e engenheiro da Antiguidade. O termo engenharia em termos semânticos tem a sua origem da palavra latina ingeniatorum significando “engenhoso na arte de projectar” (Duffell, 1990). De facto a engenharia tem sido definida como uma arte que permite que os principais recursos da natureza sejam transformados, adaptados e aplicados para o uso ou conveniência do homem (The New Caxton Encyclopedia, 1986).


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Dissertação mest., Engenharia do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Isolationism and neutrality are two of the recurrent themes in the study of the history of the U.S. foreign policy in the interwar years. The trauma of the Great War, which had swept away 130.000 U.S. lives and had cost $30 billion, had led public opinion to strongly oppose any involvement with European affairs. Besides, the urgent need for economic recovery during the dismal years of the Great Depression did not leave Roosevelt much room for manoeuvre to influence international events. His positions regarding the intentions of the Fascist states remained, at best, ambivalent. These facts notwithstanding, about 2800 U.S. citizens crossed the Atlantic and rushed in to help democratic Spain, which was on the verge of becoming one more hostage in the hands of the Fascism. They joined the other British, Irish and Canadian volunteers and formed the XV International Brigade. 900 Americans never returned home. This alone should challenge the commonly held assumption that the American people were indifferent to the rise of the Fascist threat in Europe. But it also begs other questions. Considering the prevailing isolationist mood, what really motivated them? With what discursive elements did these men construct their anti Fascist representations? How far did their understanding of the Spanish democracy correspond to their own American democratic ideal? In what way did their war experience across the Atlantic mould their perception of U.S. politics (both domestic and foreign)? How far did the Spanish Civil War constitute one first step towards the realization that the U.S. might actually be drawn into another international conflict of unpredictable consequences? Last but not the least, what ideological, political and cultural complicity existed between the men from the English-speaking battalions? In order to unearth some of the answers, I intend to examine their letters and see how these men recorded the historical events in which they took part. Their correspondence emerged from the desire to prove their commitment to a common cause and spoke of a common war experience, but each letter, in its uniqueness, ends up mirroring not only the social and political background of each individual fighter, but also his own particular perspective of the war, of world politics and of the Spanish people. We shall see how these letters differ and converge and how these particular accounts weave, as in an epistolary novel, a larger-than-life narrative of outrage and solidarity, despair and hope.


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La Bibliothèque du Code civil de Charles-Chamilly de Lorimier et Charles-Albert Vilbon, parue au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, demeure un des ouvrages de référence marquants de la production juridique québécoise. Les artisans de cet ouvrage présentent le droit civil comme un héritage du passé. L’oeuvre, par sa valorisation des anciens auteurs, propose une lecture du Code civil qui s’inscrit dans la tradition. En même temps, elle se révèle un outil adapté à la transformation que connaît alors la pratique du droit. La Bibliothèque constitue un témoin éloquent de l’évolution de la culture juridique québécoise.


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Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Civis), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014