981 resultados para circular patch resonators
The perception of an object as a single entity within a visual scene requires that its features are bound together and segregated from the background and/or other objects. Here, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to assess the hypothesis that coherent percepts may arise from the synchronized high frequency (gamma) activity between neurons that code features of the same object. We also assessed the role of low frequency (alpha, beta) activity in object processing. The target stimulus (i.e. object) was a small patch of a concentric grating of 3c/°, viewed eccentrically. The background stimulus was either a blank field or a concentric grating of 3c/° periodicity, viewed centrally. With patterned backgrounds, the target stimulus emerged--through rotation about its own centre--as a circular subsection of the background. Data were acquired using a 275-channel whole-head MEG system and analyzed using Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM), which allows one to generate images of task-related cortical oscillatory power changes within specific frequency bands. Significant oscillatory activity across a broad range of frequencies was evident at the V1/V2 border, and subsequent analyses were based on a virtual electrode at this location. When the target was presented in isolation, we observed that: (i) contralateral stimulation yielded a sustained power increase in gamma activity; and (ii) both contra- and ipsilateral stimulation yielded near identical transient power changes in alpha (and beta) activity. When the target was presented against a patterned background, we observed that: (i) contralateral stimulation yielded an increase in high-gamma (>55 Hz) power together with a decrease in low-gamma (40-55 Hz) power; and (ii) both contra- and ipsilateral stimulation yielded a transient decrease in alpha (and beta) activity, though the reduction tended to be greatest for contralateral stimulation. The opposing power changes across different regions of the gamma spectrum with 'figure/ground' stimulation suggest a possible dual role for gamma rhythms in visual object coding, and provide general support of the binding-by-synchronization hypothesis. As the power changes in alpha and beta activity were largely independent of the spatial location of the target, however, we conclude that their role in object processing may relate principally to changes in visual attention.
This paper develops two new indices for measuring productivity in multi-input multi-output situations. One index enables the measure of productivity change of a unit over time while the second index makes it possible to compare two units on productivity at the same or different points in time. Productivity in a single input single output context is defined as the ratio of output to input. In multi-input multi-output contexts this ratio is not defined. Instead, one of the methods traditionally used is the Malmquist Index of productivity change over time. This is computed by reference to the distances of the input-output bundles of a production unit at two different points in time from the efficient boundaries corresponding to those two points in time. The indices developed in this paper depart form the use of two different reference boundaries and instead they use a single reference boundary which in a sense is the most efficient boundary observed over two or more successive time periods. We discuss the assumptions which make possible the definition of such a single reference boundary and proceed to develop the two Malmquist-type indices for measuring productivity. One key advantage of using a single reference boundary is that the resulting index values are circular. That is it is possible to use the index values of successive time periods to derive an index value of productivity change over a time period of any length covered by successive index values or vice versa. Further, the use of a single reference boundary makes it possible to construct an index for comparing the productivities of two units either at the same or at two different points in time. This was not possible with the traditional Malmquist Index. We decompose both new indices into components which isolate production unit from industry or comparator unit effects. The components themselves like the indices developed are also circular. The components of the indices drill down to reveal more clearly the performance of each unit over time relative either to itself or to other units. The indices developed and their components are aimed at managers of production units to enable them to diagnose the performance of their units with a view to guiding them to improved performance.
With the increasing use of digital computers for data acquisition and digital process control, frequency domain transducers have become very attractive due to their virtual digital output. Essentially they are electrically maintained oscillators where the sensor is the controlling resonator.They are designed to make the frequency a function of the physical parameter being measured. Because of their high quality factor, mechanical resonators give very good frequency stability and are widely used as sensors. For this work symmetrical mechanical resonators such as the tuning fork were considered, to be the most promising. These are dynamically clamped and can be designed to have extensive regions where no vibrations occur.This enables the resonators to be robustly mounted in a way convenient for various applications. Designs for the measurement of fluid density and tension have been produced. The principle of the design of the resonator for fluid density measurement is a thin gap (trapping a lamina of fluid) between its two members which vibrate in antiphase.An analysis of the inter action between this resonator and the fluid lamina has carried out.In gases narrow gaps are needed for a good sensitivity and the use of the material fused quartz, because of its low density and very low temperature coefficient, is ideally suitable. In liquids an adequate sensitivity is achieved even with a wide lamina gap. Practical designs of such transducers have been evolved. The accuracy for liquid measurements is better than 1%. For gases it was found that, in air, a change of atmospheric pressure of 0.3% could be detected. In constructing a tension transducer using such a mechanical sensor as a wire or a beam, major difficulties are encountered in making an efficient clamping arrangement for the sensor. The use of dynamically clamped beams has been found to overcome the problem and this is the basis of the transducer investigated.
The object of this thesis is to develop a method for calculating the losses developed in steel conductors of circular cross-section and at temperatures below 100oC, by the direct passage of a sinusoidally alternating current. Three cases are considered. 1. Isolated solid or tubular conductor. 2. Concentric arrangement of tube and solid return conductor. 3. Concentric arrangement of two tubes. These cases find applications in process temperature maintenance of pipelines, resistance heating of bars and design of bus-bars. The problems associated with the non-linearity of steel are examined. Resistance heating of bars and methods of surface heating of pipelines are briefly described. Magnetic-linear solutions based on Maxwell's equations are critically examined and conditions under which various formulae apply investigated. The conditions under which a tube is electrically equivalent to a solid conductor and to a semi-infinite plate are derived. Existing solutions for the calculation of losses in isolated steel conductors of circular cross-section are reviewed, evaluated and compared. Two methods of solution are developed for the three cases considered. The first is based on the magnetic-linear solutions and offers an alternative to the available methods which are not universal. The second solution extends the existing B/H step-function approximation method to small diameter conductors and to tubes in isolation or in a concentric arrangement. A comprehensive experimental investigation is presented for cases 1 and 2 above which confirms the validity of the proposed methods of solution. These are further supported by experimental results reported in the literature. Good agreement is obtained between measured and calculated loss values for surface field strengths beyond the linear part of the d.c. magnetisation characteristic. It is also shown that there is a difference in the electrical behaviour of a small diameter conductor or thin tube under resistance or induction heating conditions.
The global and local synchronisation of a square lattice composed of alternating Duffing resonators and van der Pol oscillators coupled through displacement is studied. The lattice acts as a sensing device in which the input signal is characterised by an external driving force that is injected into the system through a subset of the Duffing resonators. The parameters of the system are taken from MEMS devices. The effects of the system parameters, the lattice architecture and size are discussed.
Future sensor arrays will be composed of interacting nonlinear components with complex behaviours with no known analytic solutions. This paper provides a preliminary insight into the expected behaviour through numerical and analytical analysis. Specically, the complex behaviour of a periodically driven nonlinear Duffing resonator coupled elastically to a van der Pol oscillator is investigated as a building block in a 2D lattice of such units with local connectivity. An analytic treatment of the 2-device unit is provided through a two-time-scales approach and the stability of the complex dynamic motion is analysed. The pattern formation characteristics of a 2D lattice composed of these units coupled together through nearest neighbour interactions is analysed numerically for parameters appropriate to a physical realisation through MEMS devices. The emergent patterns of global and cluster synchronisation are investigated with respect to system parameters and lattice size.