935 resultados para cholesterol
A study of the reproductive physiology of P. (P). semisulcatus wasundertaken as this information is an essential prerequisite for brood stock development for hatchery operations, and the results are embodied in this thesis. The thesis is presented in seven chapters. The protein, lipid and carbohydrate contents of ovary were estimated for the different vitellogenic phases. The protein, lipid, carbohydrate and cholesterol contents were estimated in testes and spermatophore.The thesis present the results of induced maturation experiments by eyestalk ablation, CNS extract injection and UV rays application on immature female prawns.
Recent studies with prawns indicate that their growth, metamorphosis, maturation and moulting are affected by the typo and level of lipids supplied in the diets. Despite the recognition of the importance of lipids in the diets of prawns there is no information on the essentiality and quantitative lipid requirements of Indian penaeid prawns. Therefore during the present study about 24 laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the essentiality and dietary requirements of total lipids, phoapholipida, fatty acids cholestrol, and to ascertain the nutritional value of natural lipid sources for the larvae, post-larvae tad juveniles of one of the most suitable cultivable species of panaeid prans. All the experiments were conducted in the laboratory following standard procedures, using isonitrogen and approaximately isocaloric purified diets. Changes were made in tha ingridients as required for specific requirements. For the larvae diets of particle size < 37) were fed, For the postlarvae and juveniles pellet feed was given. while data on survival and growth of larvae and pout-larvae 1-10 were recorded, data were collected on the survival, growth, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and biochemical composition at the body for post-larva 11-25 and juveniles. The influence ot fatty acid pattern of dietary lipid sources on the fatty acids profile of prawns were also studied in the case of juvenile prawns. Analysis of variance andleast significant differences test were employed to determine the significant differences between treatments in the observed parameters with the help of a newlett Packard master computer.
Aquaculture is the dynamic pursuit of production of organisms from water a process analogous to agriculture on land. The field of aquaculture is an emerging bioindustry, based upon the culture and husbandry of economically utilizable aquatic organisms. Of late, there has been a global upsurge for aquaculture, the main reasons for which include the requirement of protein source for the increasing world population, the decision by various world nations to increase the fish yield by developing unutilized or partially utilized water bodies and depletion of natural stock which is evident in recent years due to excessive exploitation .The present study has been taken up on the reproductive physiology of the female grey mullet, M. cephalus. The thesis is presented in seven chapters. In the present study, variations in the major biochemical parameters namely, moisture, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates cholesterol, carotenoid, ash, calcium and iron in four tissues E. muscle, liver, ovary and bloodserum of cephalus have been analysed at different maturity stages.
Aeromonas spp. are ubiquitous aquatic organisms, associated with multitude of diseases in several species of animals, including fishes and humans. In the present study, water samples from two ornamental fish culture systems were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Nutrient agar was used for Aeromonas isolation, and colonies (60 No) were identified through biochemical characterization. Seven clusters could be generated based on phenotypic characters, analyzed by the programme NTSYSpc, Version 2.02i, and identified as: Aeromonas caviae (33.3%), A. jandaei (38.3%) and A. veronii biovar sobria (28.3%). The strains isolated produced highly active hydrolytic enzymes, haemolytic activity and slime formation in varying proportions. The isolates were also tested for the enterotoxin genes (act, alt and ast), haemolytic toxins (hlyA and aerA), involved in type 3 secretion system (TTSS: ascV, aexT, aopP, aopO, ascF–ascG, and aopH), and glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat). All isolates were found to be associated with at least one virulent gene. Moreover, they were resistant to frequently used antibiotics for human infections. The study demonstrates the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, associated with ornamental fish culture systems suggesting the emerging threat to public health
Lack of a valid shrimp cell line has been hampering the progress of research on shrimp viruses. One of the reasons identified was the absence of an appropriate medium which would satisfy the requirements of the cells in vitro. We report the first attempt to formulate an exclusive shrimp cell culture medium (SCCM) based on the haemolymph components of Penaeus monodon prepared in isosmotic seawater having 27 % salinity. The SCCM is composed of 22 amino acids, 4 sugars, 6 vitamins, cholesterol, FBS, phenol red, three antibiotics, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and di-sodium hydrogen phosphate at pH 6.8–7.2. Osmolality was adjusted to 720 ± 10 mOsm kg-1 and temperature of incubation was 25 8C. The most appropriate composition was finally selected based on the extent of attachment of cells and their proliferation by visual observation. Metabolic activity of cultured cells was measured by MTT assay and compared with that in L-15 (29), modified L-15 and Grace’s insect medium, and found better performance in SCCM especially for lymphoid cells with 107 % increase in activity and 85 ± 9 days of longevity. The cells from ovary and lymphoid organs were passaged twice using the newly designed shrimp cell dissociation ‘‘cocktail’’.
In the present study, we investigated the involvement of Aeromonas spp. in eliciting disease outbreaks in freshwater ornamental fishes across the state of Kerala, India. We investigated three incidences of disease, in which the moribund fishes exhibited clinical signs such as haemorrhagic septicemia (in gouramy, Trichogaster sp.), dropsy (in Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus) and tail rot/fin rot (in gold fish, Carassius carassius). Pure cultures (n = 20 from each fish; 60 in total) of Aeromonas spp. were recovered from the abdominal fluid as well as from internal organs of affected fishes, although they could not be identified to species level because of the variations in their phenotypic characters. The molecular fingerprinting of the isolates using Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus PCR proved the genetic diversity of the isolates from the three sites. The phylogenetic trees constructed using concatenated sequences (using 16S rRNA, gyrA, gyrB and rpoD genes) indicated that they were related to Aeromonas veronii. They exhibited marked cytotoxic and haemolytic activity, which were responsible for the pathogenic potential of the isolates. The isolates possessed multiple virulence genes such as enterotoxins (act and alt), haemolytic toxins (aerA and hlyA), genes involved in type III secretion system (ascV, aexT and ascF–ascG), glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat) and a type IV pilus (tapA) gene, as determined by PCR. Virulence of representative isolates to goldfish was also tested, and we found LD50 values of 104.07–105.35 cfu/fish. Furthermore, the organisms could be recovered as pure cultures from the lesions as well as from the internal organs.
Influence of acute salinity stress on the immunological and physiological response of Penaeus monodon to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection was analysed. P. monodon maintained at 15‰ were subjected to acute salinity changes to 0‰ and 35‰ in 7 h and then challenged orally with WSSV. Immune variables viz., total haemocyte count, phenol oxidase activity (PO), nitroblue tetrazolium salt (NBT) reduction, alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP), acid phosphatase activity (ACP) and metabolic variables viz., total protein, total carbohydrates, total free amino acids (TFAA), total lipids, glucose and cholesterol were determined soon after salinity change and on post challenge days 2 (PCD2) and 5 (PCD5). Acute salinity change induced an increase in metabolic variables in shrimps at 35‰ except TFAA. Immune variables reduced significantly (Pb0.05) in shrimps subjected to salinity stress with the exception of ALP and PO at 35‰ and the reduction was found to be more at 0‰. Better performance of metabolic and immune variables in general could be observed in shrimps maintained at 15‰ that showed significantly higher post challenge survival following infection compared to those under salinity stress. Stress was found to be higher in shrimps subjected to salinity change to lower level (0‰) than to higher level (35‰) as being evidenced by the better immune response and survival at 35‰. THC (Pb0.001), ALP (Pb0.01) and PO (Pb0.05) that together explained a greater percentage of variability in survival rate, could be proposed as the most potential health indicators in shrimp haemolymph. It can be concluded from the study that acute salinity stress induces alterations in the haemolymph metabolic and immune variables of P. monodon affecting the immunocompetence and increasing susceptibility to WSSV, particularly at low salinity stress conditions
Post-transcriptional gene silencing by RNA interference is mediated by small interfering RNA called siRNA. This gene silencing mechanism can be exploited therapeutically to a wide variety of disease-associated targets, especially in AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases, cholesterol and cancer on mice with the hope of extending these approaches to treat humans. Over the recent past, a significant amount of work has been undertaken to understand the gene silencing mediated by exogenous siRNA. The design of efficient exogenous siRNA sequences is challenging because of many issues related to siRNA. While designing efficient siRNA, target mRNAs must be selected such that their corresponding siRNAs are likely to be efficient against that target and unlikely to accidentally silence other transcripts due to sequence similarity. So before doing gene silencing by siRNAs, it is essential to analyze their off-target effects in addition to their inhibition efficiency against a particular target. Hence designing exogenous siRNA with good knock-down efficiency and target specificity is an area of concern to be addressed. Some methods have been developed already by considering both inhibition efficiency and off-target possibility of siRNA against agene. Out of these methods, only a few have achieved good inhibition efficiency, specificity and sensitivity. The main focus of this thesis is to develop computational methods to optimize the efficiency of siRNA in terms of “inhibition capacity and off-target possibility” against target mRNAs with improved efficacy, which may be useful in the area of gene silencing and drug design for tumor development. This study aims to investigate the currently available siRNA prediction approaches and to devise a better computational approach to tackle the problem of siRNA efficacy by inhibition capacity and off-target possibility. The strength and limitations of the available approaches are investigated and taken into consideration for making improved solution. Thus the approaches proposed in this study extend some of the good scoring previous state of the art techniques by incorporating machine learning and statistical approaches and thermodynamic features like whole stacking energy to improve the prediction accuracy, inhibition efficiency, sensitivity and specificity. Here, we propose one Support Vector Machine (SVM) model, and two Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models for siRNA efficiency prediction. In SVM model, the classification property is used to classify whether the siRNA is efficient or inefficient in silencing a target gene. The first ANNmodel, named siRNA Designer, is used for optimizing the inhibition efficiency of siRNA against target genes. The second ANN model, named Optimized siRNA Designer, OpsiD, produces efficient siRNAs with high inhibition efficiency to degrade target genes with improved sensitivity-specificity, and identifies the off-target knockdown possibility of siRNA against non-target genes. The models are trained and tested against a large data set of siRNA sequences. The validations are conducted using Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Mathews Correlation Coefficient, Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis, Accuracy of prediction, Sensitivity and Specificity. It is found that the approach, OpsiD, is capable of predicting the inhibition capacity of siRNA against a target mRNA with improved results over the state of the art techniques. Also we are able to understand the influence of whole stacking energy on efficiency of siRNA. The model is further improved by including the ability to identify the “off-target possibility” of predicted siRNA on non-target genes. Thus the proposed model, OpsiD, can predict optimized siRNA by considering both “inhibition efficiency on target genes and off-target possibility on non-target genes”, with improved inhibition efficiency, specificity and sensitivity. Since we have taken efforts to optimize the siRNA efficacy in terms of “inhibition efficiency and offtarget possibility”, we hope that the risk of “off-target effect” while doing gene silencing in various bioinformatics fields can be overcome to a great extent. These findings may provide new insights into cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapy by gene silencing. The approach may be found useful for designing exogenous siRNA for therapeutic applications and gene silencing techniques in different areas of bioinformatics.
Mit ansteigenden Jahresmilchleistungen werden die Kühe einer hohen metabolischen Belastung ausgesetzt, die bei einer suboptimalen Gestaltung der Lebensbedingungen mit einer Erhöhung der Inzidenzrate von Faktorenkrankheiten einhergehen kann. Im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen stand die Frage, inwieweit metabolische Belastungszustände von Milchkühen in der Phase des Puerperiums und in Abhängigkeit von der Milchleistung sowie Belastungen durch eine klinische Erkrankung zu Beginn der Laktation mit Hilfe von Parametern der immunologischen Abwehr und der Reaktion des Immunsystems auf eine Challenge dargestellt werden können. In die Untersuchung wurden insgesamt 68 klinisch gesunde sowie 20 klinisch erkrankte Milchkühe der Rasse Holstein Friesian einbezogen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten in den Zeiträumen 10-21 Tage sowie 14-15 Wochen nach der Kalbung. Dazu wurden an jeweils drei Untersuchungstagen (Tag 0, 2, 7) Blutproben aus der Vena jugularis entnommen. Zur Stimulierung des unspezifischen Immunsystems wurde in beiden Versuchszeiträumen an den Untersuchungstagen 0 und 2 der Paramunitätsinducer Zylexis® appliziert. Ferner wurde den Kühen zu Beginn der Laktation der Tollwutimpfstoff Rabisin® verabreicht. Für die Auswertung wurden die untersuchten Milchkühe in Gruppen unterteilt. Die klinisch gesunden Kühe wurden anhand der nach Fett und Eiweiß korrigierten 305-Tage-Leistung in die Gruppe M = mittleres Leistungsniveau (Milchmengenleistung 6.500-8.990 kg) und die Gruppe H = hohes Leistungsniveau (Milchmengenleistung 9.000-12.500 kg) aufgeteilt. Die klinisch erkrankten Kühe wurden in der Gruppe K zusammengefasst. Zur Beurteilung der Immunabwehr wurden die Parameter Phagozytoseaktivität der isolierten Neutrophilen Granulozyten, die Vollblutbakterizidie, die Lymphozytenproliferation mit den Mitogenen ConA, PHA und PWM sowie die spezifische Antikörperbildung gegen Tollwut untersucht. Anhand der Parameter Phagozytoseaktivität, Vollblutbakterizidie und Lymphozytenproliferation wurde zusätzlich die Reaktion auf die Challenge mit dem Paramunitätsinducer Zylexis® überprüft. Zur Erfassung der metabolischen Belastungszustände wurden verschiedene Stoffwechselparameter und hämatologische Parameter erfasst. Zu Beginn der Laktation konnten bei den Kühen in der mittleren und hohen Leistungsgruppe signifikant höhere Konzentrationen an ß-Hydroxybuttersäure und Freien Fettsäuren im Vergleich zu der Laktationsmitte festgestellt werden. Die Kühe mit einem hohen Leistungsniveau zeigten darüber hinaus eine signifikant höhere Bilirubinkonzentration am Laktationsanfang gegenüber der Laktationsmitte. Die mittlere Konzentration der freien Fettsäuren lag bei den Kühen in beiden Leistungsgruppen oberhalb des Referenzbereiches und wies auf eine negative Energiebilanz zu Laktationsbeginn hin. Die mittleren Konzentrationen bzw. Enzymaktivitäten der Parameter Cholesterol, Harnstoff, AST, GLDH, γ-GT, Gesamtprotein, Kalzium und Phosphor wiesen in der Laktationsmitte signifikant höhere Werte als am Laktationsanfang auf. Dabei lagen die mittleren Enzymaktivitäten von AST und GLDH sowie die Konzentrationen von Harnstoff und Gesamtprotein in der Laktationsmitte oberhalb des Referenzbereiches. Die untersuchten Stoffwechselparameter wurden durch die Challenge mit einem Paramunitätsinducer nicht signifikant beeinflusst. Hinsichtlich der Immunparameter zeigten die Milchkühe mit einem mittleren Leistungsniveau in Abhängigkeit vom Laktationszeitpunkt zu Beginn der Laktation eine signifikant höhere Phagozytoseaktivität gegenüber der Laktationsmitte (p < 0,05). Die Gruppe mit einem hohen Leistungsniveau wies dagegen keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Phagozytoseaktivität zwischen den beiden Untersuchungszeiträumen auf. Bei den Immunparametern Vollblutbakterizidie und Lymphozytenproliferation konnten bei den Kühen beider Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit vom Laktationszeitpunkt festgestellt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Milchleistung wiesen die Kühe in den beiden Leistungsgruppen am Untersuchungstag 0 weder zu Beginn noch in der Mitte der Laktation signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich der untersuchten Immunparameter auf. Nach der Challenge durch den Paramunitätsinducer reagierten einzig die Kühe mit einer mittleren Leistung zu Beginn der Laktation auf die Challenge mit einer signifikanten Reduzierung der mittleren Phagozytoseaktivität von Tag 0 zu Tag 2 (p < 0,05). Bei den weiteren untersuchten Immunparametern konnten weder bei den Kühen mit einer mittleren noch mit einer hohen Leistung eine signifikante Reaktion auf die Challenge nachgewiesen werden. Die klinisch erkrankten Kühe zeigten im Vergleich zu den klinisch gesunden Kühen keine unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen bzw. Aktivitäten der untersuchten Stoffwechselparameter. Auch konnten anhand der immunologischen Parameter und der Reaktion auf die Challenge keine Unterschiede zwischen den klinisch gesunden Kühen festgestellt werden. Die in der vorliegenden Untersuchung geprüften metabolischen Belastungen konnten weder anhand der Immunparameter noch durch die Reaktion der Immunparameter auf eine Challenge dargestellt werden. Es wird geschlussfolgert, dass das immunologische Reaktionsvermögen nicht geeignet ist, um als Indikator für Belastungszustände bei der Milchkuh herangezogen zu werden.
Lipid droplets (LDs) are the universal storage form of fat as a reservoir of metabolic energy in animals, plants, bacteria and single celled eukaryotes. Dictyostelium LD formation was investigated in response to the addition of different nutrients to the growth medium. LDs were induced by adding exogenous cholesterol, palmitic acid (PA) as well as growth in bacterial suspension, while glucose addition fails to form LDs. Among these nutrients, PA addition is most effective to stimulate LD formation, and depletion of PA from the medium caused LD degradation. The neutral lipids incorporated into the LD-core are composed of triacylglycerol (TAG), steryl esters, and an unknown neutral lipid (UKL) species when the cells were loaded simultaneously with cholesterol and PA. In order to avoid the contamination with other cellular organelles, the LD-purification method was modified. The isolated LD fraction was analysed by mass spectrometry and 100 proteins were identified. Nineteen of these appear to be directly involved in lipid metabolism or function in regulating LD morphology. Together with a previous study, a total of 13 proteins from the LD-proteome were confirmed to localize to LDs after the induction with PA. Among the identified LD-proteins, the localization of Ldp (lipid droplet membrane protein), GPAT3 (glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3) and AGPAT3 (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-acyltransferase 3) were further verified by GFP-tagging at the N-termini or C-termini of the respective proteins. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that PA-treatment stimulated the translocation of the three proteins from the ER to LDs. In order to clarify DGAT (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) function in Dictyostelium, the localization of DGAT1, that is not present in LD-proteome, was also investigated. GFP-tagged DGAT1 localized to the ER both, in the presence and absence of PA, which is different from the previously observed localization of GFP-tagged DGAT2, which almost exclusively binds to LDs. The investigation of the cellular neutral lipid level helps to elucidate the mechanism responsible for LD-formation in Dictyostelium cells. Ldp and two short-chain dehydrogenases, ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) and Ali (ADH-like protein), are not involved in neutral lipid biosynthesis. GPAT, AGPAT and DGAT are three transferases responsible for the three acylation steps of de novo TAG synthesis. Knock-out (KO) of AGPAT3 and DGAT2 did not affect storage-fat formation significantly, whereas cells lacking GPAT3 or DGAT1 decreased TAG and LD accumulation dramatically. Furthermore, DGAT1 is responsible for the accumulation of the unknown lipid UKL. Overexpression of DGAT2 can rescue the reduced TAG content of the DGAT1-KO mutant, but fails to restore UKL content in these cells, indicating that of DGAT1 and DGAT2 have overlapping functions in TAG synthesis, but the role in UKL formation is unique to DGAT1. Both GPAT3 and DGAT1 affect phagocytic activity. Mutation of GPAT3 increases it but a DGAT1-KO decreases phagocytosis. The double knockout of DGAT1 and 2 also impairs the ability to grow on a bacterial lawn, which again can be rescued by overexpression of DGAT2. These and other results are incorporated into a new model, which proposes that up-regulation of phagocytosis serves to replenish precursor molecules of membrane lipid synthesis, whereas phagocytosis is down-regulated when excess fatty acids are used for storage-fat formation.
Introducción: la enfermedad cardiovascular es la primera causa de morbi-mortalidad en los países desarrollados, y en algunos en transición como es el caso de Colombia. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, las enfermedades cardiovasculares causan 17.5 millones de muertes en el mundo cada año y representan la mitad de todas las muertes en los Estados Unidos y otros países desarrollados. Objetivo: describir la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una Institución Universitaria de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C, con el fin de establecer estrategias de promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedad cardiovascular. Metodología: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, a través de una muestra de sujetos voluntarios con libre participación. Los trabajadores que decidieron participar se les aplico un cuestionario y se realizó una muestra de sangre por llenado capilar, empleando la técnica de Química Seca (Reflotrón). Acuden 751 trabajadores. Se utilizo un formato como método para recolección de información del examen físico, resultados de paraclínicos y antecedentes de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados: se realizo la encuesta a 751 trabajadores de las cuales la media de edad fue de 39,7 años. De la población evaluada el 70% pertenecía al género femenino y 30% al género masculino. El 38,6% presentó dislipidemia (colesterol y/o triglicéridos elevados) ;el 7% de la población presentaba diabetes; en diferentes grados de obesidad 6,2% y en sobrepeso se encontraba el 36,8% ; 11,1% son fumadores; y una cifra elevada del 58,7% llevaba una vida sedentaria. El análisis bivariado permitió identificar la relación entre los factores de riesgo y el tipo de trabajador, El valor obtenido se encuentra dentro del rango de mayor probabilidad según la distribución ji-cuadrado frente al factor de riesgo de dislipidemia y sedentarismo. Conclusión: la prevalencia de factores de riesgo en este estudio ha sido similar a la de otros estudios en demás países occidentales; se observó diferencia significativa en la vida sedentaria. Se notó un incremento de los factores de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares correlacionándolas con la edad, lo cual permite empezar a adoptar y modificar el estilo de vida para disminuir los riesgos de las enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Introducción: La diabetes post-trasplante es una complicación común luego de trasplantes y se considera asociada con factores que varían en cada población. Metodología: con un estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo, se evaluó los pacientes trasplantados en la Fundación Cardio-infantil, con seguimiento hasta 3 años, para analizar la asociación de diabetes post-trasplante con edad, sexo, raza, índice de masa corporal, tiempo de evolución, tipo de trasplante, tipo de donante, diagnostico previo, antecedente de diabetes familiar, hepatitis C, glucemia, colesterol, triglicéridos y esquema de inmunosupresión. Resultados: en 53 pacientes, se reportó una frecuencia de diabetes post-trasplante de 11.3%, solo se encontró asociación con la glucemia pre-trasplante anormal OR 1.79 y el uso de ciclosporina A OR 0.84. Conclusión: el comportamiento observado en estos pacientes difiere de otras poblaciones con trasplante, debe confirmarse con estudios posteriores.
En la Enfermedad Coronaria (EC) existen factores genéticos, socioculturales, medioambientales y raciales adicionales a los factores de riesgo cardiovascular mayores que podrían influir en su presentación. Se desconoce el impacto de la raza en la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria en los pacientes extranjeros que son enviados a nuestro Servicio. Objetivos: Comparar la severidad de la EC multivaso en una población de pacientes de las Antillas y Nacionales, pareados por la escala Framingham. Metodología: Realizamos un estudio de corte transversal, comparando pacientes colombianos contra pacientes provenientes de las Antillas holandesas con similares factores de riesgo según escala de Framingham, catalogándolos por grupos de riesgo bajo, intermedio, alto y muy alto. Todos con EC severa multivaso documentada por angiografía coronaria desde enero del 2009 hasta Junio de 2011. Se excluyeron pacientes con antecedentes de intervención percutánea o quirúrgica previa. Resultados: Ingresaron 115 pacientes internacionales y 115 pacientes nacionales. La relación hombres/mujeres 3:1. La proporción de grupos de riesgo fue de bajo riesgo 2.5%, intermedio 15%, alto 19.3%, y muy alto 63.4%. El Syntax Score en pacientes nacionales fue 14.3+/-7.4 y en internacionales 22.2+/-10.5 p: 0.002. Conclusiones: En pacientes provenientes de las Antillas Holandesas, valorados en nuestra institución, se observó una mayor severidad de la enfermedad coronaria comparada con una población nacional con factores de riesgo similares. Estos hallazgos sugieren la influencia de la raza y factores genéticos en la severidad y extensión de la EC
El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una breve recopilación de la fisiología del eje hipotálamo-hipofisiario-suprarrenal, para comprender el papel de los corticoides exógenos como herramientas terapéuticas en innumerables patologías, que, utilizados de manera inapropiada, pueden causar efectos deletéreos importantes. La historia de los corticoides empezó hace 164 años, en 1843, cuando Thomas Addison describió los síntomas de la insuficiencia suprarrenal. Casi 100 años después, el 21 de septiembre de 1948, marcó un hito en la historia de la medicina, cuando, en la Clínica Mayo, el Dr. Hench inyectó 100 g de cortisona por primera vez en un paciente con artritis reumatoidea. En 1950, Hench, Kendall y Reichstein recibieron el Premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología. En la corteza de las glándulas suprarrenales se sintetizan, a partir del colesterol, tres hormonas diferentes con diversos efectos sobre la homeostasis. Los glucocorticoides sintéticos se clasifican por su potencia antiinflamatoria, vida media y efecto mineralocorticoide; operan en casi todas las células por medio de mecanismos de acción genómicos y no genómicos, lo que genera diferentes respuestas, de ahí su amplio efecto terapéutico en esclerosis múltiple, rechazo de trasplantes, enfermedades respiratorias, como asma y Epoc, entre otras.
Introducción: Dado que la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) es la causa más común de mortalidad en pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR), el objetivo fue determinar los factores asociados a esta complicación en una serie amplia de pacientes colombianos. Adicionalmente, se efectuó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para abordar el estado del arte sobre los factores de riesgo no tradicionales para la ECV en AR. Métodos: Estudio analítico, de tipo corte transversal en el que 800 pacientes colombianos con AR se evaluaron teniendo en cuenta variables asociadas a ECV. Se siguieron las pautas de los elementos de Información Preferidos para Revisiones Sistemáticas y Meta-análisis (PRISMA). Resultados: Colesterol ≥200 mg/dL (OR 3.44; IC 95% 2.21-5.38; p<0.0001), índice de masa corporal anormal (OR 1.70; IC 95% 1.12-2.58; p=0.011), fueron factores de riesgo tradicionales significativamente asociados con ECV en estos pacientes. Como factores no tradicionales de riesgo, autoinmunidad familiar (OR 2.03; IC 95% 1.13-3.65; p=0.017), más de 10 años de enfermedad (OR 2.12; IC 95% 1.36-3.29; p=0.001), trabajadores en las tareas del hogar (OR 2.29; IC 95% 1.45-3.61; p<0.0001), uso de esteroides sistémicos (OR 2.51; IC 95% 1.18-5.37; p=0.017) se asociaron con ECV en nuestra población. A través de la revisión sistemática varios factores y resultados relacionados con las ECV fueron confirmados e identificados. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo tradicionales no explican completamente las altas tasas de ECV en los pacientes con AR. Así, factores de riesgo no tradicionales, relacionados con autoinmunidad se reconocen ahora y actúan sinérgicamente, como predictores de esta comorbilidad.