960 resultados para cell surface


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The Nef protein of HIV-1 is important for AIDS pathogenesis, but it is not targeted by current antiviral strategies. Here, we describe a single-domain antibody (sdAb) that binds to HIV-1 Nef with a high affinity (K(d) = 2 × 10(-9)M) and inhibited critical biologic activities of Nef both in vitro and in vivo. First, it interfered with the CD4 down-regulation activity of a broad panel of nef alleles through inhibition of the Nef effects on CD4 internalization from the cell surface. Second, it was able to interfere with the association of Nef with the cellular p21-activated kinase 2 as well as with the resulting inhibitory effect of Nef on actin remodeling. Third, it counteracted the Nef-dependent enhancement of virion infectivity and inhibited the positive effect of Nef on virus replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Fourth, anti-Nef sdAb rescued Nef-mediated thymic CD4(+) T-cell maturation defects and peripheral CD4(+) T-cell activation in the CD4C/HIV-1(Nef) transgenic mouse model. Because all these Nef functions have been implicated in Nef effects on pathogenesis, this anti-Nef sdAb may represent an efficient tool to elucidate the molecular functions of Nef in the virus life cycle and could now help to develop new strategies for the control of AIDS.


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Hypomagnesemia affects insulin resistance and is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the epithelial magnesium channel TRPM6 (V(1393)I, K(1584)E) were predicted to confer susceptibility for DM2. Here, we show using patch clamp analysis and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, that insulin stimulates TRPM6 activity via a phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Rac1-mediated elevation of cell surface expression of TRPM6. Interestingly, insulin failed to activate the genetic variants TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E), which is likely due to the inability of the insulin signaling pathway to phosphorylate TRPM6(T(1391)) and TRPM6(S(1583)). Moreover, by measuring total glycosylated hemoglobin (TGH) in 997 pregnant women as a measure of glucose control, we demonstrate that TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) are associated with higher TGH and confer a higher likelihood of developing GDM. The impaired response of TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) to insulin represents a unique molecular pathway leading to GDM where the defect is located in TRPM6.


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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are key molecules in the signal transduction pathways initiated by the binding of extracellular signals to their cell surface receptors. The PI3K family of enzymes comprises eight catalytic isoforms subdivided into three classes and control a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, growth, apoptosis, migration and metabolism. Deregulation of the PI3K pathway has been extensively investigated in connection to cancer, but is also involved in other commonly occurring diseases such as chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, allergy, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The fact that the PI3K pathway is deregulated in a large number of human diseases, and its importance for different cellular responses, makes it an attractive drug target. Pharmacological PI3K inhibitors have played a very important role in studying cellular responses involving these enzymes. Currently, a wide range of selective PI3K inhibitors have been tested in preclinical studies and some have entered clinical trials in oncology. However, due to the complexity of PI3K signaling pathways, developing an effective anti-cancer therapy may be difficult. The biggest challenge in curing cancer patients with various signaling pathway abnormalities is to target multiple components of different signal transduction pathways with mechanism-based combinatorial treatments. In this article we will give an overview of the complex role of PI3K isoforms in human diseases and discuss their potential as drug targets. In addition, we will describe the drugs currently used in clinical trials, as well as promising emerging candidates.


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Somatostatin analogues, which are used to treat neuroendocrine tumors, target the high levels of somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (SSTR1; alias sst2) expressed in these cancers. However, some tumors are resistant to somatostatin analogues, and it is unknown whether the defect lies in sst2 activation or downstream signaling events. Because sst2 phosphorylation occurs rapidly after receptor activation, we examined whether sst2 is phosphorylated in neuroendocrine tumors. The sst2 receptor phosphorylation was evaluated by IHC and Western blot analysis with the new Ra-1124 antibody specific for the sst2 receptor phosphorylated at Ser341/343 in receptor-positive neuroendocrine tumors obtained from 10 octreotide-treated and 7 octreotide-naïve patients. The specificity, time course, and subcellular localization of sst2 receptor phosphorylation were examined in human embryo kinase-sst2 cell cultures by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. All seven octreotide-naïve tumors displayed exclusively nonphosphorylated cell surface sst2 expression. In contrast, 9 of the 10 octreotide-treated tumors contained phosphorylated sst2 that was predominantly internalized. Western blot analysis confirmed the IHC data. Octreotide treatment of human embryo kinase-sst2 cells in culture demonstrated that phosphorylated sst2 was localized at the plasma membrane after 10 seconds of stimulation and was subsequently internalized into endocytic vesicles. These data show, for the first time to our knowledge, that phosphorylated sst2 is present in most gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors from patients treated with octreotide but that a striking variability exists in the subcellular distribution of phosphorylated receptors among such tumors.


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The morbilliviruses measles virus (MeV) and canine distemper virus (CDV) both rely on two surface glycoproteins, the attachment (H) and fusion proteins, to promote fusion activity for viral cell entry. Growing evidence suggests that morbilliviruses infect multiple cell types by binding to distinct host cell surface receptors. Currently, the only known in vivo receptor used by morbilliviruses is CD150/SLAM, a molecule expressed in certain immune cells. Here we investigated the usage of multiple receptors by the highly virulent and demyelinating CDV strain A75/17. We based our study on the assumption that CDV-H may interact with receptors similar to those for MeV, and we conducted systematic alanine-scanning mutagenesis on CDV-H throughout one side of the beta-propeller documented in MeV-H to contain multiple receptor-binding sites. Functional and biochemical assays performed with SLAM-expressing cells and primary canine epithelial keratinocytes identified 11 residues mutation of which selectively abrogated fusion in keratinocytes. Among these, four were identical to amino acids identified in MeV-H as residues contacting a putative receptor expressed in polarized epithelial cells. Strikingly, when mapped on a CDV-H structural model, all residues clustered in or around a recessed groove located on one side of CDV-H. In contrast, reported CDV-H mutants with SLAM-dependent fusion deficiencies were characterized by additional impairments to the promotion of fusion in keratinocytes. Furthermore, upon transfer of residues that selectively impaired fusion induction in keratinocytes into the CDV-H of the vaccine strain, fusion remained largely unaltered. Taken together, our results suggest that a restricted region on one side of CDV-H contains distinct and overlapping sites that control functional interaction with multiple receptors.


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Morbillivirus cell entry is controlled by hemagglutinin (H), an envelope-anchored viral glycoprotein determining interaction with multiple host cell surface receptors. Subsequent to virus-receptor attachment, H is thought to transduce a signal triggering the viral fusion glycoprotein, which in turn drives virus-cell fusion activity. Cell entry through the universal morbillivirus receptor CD150/SLAM was reported to depend on two nearby microdomains located within the hemagglutinin. Here, we provide evidence that three key residues in the virulent canine distemper virus A75/17 H protein (Y525, D526, and R529), clustering at the rim of a large recessed groove created by beta-propeller blades 4 and 5, control SLAM-binding activity without drastically modulating protein surface expression or SLAM-independent F triggering.


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The calcium-binding protein calreticulin (CRT) regulates protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is induced in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells with activation of the unfolded protein response. Intracellular CRT translocation to the cell surface induces immunogenic cell death, suggesting a role in tumor suppression. In this study, we investigated CRT regulation in the serum of patients with AML. We found that CRT is not only exposed by exocytosis on the outer cell membrane after treatment with anthracyclin but also ultimately released to the serum in vitro and in AML patients during induction therapy. Leukemic cells of 113 AML patients showed increased levels of cell-surface CRT (P < .0001) and N-terminus serum CRT (P < .0001) compared with normal myeloid cells. Neutrophil elastase was identified to cleave an N-terminus CRT peptide, which was characterized as vasostatin and blocked ATRA-triggered differentiation. Levels of serum vasostatin in patients with AML inversely correlated with bone marrow vascularization, suggesting a role in antiangiogenesis. Finally, patients with increased vasostatin levels had longer relapse-free survival (P = .04) and specifically benefited from autologous transplantation (P = .006). Our data indicate that vasostatin is released from cell-surface CRT and impairs differentiation of myeloid cells and vascularization of the bone marrow microenvironment.


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The cannabinoid G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) CB₁ and CB₂ are expressed in different peripheral cells. Localization of GPCRs in the cell membrane determines signaling via G protein pathways. Here we show that unlike in transfected cells, CB receptors in cell lines and primary human cells are not internalized upon agonist interaction, but move between cytoplasm and cell membranes by ligand-independent trafficking mechanisms. Even though CB receptors are expressed in many cells of peripheral origin they are not always localized in the cell membrane and in most cancer cell lines the ratios between CB₁ and CB₂ receptor gene and surface expression vary significantly. In contrast, CB receptor cell surface expression in HL60 cells is subject to significant oscillations and CB₂ receptors form oligomers and heterodimers with CB₁ receptors, showing synchronized surface expression, localization and trafficking. We show that hydrogen peroxide and other nonspecific protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors (TPIs) such as phenylarsine oxide trigger both CB₂ receptor internalization and externalization, depending on receptor localization. Phorbol ester-mediated internalization of CB receptors can be inhibited via this switch. In primary human immune cells hydrogen peroxide and other TPIs lead to a robust internalization of CB receptors in monocytes and an externalization in T cells. This study describes, for the first time, the dynamic nature of CB receptor trafficking in the context of a biochemical switch, which may have implications for studies on the cell-type specific effects of cannabinoids and our understanding of the regulation of CB receptor cell surface expression.


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Ectodomain shedding at the cell surface is a major mechanism to regulate the extracellular and circulatory concentration or the activities of signaling proteins at the plasma membrane. Human meprin β is a 145-kDa disulfide-linked homodimeric multidomain type-I membrane metallopeptidase that sheds membrane-bound cytokines and growth factors, thereby contributing to inflammatory diseases, angiogenesis, and tumor progression. In addition, it cleaves amyloid precursor protein (APP) at the β-secretase site, giving rise to amyloidogenic peptides. We have solved the X-ray crystal structure of a major fragment of the meprin β ectoprotein, the first of a multidomain oligomeric transmembrane sheddase, and of its zymogen. The meprin β dimer displays a compact shape, whose catalytic domain undergoes major rearrangement upon activation, and reveals an exosite and a sugar-rich channel, both of which possibly engage in substrate binding. A plausible structure-derived working mechanism suggests that substrates such as APP are shed close to the plasma membrane surface following an "N-like" chain trace.


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Gregarine apicomplexans are a diverse group of single-celled parasites that have feeding stages (trophozoites) and gamonts that generally inhabit the extracellular spaces of invertebrate hosts living in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Inferences about the evolutionary morphology of gregarine apicomplexans are being incrementally refined by molecular phylogenetic data, which suggest that several traits associated with the feeding cells of gregarines arose by convergent evolution. The study reported here supports these inferences by showing how molecular data reveals traits that are phylogenetically misleading within the context of comparative morphology alone. We examined the ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic positions of two gregarine species isolated from the spaghetti worm Thelepus japonicus: Selenidium terebellae Ray 1930 and S. melongena n. sp. The ultrastructural traits of S. terebellae were very similar to other species of Selenidium sensu stricto, such as having vermiform trophozoites with an apical complex, few epicytic folds, and a dense array of microtubules underlying the trilayered pellicle. By contrast, S. melongena n. sp. lacked a comparably discrete assembly of subpellicular microtubules, instead employing a system of fibrils beneath the cell surface that supported a relatively dense array of helically arranged epicytic folds. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of small subunit rDNA sequences derived from single-cell PCR unexpectedly demonstrated that these two gregarines are close sister species. The ultrastructural differences between these two species were consistent with the fact that S. terebellae infects the inner lining of the host intestines, and S. melongena n. sp. primarily inhabits the coelom, infecting the outside wall of the host intestine. Altogether, these data demonstrate a compelling case of niche partitioning and associated morphological divergence in marine gregarine apicomplexans. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The autoimmune disease pemphigus vulgaris (PV) manifests as loss of keratinocyte cohesion triggered by autoantibody binding to desmoglein (Dsg)3, an intercellular adhesion molecule of mucous membranes, epidermis, and epidermal stem cells. Here we describe a so far unknown signaling cascade activated by PV antibodies. It extends from a transient enhanced turn over of cell surface-exposed, nonkeratin-anchored Dsg3 and associated plakoglobin (PG), through to depletion of nuclear PG, and as one of the consequences, abrogation of PG-mediated c-Myc suppression. In PV patients (6/6), this results in pathogenic c-Myc overexpression in all targeted tissues, including the stem cell compartments. In summary, these results show that PV antibodies act via PG to abolish the c-Myc suppression required for both maintenance of epidermal stem cells in their niche and controlled differentiation along the epidermal lineage. Besides a completely novel insight into PV pathogenesis, these data identify PG as a potent modulator of epithelial homeostasis via its role as a key suppressor of c-Myc.


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THP-1 2A9, a subclone of the monocytoid cell line THP-1 and known to be exquisitely sensitive to LPS, was tested for TNF production following triggering by excess doses of TLR ligands. TLR2, TLR4 and TLR5 agonists, but neither TLR3 nor TLR9 agonists, induced TNF production. When used at lower concentrations, priming by calcitriol strongly influenced the sensitivity of cells to LPS and different TLR2 triggers (lipoteichoic acid (LTA), trispalmitoyl-cysteyl-seryl-lysyl-lysyl-lysyl-lysine (Pam3Cys) and peptidoglycan (PGN)). Priming by calcitriol failed to modulate TLR2 and TLR4 mRNA and cell surface expression of these receptors. TNF signals elicited by TLR2 agonists were blocked by the TLR-specific antibody 2392. CD14-specific antibodies showed variable effects. CD14-specific antibodies inhibited TNF induction by LTA. High concentrations partially inhibited TNF induction by Pam3Cys. The same antibodies failed to inhibit TNF induction by PGN. Thus, THP-1 2A9 cells respond by TNF production to some, but not all TLR agonists, and the wide variety of putative TLR2 agonists interact to variable degrees also with other cell-surface-expressed binding sites such as CD14. THP-1 2A9 cells might provide a model by which to investigate in more detail the interaction of pathogen-associated molecular patterns and monocytoid cell-surface-expressed pattern recognition receptors.


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Neuroligins (NLs) constitute a family of cell-surface proteins that interact with neurexins (beta-Nxs), another class of neuronal cell-surface proteins, one of each class functioning together in synapse formation. The localization of the various neurexins and neuroligins, however, has not yet been clarified in chicken. Therefore, we studied the expression patterns of neurexin-1 (Nx-1) and neuroligin-1 and -3 during embryonic development of the chick retina and brain by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ hybridization (ISH). While neurexin-1 increased continuously in both brain and retina, the expression of both neuroligins was more variable. As shown by ISH, Nx-1 is expressed in the inner half retina along with differentiation of ganglion and amacrine cells. Transcripts of NL-1 were detected as early as day 4 and increased with the maturation of the different brain regions. In different brain regions, NL-1 showed a different time regulation. Remarkably, neuroligin-3 was entirely absent in retina. This study indicates that synaptogenetic processes in brain and retina use different molecular machineries, whereby the neuroligins might represent the more distinctly regulated part of the neurexin-neuroligin complexes. Noticeably, NL-3 does not seem to be involved in the making of retinal synapses.


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The effect of vitamin E on proliferation, integrin expression, adhesion, and migration in human glioma cells has been studied. gamma-tocopherol at 50 microM concentration exerted more inhibitory effect than alpha-tocopherol at the same concentration on glioma cell proliferation. Integrin alpha5 and beta1 protein levels were increased upon both alpha- and gamma-tocopherol treatments. In parallel, an increase in the alpha5beta1 heterodimer cell surface expression was observed. The tocopherols inhibited glioma cell-binding to fibronectin where gamma-tocopherol treatment induced glioma cell migration. Taken together, the data reported here are consistent with the notion that the inhibition of glioma cell proliferation induced by tocopherols may be mediated, at least in part, by an increase in integrin alpha5 and beta1 expression. Cell adhesion is also negatively affected by tocopherols, despite a small increase in the surface appearance of the alpha5beta1 heterodimer. Cell migration is stimulated by gamma-tocopherol. It is concluded that alpha5 and beta1 integrin expression and surface appearance are not sufficient to explain all the observations and that other integrins or in general other factors may be associated with these events.


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The ability of vitamin E to modulate signal transduction and gene expression has been observed in numerous studies; however, the detailed molecular mechanisms involved are often not clear. The eight natural vitamin E analogues and synthetic derivatives affect signal transduction with different potency, possibly reflecting their different ability to interact with specific proteins. Vitamin E modulates the activity of several enzymes involved in signal transduction, such as protein kinase C, protein kinase B, protein tyrosine kinases, 5-, 12-, and 15-lipoxygenases, cyclooxygenase-2, phospholipase A2, protein phosphatase 2A, protein tyrosine phosphatase, and diacylglycerol kinase. Activation of some these enzymes after stimulation of cell surface receptors with growth factors or cytokines can be normalized by vitamin E. At the molecular level, the translocation of several of these enzymes to the plasma membrane is affected by vitamin E, suggesting that the modulation of protein-membrane interactions may be a common theme for vitamin E action. In this review the main effects of vitamin E on enzymes involved in signal transduction are summarized and the possible mechanisms leading to enzyme modulation evaluated. The elucidation of the molecular and cellular events affected by vitamin E could reveal novel strategies and molecular targets for developing similarly acting compounds.