956 resultados para cell cycle regulation
Myocyte nuclear factor (MNF) is a winged helix transcription factor that is expressed selectively in myogenic stem cells (satellite cells) of adult animals. Using a gene knockout strategy to generate a functional null allele at the Mnf locus, we observed that mice lacking MNF are viable, but severely runted. Skeletal muscles of Mnf−/− animals are atrophic, and satellite cell function is impaired. Muscle regeneration after injury is delayed and incomplete, and the normal timing of expression of cell cycle regulators and myogenic determination genes is dysregulated. Mnf mutant mice were intercrossed with mdx mice that lack dystrophin and exhibit only a subtle myopathic phenotype. In contrast, mdx mice that also lack MNF die in the first few weeks of life with a severe myopathy. Haploinsufficiency at the Mnf locus (Mnf+/−) also exacerbates the mdx phenotype to more closely resemble Duchenne's muscular dystrophy in humans. We conclude that MNF acts to regulate genes that coordinate the proliferation and differentiation of myogenic stem cells after muscle injury. Animals deficient in MNF may prove useful for evaluation of potential therapeutic interventions to promote muscle regeneration for patients having Duchenne's muscular dystrophy.
The c-Abl tyrosine kinase and the p53 tumor suppressor protein interact functionally and biochemically in cellular genotoxic stress response pathways and are implicated as downstream mediators of ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated). This fact led us to study genetic interactions in vivo between c-Abl and p53 by examining the phenotype of mice and cells deficient in both proteins. c-Abl-null mice show high neonatal mortality and decreased B lymphocytes, whereas p53-null mice are prone to tumor development. Surprisingly, mice doubly deficient in both c-Abl and p53 are not viable, suggesting that c-Abl and p53 together contribute to an essential function required for normal development. Fibroblasts lacking both c-Abl and p53 were similar to fibroblasts deficient in p53 alone, showing loss of the G1/S cell-cycle checkpoint and similar clonogenic survival after ionizing radiation. Fibroblasts deficient in both c-Abl and p53 show reduced growth in culture, as manifested by reduction in the rate of proliferation, saturation density, and colony formation, compared with fibroblasts lacking p53 alone. This defect could be restored by reconstitution of c-Abl expression. Taken together, these results indicate that the ATM phenotype cannot be explained solely by loss of c-Abl and p53 and that c-Abl contributes to enhanced proliferation of p53-deficient cells. Inhibition of c-Abl function may be a therapeutic strategy to target p53-deficient cells selectively.
Activation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein has been demonstrated to block cell growth by inducing either a transient cell cycle arrest or programmed cell death (apoptosis). Although evidence exists linking p53’s function as an activator of transcription to its ability to effect cell cycle arrest, the role of this activity in the induction of apoptosis remains unclear. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying p53-mediated antiproliferative pathways, a study was initiated to explore the functions of a putative p53 signaling domain. This region of the human p53 protein is localized between amino acids 61 and 94 (out of 393) and is noteworthy in that it contains five repeats of the sequence PXXP (where P represents proline and X any amino acid). This motif has been shown to play a role in signal transduction via its SH3 domain binding activity. A p53 cDNA deletion mutant (ΔproAE), which lacks this entire proline-rich domain (deleted for amino acids 62–91), was created and characterized for a variety of p53 functions. The entire domain has been shown to be completely dispensable for transcriptional activation. On the other hand, this deletion of the p53 proline-rich domain impairs p53’s ability to suppress tumor cell growth in culture. Amino acid substitution mutations at residues 22 and 23 of p53 (eliminates transcriptional activity) also impair p53-mediated inhibition of cell growth in culture. Unlike wild-type p53, the ΔproAE mutant cDNA can be stably expressed in tumor derived cell lines with few immediate detrimental effects. These cells express physiologic levels of p53 protein that are induced normally in response to DNA damage, indicating that removal of the proline-rich domain does not disrupt p53’s upstream regulation by DNA damage. These data indicate that, in addition to the transcriptional activation domain, the p53 proline-rich domain plays a critical role in the transmission of antiproliferative signals downstream of the p53 protein and may link p53 to a direct signal transduction pathway.
Hematopoiesis depends on a pool of quiescent hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. When exposed to specific cytokines, a portion of these cells enters the cell cycle to generate an amplified progeny. Myeloblastin (MBN) initially was described as involved in proliferation of human leukemia cells. The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which stimulates the proliferation of granulocytic precursors, up-regulates MBN expression. Here we show that constitutive overexpression of MBN confers factor-independent growth to murine bone marrow-derived Ba/F3/G-CSFR cells. Our results point to MBN as a G-CSF responsive gene critical to factor-independent growth and indicate that expression of the G-CSF receptor is a prerequisite to this process. A 91-bp MBN promoter region containing PU.1, C/EBP, and c-Myb binding sites is responsive to G-CSF treatment. Although PU.1, C/EBP, and c-Myb transcription factors all were critical for expression of MBN, its up-regulation by G-CSF was associated mainly with PU.1. These findings suggest that MBN is an important target of PU.1 and a key protease for factor-independent growth of hematopoietic cells.
Cells of most tissues require adhesion to a surface to grow. However, for hematopoietic cells, both stimulation and inhibition of proliferation by adhesion to extracellular matrix components have been described. Furthermore, it has been suggested that progenitor cells from chronic myelogenous leukemia show decreased β1 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin, resulting in increased proliferation and abnormal trafficking. However, we show here that the chronic myelogenous leukemia-specific fusion protein p210bcr/abl stimulates the expression of α5β1 integrins and induces adhesion to fibronectin when expressed in the myeloid cell line 32D. Moreover, proliferation of both p210bcr/abl-transfected 32D (32Dp210) cells and untransfected 32D cells is stimulated by immobilized fibronectin. Cell cycle analysis revealed that nonadherent 32D and 32Dp210 cells are arrested in late G1 or early S phase, whereas the adherent fractions continue cycling. Although both adherent and nonadherent p210bcr/abl-transfected and parental 32D cells express equal amounts of cyclin A, a protein necessary for cell cycle progression at the G1/S boundary, cyclin A complexes immunoprecipitated from 32D cells cultured on immobilized fibronectin were found to be catalytically inactive in nonadherent but not in adherent cells. In addition, as compared with untransfected 32D cells, cyclin A immunoprecipitates from 32Dp210 cells exhibited a greatly elevated kinase activity and remained partially active irrespective of the adhesion status. The lack of cyclin A/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2 activity in nonadherent 32D cells appeared to result from increased expression and cyclin A complex formation of the CDK inhibitor p27Kip1. Taken together, our results indicate that adhesion stimulates cell cycle progression of hematopoietic cells by down-regulation of p27Kip1, resulting in activation of cyclin A/CDK2 complexes and subsequent transition through the G1/S adhesion checkpoint.
Functionally significant stretch-activated ion channels have been clearly identified in excitable cells. Although single-channel studies suggest their expression in other cell types, their activity in the whole-cell configuration has not been shown. This discrepancy makes their physiological significance doubtful and suggests that their mechanical activation is artifactual. Possible roles for these molecules in nonexcitable cells are acute cell-volume regulation and, in epithelial cells, the complex adjustment of ion fluxes across individual cell membranes when the rate of transepithelial transport changes. We report the results of experiments on isolated epithelial cells expressing in the basolateral membrane stretch-activated K+ channels demonstrable by the cell-attached patch-clamp technique. In these cells, reversible whole-cell currents were elicited by both isosmotic and hyposmotic cell swelling. Cation selectivity and block by inorganic agents were the same for single-channel and whole-cell currents, indicating that the same entity underlies single-channel and whole-cell currents and that the single-channel events are not artifactual. In these cells, when the rate of apical-membrane NaCl entry increases, the cell Na+ content and volume also increase, stimulating the Na+,K+-ATPase at the basolateral membrane, i.e., both Na+ extrusion and K+ uptake increase. We speculate that, under these conditions, the parallel activation of basolateral K+ channels (by the swelling) elevates conductive K+ loss, tending to maintain the cell K+ content constant (“pump-leak parallelism”). This study describes a physiologically relevant stretch-activated channel, at both the single-channel and whole-cell levels, in a nonneural cell type.
Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate protein–protein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.
It is known that the extracellular matrix regulates normal cell proliferation, and it is assumed that anchorage-independent malignant cells escape this regulatory function. Here we demonstrate that human M24met melanoma cells remain responsive to growth regulatory signals that result from contact with type I collagen and that the effect on proliferation depends on the physical structure of the collagen. On polymerized fibrillar collagen, M24met cells are growth arrested at the G1/S checkpoint and maintain high levels of p27KIP1 mRNA and protein. In contrast, on nonfibrillar (denatured) collagen, the cells enter the cell cycle, and p27KIP1 is down-regulated. These growth regulatory effects involve contact between type I collagen and the collagen-binding integrin α2β1, which appears restricted in the presence of fibrillar collagen. Thus melanoma cells remain sensitive to negative growth regulatory signals originating from fibrillar collagen, and the proteolytic degradation of fibrils is a mechanism allowing tumor cells to escape these restrictive signals.
In the prostate gland of adult mammals, most epithelial cells are in a state of proliferative quiescence. Androgens regulate this effect by inducing cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase. Potential mediators of this androgen-induced proliferative shutoff were identified by means of subtracted cDNA libraries. The expression pattern of one of these sequences, AS3, strongly correlated with the expression of the androgen-induced proliferative shutoff both temporally and dosewise. The AS3 gene is located on chromosome 13 q12.3, in close proximity to the BRCA2 gene. The loss of chromosomal regions where AS3 alleles are located correlates with various human cancers, including prostate. The biological effect of AS3 was tested in two stable cell lines, one expressing sense and another expressing antisense AS3 constructs, both under tetracycline regulation. S9 cells were obtained by retroviral infection with virions containing a tetracycline-regulated sense AS3 construct. In these cells, sense AS3 was negatively regulated by tetracycline. Tetracycline withdrawal increased the expression of AS3 mRNA and protein. The expression of tetracycline-regulated AS3 resulted in inhibition of cell proliferation. A4 cells were obtained by retroviral infection with virions containing a tetracycline-regulated antisense AS3 construct. Vector-driven expression of antisense-AS3 blocked the induction of androgen-induced endogenous AS3 mRNA and blocked the inhibitory effect of androgens on cell proliferation. Tetracycline-regulated expression of the empty vector control had no effect on cell proliferation. These experiments strongly suggest that AS3 is a mediator of the androgen-induced proliferative shutoff.
When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the trout red cell anion exchanger tAE1, but not the mouse exchanger mAE1, elicited a transport of electroneutral solutes (sorbitol, urea) in addition to the expected anion exchange activity. Chimeras constructed from mAE1 and tAE1 allowed us to identify the tAE1 domains involved in the induction of these transports. Expression of tAE1 (but not mAE1) is known to generate an anion conductance associated with a taurine transport. The present data provide evidence that (i) the capacity of tAE1 and tAE1 chimeras to generate urea and sorbitol permeability also was associated with an anion conductance; (ii) the same inhibitors affected both the permeability of solutes and anion conductance; and (iii) no measurable water transport was associated with the tAE1-dependent conductance. These results support the view that fish red blood cells, to achieve cell volume regulation in response to hypotonic swelling, activate a tAE1-associated anion channel that can mediate the passive transport of taurine and electroneutral solutes.
The PKC1–MPK1 pathway in yeast functions in the maintenance of cell wall integrity and in the stress response. We have identified a family of genes that are putative regulators of this pathway. WSC1, WSC2, and WSC3 encode predicted integral membrane proteins with a conserved cysteine motif and a WSC1–green fluorescence protein fusion protein localizes to the plasma membrane. Deletion of WSC results in phenotypes similar to mutants in the PKC1–MPK1 pathway and an increase in the activity of MPK1 upon a mild heat treatment is impaired in a wscΔ mutant. Genetic analysis places the function of WSC upstream of PKC1, suggesting that they play a role in its activation. We also find a genetic interaction between WSC and the RAS–cAMP pathway. The RAS–cAMP pathway is required for cell cycle progression and for the heat shock response. Overexpression of WSC suppresses the heat shock sensitivity of a strain in which RAS is hyperactivated and the heat shock sensitivity of a wscΔ strain is rescued by deletion of RAS2. The functional characteristics and cellular localization of WSC suggest that they may mediate intracellular responses to environmental stress in yeast.
Human T cell leukemia/lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) induces adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). The mechanism of HTLV-I oncogenesis in T cells remains partly elusive. In vitro, HTLV-I induces ligand-independent transformation of human CD4+ T cells, an event that correlates with acquisition of constitutive phosphorylation of Janus kinases (JAK) and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) proteins. However, it is unclear whether the in vitro model of HTLV-I transformation has relevance to viral leukemogenesis in vivo. Here we tested the status of JAK/STAT phosphorylation and DNA-binding activity of STAT proteins in cell extracts of uncultured leukemic cells from 12 patients with ATLL by either DNA-binding assays, using DNA oligonucleotides specific for STAT-1 and STAT-3, STAT-5 and STAT-6 or, more directly, by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody for JAK and STAT proteins. Leukemic cells from 8 of 12 patients studied displayed constitutive DNA-binding activity of one or more STAT proteins, and the constitutive activation of the JAK/STAT pathway was found to persist over time in the 2 patients followed longitudinally. Furthermore, an association between JAK3 and STAT-1, STAT-3, and STAT-5 activation and cell-cycle progression was demonstrated by both propidium iodide staining and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation in cells of four patients tested. These results imply that JAK/STAT activation is associated with replication of leukemic cells and that therapeutic approaches aimed at JAK/STAT inhibition may be considered to halt neoplastic growth.
Interactions between Cajal bodies (CBs) and replication-dependent histone loci occur more frequently than for other mRNA-encoding genes, but such interactions are not seen with all alleles at a given time. Because CBs contain factors required for transcriptional regulation and 3′ end processing of nonpolyadenylated replication-dependent histone transcripts, we investigated whether interaction with CBs is related to metabolism of these transcripts, known to vary during the cell cycle. Our experiments revealed that a locus containing a cell cycle-independent, replacement histone gene that produces polyadenylated transcripts does not preferentially associate with CBs. Furthermore, modest but significant changes in association levels of CBs with replication-dependent histone loci mimic their cell cycle modulations in transcription and 3′ end processing rates. By simultaneously visualizing replication-dependent histone genes and their nuclear transcripts for the first time, we surprisingly find that the vast majority of loci producing detectable RNA foci do not contact CBs. These studies suggest some link between CB association and unusual features of replication-dependent histone gene expression. However, sustained CB contact is not a requirement for their expression, consistent with our observations of U7 snRNP distributions. The modest correlation to gene expression instead may reflect transient gene signaling or the nucleation of small CBs at gene loci.
One of the striking features of vascular endothelium, the single-cell-thick lining of the cardiovascular system, is its phenotypic plasticity. Various pathophysiologic factors, such as cytokines, growth factors, hormones, and metabolic products, can modulate its functional phenotype in health and disease. In addition to these humoral stimuli, endothelial cells respond to their biomechanical environment, although the functional implications of this biomechanical paradigm of activation have not been fully explored. Here we describe a high-throughput genomic analysis of modulation of gene expression observed in cultured human endothelial cells exposed to two well defined biomechanical stimuli—a steady laminar shear stress and a turbulent shear stress of equivalent spatial and temporal average intensity. Comparison of the transcriptional activity of 11,397 unique genes revealed distinctive patterns of up- and down-regulation associated with each type of stimulus. Cluster analyses of transcriptional profiling data were coupled with other molecular and cell biological techniques to examine whether these global patterns of biomechanical activation are translated into distinct functional phenotypes. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of structural and contractile proteins revealed the formation of a complex apical cytoskeleton in response to laminar shear stress. Cell cycle analysis documented different effects of laminar and turbulent shear stresses on cell proliferation. Thus, endothelial cells have the capacity to discriminate among specific biomechanical forces and to translate these input stimuli into distinctive phenotypes. The demonstration that hemodynamically derived stimuli can be strong modulators of endothelial gene expression has important implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of vascular homeostasis and atherogenesis.
Chemically induced skin carcinomas in mice are a paradigm for epithelial neoplasia, where oncogenic ras mutations precede p53 and INK4a/ARF mutations during the progression toward malignancy. To explore the biological basis for these genetic interactions, we studied cellular responses to oncogenic ras in primary murine keratinocytes. In wild-type keratinocytes, ras induced a cell-cycle arrest that displayed some features of terminal differentiation and was accompanied by increased expression of the p19ARF, p16INK4a, and p53 tumor suppressors. In ARF-null keratinocytes, ras was unable to promote cell-cycle arrest, induce differentiation markers, or properly activate p53. Although oncogenic ras produced a substantial increase in both nucleolar and nucleoplasmic p19ARF, Mdm2 did not relocalize to the nucleolus or to nuclear bodies but remained distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. This result suggests that p19ARF can activate p53 without overtly affecting Mdm2 subcellular localization. Nevertheless, like p53-null keratinocytes, ARF-null keratinocytes were transformed by oncogenic ras and rapidly formed carcinomas in vivo. Thus, oncogenic ras can activate the ARF-p53 program to suppress epithelial cell transformation. Disruption of this program may be important during skin carcinogenesis and the development of other carcinomas.