969 resultados para carboxylic acid derivative
Rationale: Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to be of potential benefit in patients with CD. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether EPA can modulate the inflammatory response according to different genotypes of IL6G174G/C polymorphism. Methods: Peripheral blood cells were collected from CD patients with different genotypes for IL6 174G/C (GG, n = 16, GC, n = 8, CC, n = 7), and lymphocytes were established in culture media. Replicates with the addition of EPA (25 mM) were analysed in a period of 24h, 48h and 72h. Expression of IL6 e a PGE2 was assessed by ELISA. Apoptosis and cellular proliferation was determined by flow cytometry.
Recently published data concerning dietary intake of fat and food sources of (n-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) in Brazil are reviewed together with data on biochemical indices of PUFA status during pregnancy and lactation and PUFA composition of breast milk in Brazilian adolescents and adults. Potential inadequacies of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) status among Brazilian pregnant and lactating women have not yet been thoroughly evaluated. The data reviewed show that dietary intake of food sources of n-3 LCPUFA is low and possibly deficient in Brazil, and that biochemical indices of maternal DHA status and breast milk DHA content are low compared to the international literature. These data indicate inadequate DHA status among Brazilian women during pregnancy and lactation, but this evidence needs confirmation through comprehensive and specific population-based studies.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated trans fatty acid intake among the general population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003, on a representative sample of 2,298 male and female subjects, including 803 adolescents (12 to 19 years), 713 adults (20 to 59 years) and 782 elderly people (60 years or over). Food intake was measured using 24-hour recall. Mean trans fatty acid intake was described according to gender and age group. RESULTS: The mean trans fatty acid intake was 5.0 g/day (SE = 0.1), accounting for 2.4% (SE = 0.1) of total energy and 6.8% (SE = 0.1) of total lipids. The adolescents had the highest mean intake levels (7.4 g/day; 2.9% of energy) while the adults and the elderly had similar intake (2.2% of energy for both; 6.4% of lipids and 6.5% of lipids, respectively). The mean trans fatty acid intake among adult and elderly women (approximately 2.5% of energy and 7.0% of lipids) was higher than among men in the same age group. The food item with the highest contribution towards trans fatty acids was margarine, accounting for more than 30% of total intake, followed by filled cookies among adolescents and meat among adults and the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: The trans fatty acid intake is above the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Replacement of the trans fatty acids in manufactured food items may be an effective measure for reducing trans fatty acid intake in Brazil.
A flow-spectrophotometric method is proposed for the routine determination of tartaric acid in wines. The reaction between tartaric acid and vanadate in acetic media is carried out in flowing conditions and the subsequent colored complex is monitored at 475 nm. The stability of the complex and the corresponding formation constant are presented. The effect of wavelength and pH was evaluated by batch experiments. The selected conditions were transposed to a flowinjection analytical system. Optimization of several flow parameters such as reactor lengths, flow-rate and injection volume was carried out. Using optimized conditions, a linear behavior was observed up to 1000 µg mL-1 tartaric acid, with a molar extinction coefficient of 450 L mg-1 cm-1 and ± 1 % repeatability. Sample throughput was 25 samples per hour. The flow-spectrophotometric method was satisfactorily applied to the quantification of tartaric acid (TA) in wines from different sources. Its accuracy was confirmed by statistical comparison to the conventional Rebelein procedure and to a certified analytical method carried out in a routine laboratory.
The integrity of DNA purine bases was herein used to evaluate the antioxidant capacity. Unlike other DNA-based antioxidant sensors reported so far, the damaging agent chosen was the O 2 radical enzymatically generated by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system. An adenine-rich oligonucleotide was adsorbed on carbon paste electrodes and subjected to radical damage in the presence/absence of several antioxidant compounds. As a result, partial damage on DNA was observed. A minor product of the radical oxidation was identified by cyclic voltammetry as a diimine adenine derivative also formed during the electrochemical oxidation of adenine/guanine bases. The protective efficiency of several antioxidant compounds was evaluated after electrochemical oxidation of the remaining unoxidized adenine bases, by measuring the electrocatalytic current of NADH mediated by the adsorbed catalyst species generated. A comparison between O 2 and OH radicals as a source of DNA lesions and the scavenging efficiency of various antioxidant compounds against both of them is discussed. Finally, the antioxidant capacity of beverages was evaluated and compared with the results obtained with an optical method.
Ascorbic acid is found in many food samples. Its clinical and technological importance demands an easyto- use, rapid, robust and inexpensive method of analysis. For this purpose, this work proposes a new flow procedure based on the oxidation of ascorbic acid by periodate. A new potentiometric periodate sensor was constructed to monitor this reaction. The selective membranes were of PVC with porphyrin-based sensing systems and a lipophilic cation as additive. The sensor displayed a near-Nernstian response for periodate over 1.0x10-2–6.0x10-6 M, with an anionic slope of 73.9 ± 0.9 mV decade-1. It was pH independent in acidic media and presented good selectivity features towards several inorganic anions. The flow set-up operated in double-channel, carrying a 5.0x10-4 M IO- 4 solution and a suitable buffer; these were mixed in a 50-cm reaction coil. The overall flow rate was 7 ml min-1 and the injection volume 70 µl. Under these conditions, a linear behaviour against concentration was observed for 17.7–194.0 µg ml-1, presenting slopes of 0.169 mV (mg/l)-1, a reproducibility of ±1.1 mV (n = 5), and a sampling rate of ~96 samples h-1. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of beverages and pharmaceuticals.
Hydroxycinnamic acids (such as ferulic, caffeic, sinapic, and p-coumaric acids) are a group of compounds highly abundant in food that may account for about one-third of the phenolic compounds in our diet. Hydroxycinnamic acids have gained an increasing interest in health because they are known to be potent antioxidants. These compounds have been described as chain-breaking antioxidants acting through radical scavenging activity, that is related to their hydrogen or electron donating capacity and to the ability to delocalize/stabilize the resulting phenoxyl radical within their structure.The free radical scavenger ability of antioxidants can be predicted from standard one-electron potentials. Thus, voltammetric methods have often been applied to characterize a diversity of natural and synthetic antioxidants essentially to get an insight into their mechanism and also as an important tool for the rational design of new and potent antioxidants.The structure-property-activity relationships (SPARs) correlations already established for this type of compounds suggest that redox potentials could be considered a good measure of antioxidant activity and an accurate guideline on the drug discovery and development process. Due to its magnitude in the antioxidant field, the electrochemistry of hydroxycinnamic acid-based antioxidants is reviewed highlighting the structure-property-activity relationships (SPARs) obtained so far.
New strategies to reduce the environmental and economic costs of pesticides use are currently under study. Microencapsulation has been used as a versatile tool for the production of controlled release agricultural formulations. In this study, the photochemical degradation of the herbicides MCPA and mecoprop has been investigated in different aqueous media such as ultrapure and river water under simulated solar irradiation. To explore the possibility of introducing cyclodextrins in the herbicide formulations, the photodegradation study of the inclusion complexes of MCPA and mecoprop with (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) was also performed. The half-lives of MCPA and mecoprop inclusion complexes were increased approximately by a factor of three related to the free molecules. Additionally, it has been shown that the photodegradation of MCPA and mecoprop is influenced by their structural features. The additional methyl group existing in mecoprop molecular structure has a positive influence on the stabilization of the radical intermediate formed in the first stage of photodegradation of both herbicides. The results found indicated that MCPA and mecoprop form inclusion complexes with HP-β-CD showing higher photostability compared to free herbicides indicating that HP-β-CD may serve as ingredient in these herbicide formulations.
Penalty and Barrier methods are normally used to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems constrained problems. The problems appear in areas such as engineering and are often characterised by the fact that involved functions (objective and constraints) are non-smooth and/or their derivatives are not know. This means that optimization methods based on derivatives cannot net used. A Java based API was implemented, including only derivative-free optimizationmethods, to solve both constrained and unconstrained problems, which includes Penalty and Barriers methods. In this work a new penalty function, based on Fuzzy Logic, is presented. This function imposes a progressive penalization to solutions that violate the constraints. This means that the function imposes a low penalization when the violation of the constraints is low and a heavy penalisation when the violation is high. The value of the penalization is not known in beforehand, it is the outcome of a fuzzy inference engine. Numerical results comparing the proposed function with two of the classic penalty/barrier functions are presented. Regarding the presented results one can conclude that the prosed penalty function besides being very robust also exhibits a very good performance.
Constraints nonlinear optimization problems can be solved using penalty or barrier functions. This strategy, based on solving the problems without constraints obtained from the original problem, have shown to be e ective, particularly when used with direct search methods. An alternative to solve the previous problems is the lters method. The lters method introduced by Fletcher and Ley er in 2002, , has been widely used to solve problems of the type mentioned above. These methods use a strategy di erent from the barrier or penalty functions. The previous functions de ne a new one that combine the objective function and the constraints, while the lters method treat optimization problems as a bi-objective problems that minimize the objective function and a function that aggregates the constraints. Motivated by the work of Audet and Dennis in 2004, using lters method with derivative-free algorithms, the authors developed works where other direct search meth- ods were used, combining their potential with the lters method. More recently. In a new variant of these methods was presented, where it some alternative aggregation restrictions for the construction of lters were proposed. This paper presents a variant of the lters method, more robust than the previous ones, that has been implemented with a safeguard procedure where values of the function and constraints are interlinked and not treated completely independently.
In this work, the mechanical behavior of polyhyroxyalkanoate (PHA)/poly(lactic acid) (PLA) blends is investigated in a wide range of compositions. The mechanical properties can be optimized by varying the PHA contents of the blend. The flexural and tensile properties were estimated by different models: the rule of mixtures, Kerner–Uemura–Takayanagi (KUT) model, Nicolai–Narkis model and Béla–Pukánsky model. This study was aimed at investigating the adhesion between the two material phases. The results anticipate a good adhesion between both phases. Nevertheless, for low levels of incorporation of PHA (up to 30%), where PLA is expectantly the matrix, the experimental data seem to deviate from the perfect adhesion models, suggesting a decrease in the adhesion between both polymeric phases when PHA is the disperse phase. For the tensile modulus, a linear relationship is found, following the rules of mixtures (or a KUT model with perfect adhesion between phases) denoting a good adhesion between the phases over the composition range. The incorporation of PHA in the blend leads to a decrease in the flexural modulus but, at the same time, increases the tensile modulus. The impact energy of the blends varies more than 157% over the entire composition. For blends with PHA weight fraction lower than 50%, the impact strength of the blend is higher than the pure base polymers. The highest synergetic effect is found when the PLA is the matrix and the PHA is the disperse phase for the blend PHA/PLA of 30/70. The second maximum is found for the inverse composition of 70/30. PLA has a heat-deflection temperature (HDT) substantially lower than PHA. For the blends, the HDT increases with the increment in the percentage of the incorporation of PHA. With up to 50% PHA (PLA as matrix), the HDT is practically constant and equal to PLA value. Above this point (PHA matrix), the HDT of the polymer blends increases linearly with the percentage of addition of PHA.
Hierarchical SAPO-11 was synthesized using a commercial Merck carbon as template. Oxidant acid treatments were performed on the carbon matrix in order to investigate its influence on the properties of SAPO-11. Structural, textural and acidic properties of the different materials were evaluated by XRD, SEM, N-2 adsorption, pyridine adsorption followed by IR spectroscopy and thermal analyses. The catalytic behavior of the materials (with 0.5 wt.% Pt, introduced by mechanic mixture with Pt/Al2O3), were studied in the hydroisomerization of n-decane. The hierarchical samples showed higher yields in monobranched isomers than typical microporous SAPO-11, as a direct consequence of the modification on both porosity and acidity, the later one being the most predominant. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new family of "Fe-II(eta(5)-C5H5)" half sandwich compounds bearing a N-heteroaromatic ligand coordinated to the iron center by a nitrile functional group has been synthesized and fully characterized by NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. X-ray analysis of single crystal was achieved for complexes 1 and 3, which crystallized in the monoclinic P2(1)/c and monoclinic P2(1)/n space groups, respectively. Studies of interaction of these five new complexes with plasmid pBR322 DNA by atomic force microscopy showed very strong and different types of interaction. Antiproliferative tests were examined on human leukemia cancer cells (HL-60) using the MTT assay, and the IC50 values revealed excellent antiproliferative activity compared to cisplatin. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the exact value for the norm of directional derivatives, of all orders, for symmetric tensor powers of operators on finite dimensional vector spaces is presented. Using this result, an upper bound for the norm of all directional derivatives of immanants is obtained.