990 resultados para carbon black filler


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Objective: To identify nematodes seen in histological sections of brains of flying foxes (fruit bats) and describe the associated clinical disease and pathology. Proceedures: Gross and histological examination of brains from 86 free-living flying foxes with neurological disease was done as part of an ongoing surveillance program for Australian bat lyssavirus. Worms were recovered, or if seen in histological sections, extracted by maceration of half the brain and identified by microscopic examination. Histological archives were also reviewed. Results: There was histological evidence of angiostrongylosis in 16 of 86 recently submitted flying foxes with neurological disease and in one archival case from 1992. In 10 flying foxes, worms were definitively identified as Angiostrongylus cantonensis fifth-stage larvae. A worm fragment and third stage larvae were identified as Angiostrongylus sp, presumably A cantonensis, in a further three cases. The clinical picture was dominated by paresis, particularly of the hindlimbs, and depression, with flying foxes surviving up to 22 days in the care of wildlife volunteers. Brains containing fifthstage larvae showed a moderate to severe eosinophilic and granulomatous meningoencephalitis (n = 14), whereas there was virtually no inflammation of the brains of bats which died when infected with only smaller, third-stage larvae (n = 3). There was no histological evidence of pulmonary involvement. Conclusion: This is the first report of the recovery and identification of A cantonensis from free-living Australian wildlife. While angiostrongylosis is a common cause of paresis in flying foxes, the initial clinical course cannot be differentiated from Australian bat lyssavirus infection, and wildlife carers should be urged not to attempt to rehabilitate flying foxes with neurological disease.


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Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 decrease stomatal conductance of plants and thus suppress canopy transpiration. The climate response to this CO2-physiological forcing is investigated using the Community Atmosphere Model version 3.1 coupled to Community Land Model version 3.0. In response to the physiological effect of doubling CO2, simulations show a decrease in canopy transpiration of 8%, a mean warming of 0.1K over the land surface, and negligible changes in the hydrological cycle. These climate responses are much smaller than what were found in previous modeling studies. This is largely a result of unrealistic partitioning of evapotranspiration in our model control simulation with a greatly underestimated contribution from canopy transpiration and overestimated contributions from canopy and soil evaporation. This study highlights the importance of a realistic simulation of the hydrological cycle, especially the individual components of evapotranspiration, in reducing the uncertainty in our estimation of climatic response to CO2-physiological forcing. Citation: Cao, L., G. Bala, K. Caldeira, R. Nemani, and G.Ban-Weiss (2009), Climate response to physiological forcing of carbon dioxide simulated by the coupled Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.1) and Community Land Model (CLM3.0).


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XPS studies of the interaction of carbon monoxide with surfaces of Fe, Co and Ni indicate that at 300 K, the disproportionation reaction is prominent up to exposures of 103 L giving rise to high surface concentrations of carbon. At higher exposures and higher temperatures, dissociation of carbon monoxide accompanied by the formation of surface oxide layers becomes more prominent. In the case of copper, disproportionation is prominent up to 104 L even at 500 K followed by dissociation at higher exposures. These results are also supported by Auger spectroscopic studies.


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The size of the soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) has been proposed as a sensitive indicator for measuring the adverse effects of contaminants on the soil microbial community. In this study of Australian agricultural systems, we demonstrated that field variability of SMBC measured using the fumigation-extraction procedure limited its use as a robust ecotoxicological endpoint. The SMBC varied up to 4-fold across control samples collected from a single field site, due to small-scale spatial heterogeneity in the soil physicochemical environment. Power analysis revealed that large numbers of replicates (3-93) were required to identify 20% or 50% decreases in the size of the SMBC of contaminated soil samples relative to their uncontaminated control samples at the 0.05% level of statistical significance. We question the value of the routine measurement of SMBC as an ecotoxicological endpoint at the field scale, and suggest more robust and predictive microbiological indicators.


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Detailed data on seagrass distribution, abundance, growth rates and community structure information were collected at Orman Reefs in March 2004 to estimate the above-ground productivity and carbon assimilated by seagrass meadows. Seagrass meadows were re-examined in November 2004 for comparison at the seasonal extremes of seagrass abundance. Ten seagrass species were identified in the meadows on Orman Reefs. Extensive seagrass coverage was found in March (18,700 ha) and November (21,600 ha), with seagrass covering the majority of the intertidal reef-top areas and a large proportion of the subtidal areas examined. There were marked differences in seagrass above-ground biomass, distribution and species composition between the two surveys. Major changes between March and November included a substantial decline in biomass for intertidal meadows and an expansion in area of subtidal meadows. Changes were most likely a result of greater tidal exposure of intertidal meadows prior to November leading to desiccation and temperature-related stress. The Orman Reef seagrass meadows had a total above-ground productivity of 259.8 t DW day-1 and estimated carbon assimilation of 89.4 t C day-1 in March. The majority of this production came from the intertidal meadows which accounted for 81% of the total production. Intra-annual changes in seagrass species composition, shoot density and size of meadows measured in this study were likely to have a strong influence on the total above-ground production during the year. The net estimated above-ground productivity of Orman Reefs meadows in March 2004 (1.19 g C m-2 day-1) was high compared with other tropical seagrass areas that have been studied and also higher than many other marine, estuarine and terrestrial plant communities.


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Several chemicals including strobilurins (pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin), triazoles (difenoconazole and tebuconazole), dithiocarbamates (propineb, metiram, ziram and mancozeb) and the phthalimide chlorothalonil were evaluated in three field experiments in north Queensland, Australia, for the control of brown spot (caused by Corynespora cassiicola) and black spot (caused by Asperisporium caricae) of papaya. Chlorothalonil and pyraclostrobin were shown to be more effective than the industry standard, mancozeb, for the control of brown spot. In the black spot experiments, difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin and chlorothalonil used alone or in spray programs were as effective as, or better than, the industry standards, mancozeb and tebuconazole. Plants treated with pyraclostrobin and difenoconazole had more fruit unaffected by black spot (97% and 99% respectively) than plants treated with tebuconazole (51%), mancozeb (20%) and the untreated controls (1%). Laboratory tests also showed that A. caricae was more sensitive to difenoconazole (EC50 of 2ppm) than tebuconazole (EC50 of 14ppm). In 2007, off-label permits were obtained for chlorothalonil for control of brown spot and difenoconazole and chlorothalonil for the control of black spot of papaya.


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In 2001, an incursion of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black Sigatoka, was detected in Australia's largest commercial banana growing region, the Tully Banana Production Area in North Queensland. An intensive surveillance and eradication campaign was undertaken which resulted in the reinstatement of the disease-free status for black Sigatoka in 2005. This was the first time black Sigatoka had ever been eradicated from commercial plantations. The success of the eradication campaign was testament to good working relationships between scientists, growers, crop monitors, quarantine regulatory bodies and industry. A key contributing factor to the success was the deployment of a PCR-based molecular diagnostic assay, developed by the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Protection (CRCTPP). This assay complemented morphological identification and allowed high throughput diagnosis of samples facilitating rapid decision-making during the eradication campaign. This paper describes the development and successful deployment of molecular diagnostics for black Sigatoka. Shortcomings in the gel-based assay are discussed and the advantages of highly specific real-time PCR assays, capable of differentiating between Mycosphaerella fijiensis, Mycosphaerella musicola and Mycosphaerella eumusae are outlined. Real-time assays may provide a powerful diagnostic tool for applications in surveillance, disease forecasting and resistance testing for Sigatoka leaf spot diseases.


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Captive-reared broodstock of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) have exhibited poor reproductive performance limiting attempts to domesticate this species. The potential for improved reproductive performance was assessed by determining heritabilities of four measures of reproductive performance, their genetic correlations with each other and with growth rate and weight at age. Heritability estimates (h2 ± S.E.) obtained from √ (days to spawn), √ (egg number), √ (nauplii number) and arcsin √ (proportion hatched) were 0.47 ± 0.15, 0.41 ± 0.18, 0.27 ± 0.16, and 0.18 ± 0.16, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between reproductive traits and weight at age, or growth rate were less than 0.5 except for √ (egg number) and weight at 54 weeks (0.93 ± 0.19) and √ (egg number) and 16-54-week growth (0.63 ± 0.29).


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Cultivation and cropping of soils results in a decline in soil organic carbon and soil nitrogen, and can lead to reduced crop yields. The CENTURY model was used to simulate the effects of continuous cultivation and cereal cropping on total soil organic matter (C and N), carbon pools, nitrogen mineralisation, and crop yield from 6 locations in southern Queensland. The model was calibrated for each replicate from the original datasets, allowing comparisons for each replicate rather than site averages. The CENTURY model was able to satisfactorily predict the impact of long-term cultivation and cereal cropping on total organic carbon, but was less successful in simulating the different fractions and nitrogen mineralisation. The model firstly over-predicted the initial (pre-cropping) soil carbon and nitrogen concentration of the sites. To account for the unique shrinking and swelling characteristics of the Vertosol soils, the default annual decomposition rates of the slow and passive carbon pools were doubled, and then the model accurately predicted initial conditions. The ability of the model to predict carbon pool fractions varied, demonstrating the difficulty inherent in predicting the size of these conceptual pools. The strength of the model lies in the ability to closely predict the starting soil organic matter conditions, and the ability to predict the impact of clearing, cultivation, fertiliser application, and continuous cropping on total soil carbon and nitrogen.


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Black point in wheat has the potential to cost the Australian industry $A30.4 million a year. It is difficult and expensive to screen for resistance, so the aim of this study was to validate 3 previously identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for black point resistance on chromosomes 2B, 4A, and 3D of the wheat variety Sunco. Black point resistance data and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, linked to the resistance QTLs and suited to high-throughput assay, were analysed in the doubled haploid population, Batavia (susceptible) × Pelsart (resistant). Sunco and Pelsart both have Cook in their pedigree and both have the Triticum timopheevii translocation on 2B. SSR markers identified for the 3 genetic regions were gwm319 (2B, T. timopheevii translocation), wmc048 (4AS), and gwm341 (3DS). Gwm319 and wmc048 were associated with black point resistance in the validation population. Gwm341 may have an epistatic influence on the trait because when resistance alleles were present at both gwm319 and wmc048, the Batavia-derived allele at gwm341 was associated with a higher proportion of resistant lines. Data are presented showing the level of enrichment achieved for black point resistance, using 1, 2, or 3 of these molecular markers, and the number of associated discarded resistant lines. The level of population enrichment was found to be 1.83-fold with 6 of 17 resistant lines discarded when gwm319 and wmc048 were both used for selection. Interactions among the 3 QTLs appear complex and other genetic and epigenetic factors influence susceptibility to black point. Polymorphism was assessed for these markers within potential breeding material. This indicated that alternative markers to wmc048 may be required for some parental combinations. Based on these results, marker-assisted selection for the major black point resistance QTLs can increase the rate of genetic gain by improving the selection efficiency and may facilitate stacking of black point resistances from different sources.


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No-tillage (NT) practice, where straw is retained on the soil surface, is increasingly being used in cereal cropping systems in Australia and elsewhere. Compared to conventional tillage (CT), where straw is mixed with the ploughed soil, NT practice may reduce straw decomposition, increase nitrogen immobilisation and increase organic carbon in the soil. This study examined 15N-labelled wheat straw (stubble) decomposition in four treatments (NT v. CT, with N rates of 0 and 75 kg/ha.year) and assessed the tillage and fertiliser N effects on mineral N and organic C and N levels over a 10-year period in a field experiment. NT practice decreased the rate of straw decomposition while fertiliser N application increased it. However, there was no tillage practice x N interaction. The mean residence time of the straw N in soil was more than twice as long under the NT (1.2 years) as compared to the CT practice (0.5 years). In comparison, differences in mean residence time due to N fertiliser treatment were small. However, tillage had generally very little effect on either the amounts of mineral N at sowing or soil organic C (and N) over the study period. While application of N fertiliser increased mineral N, it had very little effect on organic C over a 10-year period. Relatively rapid decomposition of straw and short mean residence time of straw N in a Vertisol is likely to have very little long-term effect on N immobilisation and organic C level in an annual cereal cropping system in a subtropical, semiarid environment. Thus, changing the tillage practice from CT to NT may not necessitate additional N requirement unless use is made of additional stored water in the soil or mineral N loss due to increased leaching is compensated for in N supply to crops.


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Characterization of indoor air quality in school classrooms is crucial to children’s health and performance. The present study was undertaken to characterize the indoor air quality in six naturally ventilated classrooms of three schools in Cassino (Italy). Indoor particle number, mass, black carbon, CO2 and radon concentrations, as well as outdoor particle number were measured within school hours during the winter and spring season. The study found the concentrations of indoor particle number were influenced by the concentrations in the outdoors; highest BC values were detected in classrooms during peak traffic time. The effect of different seasons’ airing mode on the indoor air quality was also detected. The ratio between indoor and outdoor particles was of 0.85 ± 0.10 in winter, under airing conditions of short opening window periods, and 1.00 ± 0.15 in spring when the windows were opened for longer periods. This was associated to a higher degree of penetration of outdoor particles due to longer period of window opening. Lower CO2 levels were found in classrooms in spring (908 ppm) than in winter (2206 ppm). Additionally, a greater reduction in radon concentrations was found in spring. In addition, high PM10 levels were found in classrooms during break time due to re-suspension of coarse particles. Keywords: classroom; Ni/Nout ratio; airing by opening windows; particle number


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In the study of the integrity of the global carbon regime there are a number of institutions that must be considered for their impacts on this system. In particular, the subject matter of this chapter is concerned with the main international institution for trade, the World Trade Organization (the WTO). Otherwise stated, this chapter is concerned with how the institutional integrity of the global carbon regime aligns with the values and policy objectives of the WTO. This is done with a view to consider whether the global carbon regime aligns with these values and objectives in a way demonstrative of context-integrity. This alignment is not a single-sided undertaking and, therefore, it is essential that the underlying values of the WTO themselves align with the global carbon regime. I suggest this is particularly crucial given the importance of the objectives of the climate change regime, and the scientific predictions of the current climate projections.


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To determine the potential role of flying foxes in transmission cycles of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in Australia, we exposed Pteropus alecto (Megachiroptera: Pteropididae) to JEV via infected Culex annulirostris mosquitoes or inoculation. No flying foxes developed symptoms consistent with JEV infection. Anti-JEV IgG antibodies developed in 6/10 flying foxes exposed to infected Cx. annulirostris and in 5/5 inoculated flying foxes. Low-level viremia was detected by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in 1/5 inoculated flying foxes and this animal was able to infect recipient mosquitoes. Although viremia was not detected in any of the 10 flying foxes that were exposed to JEV by mosquito bite, two animals infected recipient mosquitoes. Likewise, an inoculated flying fox without detectable viremia infected recipient mosquitoes. Although infection rates in recipient mosquitoes were low, the high population densities in roosting camps, coupled with migratory behavior indicate that flying foxes could play a role in the dispersal of JEV.