980 resultados para capital gains tax
[cat] En aquest treball, es realitza una nova estimació del VAB industrial espanyol a un nivell de desagregació territorial corresponent a les províncies (NUTSIII) i les Comunitats Autònomes (NUTS II). Per assolir aquest objectiu es planteja una nova metodologia d’estimació de les xifres històriques de VAB industrial regional. Front a les aproximacions tradicionals, basades en la utilització de fonts fiscals com a forma d’aproximar la capacitat productiva industrial, en aquest treball s’ofereix una estimació que també es basa en les rendes generades per la producció industrial de les regions. Amb aquest objectiu, es fa servir la metodologia proposada per Geary i Stark (2002) i les millores proposades per Crafts (2005). La utilització d’aquesta metodologia permet elaborar una nova estimació retrospectiva del VAB industrial de les regions espanyoles a diversos talls temporals corresponents al període 1860-1930.
O artigo aborda a retomada do conceito de capital humano nas últimas décadas no contexto da hegemonia de organismos multilaterais mais diretamente vinculados ao pensamento e aos interesses norte-americanos na área educacional, e de demandas que resultam da reestruturação produtiva e sociocultural na Nova Era Capitalista. Ressalta a amplitude das noções metafóricas dele derivadas (Bourdieu e outros) e indica o trecho dos Grundrisse em que Marx refere-se ao homem como sendo o próprio capital fixo criado pelo desenvolvimento de suas capacidades no tempo livre.
In this paper, the expression for the cost of capital is derived when net and replacement investments exhibit differences in their effective prices due to a different fiscal treatment. It is shown that, contrary to previous results in the literature, the cost of capital should be constructed under an opportunity cost criterion rather than a historical one. This result has some important economic consequences, since the optimizing firm will take into account not only the effective price for the new investments but also consider the opportunity cost of replacing them.
Projecte de recerca (EDU2011-25960) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
A despeito de melhora expressiva no fluxo escolar durante a maior parte da década de 1990, especialmente entre 1992 e 1998, a repetência tem-se mantido constante e em valor elevado desde 1998. Dados provenientes dos dois últimos censos das escolas indicam leve tendência de aumento da repetência. Usamos dados do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Básica - Saeb/2001 -, para investigar a relação entre origem social e risco de repetência de alunos que cursavam a 8ª série do ensino fundamental em escolas públicas de capitais brasileiras. O resultado da estimação de modelos de risco para repetência mostrou que diversas variáveis de origem social continuam associadas ao aumento do risco da repetência, no sentido usualmente descrito pela literatura educacional. Mostrou também que embora capital econômico acima da média atue como fator de proteção para a repetência, esse resultado não prevalece para todos os grupos raciais, pois alto capital econômico mostrou-se fator de risco para os alunos que se autodeclararam pretos. Conseqüências dos resultados para políticas públicas são discutidas.
Develop, in conjunction with the regional planning affiliations and metropolitan planning organizations and other stakeholder groups, a process to exchange STP federal funds for Primary Highway System funds for the purpose of reducing the number of small projects that have to meet onerous federal requirements. In order to implement this recommendation, legislative action is required to eliminate the restriction on using Primary Road Fund revenue on local jurisdiction roadways in exchange for a portion of their federal STP funding. This past session, Iowa DOT worked with legislators to introduce a bill in both the House and the Senate to eliminate this Code restriction. Bills were discussed at the subcommittee level in both the House and Senate but did not proceed because of the need to have further discussions with impacted parties. Prior to next session, discussions will occur amongst all impacted parties to reach consensus on how this recommendation could be implemented. With that consensus in place prior to next session, it is anticipated that the bills can be reintroduced next session.
Senate File 2314, 84th General Assembly, states the Iowa Department of Transportation shall submit quarterly reports regarding the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the “Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report,” January 2012. This report shall provide details of activities undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. Issues covered include savings realized from the implementation of particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, counties, other jurisdictions, or stakeholder interest groups; any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and identification of any legislative action that may be required to achieve efficiencies.
[spa] La participación del trabajo en la renta nacional es constante bajo los supuestos de una función de producción Cobb-Douglas y competencia perfecta. En este artículo se relajan estos supuestos y se investiga si el comportamiento no constante de la participación del trabajo en la renta nacional se explica por (i) una elasticidad de sustitución entre capital y trabajo no unitaria y (ii) competencia no perfecta en el mercado de producto. Nos centramos en España y los U.S. y estimamos una función de producción con elasticidad de sustitución constante y competencia imperfecta en el mercado de producto. El grado de competencia imperfecta se mide a través del cálculo del price markup basado en laaproximación dual. Mostramos que la elasticidad de sustitución es mayor que uno en España y menor que uno en los US. También mostramos que el price markup aleja la elasticidad de sustitución de uno, lo aumenta en España, lo reduce en los U.S. Estos resultados se utilizan para explicar la senda decreciente de la participación del trabajo en la renta nacional, común a ambas economías, y sus contrastadas sendas de capital.
[eng] This paper provides, from a theoretical and quantitative point of view, an explanation of why taxes on capital returns are high (around 35%) by analyzing the optimal fiscal policy in an economy with intergenerational redistribution. For this purpose, the government is modeled explicitly and can choose (and commit to) an optimal tax policy in order to maximize society's welfare. In an infinitely lived economy with heterogeneous agents, the long run optimal capital tax is zero. If heterogeneity is due to the existence of overlapping generations, this result in general is no longer true. I provide sufficient conditions for zero capital and labor taxes, and show that a general class of preferences, commonly used on the macro and public finance literature, violate these conditions. For a version of the model, calibrated to the US economy, the main results are: first, if the government is restricted to a set of instruments, the observed fiscal policy cannot be disregarded as sub optimal and capital taxes are positive and quantitatively relevant. Second, if the government can use age specific taxes for each generation, then the age profile capital tax pattern implies subsidizing asset returns of the younger generations and taxing at higher rates the asset returns of the older ones.
[eng] In this paper we analyze how the composition of labor taxation affects unemployment in a unionized economy with capital accumulation and an unemployment benefit system. We show that if the unemployment benefit system is gross Bismarckian then the unemployment rate is reduced if wage taxes are decreased (and thus payroll taxes are increased). However, if the unemployment benefit system is net Bismarckian then the unemployment rate does not depend on how the system is financed. Besides, in a Beveridgean system the labor tax composition does not affect the unemployment rate if and only if the unemployed do not pay taxes and the employed pay a constant marginal tax rate. We also analyze when an unemployment benefit budget-balanced rule makes the economy to have a hysteresis process.
In this paper we study the relationship between unions and growth in a two-sector overlapping generations model with altruism and humancapital. This relationship depends on the interaction between the technology in the sector that produces human capital, the degreeof unionization of the economy and the operativeness of the bequest motive.
Senate File 2314, 84th General Assembly, states the Iowa Department of Transportation shall submit quarterly reports regarding the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the "Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report," January 2012. This report shall provide details of activities undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. Issues covered include savings realized from the implementation of particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, counties, other jurisdictions, or stakeholder interest groups; any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and identification of any legislative action that may be required to achieve efficiencies.
Senate File 2314, 84th General Assembly, states the Iowa Department of Transportation shall submit quarterly reports regarding the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the "Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report," January 2012. This report shall provide details of activities undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. Issues covered include savings realized from the implementation of particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, counties, other jurisdictions, or stakeholder interest groups; any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and identification of any legislative action that may be required to achieve efficiencies.
Este paper analiza la aparición de la Sociedad del Conocimiento como una consecuencia del doble impacto del gran avanzo científico que caracteriza esta virada de siglo, el reciente surgimiento de tecnologías de información y comunicación, y el proceso de globalización que está transformando los mercados de producción y finanzas, y causando profundos cambios en los ambientes institucionales de la generación del concocimiento y su utilización. Se analiza también la importancia de redes y procesos de aprendizaje; la sinergia y tensiones que son simultáneamente generadas por la dinámica interacción que está ocurriendo entre la "apropiación social y privada del conocimiento"; y los retos en la formación de nueva estructura normativa para la generación y utilización del conocimiento en la solución de cuestiones de política de derechos de propiedad intelectual. Se hace referencia también a casos innovadores de promoción de redes de aprendizaje y desarrollo de diálogo entre depositarios. Se relatan también experiencias en foros sobre cuestiones estratégicas y otros mecanismos relacionados a la apropiación social del conocimiento, así como el surgimiento del Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), como una nueva expresión de globalización de la ciencia.