967 resultados para bone cells


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Erythropoietin (Epo)-independent differentiation of erythroid progenitors is a major characteristic of myeloproliferative disorders, including chronic myeloid leukemia. Epo receptor (EpoR) signaling is crucial for normal erythroid development, as evidenced by the properties of Epo−/− and EpoR−/− mice, which contain a normal number of fetal liver erythroid progenitors but die in utero from a severe anemia attributable to the absence of red cell maturation. Here we show that two constitutively active cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases, P210BCR-ABL and v-SRC, can functionally replace the EpoR and support full proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of fetal liver erythroid progenitors from EpoR−/− mice. These protein tyrosine kinases can also partially complement the myeloid growth factors IL-3, IL-6, and Steel factor, which are normally required in addition to Epo for erythroid development. Additionally, BCR-ABL mutants that lack residues necessary for transformation of fibroblasts or bone marrow cells can fully support normal erythroid development. These results demonstrate that activated tyrosine kinase oncoproteins implicated in tumorigenesis and human leukemia can functionally complement for cytokine receptor signaling pathways to support normal erythropoiesis in EpoR-deficient cells. Moreover, terminal differentiation of erythroid cells requires generic signals provided by activated protein tyrosine kinases and does not require a specific signal unique to a cytokine receptor.


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The adhesive mechanisms allowing hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) homing to the bone marrow (BM) after BM transplantation are poorly understood. We investigated the role of endothelial selectins and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in this process. Lethally irradiated recipient mice deficient in both P-and E-selectins (P/E−/−), reconstituted with minimal numbers (≤5 × 104) of wild-type BM cells, poorly survived the procedure compared with wild-type recipients. Excess mortality in P/E−/− mice, after a lethal dose of irradiation, was likely caused by a defect of HPC homing. Indeed, we observed that the recruitment of HPC to the BM was reduced in P/E−/− animals, either splenectomized or spleen-intact. Homing into the BM of P/E−/− recipient mice was further compromised when a function-blocking VCAM-1 antibody was administered. Circulating HPC, 14 hr after transplantation, were greatly increased in P/E−/− mice treated with anti-VCAM-1 compared with P/E−/− mice treated with just IgG or wild-type mice treated with either anti-VCAM-1 or IgG. Our results indicate that endothelial selectins play an important role in HPC homing to the BM. Optimal recruitment of HPC after lethal doses of irradiation requires the combined action of both selectins and VCAM-1 expressed on endothelium of the BM.


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We have discovered that cells derived from the skeletal muscle of adult mice contain a remarkable capacity for hematopoietic differentiation. Cells prepared from muscle by enzymatic digestion and 5-day in vitro culture were harvested, and 18 × 103 cells were introduced into each of six lethally irradiated recipients together with 200 × 103 distinguishable whole bone marrow cells. After 6 or 12 weeks, all recipients showed high-level engraftment of muscle-derived cells representing all major adult blood lineages. The mean total contribution of muscle cell progeny to peripheral blood was 56 ± 20% (SD), indicating that the cultured muscle cells generated approximately 10- to 14-fold more hematopoietic activity than whole bone marrow. When bone marrow from one mouse was harvested and transplanted into secondary recipients, all recipients showed high-level multilineage engraftment (mean 40%), establishing the extremely primitive nature of these stem cells. We also show that muscle contains a population of cells with several characteristics of bone marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cells, including high efflux of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 and expression of the stem cell antigens Sca-1 and c-Kit, although the cells lack the hematopoietic marker CD45. We propose that this population accounts for the hematopoietic activity generated by cultured skeletal muscle. These putative stem cells may be identical to muscle satellite cells, some of which lack myogenic regulators and could be expected to respond to hematopoietic signals.


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We have identified a rare (≈0.05–0.1%) population of cells (Thy-1hiCD16+CD44hiCD2−TCRαβ−B220−Mac-1−NK1.1−) in the adult mouse bone marrow that generates CD4+ and CD8+ TCRαβ+ T cells after tissue culture for 48 hr in the presence of Ly5 congenic marrow cells. The essential stages in the maturation of the progenitors were determined; the stages included an early transition from CD2−CD16+CD44hiTCRαβ− to CD2+CD16int/−CD44int/−TCRαβ− cells, and a later transition to CD4+CD8+TCRαβ+ double-positive T cells that rapidly generate the CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive T cells. The maturation of the progenitors is almost completely arrested at the CD2+TCRαβ− stage by the presence of mature T cells at the initiation of cultures. This alternate pathway is supported by the marrow microenvironment; it recapitulates critical intermediary steps in intrathymic T cell maturation.


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Galactosialidosis (GS) is a human neurodegenerative disease caused by a deficiency of lysosomal protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA). The GS mouse model resembles the severe human condition, resulting in nephropathy, ataxia, and premature death. To rescue the disease phenotype, GS mice were transplanted with bone marrow from transgenic mice overexpressing human PPCA specifically in monocytes/macrophages under the control of the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor promoter. Transgenic macrophages infiltrated and resided in all organs and expressed PPCA at high levels. Correction occurred in hematopoietic tissues and nonhematopoietic organs, including the central nervous system. PPCA-expressing perivascular and leptomeningeal macrophages were detected throughout the brain of recipient mice, although some neuronal cells, such as Purkinje cells, continued to show storage and died. GS mice crossed into the transgenic background reflected the outcome of bone marrow-transplanted mice, but the course of neuronal degeneration was delayed in this model. These studies present definite evidence that macrophages alone can provide a source of corrective enzyme for visceral organs and may be beneficial for neuronal correction if expression levels are sufficient.


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A monoclonal antibody specific for the empty conformation of class II MHC molecules revealed the presence of abundant empty molecules on the surface of spleen- and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) among various types of antigen-presenting cells. The empty class II MHC molecules are developmentally regulated and expressed predominantly on immature DC. They can capture peptide antigens directly from the extracellular medium and present bound peptides to antigen-specific T lymphocytes. The ability of the empty cell-surface class II MHC proteins to bind peptides and present them to T cells without intracellular processing can serve to extend the spectrum of antigens able to be presented by DC, consistent with their role as sentinels in the immune system.


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Bone mass is maintained constant in vertebrates through bone remodeling (BR). BR is characterized by osteoclastic resorption of preexisting bone followed by de novo bone formation by osteoblasts. This sequence of events and the fact that bone mass remains constant in physiological situation lead to the assumption that resorption and formation are regulated by each other during BR. Recent evidence shows that cells of the osteoblastic lineage are involved in osteoclast differentiation. However, the existence of a functional link between the two activities, formation and resorption, has never been shown in vivo. To define the role of bone formation in the control of bone resorption, we generated an inducible osteoblast ablation mouse model. These mice developed a reversible osteopenia. Functional analyses showed that in the absence of bone formation, bone resorption continued to occur normally, leading to an osteoporosis of controllable severity, whose appearance could be prevented by an antiresorptive agent. This study establishes that bone formation and/or bone mass do not control the extent of bone resorption in vivo.


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We report herein the successful long term engraftment of highly purified hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) without any facilitating cells in fully allogeneic recipient mice across the entire major histocompatibility complex (MHC) transplantation barrier. This finding challenges the assumption that highly purified marrow HSCs alone cannot produce long-lived allogeneic bone marrow chimeras across the MHC barrier. In the present experiments, 1 × 105 HSCs from 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-treated donors, without any facilitating cells, have been found to repopulate lethally irradiated fully allogeneic recipients. Low density, lineage-negative (CD4−, CD8−, B220−, Mac-1−, Gr-1−), CD71-negative, class I highly positive, FACS-sorted cells from 5-FU-treated C57BL/6 (B6) donor mice were transplanted into lethally irradiated BALB/c recipients. (BALB/c → BALB/c) → BALB/c T cell-depleted marrow cells used as compromised cells were also transplanted into the recipients to permit experiments to be pursued over a long period of time. Cells of donor origin in all recognized lineages of hematopoietic cells developed in these allogeneic chimeras. One thousand HSCs were sufficient to repopulate hemiallogeneic recipients, but 1 × 104 HSCs alone from 5-FU-treated donors failed to repopulate the fully allogeneic recipients. Transplantation of primary marrow stromal cells or bones of the donor strain into recipient, together with 1 × 104 HSCs, also failed to reconstitute fully allogeneic recipients. Suppression of resistance of recipients by thymectomy or injections of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor before stem cell transplantation enhanced the engraftment of allogeneic HSCs. Our experiments show that reconstitution of all lymphohematopoietic lineages across the entire MHC transplantation barriers may be achieved by transplanting allogeneic HSCs alone, without any facilitating cells, as long as a sufficient number of HSCs is transplanted.


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Bone-forming cells are organized in a multicellular network interconnected by gap junctions. In these cells, gap junctions are formed by connexin43 (Cx43) and connexin45 (Cx45). Cx43 gap junctions form pores that are more permeable to negatively charged dyes such as Lucifer yellow and calcein than are Cx45 pores. We studied whether altering gap junctional communication by manipulating the relative expression of Cx43 and Cx45 affects the osteoblast phenotype. Transfection of Cx45 in cells that express primarily Cx43 (ROS 17/2.8 and MC3T3-E1) decreased both dye transfer and expression of osteocalcin (OC) and bone sialoprotein (BSP), genes pivotal to bone matrix formation and calcification. Conversely, transfection of Cx43 into cells that express predominantly Cx45 (UMR 106–01) increased both cell coupling and expression of OC and BSP. Transient cotransfection of promoter–luciferase constructs and connexin expression vectors demonstrated that OC and BSP gene transcription was down-regulated by Cx45 cotransfection in ROS 17/2.8 and MC3T3-E1 cells, in association with a decrease in dye coupling. Conversely, cotransfection of Cx43 in UMR 106–01 cells up-regulated OC and BSP gene transcription. Activity of other less specific osteoblast promoters, such as osteopontin and osteonectin, was less sensitive to changes in gap junctional communication. Thus, altering gap junctional permeability by manipulating the expression of Cx43 and Cx45 in osteoblastic cells alters transcriptional activity of osteoblast-specific promoters, presumably via modulation of signals that can diffuse from cell to cell. A communicating intercellular network is required for the full elaboration of a differentiated osteoblastic phenotype.


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The biological effects of type I serine/threonine kinase receptors and Smad proteins were examined using an adenovirus-based vector system. Constitutively active forms of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptors (BMPR-IA and BMPR-IB; BMPR-I group) and those of activin receptor–like kinase (ALK)-1 and ALK-2 (ALK-1 group) induced alkaline phosphatase activity in C2C12 cells. Receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smads) that act in the BMP pathways, such as Smad1 and Smad5, also induced the alkaline phosphatase activity in C2C12 cells. BMP-6 dramatically enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity induced by Smad1 or Smad5, probably because of the nuclear translocation of R-Smads triggered by the ligand. Inhibitory Smads, i.e., Smad6 and Smad7, repressed the alkaline phosphatase activity induced by BMP-6 or the type I receptors. Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells was induced by the receptors of the BMPR-I group but not by those of the ALK-1 group. However, kinase-inactive forms of the receptors of the ALK-1 and BMPR-I groups blocked chondrogenic differentiation. Although R-Smads failed to induce cartilage nodule formation, inhibitory Smads blocked it. Osteoblast differentiation induced by BMPs is thus mediated mainly via the Smad-signaling pathway, whereas chondrogenic differentiation may be transmitted by Smad-dependent and independent pathways.


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Transcriptional silencing of genes transferred into hematopoietic stem cells poses one of the most significant challenges to the success of gene therapy. If the transferred gene is not completely silenced, a progressive decline in gene expression as the mice age often is encountered. These phenomena were observed to various degrees in mouse transplant experiments using retroviral vectors containing a human β-globin gene, even when cis-linked to locus control region derivatives. Here, we have investigated whether ex vivo preselection of retrovirally transduced stem cells on the basis of expression of the green fluorescent protein driven by the CpG island phosphoglycerate kinase promoter can ensure subsequent long-term expression of a cis-linked β-globin gene in the erythroid lineage of transplanted mice. We observed that 100% of mice (n = 7) engrafted with preselected cells concurrently expressed human β-globin and the green fluorescent protein in 20–95% of their RBC for up to 9.5 mo posttransplantation, the longest time point assessed. This expression pattern was successfully transferred to secondary transplant recipients. In the presence of β-locus control region hypersensitive site 2 alone, human β-globin mRNA expression levels ranged from 0.15% to 20% with human β-globin chains detected by HPLC. Neither the proportion of positive blood cells nor the average expression levels declined with time in transplanted recipients. Although suboptimal expression levels and heterocellular position effects persisted, in vivo stem cell gene silencing and age-dependent extinction of expression were avoided. These findings support the further investigation of this type of vector for the gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies.


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We have generated RANK (receptor activator of NF-κB) nullizygous mice to determine the molecular genetic interactions between osteoprotegerin, osteoprotegerin ligand, and RANK during bone resorption and remodeling processes. RANK−/− mice lack osteoclasts and have a profound defect in bone resorption and remodeling and in the development of the cartilaginous growth plates of endochondral bone. The osteopetrosis observed in these mice can be reversed by transplantation of bone marrow from rag1−/− (recombinase activating gene 1) mice, indicating that RANK−/− mice have an intrinsic defect in osteoclast function. Calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines that are known to induce bone resorption in mice and human were administered to RANK−/− mice without inducing hypercalcemia, although tumor necrosis factor α treatment leads to the rare appearance of osteoclast-like cells near the site of injection. Osteoclastogenesis can be initiated in RANK−/− mice by transfer of the RANK cDNA back into hematopoietic precursors, suggesting a means to critically evaluate RANK structural features required for bone resorption. Together these data indicate that RANK is the intrinsic cell surface determinant that mediates osteoprotegerin ligand effects on bone resorption and remodeling as well as the physiological and pathological effects of calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines.


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Hematopoiesis depends on a pool of quiescent hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. When exposed to specific cytokines, a portion of these cells enters the cell cycle to generate an amplified progeny. Myeloblastin (MBN) initially was described as involved in proliferation of human leukemia cells. The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which stimulates the proliferation of granulocytic precursors, up-regulates MBN expression. Here we show that constitutive overexpression of MBN confers factor-independent growth to murine bone marrow-derived Ba/F3/G-CSFR cells. Our results point to MBN as a G-CSF responsive gene critical to factor-independent growth and indicate that expression of the G-CSF receptor is a prerequisite to this process. A 91-bp MBN promoter region containing PU.1, C/EBP, and c-Myb binding sites is responsive to G-CSF treatment. Although PU.1, C/EBP, and c-Myb transcription factors all were critical for expression of MBN, its up-regulation by G-CSF was associated mainly with PU.1. These findings suggest that MBN is an important target of PU.1 and a key protease for factor-independent growth of hematopoietic cells.


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The cell adhesion molecule L1 regulates axonal guidance and fasciculation during development. We previously identified the regulatory region of the L1 gene and showed that it was sufficient for establishing the neural pattern of L1 expression in transgenic mice. In the present study, we characterize a DNA element within this region called the HPD that contains binding motifs for both homeodomain and Pax proteins and responds to signals from bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). An ATTA sequence within the core of the HPD was required for binding to the homeodomain protein Barx2 while a separate paired domain recognition motif was necessary for binding to Pax-6. In cellular transfection experiments, L1-luciferase reporter constructs containing the HPD were activated an average of 4-fold by Pax-6 in N2A cells and 5-fold by BMP-2 and BMP-4 in Ng108 cells. Both of these responses were eliminated on deletion of the HPD from L1 constructs. In transgenic mice, deletion of the HPD from an L1-lacZ reporter resulted in a loss of β-galactosidase expression in the telencephalon and mesencephalon. Collectively, our experiments indicate that the HPD regulates L1 expression in neural tissues via homeodomain and Pax proteins and is likely to be a target of BMP signaling during development.


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Fabry disease is an X-linked metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A). The enzyme defect leads to the systemic accumulation of glycosphingolipids with α-galactosyl moieties consisting predominantly of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). In patients with this disorder, glycolipid deposition in endothelial cells leads to renal failure and cardiac and cerebrovascular disease. Recently, we generated α-Gal A gene knockout mouse lines and described the phenotype of 10-week-old mice. In the present study, we characterize the progression of the disease with aging and explore the effects of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) on the phenotype. Histopathological analysis of α-Gal A −/0 mice revealed subclinical lesions in the Kupffer cells in the liver and macrophages in the skin with no gross lesions in the endothelial cells. Gb3 accumulation and pathological lesions in the affected organs increased with age. Treatment with BMT from the wild-type mice resulted in the clearance of accumulated Gb3 in the liver, spleen, and heart with concomitant elevation of α-Gal A activity. These findings suggest that BMT may have a potential role in the management of patients with Fabry disease.