969 resultados para bladder carcinoma


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PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between overactive bladder syndrome and anxiety in older women.METHODS: Of the 198 older women who were invited, 29 were excluded and 166 were then divided into two groups according to the Advanced Questionnaire of Overactive Bladder (OAB-V8): one group with overactive bladder symptoms (OAB-V8≥8) and the other without the symptoms of an overactive bladder (OAB-V8<8). The purpose was to conduct a frequency analysis and to investigate the relation of the social demographic data and anxiety in the two groups. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used to evaluate the level of anxiety. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the distribution of the data. The differences between the two groups for the continuous variables were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U test, the differences for the categorical variables were analyzed by the Chi-Square test and the association between the continuous variables was analyzed by the Spearman Correlation test. The tests were two-tailed with a confidence level of 5%.RESULTS: Overall, the frequency of an overactive bladder was present in 117 (70.5%) of the participants. The body mass index (BMI) of the group with overactive bladder symptoms was significantly higher than the BMI of those without these symptoms (p=0.001). A higher prevalence of mild, moderate and severe anxiety was observed among older women with overactive bladder symptoms. In addition, the overactive bladder symptoms group presented a positive low correlation with anxiety symptoms (r=0.345) and with BMI (r=0.281). There was a small correlation between BMI and anxiety symptoms (r=0.164).CONCLUSIONS: Overactive bladder syndrome was prevalent among older women and the existence of these symptoms was linked to the presence of mild, moderate and/or severe anxiety symptoms.


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Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and accounts for 1 to 2% of all breast cancers. LCIS diagnosis currently remains one of the major identifiable risk factors for subsequent breast cancer development. Imaging methods are becoming increasingly sensitive, and the consequent detection of small lesions and subtle abnormalities increases the chance of detection of in situ and invasive carcinomas, leading to a reduction in mortality. This report describes a case of a palpable complaint with abnormal imaging findings, including a solid LCIS mass.


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The bladder lesions of 59 cattle, from the States of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and Amazon, affected by Bovine Enzootic Haematuria (BEH), were studied histologically. The objective of this study was to describe and reclassify neoplastic and non-neoplastic alterations not yet reported, according to the more complete current nomenclature used in human medicine. There was an almost complete identity with alterations observed in the bladder of man. Due to the occurrence of two or more neoplasms in the same animal, differences in the methodology and in the concept of classification, a more precise comparison was not possible. Coexistence of different types of epithelial and/or mesenchymal tumour growth was frequently seen. Rare neoplasms or differentiations not previously described were found in the bladder of some animals affected by BEH. These were trabecular carcinoma with Paneth cells differentiation, mesonephroid adenoma, mesonephroid adenocarcinoma, "signet ring" cell carcinoma, plasmocytoid carcinoma, chromophobe cell carcinoma and nested type of transitional cell carcinoma. Haemangiosarcomas originating from haemangiomas were also observed. This study also revealed the occurrence of many tumors with anaplasia and pronounced infiltrative features, but which did not metastasize. The elucidation of the cause of this "barrier against metastases" and its relationship with chemical carcinogenesis induced by the ptaquiloside, the active principle of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), could be of interest to future research on the control ofneoplasia in man and animals.


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Descreve-se a ocorrência de carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) bem diferenciado em caprinos de duas propriedades no Estado do Pará. Foram observadas a prevalência, a correlação com a pigmentação da região perineal e as características macro e microscópica das lesões. As lesões consistiram em tumores no períneo, com grau de desenvolvimento, diâmetro e forma variados. Em uma propriedade no município de Viseu, dos 347 caprinos, 20 apresentaram CCE (5,8%). A neoplasia só foi observada em animais com a região perineal despigmentada. Em outra propriedade, no município de Garrafão do Norte, descreve-se a ocorrência de três casos em um rebanho de 400 caprinos (0,75%). A elevada ocorrência deste tumor deve-se, provavelmente, à despigmentação do períneo e à cauda curta e elevada das cabras, que expõe a região perineal à alta incidência de radiação ultravioleta naquela região.


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Um caso de carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar difuso do tipo misto foi diagnosticado em um leão-africano (Panthera leo), hospitalizado com sinais de dispnéia e emagrecimento progressivo. Em todos os lobos pulmonares havia múltiplos nódulos esbranquiçados, macios e homogêneos, de 0,2-0,5cm em diâmetro. Histologicamente, os nódulos eram constituídos por células neoplásicas arranjadas em alvéolos e papilas sustentados por moderado estroma fibrovascular, um padrão que lembrava a estrutura pulmonar pré-existente. Na reação pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) foi observada marcação positiva no citoplasma de numerosas células neoplásicas. Todas as células neoplásicas demonstraram forte e uniforme imunorreatividade citoplasmática para pancitoceratina. A marcação para o fator 1 de transcrição da tireóide (TTF-1) foi observada em focos nos núcleos das células neoplásicas das margens dos nódulos. Nas secções avaliadas para surfactante A, a marcação foi observada em múltiplas áreas focais, tanto no citoplasma como na membrana citoplasmática das células neoplásicas. O diagnóstico de carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar difuso do tipo misto foi feito com base nos achados histológicos, histoquímicos e imuno-histoquímicos. Essa parece ser a primeira descrição de um neoplasma pulmonar primário maligno em leão-africano.


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Foram encontrados nove casos de carcinoma de células renais em uma pesquisa de 586 tumores em bovinos provenientes de 6.706 necropsias realizadas nessa espécie num período de 45 anos (1964-2008). Seis bovinos morreram por complicações do tumor e três foram achados incidentais. Os bovinos acometidos por carcinoma de células renais demonstraram os seguintes sinais clínicos: perda de peso (5 casos), massas abdominais palpáveis (4 casos), dificuldade respiratória (4 casos), tosse (4 casos), hiporexia (3 casos), anorexia (2 casos), dor abdominal (2 casos) e febre (1 caso). Os sinais clínicos observados estavam relacionados ao comprometimento induzido pelas metástases, que foram observadas nos nove casos. As metástases foram observadas nos linfonodos abdominais, superfícies serosas, fígado e pulmão. Dois bovinos tinham tumor renal bilateral. Microscopicamente, foi observado o padrão tubular, sólido e um misto de sólido e tubular e tubulopapilífero. O tipo celular eosinofílico foi predominante, apenas um tumor sólido era constituído basicamente por células claras. Reação cirrosa variou de discreta à acentuada. Corpora amylaceae foi um achado comum. Todos os tumores marcaram positivamente para citoceratina AE1/AE3 com diferentes graus de intensidade. A imunomarcação para CD10 foi observada em todos os casos testados. CD10 marcou intensamente no CCR de células claras, nos demais a marcação foi observada de forma isolada e menos intensa. Três tumores marcaram de forma isolada e discreta para o anticorpo anti-PAX-2. A avaliação foi negativa para citoceratina 34β12, c-KIT (CD117), S-100, cromogranina A e apoproteína A surfactante. Os resultados obtidos indicam que CCR são incomuns em bovinos no Sul do Brasil com uma média de 1.3 casos para cada mil necropsias realizadas e que o anticorpo anti-CD10 é útil no diagnóstico de CCR em bovinos.


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Neste trabalho descreve-se a frequência de carcinomas de células escamosas diagnosticados pelo Laboratório de Patologia Animal (LPA) do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) em bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e equinos no semiárido da Paraíba, durante o período de 1983 a 2010, analisando dados epidemiológicos e fatores de risco. Foi realizada a análise dos fatores de risco, mediante o teste de qui-quadrado de aderência, considerando como variáveis espécie, raça, sexo, idade e localização da massa tumoral. Durante o período foram registrados 3.153 diagnósticos provenientes de biópsias e necropsias. Destes, 81 casos (2,7%) foram de carcinomas de células escamosas. A frequência por espécie foi de 4% (42/1052) em bovinos, 2,5% (15/603) em equinos, 1,7% (12/709) em ovinos e 1,5% (12/789) em caprinos, sendo significativamente maior em bovinos (p<0,001). Todos os casos apresentavam características histológicas de CCE, variando apenas o grau de diferenciação celular. Em bovinos e caprinos, a frequência do tumor foi significativamente maior em animais adultos (p<0,001 e p<0,005, respectivamente). Nos bovinos a localização preferencial foi em olhos e região periocular (p<0,001) e nos ovinos na pele (p=0,018), principalmente na cabeça, enquanto que nas outras espécies não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na localização do tumor. Sugere-se que a maior frequência de CCE em bovinos deve-se à constituição do rebanho, formado predominantemente por fêmeas da raça Holandesa.


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As neoplasias mamárias são raras em primatas não humanos, enquanto que nas mulheres apresentam alta incidência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência e os resultados do tratamento de um Cebus sp. (fam. Cebidae) fêmea, com carcinoma mamário pouco diferenciado encaminhado ao Serviço de Atendimento de Animais Selvagens da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. À inspeção o animal apresentava aumento de volume em região mamária direita e ao exame radiográfico foram observados três pontos de radiopacidade, característicos de projétil balístico de arma de pressão, com um deles alojado ao centro da massa de tecido mamário Após estabilização, a paciente foi submetida à exérese cirúrgica de aumento de volume e o material foi encaminhado para análise histopatológica. O diagnóstico obtido foi de carcinoma de alto grau, compatível com carcinoma adenoescamoso. Após a retirada dos pontos a paciente foi encaminhada ao convívio de outros animais. Mais de 20 meses após a terapia cirúrgica não há sinais de recidiva. A paciente alimenta-se bem, convive normalmente com o grupo, sugerindo que a terapia adotada foi eficiente até o momento em alcançar qualidade de vida e aumento de sobrevida do animal.


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RESUMO: O carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) é uma neoplasia rara nos animais domésticos e em espécies selvagens foi relatado somente em antílopes, veado, cães da pradaria e furões, mas não existem relatos em Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica). Este trabalho descreve um caso de carcinoma hepatocelular metastático em uma fêmea felina de aproximadamente 18 anos de idade, da espécie Leopardus pardalis, proveniente do Parque Zoobotânico de Teresina-PI, com histórico de anorexia, apatia e evolução ao óbito que foi encaminhada ao Setor de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal do Piauí para exame anatomopatológico. À necropsia foram observadas duas nodulações de aproximadamente 8,0cm de diâmetro no fígado, de coloração variando da brancacenta ao vermelhado claro, amarelada a vermelho escuro, subdivididas em lóbulos por tecido conjuntivo. No pâncreas foram observadas múltiplas nodulações de aproximadamente 1,0 cm de diâmetro, com superfície lisa, consistência firme, coloração vermelho-amarelada. A superfície de corte dos rins também apresentava várias nodulações milimétricas de distribuição multifocal, na região córtico-medular, consistência firme, coloração branco-acinzentada ou amarelada, sugerindo metástase. Os fragmentos das lesões de fígado foram coletados e no exame microscópico observaram-se proliferação de hepatócitos em cordões bem diferenciados, formando trabéculas com espessura de três ou mais células. Os hepatócitos apresentavam-se volumosos, pleomórficos, com citoplasma eosinofílico. Na coloração com PAS constataram-se, regularmente, acúmulo de glicogênio nos hepatócitos neoplásicos. A confirmação foi feita pela técnica de imunoistoquímica, utilizando-se anticorpo monoclonal (Hepatocyte Specific Antigen). Os achados anatomohistopatológicos, e o auxilio da imunoistoquímica permitiram concluir pelo diagnóstico de hepatocarcinoma trabecular metastático em Leopardus pardalis criado em cativeiro.


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The surgical specimens from 51 men submitted to radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer were examined by immunohistochemistry using proliferation cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) monoclonal antibody to evaluate the proliferative index (PI). The relationship between PI, biological variables and p53 protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. PI was low in invasive localized prostate carcinoma (mean, 12.4%) and the incidence of PCNA-positive cells was significantly higher in tumors with p53 expression (P = 0.0226). There was no statistical difference in PCNA values when biological parameters such as Gleason score, tumor volume, extraprostatic involvement, seminal vesicle infiltration or lymph node metastasis were considered. We conclude that proliferative activity is usually low in prostate carcinoma but is correlated with p53 immune staining, indicating that p53 is important in cell cycle control in this neoplasm.


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Mitotane (o,p'-DDD) acts mainly as an inhibitor of intramitochondrial pregnenolone and cortisol synthesis. Its adrenolytic effect depends on metabolic activation due to conversion to o,p'-DDA and o,p'-DDE. The drug has been used for 40 years in the treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma, mainly its regional and metastatic stage, as an adjuvant to surgical resection of the tumor. In the medical literature there are controversial opinions about its efficacy for the treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma. In our experience, mitotane administered immediately after surgery appeared to be much more efficient than when administered later. We have administered this drug in all cases of microscopically confirmed adrenocortical carcinoma, irrespectively of stage at the time of surgery, for fear of a false too optimistic classification. In our series of 82 patients with adrenocortical carcinoma, 59 patients have been treated with mitotane, 32 of them immediately after surgery, and 27 with a delay of 2 to 24 months. Today there are 18 survivors in the group of patients treated with mitotane soon after the operation and only 6 survivors in the group receiving mitotane with a delay. All patients were simultaneously given replacement therapy. Undesired effects of mitotane administration included increased aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activity, decreased white cell, platelet or red cell number, and myasthenia. Furthermore, we used mitotane with good results in Cushing's syndrome of non-malignant origin as pre-treatment before surgery or in long-term treatment for patients with poor tolerance of other adrenal inhibitors.


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The LISP-I human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line was isolated from a hepatic metastasis at the Ludwig Institute, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The objective of the present study was to isolate morphologically different subpopulations within the LISP-I cell line, and characterize some of their behavioral aspects such as adhesion to and migration towards extracellular matrix components, expression of intercellular adhesion molecules and tumorigenicity in vitro. Once isolated, the subpopulations were submitted to adhesion and migration assays on laminin and fibronectin (crucial proteins to invasion and metastasis), as well as to anchorage-independent growth. Two morphologically different subpopulations were isolated: LISP-A10 and LISP-E11. LISP-A10 presents a differentiated epithelial pattern, and LISP-E11 is fibroblastoid, suggesting a poorly differentiated pattern. LISP-A10 expressed the two intercellular adhesion molecules tested, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and desmoglein, while LISP-E11 expressed only low amounts of CEA. On the other hand, adhesion to laminin and fibronectin as well as migration towards these extracellular matrix proteins were higher in LISP-E11, as expected from its poorly differentiated phenotype. Both subpopulations showed anchorage-independent growth on a semi-solid substrate. These results raise the possibility that the heterogeneity found in the LISP-I cell line, which might have contributed to its ability to metastasize, was due to at least two different subpopulations herein identified.


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Metastasis is a multistep cascade initiated when malignant cells penetrate the tissue surrounding the primary tumor and enter the bloodstream. Classic studies indicated that blood platelets form complexes around tumor cells in the circulation and facilitate metastases. In other work, the anticoagulant drug heparin diminished metastasis in murine models, as well is in preliminary human studies. However, attempts to follow up the latter observation using vitamin K antagonists failed, indicating that the primary mechanism of heparin action was unrelated to its anticoagulant properties. Other studies showed that the overexpression of sialylated fucosylated glycans in human carcinomas is associated with a poor prognosis. We have now brought all these observations together into one mechanistic explanation, which has therapeutic implications. Carcinoma cells expressing sialylated fucosylated mucins can interact with platelets, leukocytes and endothelium via the selectin family of cell adhesion molecules. The initial organ colonization of intravenously injected carcinoma cells is attenuated in P-selectin-deficient mice, in mice receiving tumor cells pretreated with O-sialoglycoprotease (to selectively remove mucins from cell surfaces), or in mice receiving a single dose of heparin prior to tumor cell injection. In each case, we found that formation of a platelet coating on cancer cells was impeded, allowing increased access of leukocytes to the tumor cells. Several weeks later, all animals showed a decrease in the extent of established metastasis, indicating a long-lasting effect of the short-term intervention. The absence of obvious synergism amongst the three treatments suggests that they all act via a common pathway. Thus, a major mechanism of heparin action in cancer may be inhibition of P-selectin-mediated platelet coating of tumor cells during the initial phase of the metastatic process. We therefore suggest that heparin use in cancer be re-explored, specifically during the time interval between initial visualization of a primary tumor until just after definitive surgical removal.


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There are few data evaluating biological markers for men with breast cancer. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the expression of the oncogenes c-erbB-2 and c-myc and of the suppressor gene p53 by immunohistochemical techniques in archival paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of 48 male breast cancer patients, treated at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Hospital, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The results were compared with clinicopathological prognostic features. Immunopositivity of c-erbB-2, p53 and c-myc was detected in 62.5, 16.7 and 20.8% of the cases analyzed, respectively. Estrogen and progesterone receptors were positive in 75 and 69% of the cases, respectively. Increasing staging was statistically associated with c-erbB-2 (P = 0.04) and weakly related to p53 positivity (P = 0.06). No significant correlation between specific survival rate (determined by the log rank test) and the molecular markers analyzed was found, whereas the number of compromised lymph nodes and advanced TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) staging were associated with diminished survival.


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In the present study, we examined the relationship between cell phenotype and cell survival of three human non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines (A549, NCI-H596 and NCI-H520). Cells in exponential growth at various densities were incubated for 24 h at 37ºC in a 5% CO2 humidified atmosphere and then exposed to UV radiation for 1 min (256 nm, 40 W, source-to-target distance 100 cm). After two days the surviving cells were quantified by sulforhodamine ß staining and DNA fragmentation assay. The differences in UV sensitivity at 60 x 10³ cells/cm² among the cell lines were not related to the proliferative state of the cells but to the extent of intercellular contact. In contrast to A549 and NCI-H596, irradiated NCI-H520 cells presented lower DNA fragmentation and an aggregated cell culture phenotype even prior to confluence, suggesting that a contact-effect mechanism provides further protection against UV radiation.