878 resultados para bio-surveillance


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Kurzbeschreibung: In der Automatisierung von intralogistischen Kommissioniervorgängen ist ein großes Zukunftspotential erkennbar. Elementarer Bestandteil des Automatisierungsprozesses ist der Einsatz von Industrierobotern, die mit einem geeigneten Endeffektor, dem Greifer, ausgestattet werden müssen. Die Robotik ist in der Lage schneller, präziser und ausdauernder als die menschlichen Kommissionierer zu arbeiten und trägt damit entscheidend zur Effizienzsteigerung bei. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung für diesen Entwicklungsschritt zur Substitution der manuellen Kommissionierung ist die Konstruktion und Bereitstellung eines geeigneten Greifsystems. Am Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente und Technische Logistik der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität wurde mit der Erfahrung aus einem vorangegangenen Forschungsprojekt die Methode der Clusteranalyse erstmalig zur Untersuchung von Greifobjekten zur Entwicklung eines bionischen Universalgreifers für die Kommissionierung von Drogerieartikeln verwendet. Diese Abhandlung beschreibt einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung dieses Greifers am Beispiel handelsüblicher Drogerieartikel, die aktuell manuell kommissioniert werden. Diese werden hinsichtlich der für das Greifen relevanten Objektmerkmale geclustert und die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse in Form von Konstruktionsmerkmalen abgeleitet. Nach einer Analyse und Festlegung der greifrelevanten Merkmale der Greifobjekte wird eine Objektdatenbasis erstellt. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Methoden wird die gewonnene Datenbasis aufbereitet und reduziert. Im Anschluss werden die Greifobjekte bzw. deren Merkmalsausprägungen einer hierarchischen Clusteranalyse unterzogen. Hierbei werden die Grenzen der gebildeten Cluster mittels der zugehörigen Greifobjekte festgelegt und analysiert. Abschließend werden bestimmte greiferspezifische Merkmale auf die Anwendbarkeit in den Clustern überprüft und bewertet. Diese Betrachtungen ermöglichen es, dass spezielle Anforderungen an den Greifer, die direkt aus den Eigenschaften der Greifobjekte herrühren, zuverlässig erkannt und konstruktiv berücksichtigt werden können.


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Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis or M. caprae has recently (re-) emerged in livestock and wildlife in all countries bordering Switzerland (CH) and the Principality of Liechtenstein (FL). Comprehensive data for Swiss and Liechtenstein wildlife are not available so far, although two native species, wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus), act as bTB reservoirs elsewhere in continental Europe. Our aims were (1) to assess the occurrence of bTB in these wild ungulates in CH/FL and to reinforce scanning surveillance in all wild mammals; (2) to evaluate the risk of a future bTB reservoir formation in wild boar and red deer in CH/FL. Tissue samples collected from 2009 to 2011 from 434 hunted red deer and wild boar and from eight diseased ungulates with tuberculosis-like lesions were tested by direct real-time PCR and culture to detect mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Identification of suspicious colonies was attempted by real-time PCR, genotyping and spoligotyping. Information on risk factors for bTB maintenance within wildlife populations was retrieved from the literature and the situation regarding identified factors was assessed for our study areas. Mycobacteria of the MTBC were detected in six out of 165 wild boar (3.6%; 95% CI: 1.4-7.8) but none of the 269 red deer (0%; 0-1.4). M. microti was identified in two MTBC-positive wild boar, while species identification remained unsuccessful in four cases. Main risk factors for bTB maintenance worldwide, including different causes of aggregation often resulting from intensive wildlife management, are largely absent in CH and FL. In conclusion, M. bovis and M. caprae were not detected but we report for the first time MTBC mycobacteria in Swiss wild boar. Present conditions seem unfavorable for a reservoir emergence, nevertheless increasing population numbers of wild ungulates and offal consumption may represent a risk.


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Classical swine fever (CSF) outbreaks can cause enormous losses in naïve pig populations. How to best minimize the economic damage and number of culled animals caused by CSF is therefore an important research area. The baseline CSF control strategy in the European Union and Switzerland consists of culling all animals in infected herds, movement restrictions for animals, material and people within a given distance to the infected herd and epidemiological tracing of transmission contacts. Additional disease control measures such as pre-emptive culling or vaccination have been recommended based on the results from several simulation models; however, these models were parameterized for areas with high animal densities. The objective of this study was to explore whether pre-emptive culling and emergency vaccination should also be recommended in low- to moderate-density areas such as Switzerland. Additionally, we studied the influence of initial outbreak conditions on outbreak severity to improve the efficiency of disease prevention and surveillance. A spatial, stochastic, individual-animal-based simulation model using all registered Swiss pig premises in 2009 (n=9770) was implemented to quantify these relationships. The model simulates within-herd and between-herd transmission (direct and indirect contacts and local area spread). By varying the four parameters (a) control measures, (b) index herd type (breeding, fattening, weaning or mixed herd), (c) detection delay for secondary cases during an outbreak and (d) contact tracing probability, 112 distinct scenarios were simulated. To assess the impact of scenarios on outbreak severity, daily transmission rates were compared between scenarios. Compared with the baseline strategy (stamping out and movement restrictions) vaccination and pre-emptive culling neither reduced outbreak size nor duration. Outbreaks starting in a herd with weaning piglets or fattening pigs caused higher losses regarding to the number of culled premises and were longer lasting than those starting in the two other index herd types. Similarly, larger transmission rates were estimated for these index herd type outbreaks. A longer detection delay resulted in more culled premises and longer duration and better transmission tracing increased the number of short outbreaks. Based on the simulation results, baseline control strategies seem sufficient to control CSF in low-medium animal-dense areas. Early detection of outbreaks is crucial and risk-based surveillance should be focused on weaning piglet and fattening pig premises.


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Within the current context that favours the emergence of new diseases, syndromic surveillance (SyS) appears increasingly more relevant tool for the early detection of unexpected health events. The Triple-S project (Syndromic Surveillance Systems in Europe), co-financed by the European Commission, was launched in September 2010 for a three year period to promote both human and animal health SyS in European countries. Objectives of the project included performing an inventory of current and planned European animal health SyS systems and promoting knowledge transfer between SyS experts. This study presents and discusses the results of the Triple-S inventory of European veterinary SyS initiatives. European SyS systems were identified through an active process based on a questionnaire sent to animal health experts involved in SyS in Europe. Results were analyzed through a descriptive analysis and a multiple factor analysis (MFA) in order to establish a typology of the European SyS initiatives. Twenty seven European SyS systems were identified from twelve countries, at different levels of development, from project phase to active systems. Results of this inventory showed a real interest of European countries for SyS but also highlighted the novelty of this field. This survey highlighted the diversity of SyS systems in Europe in terms of objectives, population targeted, data providers, indicators monitored. For most SyS initiatives, statistical analysis of surveillance results was identified as a limitation in using the data. MFA results distinguished two types of systems. The first one belonged to the private sector, focused on companion animals and had reached a higher degree of achievement. The second one was based on mandatory collected data, targeted livestock species and is still in an early project phase. The exchange of knowledge between human and animal health sectors was considered useful to enhance SyS. In the same way that SyS is complementary to traditional surveillance, synergies between human and animal health SyS could be an added value, most notably to enhance timeliness, sensitivity and help interpreting non-specific signals.


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BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer mortality disparities exist among racial/ethnic groups in the United States, yet few studies have explored the spatiotemporal trend of the disease burden. To better understand mortality disparities by geographic regions over time, the present study analyzed the geographic variations of prostate cancer mortality by three Texas racial/ethnic groups over a 22-year period. METHODS: The Spatial Scan Statistic developed by Kulldorff et al was used. Excess mortality was detected using scan windows of 50% and 90% of the study period and a spatial cluster size of 50% of the population at risk. Time trend was analyzed to examine the potential temporal effects of clustering. Spatial queries were used to identify regions with multiple racial/ethnic groups having excess mortality. RESULTS: The most likely area of excess mortality for blacks occurred in Dallas-Metroplex and upper east Texas areas between 1990 and 1999; for Hispanics, in central Texas between 1992 and 1996: and for non-Hispanic whites, in the upper south and west to central Texas areas between 1990 and 1996. Excess mortality persisted among all racial/ethnic groups in the identified counties. The second scan revealed that three counties in west Texas presented an excess mortality for Hispanics from 1980-2001. Many counties bore an excess mortality burden for multiple groups. There is no time trend decline in prostate cancer mortality for blacks and non-Hispanic whites in Texas. CONCLUSION: Disparities in prostate cancer mortality among racial/ethnic groups existed in Texas. Central Texas counties with excess mortality in multiple subgroups warrant further investigation.


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Using variothermal polymer micro-injection molding, disposable arrays of eight polymer micro-cantilevers each 500 μm long, 100 μm wide and 25 μm thick were fabricated. The present study took advantage of an easy flow grade polypropylene. After gold coating for optical read-out and asymmetrical sensitization, the arrays were introduced into the Cantisens(®) Research system to perform mechanical and functional testing. We demonstrate that polypropylene cantilevers can be used as biosensors for medical purposes in the same manner as the established silicon ones to detect single-stranded DNA sequences and metal ions in real-time. A differential signal of 7 nm was detected for the hybridization of 1 μM complementary DNA sequences. For 100 nM copper ions the differential signal was found to be (36 ± 5) nm. Nano-mechanical sensing of medically relevant, nanometer-size species is essential for fast and efficient diagnosis.


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Alternative fuels are increasingly combusted in diesel- and gasoline engines and the contribution of such exhausts to the overall air pollution is on the rise. Recent findings on the possible adverse effects of biodiesel exhaust are contradictive, at least partly resulting from the various fuel qualities, engine types and different operation conditions that were tested. However, most of the studies are biased by undesired interactions between the exhaust samples and biological culture media. We here report how complete, freshly produced exhausts from fossil diesel (B0), from a blend of 20% rapeseed-methyl ester (RME) and 80% fossil diesel (B20) and from pure rapeseed methyl ester (B100) affect a complex 3D cellular model of the human airway epithelium in vitro by exposing the cells at the air–liquid interface. The induction of pro-apoptotic and necrotic cell death, cellular morphology, oxidative stress, and pro-inflammatory responses were assessed. Compared to B0 exhaust, B20 exhaust decreased oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses, whereas B100 exhaust, depending on exposure duration, decreased oxidative stress but increased pro-inflammatory responses. The effects are only very weak and given the compared to fossil diesel higher ecological sustainability of biodiesel, it appears that – at least RME – can be considered a valuable alternative to pure fossil diesel.


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Mexican Americans are the largest subgroup of Hispanics, the largest minority population in the United States. Stroke is the leading cause of disability and third leading cause of death. The authors compared stroke incidence among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic Whites in a population-based study. Stroke cases were ascertained in Nueces County, Texas, utilizing concomitant active and passive surveillance. Cases were validated on the basis of source documentation by board-certified neurologists masked to subjects' ethnicity. From January 2000 to December 2002, 2,350 cerebrovascular events occurred. Of the completed strokes, 53% were in Mexican Americans. The crude cumulative incidence was 168/10,000 in Mexican Americans and 136/10,000 in non-Hispanic Whites. Mexican Americans had a higher cumulative incidence for ischemic stroke (ages 45-59 years: risk ratio = 2.04, 95% confidence interval: 1.55, 2.69; ages 60-74 years: risk ratio = 1.58, 95% confidence interval: 1.31, 1.91; ages >or=75 years: risk ratio = 1.12, 95% confidence interval: 0.94, 1.32). Intracerebral hemorrhage was more common in Mexican Americans (age-adjusted risk ratio = 1.63, 95% confidence interval: 1.24, 2.16). The subarachnoid hemorrhage age-adjusted risk ratio was 1.57 (95% confidence interval: 0.86, 2.89). Mexican Americans experience a substantially greater ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage incidence compared with non-Hispanic Whites. As the Mexican-American population grows and ages, measures to target this population for stroke prevention are critical.


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In order to identify optimal therapy for children with bacterial pneumonia, Pakistan's ARI Program, in collaboration with the National Institute of Health (NIH), Islamabad, undertook a national surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. The project was carried out at selected urban and peripheral sites in 6 different regions of Pakistan, in 1991–92. Nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens and blood cultures were obtained from children with pneumonia diagnosed in the outpatient clinic of participating facilities. Organisms were isolated by local hospital laboratories and sent to NIH for confirmation, serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Following were the aims of the study (i) to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae in children aged 2–59 months; (ii) to determine the ability of selected laboratories to identify and effectively transport isolates of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae cultured from nasopharyngeal and blood specimens; (iii) to validate the comparability of resistance patterns for nasopharyngeal and blood isolates of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae from children with pneumonia; and (iv) to examine the effect of drug resistance and laboratory error on the cost of effectively treating children with ARI. ^ A total of 1293 children with ARI were included in the study: 969 (75%) from urban areas and 324 (25%) from rural parts of the country. Of 1293, there were 786 (61%) male and 507 (39%) female children. The resistance rate of S. pneumoniae to various antibiotics among the urban children with ARI was: TMP/SMX (62%); chloramphenicol (23%); penicillin (5%); tetracycline (16%); and ampicillin/amoxicillin (0%). The rates of resistance of H. influenzae were higher than S. pneumoniae: TMP/SMX (85%); chloramphenicol (62%); penicillin (59%); ampicillin/amoxicillin (46%); and tetracycline (100%). There were similar rates of resistance to each antimicrobial agent among isolates from the rural children. ^ Of a total 614 specimens that were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility, 432 (70.4%) were resistant to TMP/SMX and 93 (15.2%) were resistant to antimicrobial agents other than TMP/SMX viz. ampicillin/amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, penicillin, and tetracycline. ^ The sensitivity and positive predictive value of peripheral laboratories for H. influenzae were 99% and 65%, respectively. Similarly, the sensitivity and positive predictive value of peripheral laboratory tests compared to gold standard i.e. NIH laboratory, for S. pneumoniae were 99% and 54%, respectively. ^ The sensitivity and positive predictive value of nasopharyngeal specimens compared to blood cultures (gold standard), isolated by the peripheral laboratories, for H. influenzae were 88% and 11%, and for S. pneumoniae 92% and 39%, respectively. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for risk assessment and risk management in the post-market surveillance of the U.S. medical device industry. One of the FDA regulatory mechanisms, the Medical Device Reporting System (MDR) is an adverse event reporting system intended to provide the FDA with advance warning of device problems. It includes voluntary reporting for individuals, and mandatory reporting for device manufacturers. ^ In a study of alleged breast implant safety problems, this research examines the organizational processes by which the FDA gathers data on adverse events and uses adverse event reporting systems to assess and manage risk. The research reviews the literature on problem recognition, risk perception, and organizational learning to understand the influence highly publicized events may have on adverse event reporting. Understanding the influence of an environmental factor, such as publicity, on adverse event reporting can provide insight into the question of whether the FDA's adverse event reporting system operates as an early warning system for medical device problems. ^ The research focuses on two main questions. The first question addresses the relationship between publicity and the voluntary and mandatory reporting of adverse events. The second question examines whether government agencies make use of these adverse event reports. ^ Using quantitative and qualitative methods, a longitudinal study was conducted of the number and content of adverse event reports regarding breast implants filed with the FDA's medical device reporting system during 1985–1991. To assess variation in publicity over time, the print media were analyzed to identify articles related to breast implant failures. ^ The exploratory findings suggest that an increase in media activity is related to an increase in voluntary reporting, especially following periods of intense media coverage of the FDA. However, a similar relationship was not found between media activity and manufacturers' mandatory adverse event reporting. A review of government committee and agency reports on the FDA published during 1976–1996 produced little evidence to suggest that publicity or MDR information contributed to problem recognition, agenda setting, or the formulation of policy recommendations. ^ The research findings suggest that the reporting of breast implant problems to FDA may reflect the perceptions and concerns of the reporting groups, a barometer of the volume and content of media attention. ^