981 resultados para bile salt tolerance


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The crystal and molecular structure of Gingras' salt [n-Bu4N]+ [Ph3SnF2] is reported, which reveals a variety of inter- and intramolecular C---H...F hydrogen bonding interactions. A 119Sn MAS-NMR spectrum was recorded and a tensor analysis has been performed according to the method of Herzfeld and Berger. The results are discussed in terms of the molecular structure and are compared with the parent compound Ph3SnF as well as with Mes3SnF (Mes=mesityl).


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A series of laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the response of a bar-blocked, saltwedge estuary to the imposition of both steady freshwater inflows and transient inflows that simulate storm events in the catchment area or the regular water releases from upstream reservoirs. The trapped salt water forms a wedge within the estuary, which migrates downstream under the influence of the freshwater inflow. The experiments show that the wedge migration occurs in two stages, namely (i) an initial phase characterized by intense shear-induced mixing at the nose of the wedge, followed by (ii) a relatively quiescent phase with significantly reduced mixing in which the wedge migrates more slowly downstream.

Provided that the transition time tT between these two regimes satisfies tT>g′h4L/q3α, as was the case for all our experiments and is likely to be the case for most estuaries, then the transition occurs at time tT=1.2(gα3L6/g′3q2)1/6, where g′=gΔρ/ρ0 is the reduced gravity, g the acceleration due to gravity, Δρ the density excess of the saline water over the density ρ0 of the freshwater, q the river inflow rate per unit width, and L and α are the length and bottom slope of the estuary, respectively.

A simple model, based on conversion of the kinetic energy of the freshwater inflow into potential energy to mix the salt layer, was developed to predict the displacement xw over time t of the saltwedge nose from its initial position. For continuous inflows subject to t<tT, the model predicts the saltwedge displacement as xw/h=1.1 (t/τ)1/3, where the normalizing length and time scales are h=(q2/g)1/3 and τ=g′α2h4L/q3, respectively. For continuous inflows subject to t>tT, the model predicts the displacement as xw/h=0.45N1/6(t/τ)1/6/α, where N=q2/g′h2L is a non-dimensional number for the problem. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments. For repeated, pulsed discharges subject to t<tT, the saltwedge displacement is given by (xw/h)3−(x0/h)(xw/h)2=1.3t/τ, where x0 is the initial displacement following one discharge event but prior to the next event. For pulsed discharges subject to t>tT, the displacement is given by (xw/h)6−(x0/h)(xw/h)5=0.008N(t/τ)/α6. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments for the initial discharge event but does systematically underestimate the wedge position for the subsequent pulses. However, the positional error is less than 15%.


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Purpose: This study investigated whether acute (5 d) and/or short-term (28 d) creatine (Cr) ingestion altered glucose tolerance or insulin action in healthy, untrained men (aged 26.9 ± 5.7 yr; SD). Methods : Subjects were randomly allocated to either a Cr (N = 8) or placebo group (N = 9) and were tested in the control condition (presupplementation), and after 5 and a further 28 d of supplementation. The Cr group ingested 20 g and 3 g·d-1 of Cr for the first 5 and following 28 d, respectively. The placebo group ingested similar amounts of glucose over the same time period. During each testing period, subjects underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to determine insulin sensitivity, and six subjects from each group underwent a muscle biopsy before each OGTT. Results : Cr supplementation resulted in an increased (P < 0.05) muscle TCr content after both the acute and short-term loading phase compared with placebo. Neither acute nor short-term Cr supplementation influenced skeletal muscle glycogen content, glucose tolerance, or measures of insulin sensitivity. Conclusions: These findings demonstrated that acute Cr supplementation (20 g·d-1 for 5 d) followed by short-term Cr supplementation (3 g·d-1 for 28 d) did not alter insulin action in healthy, active untrained men.


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The mono-isopropylamine salt of glyphosate was selectively determined directly in industrial and commercial formulations using flow injection analysis with tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection without the need for separation. Glyphosate and its mono-isopropylamine salt furnished detection limits of 7×10−9 and 3.5×10−10 M and relative standard deviations of 0.4% at 1×10−7 M and 0.8% at 5×10−8 M, respectively. The methodology is robust and reliable with samples subjected only to aqueous dilution prior to analysis.


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Service-based architectures enable the development of new classes of Grid and distributed applications. One of the main capabilities provided by such systems is the dynamic and flexible integration of services, according to which services are allowed to be a part of more than one distributed system and simultaneously serve different applications. This increased flexibility in system composition makes it difficult to address classical distributed system issues such as fault-tolerance. While it is relatively easy to make an individual service fault-tolerant, improving fault-tolerance of services collaborating in multiple application scenarios is a challenging task. In this paper, we look at the issue of developing fault-tolerant service-based distributed systems, and propose an infrastructure to implement fault tolerance capabilities transparent to services.


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A distributed database system is subject to site failure and link failure. This paper presents a reactive system approach to achieving fault tolerance in such a system. The reactive system concepts are an attractive paradigm for system design, development and maintenance because it separates policies from mechanisms. In the paper we give a solution using different reactive modules to implement the fault tolerant policies and the failure detection mechanisms. The solution shows that they can be separated without impact on each other; thus the system can adapt to constant changes in environments and user requirements.


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To evaluate the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).

Participants with IGT (n = 78), diagnosed on two consecutive oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs), were randomly assigned to a 2-year lifestyle intervention or to a control group. Main outcome measures were changes from baseline in: nutrient intake; physical activity; anthropometry, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Measurements were repeated at 6, 12 and 24 months follow-up.

After 24 months follow-up, there was a significant fall in total fat consumption (difference in change between groups (Δ intervention − Δ control) = −17.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) −33.6 to −2.1 g/day) as a result of the intervention. Body mass was significantly lower in the intervention group compared with controls after 6 months (−1.6, 95% CI −2.9 to −0.4 kg) and 24 months (−3.3, 95% CI −5.7 to −0.89 kg). Whole body insulin sensitivity, assessed by the short insulin tolerance test (ITT), improved after 12 months in the intervention group (0.52, 95% CI 0.15–0.89%/min).

These findings complement the findings of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study and the American Diabetes Prevention Study, both of which tested intensive interventions, by showing that pragmatic lifestyle interventions result in improvements in obesity and whole body insulin sensitivity in individuals with IGT, without change in other cardiovascular risk factors.


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Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Methods: A randomised controlled trial in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1995–98. Participants included 67 adults (38 men; 29 women) aged 24–75 years with IGT. The intervention consisted of regular diet and physical activity counselling based on the stages of change model. Main outcome measures were changes between baseline and 6 months in nutrient intake; physical activity; anthropometric and physiological measurements including serum lipids; glucose tolerance; insulin sensitivity. Results: The difference in change in total fat consumption was significant between intervention and control groups (difference −21.8 (95% confidence interval (CI) −37.8 to −5.8) g/day, P=0.008). A significantly larger proportion of intervention participants reported taking up vigorous activity than controls (difference 30.1, (95% CI 4.3–52.7)%, P=0.021). The change in body mass index was significantly different between groups (difference −0.95 (95% CI −1.5 to −0.4) kg/m2, P=0.001). There was no significant difference in change in mean 2-h plasma glucose between groups (difference −0.19 (95% CI −1.1 to 0.71) mmol/l, NS) or in serum cholesterol (difference 0.02 (95% CI −0.26 to 0.31) mmol/l, NS). The difference in change in fasting serum insulin between groups was significant (difference −3.4 (95% CI −5.8 to −1.1) mU/l, P=0.005). Conclusions: After 6 months of intensive lifestyle intervention in participants with IGT, there were changes in diet and physical activity, some cardiovascular risk factors and insulin sensitivity, but not glucose tolerance. Further follow-up is in progress to investigate whether these changes are sustained or augmented over 2 years.


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A distributed database system is subject to site failure and link failure. This paper presents a reactive system approach to achieving the fault-tolerance in such a system. The reactive system concepts are an attractive paradigm for system design, development and maintenance because it separates policies from mechanisms. In the paper we give a solution using different reactive modules to implement the fault-tolerant policies and the failure detection mechanisms. The solution shows that they can be separated without impact on each other thus the system can adapt to constant changes in user requirements.


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This study presents an environmental-friendly and cost effective method for the extraction of arsenic from contaminated soils.
Laboratory experiments using inorganic salts, potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), potassium chloride (KCl), potassium nitrate (KNO3), potassium sulfate (K2SO4), and sodium perchlorate (NaClO4) were evaluated as arsenic extractants. An Andosol soil was artificially contaminated with arsenite [As(III)] and arsenate [As(V)]. The soil was washed in a batch process with different salt solutions in the pH range 3–11 for 24 hours at 20◦C. Among the various potassium and sodium salts tested, KH2PO4 was found to be highly effective in extracting arsenic from As(III)-soil attaining more than 80% and 40% from As(V)-soil in neutral pH range. Other salts were particularly ineffective in extraction of arsenic from both soils. More arsenic was extracted more from the As(III)-soil than the As(V)-soil.


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Two new species of gall midge associated with two distinct galls on the succulent creeping shrub Sarcocornia quinqueflora are described from salt marshes in south-eastern Australia. The infestations caused by the new species hinder the growth of S. quinqueflora, the seeds of which are the major food of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. Asphondylia floriformis sp. n. Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik transforms leaf segments into flower-like galls, whereas Asphondylia sarcocorniae sp. n. Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik produces simple swellings on branches. Both galls have fungal mycelium growing in the apoplast of the gall tissue and lining the inner surface of the larval chamber where it is presumably grazed by the larva. Descriptions of the larvae, pupae, males, females and the geographical distribution of the two gall midges in south-eastern Australia are given.


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OBJECTIVE—To determine the population-based prevalence of diabetes and other categories of glucose intolerance (impaired glucose tolerance [IGT] and impaired fasting glucose [IFG]) in Australia and to compare the prevalence with previous Australian data.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A national sample involving 11,247 participants aged >=25 years living in 42 randomly selected areas from the six states and the Northern Territory were examined in a cross-sectional survey using the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test to assess fasting and 2-h plasma glucose concentrations. The World Health Organization diagnostic criteria were used to determine the prevalence of abnormal glucose tolerance.

RESULTS—The prevalence of diabetes in Australia was 8.0% in men and 6.8% in women, and an additional 17.4% of men and 15.4% of women had IGT or IFG. Even in the youngest age group (25–34 years), 5.7% of subjects had abnormal glucose tolerance. The overall diabetes prevalence in Australia was 7.4%, and an additional 16.4% had IGT or IFG. Diabetes prevalence has more than doubled since 1981, and this is only partially explained by changes in age profile and obesity.

CONCLUSIONS—Australia has a rapidly rising prevalence of diabetes and other categories of abnormal glucose tolerance. The prevalence of abnormal glucose tolerance in Australia is one of the highest yet reported from a developed nation with a predominantly Europid background.

Abbreviations: 2hPG, 2-h plasma glucose • AusDiab, Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study • CD, Census Collector District • FPG, fasting plasma glucose • IFG, impaired fasting glucose • IGT, impaired glucose tolerance • KDM, known diabetes mellitus • NDM, newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus • OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test • WHO, World Health Organization