918 resultados para back to back theatre


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Land use and land cover changes affect the partitioning of latent and sensible heat, which impacts the broader climate system. Increased latent heat flux to the atmosphere has a local cooling influence known as `evaporative cooling', but this energy will be released back to the atmosphere wherever the water condenses. However, the extent to which local evaporative cooling provides a global cooling influence has not been well characterized. Here, we perform a highly idealized set of climate model simulations aimed at understanding the effects that changes in the balance between surface sensible and latent heating have on the global climate system. We find that globally adding a uniform 1 W m(-2) source of latent heat flux along with a uniform 1 W m(-2) sink of sensible heat leads to a decrease in global mean surface air temperature of 0.54 +/- 0.04 K. This occurs largely as a consequence of planetary albedo increases associated with an increase in low elevation cloudiness caused by increased evaporation. Thus, our model results indicate that, on average, when latent heating replaces sensible heating, global, and not merely local, surface temperatures decrease.


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The Effective Exponential SNR Mapping (EESM) is an indispensable tool for analyzing and simulating next generation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based wireless systems. It converts the different gains of multiple subchannels, over which a codeword is transmitted, into a single effective flat-fading gain with the same codeword error rate. It facilitates link adaptation by helping each user to compute an accurate channel quality indicator (CQI), which is fed back to the base station to enable downlink rate adaptation and scheduling. However, the highly non-linear nature of EESM makes a performance analysis of adaptation and scheduling difficult; even the probability distribution of EESM is not known in closed-form. This paper shows that EESM can be accurately modeled as a lognormal random variable when the subchannel gains are Rayleigh distributed. The model is also valid when the subchannel gains are correlated in frequency or space. With some simplifying assumptions, the paper then develops a novel analysis of the performance of LTE's two CQI feedback schemes that use EESM to generate CQI. The comprehensive model and analysis quantify the joint effect of several critical components such as scheduler, multiple antenna mode, CQI feedback scheme, and EESM-based feedback averaging on the overall system throughput.


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Two copper-containing compounds [Cu(3)(mu(3)-OH)(2)-(H(2)O)(2){(SO(3))-C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2)}(CH(3)COO)] , I, and [Cu(5)(mu(3)-OH)(2)(H(2)O)(6){(NO(2))-C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2)}(4)]center dot 5H(2)O, II, were prepared using sulphoisophthalic and nitroisophthalic acids. The removal of the coordinated water molecules in the compounds was investigated using in situ single crystal to single crystal (SCSC) transformation studies, temperature-dependent powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The efficacy of SCSC transformation studies were established by the observation of dimensionality cross-over from a two-dimensional (I) to a three-dimensional structure, Cu(6)(mu(3)-OH)(4){(SO(3))-C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2)}(2)(CH(3)COO)(2), Ia, during the removal of the coordinated water molecules. Compound H exhibited a structural reorganization forming Cu(5)(mu(2)-OH)(2){(NO(2))C(6)H(3)-(COO)(2))(4)], Ha, possessing trimeric (Cu(3)O(12)) and dimeric (Cu(2)O(8)) copper clusters. The PXRD studies indicate that the three-dimensional structure (Ia) is transient and unstable, reverting back to the more stable two-dimensional structure (I) on cooling to room temperature. Compound Ha appears to be more stable at room temperature. The rehydration/dehydration studies using a modified TGA setup suggest complete rehydration of the water molecules, indicating that the water molecules in both compounds are labile. A possible model for the observed changes in the structures has been proposed. Magnetic studies indicate changes in the exchanges between the copper centers in Ha, whereas no such behavior was observed in Ia.


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It is particularly appropriate that the Journal of the Indian Institute of Science is bringing out a commemorative issue to mark the International Year of Crystallography 2014 (IYCr2014). India has had a strong crystallographic tradition, and the earliest work in what may be described as structural crystallography from this country is the work of K. Banerjee on the determination of the crystal structure of naphthalene in 1930. The Indian Institute of Science itself has played no small part in establishing and sustaining the subject of crystallography in this country. A large number of papers in this special issue are written by authors who have either have been trained in the Institute or who have some kind of professional association with this organization. In this article I will try to capture some unique features that characterize the intersection of the crystallographic and the chemical domains, mostly as they pertain to the Indian contribution to this subject. Crystallography is of course is as old as chemistry itself, and some would say it is even older. The relationships between chemistry and crystallography go back to much before the discovery of diffraction of X-rays by crystals.The discovery of polymorphism by Mitscherlisch in 1822, Haüy’s formulation of the molecule integrante, and the work of Fedorov and Groth on the identification of crystals from their morphology alone, are well known examples of such relationships.A very early article by Tutton speaks of “crystallo-chemical analysis”. In this article, I shall, however, be dealing with the interplay of chemistry and crystallography only in the post diffraction era, that is, after 1912. Much had been written and said about chemical crystallography, and even within the context of the present special issue, there is a review of chemical crystallography in India including some futuristic trends. This topic was also reviewed by Nangia in a special publication brought out by Indian Academy of Sciences in 2009,and by Desiraju in a special publication brought out by the Indian National Science Academy in 2010. A rather detailed account of crystallography in India appeared in 2007 in the newsletter of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) in which chemical crystallography was detailed. Since all these publications are fairly recent there is little need for me to attempt a comprehensive coverage of chemical crystallography in India in this short review


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In this paper based on the basic principles of gauge/gravity duality we compute the hall viscosity to entropy ratio in the presence of various higher derivative corrections to the dual gravitational description embedded in an asymptotically AdS(4) space time. As the first step of our analysis, considering the back reaction we impose higher derivative corrections to the abelian gauge sector of the theory where we notice that the ratio indeed gets corrected at the leading order in the coupling. Considering the probe limit as a special case we compute this leading order correction over the fixed background of the charged black brane solution. Finally we consider higher derivative (R-2) correction to the gravity sector of the theory where we notice that the above ratio might get corrected at the sixth derivative level.


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Grid simulators are used to test the control performance of grid-connected inverters under a wide range of grid disturbance conditions. In the present work, a three phase back-to-back connected inverter sharing a common dc bus has been programmed as a grid simulator. Three phase balanced disturbance voltages applied to three-phase balanced loads has been considered in the present work. The developed grid simulator can generate three phase balanced voltage sags, voltage swells, frequency deviations and phase jumps. The grid simulator uses a novel disturbance generation algorithm. The algorithm allows the user to reference the disturbance to any of the three phases at any desired phase angle. Further, the exit of the disturbance condition can be referenced to the desired phase angle of any phase by adjusting the duration of the disturbance. The grid simulator hardware has been tested with different loads – a linear purely resistive load, a non-linear diode-bridge load and a grid-connected inverter load.


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A method for modelling and predicting the noise generated by the interaction between the unsteady wake shed from the rotor and a downstream row of stators in a modern ultra-high bypass ducted turbofan engine is described. An analytically-based model is developed to account for three main features of the problem. First, the way in which a typical unsteady wake disturbance from the rotor interacts and is distorted by the mean swirling flow as it propagates downstream. The analysis allows for the inclusion of mean entropy gradients and entropy perturbations. Second, the effects of real stator-blade geometry and proper representation of the genuinely three-dimensional nature of the problem. Third, to model the propagation of the resulting noise back upstream in mean swirling flow. The analytical nature of the problem allows for the inclusion of all wake harmonics and enables the response at all blade passing frequencies to be determined. Example results are presented for an initial wake distribution corresponding to a genuine rotor configuration. Comparisons between numerical data and the asymptotic model for the wake evolution are made. Copyright © 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: La salud mental y el bienestar son fundamentales para nuestra capacidad colectiva y individual como seres humanos de pensar, de exteriorizar los sentimientos, de establecer y mantener relaciones, para estudiar, para perseguir las actividades de ocio, para tomar decisiones diarias y para disfrutar de una vida plena. Una adolescencia saludable es un prerrequisito para una vida adulta saludable. Sin embargo, la realidad actual presenta un panorama preocupante. La formación del capital mental individual y colectivo - especialmente en las primeras etapas de la vida - está siendo retenida por una serie de riesgos evitables para la salud mental (World Health Organization [WHO], 2013). Los adolescentes del sur de Europa (región que ha sido más severamente afectada por la crisis financiera; e.g., Portugal) son señalados como un grupo extremadamente vulnerable, ya que su salud mental fácilmente podría ser influenciada por las dificultades económicas de sus padres y la escasez de solidaridad social (European Parliament, 2012). La promoción de la salud mental de los adolescentes es considerada como una preocupación fundamental (WHO, 2005a, 2013). En este ámbito, las intervenciones centradas en la promoción de la literacía de la salud mental han revelado importantes ventajas en la prevención, reconocimiento, intervención precoz y la reducción del estigma (Pinfold, Stuart, Thornicroft & Arboleda-Florez, 2005; Pinfold, Toulmin, Thornicroft, Huxley, Farmer & Graham, 2003; Schulze, Richter-Werling, Matschinger & Angermeyer, 2003; Stuart, 2006). En consonancia con los marcos de promoción de la salud mentales propuestos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2005a), tenemos que involucrar a jóvenes en los ambientes donde interactúan (Burns, 2011). Las escuelas son implícitamente uno de los locales más importantes para la promoción de la salud mental de los adolescentes (Barry, Clarke, Jenkins & Patel, 2013; WHO, 2001). El proyecto “Abrir Espacio para la Salud Mental – Promoción de la salud mental en adolescentes (12-14 años)” tiene como objetivo incrementar literacía de la salud mental en los jóvenes. En el primer año se ha desarrollado un instrumento de evaluación - Mental Health Literacy questionnaire (MHLq) - y la intervención para la promoción de la salud mental. La intervención consiste en 2 sesiones, 90 minutos cada una, implementadas con intervalo de una semana. Siguen una metodología interactiva, utilizando dinámicas de grupo, videos, música y discusión. El estudio de la eficacia de la intervención se lleva a cabo mediante un análisis pre y pos-test con el MHLq, utilizando un grupo experimental y un grupo de control. Este artículo presenta los resultados preliminares de la eficacia de la intervención de promoción de la salud mental en una muestra de 100 adolescentes portugueses (12-14 años). El pos-test mostró un incremento de los niveles de conocimientos de salud mental y estrategias de autoayuda. Los resultados sugieren que la intervención desarrollada parece ser adecuada al objetivo propuesto y refuerzan la creencia de que intervenciones escolares, sistemáticas y sostenibles, para la promoción de la salud mental con jóvenes, es un enfoque prometedor para la promoción de la literacía de la salud mental (Schulze et al., 2003; Rickwood et al., 2005; Corrigan et al., 2007; WHO, 2010).


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[EN] This contribution offers a brief overview of research undertaken for the last few years under the TRACE (translation and censorship, or censored translations) project with respect to theatre. The AGA (General Administration Archive in Alcala de Henares, Madrid), a unique source for information for translation scholars, has become the focus of TRACE-theatre investigations on Francoist Spain in the last few years. In Spain, these censorship archives have proved to be an essential source of information, and a rich reservoir of data that, when explored in depth, help draw a history of Spanish theatre in translation. Contrary to what one may think at first, the purpose of using censorship archives in TRACE is not only to check what got censored (banned, crossed out or modified) but rather to trace back all written evidence left by plays that underwent the bureaucratic censoring process which was applied to all cultural manifestations, national or foreign, theatrical as well as non-dramatic. And it is precisely when tracing back censorship records that one finds a way to uncover a history of Spanish theatre in translation that is yet to be written but can now be outlined.


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Whenever human beings have looked out on the sea, they have seen whales. First from the shore and later from ships when humanity entered the ocean realm as seafarers, we have responded to seeing these creatures with awe and wonder. Even when we hunted whales, a period well chronicled both in history and in literature, the sight of a whale brought an adrenaline rush that was not totally linked to potential economic gain. The first trips on boats specifically to watch, rather than hunt, whales began around 45 years ago in Southern California where the migrating gray whales, seen in the distance from land, drew vessels out for a closer look. Since that time whalewatching has boomed, currently conducted in over 40 countries around the world, including Antarctica, and estimated by economists at the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to have a 1999 worldwide economic value of around $800 million USD. The economic contribution to local coastal communities is particularly significant in developing countries and those where declining fish populations (and in some cases like the Japanese, international bans on whaling) have driven harvesters to look for viable alternatives. Clearly, whalewatching is now, in many places around the world, a small but thriving part of the regional economy. Like in the days of whaling, we still get the rush, but for some, money is back contributing to the physiological response. (PDF contains 90 pages.)


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This is the first part of direct numerical simulation (DNS) of double-diffusive convection in a slim rectangular enclosure with horizontal temperature and concentration gradients. We consider the case with the thermal Rayleigh number of 10^5, the Pradtle number of 1, the Lewis number of 2, the buoyancy ratio of composition to temperature being in the range of [0,1], and height-to-width aspect ration of 4. A new 7th order upwind compact scheme was developed for approximation of convective terms, and a three-stage third-order Runge-Kutta method was employed for time advancement. Our DNS suggests that with the buoyancy ratio increasing form 0 to 1, the flow of transition is a complex series changing fromthe steady to periodic, chaotic, periodic, quasi-periodic, and finally back to periodic. There are two types of periodic flow, one is simple periodic flow with single fundamental frequency (FF), and another is complex periodic flow with multiple FFs. This process is illustrated by using time-velocity histories, Fourier frequency spectrum analysis and the phase-space rajectories.


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Abstract to Part I

The inverse problem of seismic wave attenuation is solved by an iterative back-projection method. The seismic wave quality factor, Q, can be estimated approximately by inverting the S-to-P amplitude ratios. Effects of various uncertain ties in the method are tested and the attenuation tomography is shown to be useful in solving for the spatial variations in attenuation structure and in estimating the effective seismic quality factor of attenuating anomalies.

Back-projection attenuation tomography is applied to two cases in southern California: Imperial Valley and the Coso-Indian Wells region. In the Coso-Indian Wells region, a highly attenuating body (S-wave quality factor (Q_β ≈ 30) coincides with a slow P-wave anomaly mapped by Walck and Clayton (1987). This coincidence suggests the presence of a magmatic or hydrothermal body 3 to 5 km deep in the Indian Wells region. In the Imperial Valley, slow P-wave travel-time anomalies and highly attenuating S-wave anomalies were found in the Brawley seismic zone at a depth of 8 to 12 km. The effective S-wave quality factor is very low (Q_β ≈ 20) and the P-wave velocity is 10% slower than the surrounding areas. These results suggest either magmatic or hydrothermal intrusions, or fractures at depth, possibly related to active shear in the Brawley seismic zone.

No-block inversion is a generalized tomographic method utilizing the continuous form of an inverse problem. The inverse problem of attenuation can be posed in a continuous form , and the no-block inversion technique is applied to the same data set used in the back-projection tomography. A relatively small data set with little redundancy enables us to apply both techniques to a similar degree of resolution. The results obtained by the two methods are very similar. By applying the two methods to the same data set, formal errors and resolution can be directly computed for the final model, and the objectivity of the final result can be enhanced.

Both methods of attenuation tomography are applied to a data set of local earthquakes in Kilauea, Hawaii, to solve for the attenuation structure under Kilauea and the East Rift Zone. The shallow Kilauea magma chamber, East Rift Zone and the Mauna Loa magma chamber are delineated as attenuating anomalies. Detailed inversion reveals shallow secondary magma reservoirs at Mauna Ulu and Puu Oo, the present sites of volcanic eruptions. The Hilina Fault zone is highly attenuating, dominating the attenuating anomalies at shallow depths. The magma conduit system along the summit and the East Rift Zone of Kilauea shows up as a continuous supply channel extending down to a depth of approximately 6 km. The Southwest Rift Zone, on the other hand, is not delineated by attenuating anomalies, except at a depth of 8-12 km, where an attenuating anomaly is imaged west of Puu Kou. The Ylauna Loa chamber is seated at a deeper level (about 6-10 km) than the Kilauea magma chamber. Resolution in the Mauna Loa area is not as good as in the Kilauea area, and there is a trade-off between the depth extent of the magma chamber imaged under Mauna Loa and the error that is due to poor ray coverage. Kilauea magma chamber, on the other hand, is well resolved, according to a resolution test done at the location of the magma chamber.

Abstract to Part II

Long period seismograms recorded at Pasadena of earthquakes occurring along a profile to Imperial Valley are studied in terms of source phenomena (e.g., source mechanisms and depths) versus path effects. Some of the events have known source parameters, determined by teleseismic or near-field studies, and are used as master events in a forward modeling exercise to derive the Green's functions (SH displacements at Pasadena that are due to a pure strike-slip or dip-slip mechanism) that describe the propagation effects along the profile. Both timing and waveforms of records are matched by synthetics calculated from 2-dimensional velocity models. The best 2-dimensional section begins at Imperial Valley with a thin crust containing the basin structure and thickens towards Pasadena. The detailed nature of the transition zone at the base of the crust controls the early arriving shorter periods (strong motions), while the edge of the basin controls the scattered longer period surface waves. From the waveform characteristics alone, shallow events in the basin are easily distinguished from deep events, and the amount of strike-slip versus dip-slip motion is also easily determined. Those events rupturing the sediments, such as the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, can be recognized easily by a late-arriving scattered Love wave that has been delayed by the very slow path across the shallow valley structure.