985 resultados para after Bleil and von Dobeneck (2003)
In June 2003, during a meeting held in Saloniki, the leaders of European Union member states turned to the presidents and heads of the governments of five Western Balkans nations – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania – assuring them that Brussels sees a future for the entire region in Europe and that, without their membership in the EU, the integration of the continent would not be complete. Of these five – actually six, as Kosovo’s protectorate was represented by a separate delegation: the Prime Minister, President, the Head of the international administration, and a representative of the Serbian party – only Croatia can count on quick integration. The membership of the remaining countries is being spoken of (unofficially) in the perspective of ten to fifteen years. However, no EU diplomat is able to answer the question of how the integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, with the EU, will look in practice – these two organisms exist solely owing to the will and efforts of the international community.
The former USSR area plays a great role in the international oil and gas market. Russia is a real gas giant, with the richest deposits of this material in the world. Russia is also the main exporter of natural gas to many European countries. Keeping a strong position in this market remains a priority for the Russian Federation's economic policy. Europe is a very attractive region because its demand for gas is expected to grow steadily, while its own gas production keeps decreasing. In the long term, the Far East will be an important market for Russian exports, too. According to estimates, demand there will grow even faster than in Europe. Caspian gas producers, for the time being, can not really compete with Russia in this field, and this status quo will most probably be preserved in the nearest future.
Putin's first term in office: The most significant achievement of Vladimir Putin's team over the three years of his term of office is the realisation of legislative changes, which may constitute a base for further - more detailed - political and economic reforms. This is, to a certain degree, a return to the economic tasks set out by a team of reformists in the early 1990s, which were impossible to realise at the time due to conflicts between the Kremlin and legislative powers. Chechnya and Russia: The purpose of this analysis is to examine the significance of the Chechen issue for contemporary Russia. Part I discusses the history of the conflict from 1991 to date and the impact of developments in the republic on Russia as a whole. Part II is an attempt to indicate the areas of Russian reality that are most deeply affected by the Chechen problem.
Good fences make good neighbours’ wrote the poet Robert Frost. Israel and Palestine are certainly not good neighbours and the question that arises is will a fence between Israel and Palestine turn them into ‘good neighbours’. This paper deals with the Israeli decision to construct a fence that will divide Israel and the West Bank. Almost all public debate of the wall in Israel has been limited to the security aspects. In light of the success enjoyed so far by the wall or fence around the Gaza Strip in preventing suicide bombers from getting through, the defence for needing a similar wall around the West Bank seems like an easy task. One of the main proponents of the wall concept in Israel is Dan Scheuftan, whose book on the subject has served as a guide for policy-makers. The paper provides a critique of Scheuftan’s book. The paper addresses various aspects of the wall and focuses on the different consequences of building a barrier between the two entities. Significant attention is paid to the economic consequences of the wall. The paper also looks at other issues such as the impact the wall will have on future attempts of peace-making. The paper attempts to show that the prevention of Palestinian access to Israel – the main goal of the wall – may not really have the hoped for effect of enhancing Israel’s security
Surface sediment samples representative for the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic (15°N to 40°S) were investigated by isothermal magnetic methods to delineate magnetic mineral distribution patterns and to identify their predominant Holocene climatic and oceanographic controls. Individual parameters reveal distinct, yet frequently overlapping, regional sedimentation characteristics. A probabilistic ('fuzzy c-means') cluster analysis was applied to five concentration independent magnetic properties assessing magnetite to hematite ratios and diagnostic of bulk and fine-particle magnetite grain size and coercivity spectra. The resultant 10 cluster structures establish an oceanwide magnetic sediment classification scheme tracing the major terrigenous eolian and fluvial fluxes, authigenic biogenic magnetite accumulation in high-productivity areas, transport by ocean current systems, and effects of bottom water velocity on depositional regimes. Distinct dissimilarities in magnetic mineral inventories between the eastern and western basins of the South Atlantic reflect prominent contrasts of both oceanic and continental influences.
Re and Os concentrations and Os isotopic ratios were determined for composite samples prepared from volcanoclastics (VCL) and basaltic flows (FLO) from Jurassic oceanic crust (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 185, Site 801 in the western Pacific), with the aim of determining the effect of seafloor weathering on the Re-Os budget. A supercomposite sample, prepared from a proportionate mixture of the various composite powders, served to represent the average composition of the altered oceanic crust [Kelley, K.A., Plank, T., Ludden, J. and Staudigel, H., (2003). Composition of altered oceanic crust at ODP Sites 801 and 1149, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 4(6) 8910, doi:10.1029/2002GC000435.]. Re contents vary from 0.2 to 1.3 ng/g, and from 2.2 to 3.1 ng/g in the VCL and FLO composites respectively. Os contents vary from 0.005 to 0.047 ng/g in the VCL, and from 0.008 to 0.027 ng/g in the FLO composites. The FLO composites have much higher Re/Os ratios and thus have more radiogenic Os compositions (187Os/188Os = 1.38 to 8.48) than the VCL composites (187Os/188Os = 0.32 to 4.40). The VCL composite from the upper section of the crust shows evidence for substantial Re loss and Os uptake, consistent with oxidative weathering processes. However, Re uptake during weathering processes under more reducing conditions, evident in the FLO samples from throughout the section and to a lesser extent in the lower VCL samples, more than compensates for this Re loss in the upper VCL. Os concentrations were essentially unchanged by these reductive processes. Model age calculations suggest that Re uptake continued for tens of millions of years after crust formation. Abundant secondary pyrite is found throughout the altered Hole 801C crust in zones of restricted seawater flow, and this may have accommodated an important part of the input Re. The Re content of the supercomposite (~2.2 ng/g) is about 1 ng/g higher than would be expected on the basis of its Yb content. If the results from Hole 801C are typical, they suggest that the Re concentration of at least the upper part of the oceanic crust may be nearly doubled during seafloor alteration. Such large extents of Re uptake would have a significant effect on the oceanic Re budget. Furthermore, assuming that they survive passage through the subduction zone, these elevated Re contents would greatly decrease the proportion of subducted oceanic crust required in the source region to explain the radiogenic Os compositions of many ocean island basalts.