975 resultados para a-alanine


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The structures of the ligand-binding domains (LBD) of the wild-type androgen receptor (AR) and the T877A mutant corresponding to that in LNCaP cells, both bound to dihydrotestosterone, have been refined at 2.0 Å resolution. In contrast to the homodimer seen in the retinoid-X receptor and estrogen receptor LBD structures, the AR LBD is monomeric, possibly because of the extended C terminus of AR, which lies in a groove at the dimerization interface. Binding of the natural ligand dihydrotestosterone by the mutant LBD involves interactions with the same residues as in the wild-type receptor, with the exception of the side chain of threonine 877, which is an alanine residue in the mutant. This structural difference in the binding pocket can explain the ability of the mutant AR found in LNCaP cells (T877A) to accommodate progesterone and other ligands that the wild-type receptor cannot.


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How receptors catalyze exchange of GTP for GDP bound to the Gα subunit of trimeric G proteins is not known. One proposal is that the receptor uses the G protein's βγ heterodimer as a lever, tilting it to pull open the guanine nucleotide binding pocket of Gα. To test this possibility, we designed a mutant Gα that would bind to βγ in the tilted conformation. To do so, we excised a helical turn (four residues) from the N-terminal region of αs, the α subunit of GS, the stimulatory regulator of adenylyl cyclase. In the presence, but not in the absence, of transiently expressed β1 and γ2, this mutant (αsΔ), markedly stimulated cAMP accumulation. This effect depended on the ability of the coexpressed β protein to interact normally with the lip of the nucleotide binding pocket of αsΔ. We substituted alanine for an aspartate in β1 that binds to a lysine (K206) in the lip of the α subunit's nucleotide binding pocket. Coexpressed with αsΔ and γ2, this mutant, β1-D228A, elevated cAMP much less than did β1-wild type; it did bind to αsΔ normally, however, as indicated by its unimpaired ability to target αsΔ to the plasma membrane. We conclude that βγ can activate αs and that this effect probably involves both a tilt of βγ relative to αs and interaction of β with the lip of the nucleotide binding pocket. We speculate that receptors use a similar mechanism to activate trimeric G proteins.


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Linker length and composition were varied in libraries of single-chain Arc repressor, resulting in proteins with effective concentrations ranging over six orders of magnitude (10 μM–10 M). Linkers of 11 residues or more were required for biological activity. Equilibrium stability varied substantially with linker length, reaching a maximum for glycine-rich linkers containing 19 residues. The effects of linker length on equilibrium stability arise from significant and sometimes opposing changes in folding and unfolding kinetics. By fixing the linker length at 19 residues and varying the ratio of Ala/Gly or Ser/Gly in a 16-residue-randomized region, the effects of linker flexibility were examined. In these libraries, composition rather than sequence appears to determine stability. Maximum stability in the Ala/Gly library was observed for a protein containing 11 alanines and five glycines in the randomized region of the linker. In the Ser/Gly library, the most stable protein had seven serines and nine glycines in this region. Analysis of folding and unfolding rates suggests that alanine acts largely by accelerating folding, whereas serine acts predominantly to slow unfolding. These results demonstrate an important role for linker design in determining the stability and folding kinetics of single-chain proteins and suggest strategies for optimizing these parameters.


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In eukaryotic cells, lysosomes represent a major site for macromolecule degradation. Hydrolysis products are eventually exported from this acidic organelle into the cytosol through specific transporters. Impairment of this process at either the hydrolysis or the efflux step is responsible of several lysosomal storage diseases. However, most lysosomal transporters, although biochemically characterized, remain unknown at the molecular level. In this study, we report the molecular and functional characterization of a lysosomal amino acid transporter (LYAAT-1), remotely related to a family of H+-coupled plasma membrane and synaptic vesicle amino acid transporters. LYAAT-1 is expressed in most rat tissues, with highest levels in the brain where it is present in neurons. Upon overexpression in COS-7 cells, the recombinant protein mediates the accumulation of neutral amino acids, such as γ-aminobutyric acid, l-alanine, and l-proline, through an H+/amino acid symport. Confocal microscopy on brain sections revealed that this transporter colocalizes with cathepsin D, an established lysosomal marker. LYAAT-1 thus appears as a lysosomal transporter that actively exports neutral amino acids from lysosomes by chemiosmotic coupling to the H+-ATPase of these organelles. Homology searching in eukaryotic genomes suggests that LYAAT-1 defines a subgroup of lysosomal transporters in the amino acid/auxin permease family.


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Activation of muscle-specific genes by members of the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) and MyoD families of transcription factors is coupled to histone acetylation and is inhibited by class II histone deacetylases (HDACs) 4 and 5, which interact with MEF2. The ability of HDAC4 and -5 to inhibit MEF2 is blocked by phosphorylation of these HDACs at two conserved serine residues, which creates docking sites for the intracellular chaperone protein 14-3-3. When bound to 14-3-3, HDACs are released from MEF2 and transported to the cytoplasm, thereby allowing MEF2 to stimulate muscle-specific gene expression. MEF2-interacting transcription repressor (MITR) shares homology with the amino-terminal regions of HDAC4 and -5, but lacks an HDAC catalytic domain. Despite the absence of intrinsic HDAC activity, MITR acts as a potent inhibitor of MEF2-dependent transcription. Paradoxically, however, MITR has minimal inhibitory effects on the skeletal muscle differentiation program. We show that a substitution mutant of MITR containing alanine in place of two serine residues, Ser-218 and Ser-448, acts as a potent repressor of myogenesis. Our findings indicate that promyogenic signals antagonize the inhibitory action of MITR by targeting these serines for phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of Ser-218 and Ser-448 stimulates binding of 14-3-3 to MITR, disrupts MEF2:MITR interactions, and alters the nuclear distribution of MITR. These results reveal a role for MITR as a signal-dependent regulator of muscle differentiation.


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The metabolism of [1-13C]glucose in Pisolithus tinctorius cv Coker & Couch, in uninoculated seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus bicostata ex Maiden cv Kirkp., and in the E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhiza was studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In roots of uninoculated seedlings, the 13C label was mainly incorporated into sucrose and glutamine. The ratio (13C3 + 13C2)/13C4 of glutamine was approximately 1.0 during the time-course experiment, indicating equivalent contributions of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase to the production of α-ketoglutarate used for synthesis of this amino acid. In free-living P. tinctorius, most of the 13C label was incorporated into mannitol, trehalose, glutamine, and alanine, whereas arabitol, erythritol, and glutamate were weakly labeled. Amino acid biosynthesis was an important sink of assimilated 13C (43%), and anaplerotic CO2 fixation contributed 42% of the C flux entering the Krebs cycle. In ectomycorrhizae, sucrose accumulation was decreased in the colonized roots compared with uninoculated control plants, whereas 13C incorporation into arabitol and erythritol was nearly 4-fold higher in the symbiotic mycelium than in the free-living fungus. It appears that fungal utilization of glucose in the symbiotic state is altered and oriented toward the synthesis of short-chain polyols.


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Several lysines (Lys) were determined to be involved in the regulation of the ADP-glucose (Glc) pyrophosphorylase from spinach leaf and the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (K. Ball, J. Preiss [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 24706–24711; Y. Charng, A.A. Iglesias, J. Preiss [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 24107–24113). Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the relative roles of the conserved Lys in the heterotetrameric enzyme from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Mutations to alanine of Lys-404 and Lys-441 on the small subunit decreased the apparent affinity for the activator, 3-phosphoglycerate, by 3090- and 54-fold, respectively. The apparent affinity for the inhibitor, phosphate, decreased greater than 400-fold. Mutation of Lys-441 to glutamic acid showed even larger effects. When Lys-417 and Lys-455 on the large subunit were mutated to alanine, the phosphate inhibition was not altered and the apparent affinity for the activator decreased only 9- and 3-fold, respectively. Mutations of these residues to glutamic acid only decreased the affinity for the activator 12- and 5-fold, respectively. No significant changes were observed on other kinetic constants for the substrates ADP-Glc, pyrophosphate, and Mg2+. These data indicate that Lys-404 and Lys-441 on the small subunit are more important for the regulation of the ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase than their homologous residues in the large subunit.


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Lysine (Lys)-195 in the homotetrameric ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPGlc PPase) from Escherichia coli was shown previously to be involved in the binding of the substrate glucose-1-phosphate (Glc-1-P). This residue is highly conserved in the ADPGlc PPase family. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the function of this conserved Lys residue in the large and small subunits of the heterotetrameric potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber enzyme. The apparent affinity for Glc-1-P of the wild-type enzyme decreased 135- to 550-fold by changing Lys-198 of the small subunit to arginine, alanine, or glutamic acid, suggesting that both the charge and the size of this residue influence Glc-1-P binding. These mutations had little effect on the kinetic constants for the other substrates (ATP and Mg2+ or ADP-Glc and inorganic phosphate), activator (3-phosphoglycerate), inhibitor (inorganic phosphate), or on the thermal stability. Mutagenesis of the corresponding Lys (Lys-213) in the large subunit had no effect on the apparent affinity for Glc-1-P by substitution with arginine, alanine, or glutamic acid. A double mutant, SK198RLK213R, was also obtained that had a 100-fold reduction of the apparent affinity for Glc-1-P. The data indicate that Lys-198 in the small subunit is directly involved in the binding of Glc-1-P, whereas they appear to exclude a direct role of Lys-213 in the large subunit in the interaction with this substrate.


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The D2 polypeptide of the photosystem II (PSII) complex in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is thought to be reversibly phosphorylated. By analogy to higher plants, the phosphorylation site is likely to be at residue threonine-2 (Thr-2). We have investigated the role of D2 phosphorylation by constructing two mutants in which residue Thr-2 has been replaced by either alanine or serine. Both mutants grew photoautotrophically at wild-type rates, and noninvasive biophysical measurements, including the decay of chlorophyll fluorescence, the peak temperature of thermoluminescence bands, and rates of oxygen evolution, indicate little perturbation to electron transfer through the PSII complex. The susceptibility of mutant PSII to photoinactivation as measured by the light-induced loss of PSII activity in whole cells in the presence of the protein-synthesis inhibitors chloramphenicol or lincomycin was similar to that of wild type. These results indicate that phosphorylation at Thr-2 is not required for PSII function or for protection from photoinactivation. In control experiments the phosphorylation of D2 in wild-type C. reinhardtii was examined by 32P labeling in vivo and in vitro. No evidence for the phosphorylation of D2 in the wild type could be obtained. [14C]Acetate-labeling experiments in the presence of an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis also failed to identify phosphorylated (D2.1) and nonphosphorylated (D2.2) forms of D2 upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results suggest that the existence of D2 phosphorylation in C. reinhardtii is still in question.


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Polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is often used to impose low water potentials (ψw) in solution culture, decreases O2 movement by increasing solution viscosity. We investigated whether this property causes O2 deficiency that affects the elongation or metabolism of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots. Seedlings grown in vigorously aerated PEG solutions at ambient solution O2 partial pressure (pO2) had decreased steady-state root elongation rates, increased root-tip alanine concentrations, and decreased root-tip proline concentrations relative to seedlings grown in PEG solutions of above-ambient pO2 (alanine and proline accumulation are responses to hypoxia and low ψw, respectively). Measurements of root pO2 were made using an O2 microsensor to ensure that increased solution pO2 did not increase root pO2 above physiological levels. In oxygenated PEG solutions that gave maximal root elongation rates, root pO2 was similar to or less than (depending on depth in the tissue) pO2 of roots growing in vermiculite at the same ψw. Even without PEG, high solution pO2 was necessary to raise root pO2 to the levels found in vermiculite-grown roots. Vermiculite was used for comparison because it has large air spaces that allow free movement of O2 to the root surface. The results show that supplemental oxygenation is required to avoid hypoxia in PEG solutions. Also, the data suggest that the O2 demand of the root elongation zone may be greater at low relative to high ψw, compounding the effect of PEG on O2 supply. Under O2-sufficient conditions root elongation was substantially less sensitive to the low ψw imposed by PEG than that imposed by dry vermiculite.


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In vivo pyruvate synthesis by malic enzyme (ME) and pyruvate kinase and in vivo malate synthesis by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and the Krebs cycle were measured by 13C incorporation from [1-13C]glucose into glucose-6-phosphate, alanine, glutamate, aspartate, and malate. These metabolites were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) root tips under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. 13C-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to discern the positional isotopic distribution within each metabolite. This information was applied to a simple precursor-product model that enabled calculation of specific metabolic fluxes. In respiring root tips, ME was found to contribute only approximately 3% of the pyruvate synthesized, whereas pyruvate kinase contributed the balance. The activity of ME increased greater than 6-fold early in hypoxia, and then declined coincident with depletion of cytosolic malate and aspartate. We found that in respiring root tips, anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was high relative to ME, and therefore did not limit synthesis of pyruvate by ME. The significance of in vivo pyruvate synthesis by ME is discussed with respect to malate and pyruvate utilization by isolated mitochondria and intracellular pH regulation under hypoxia.


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We found a galactose-rich basic glycoprotein (GBGP) in the cell walls of cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells. GBGP and extensin were isolated as the major components of basic, salt-extracted cell wall glycoproteins. GBGP and extensin were separated by gel filtration in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride as 49- and 90-kD peaks, respectively, and further purified with reverse-phase chromatography. The protein moiety of GBGP constitutes about one-half of the molecule (w/w) and contains lysine (16%), proline (12%), hydroxyproline (10%), tyrosine (4%), alanine (7%), leucine (6%), and cystine (1.4%). Galactose accounted for 72% of the sugar moiety, arabinose content was low (17%), and a significant amount of mannose (7%) was found. No immunological cross-reaction was detected between GBGP and extensin. The antibody against native GBGP with sugar chains reacted with other glycoproteins on the gel blots, whereas the antibodies against deglycosylated GBGP and native extensin were highly specific. Immunolocalization analysis in tobacco stems showed that GBGP is specific to parenchyma tissue and that extensin localizes in the epidermis. This tissue-specific and exclusive distribution suggests important functions of these basic glycoproteins.


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The crystal structure at 2.0-Å resolution of an 81-residue N-terminal fragment of muscle α-tropomyosin reveals a parallel two-stranded α-helical coiled-coil structure with a remarkable core. The high alanine content of the molecule is clustered into short regions where the local 2-fold symmetry is broken by a small (≈1.2-Å) axial staggering of the helices. The joining of these regions with neighboring segments, where the helices are in axial register, gives rise to specific bends in the molecular axis. We observe such bends to be widely distributed in two-stranded α-helical coiled-coil proteins. This asymmetric design in a dimer of identical (or highly similar) sequences allows the tropomyosin molecule to adopt multiple bent conformations. The seven alanine clusters in the core of the complete molecule (which spans seven monomers of the actin helix) promote the semiflexible winding of the tropomyosin filament necessary for its regulatory role in muscle contraction.


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An amphiphilic analog of Locusta myotropin II (Lom-MT-II), Glu-Gly-Asp-Phe-Thr-Pro-Arg-Leu-amide, was synthesized by addition of 6-phenylhexanoic acid (6-Pha) linked through alanine to the amino terminus. This pseudopeptide, [6-Pha-Ala0]Lom-MT-II, was found to have pheromonotropic activity equivalent to pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide when injected into females of Heliothis virescens. Topical application of [6-Pha-Ala0]Lom-MT-II or Helicoverpa zea-pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN), dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, to the descaled abdomen of females induced production of pheromone, although more Hez-PBAN than [6-Pha-Ala0]Lom-MT-II was required to obtain significant production of pheromone. Application of [6-Pha-Ala0]Lom-MT-II, dissolved in water, to the abdomen induced production of pheromone, but neither Hez-PBAN nor Lom-MT-II dissolved in water stimulated production of significant amounts of pheromone. Dose- and time-response studies indicated that application of the amphiphilic mimetic in water induced pheromone production in as little as 15 min after application and that the effects were maintained for prolonged periods. These findings show that amphiphilic pseudopeptide mimics of insect neuropeptides will penetrate the insect cuticle when applied topically in water and induce an endogenous response.


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Natural killer (NK) cells are inhibited from killing cellular targets by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In the mouse, this can be mediated by the Ly-49A NK cell receptor that specifically binds the H-2Dd MHC class I molecule, then inhibits NK cell activity. Previous experiments have indicated that Ly-49A recognizes the alpha 1/alpha 2 domains of MHC class I and that no specific MHC-bound peptide appeared to be involved. We demonstrate here that alanine-substituted peptides, having only the minimal anchor motifs, stabilized H-2Dd expression and provided resistance to H-2Dd-transfected, transporter associated with processing (TAP)-deficient cells from lysis by Ly-49A+ NK cells. Peptide-induced resistance was blocked only by an mAb that binds a conformational determinant on H-2Dd. Moreover, stabilization of "empty" H-2Dd heavy chains by exogenous beta 2-microglobulin did not confer resistance. In contrast to data for MHC class I-restricted T cells that are specific for peptides displayed MHC molecules, these data indicate that NK cells are specific for a peptide-induced conformational determinant, independent of specific peptide. This fundamental distinction between NK cells and T cells further implies that NK cells are sensitive only to global changes in MHC class I conformation or expression, rather than to specific pathogen-encoded peptides. This is consistent with the "missing self" hypothesis, which postulates that NK cells survey tissues for normal expression of MHC class I.