970 resultados para Zoonotic pathogens


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This project was commissioned to generate an improved understanding of the sensitivities of seagrass habitats to pressures associated with human activities in the marine environment - to provide an evidence base to facilitate and support management advice for Marine Protected Areas; development of UK marine monitoring and assessment, and conservation advice to offshore marine industries. Seagrass bed habitats are identified as a Priority Marine Feature (PMF) under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, they are also included on the OSPAR list of threatened and declining species and habitats, and are a Habitat of Principle Importance (HPI) under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006, in England and Wales. The purpose of this project was to produce sensitivity assessments with supporting evidence for the HPI, OSPAR and PMF seagrass/Zostera bed habitat definitions, clearly documenting the evidence behind the assessments and any differences between assessments. Nineteen pressures, falling in five categories - biological, hydrological, physical damage, physical loss, and pollution and other chemical changes - were assessed in this report. Assessments were based on the three British seagrasses Zostera marina, Z. noltei and Ruppia maritima. Z. marina var. angustifolia was considered to be a subspecies of Z. marina but it was specified where studies had considered it as a species in its own rights. Where possible other components of the community were investigated but the basis of the assessment focused on seagrass species. To develop each sensitivity assessment, the resistance and resilience of the key elements were assessed against the pressure benchmark using the available evidence. The benchmarks were designed to provide a ‘standard’ level of pressure against which to assess sensitivity. Overall, seagrass beds were highly sensitive to a number of human activities: • penetration or disturbance of the substratum below the surface; • habitat structure changes – removal of substratum; • physical change to another sediment type; • physical loss of habitat; • siltation rate changes including and smothering; and • changes in suspended solids. High sensitivity was recorded for pressures which directly impacted the factors that limit seagrass growth and health such as light availability. Physical pressures that caused mechanical modification of the sediment, and hence damage to roots and leaves, also resulted in high sensitivity. Seagrass beds were assessed as ‘not sensitive’ to microbial pathogens or ‘removal of target species’. These assessments were based on the benchmarks used. Z. marina is known to be sensitive to Labyrinthula zosterae but this was not included in the benchmark used. Similarly, ‘removal of target species’ addresses only the biological effects of removal and not the physical effects of the process used. For example, seagrass beds are probably not sensitive to the removal of scallops found within the bed but are highly sensitive to the effects of dredging for scallops, as assessed under the pressure penetration or disturbance of the substratum below the surface‘. This is also an example of a synergistic effect Assessing the sensitivity of seagrass bed biotopes to pressures associated with marine activities between pressures. Where possible, synergistic effects were highlighted but synergistic and cumulative effects are outside the scope off this study. The report found that no distinct differences in sensitivity exist between the HPI, PMF and OSPAR definitions. Individual biotopes do however have different sensitivities to pressures. These differences were determined by the species affected, the position of the habitat on the shore and the sediment type. For instance evidence showed that beds growing in soft and muddy sand were more vulnerable to physical damage than beds on harder, more compact substratum. Temporal effects can also influence the sensitivity of seagrass beds. On a seasonal time frame, physical damage to roots and leaves occurring in the reproductive season (summer months) will have a greater impact than damage in winter. On a daily basis, the tidal regime could accentuate or attenuate the effects of pressures depending on high and low tide. A variety of factors must therefore be taken into account in order to assess the sensitivity of a particular seagrass habitat at any location. No clear difference in resilience was established across the three seagrass definitions assessed in this report. The resilience of seagrass beds and the ability to recover from human induced pressures is a combination of the environmental conditions of the site, growth rates of the seagrass, the frequency and the intensity of the disturbance. This highlights the importance of considering the species affected as well as the ecology of the seagrass bed, the environmental conditions and the types and nature of activities giving rise to the pressure and the effects of that pressure. For example, pressures that result in sediment modification (e.g. pitting or erosion), sediment change or removal, prolong recovery. Therefore, the resilience of each biotope and habitat definitions is discussed for each pressure. Using a clearly documented, evidence based approach to create sensitivity assessments allows the assessment and any subsequent decision making or management plans to be readily communicated, transparent and justifiable. The assessments can be replicated and updated where new evidence becomes available ensuring the longevity of the sensitivity assessment tool. The evidence review has reduced the uncertainty around assessments previously undertaken in the MB0102 project (Tillin et al 2010) by assigning a single sensitivity score to the pressures as opposed to a range. Finally, as seagrass habitats may also contribute to ecosystem function and the delivery of ecosystem services, understanding the sensitivity of these biotopes may also support assessment and management in regard to these. Whatever objective measures are applied to data to assess sensitivity, the final sensitivity assessment is indicative. The evidence, the benchmarks, the confidence in the assessments and the limitations of the process, require a sense-check by experienced marine ecologists before the outcome is used in management decisions.


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The control and elimination of prionic infective agents that may be present in the effluents, turns out to be a complicated mechanism inside a High Containment bological Facility. There are two ways to carry out this neutralization: Installation of thermal systems to ensure achieve a minimum temperature of 134 ° C sterilization plateau for a residence time of 18 minutes, and the use of chemical reactors based on the addition of sodium hypochlorite so the mixture maintained 2% of free chlorine during the reaction period. This study presents the design phases, elements and benefits, of a chemical reactor that allows the treatment of prion effluents in order to serve as a model to biocontainment facilities with areas of animal experimentation, who want to develop their work with prions.


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Were study a horse (Equus caballus), Purebred Spanish Horse, 6 years old, intact male sex, weight about 550kg, from equestrian center in Fregenal Sierra-Extremadura, Spain. History of acute diarrhea, are apply conventional treatment (hydration, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic). Physical examination showed severe profuse, fetid diarrhea deep red, tachypnea. The physiological parameters were: heart rate 60 bpm, respiratory rate 39 rpm and mucous cyanotic. Temperature: 40°C. Hematological examination showed severe leucopenia, decreased total serum protein, albumin and globulin also diminished. Serum chemistry evidenced severe hyponatremia and hypokalemia, with high levels of chlorine indicating metabolic acidosis. A stool analysis, which was negative and showed no eggs or larvae in the samples studied was performed. The microbial culture allowed the isolation of Klebsiella sp. and susceptibility testing showed sensitivity to ampicillin, Cetafzidine, Ciprofloxacin, Cefepine, gentamicin, imipenem, meropenem, Piperaciclina, piperacillin / tazobactam and trimethoprim sulfa resistance. The horse presented systemic complications associated with endotoxemia and death 36 hours after the onset of diarrhea. At necropsy, severe bleeding was observed enterotiflocolitis. The histological sections showed proliferative enteritis characterized by lymphocyte and mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate plasmocytorious mucosa and submucosa, coagulation necrosis, bacteria and short rod type morphology with no specific grouping. In conclusion a case of acute syndrome enterotiflocolitis reported Klebsiella sp. on a horse Purebred Spanish.


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Foreign pathogens are recognized by toll-like receptors (TLR), present on various immune cells such as professional antigen-presenting cells (pAPCs). On recognition of its ligand, these receptors activate pAPCs, which may in turn influence naïve CD8+ T cell activation and affect their abilities to clear viral infection. However, how TLR ligands (TLR-L) can regulate CD8+ T cell responses have not been fully elucidated. This thesis will focus on examining how the presence of components from foreign pathogens, e.g. viral or bacterial infection, can contribute to shaping host immunity during concurrent viral infections. Since nitric oxide (NO), an innate effector immune molecule, was recently suggested to regulate proteasome activity; we sought to examine if NO can influence MHC-I antigen presentation during viral infections. The data in this section of the thesis provides evidence that combined TLR engagement can alter the presentation of certain CD8+ epitopes due to NO-induced inhibition in proteasome activity. Taken together, the data demonstrate that TLR ligation can influence the adaptive immune response due to induction of specific innate effector molecules such as NO. Next, the influence of combined TLR engagement on CD8+ T cell immunodominance hierarchies during viral infections was examined. In this section, we established that dual TLR2 and TLR3 stimulation alters immunodominance hierarchies of LCMV epitopes as a result of reduced uptake of cell-associated antigens and reduced cross-presentation of NP396 consequently suppressing NP396-specific CD8+ T cell responses. These findings are significant as they highlight a new role for TLR ligands in regulating anti-viral CD8+ T cell responses through impairing cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens depending on the type of TLR present in the environment during infections. Finally, we addressed TLR ligand induced type I interferon production and the signalling pathways that regulate them in two different mouse macrophage populations – those derived from the spleen or bone marrow. In this study, we observed that concomitant TLR2 stimulation blocked the induction of type I IFN induced by TLR4 in bone marrow-derived macrophages, but not spleen-derived macrophages in SOCS3-dependent manner. Taken together, the data presented in this thesis have defined new facets of how anti-viral responses are regulated by TLR activation, especially if multiple receptors are engaged simultaneously.


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Objective: To compare the efficacy of gentamicin, nebulised via the endotracheal tube (ET), with that of parenteral cefotaxime or parenteral cefuroxime in preventing the formation of ET biofilm.

Setting: General intensive care units in two university teaching hospitals.

Design: The microbiology of ET biofilm from 36 ICU patients eligible to receive antibiotic prophylaxis was examined. Peak and trough tracheal concentrations of gentamicin, cefotaxime or cefuroxime were measured in each patient group, on the 2nd day of intubation.

Patients: Twelve patients received gentamicin (80 mg) nebulised in 4 ml normal saline every 8 h, 12 cefotaxime (1 g, 12 hourly) and 12 cefuroxime (750 mg, 8 hourly). Prophylaxis was continued for the duration of intubation.

Measurements and results: Samples of tracheal secretions were taken on the 2nd day of ventilation for determination of antibiotic concentrations. Following extubation, ETs were examined for the presence of biofilm. Pathogens considered to be common aetiological agents for VAP included Staphylococcus aureus, enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae and pseudomonads. While microbial biofilm was found on all ETs from the cephalosporin group, microbial biofilm of these micro-organisms was found on 7 of the 12 ET tubes from patients receiving cefotaxime [S. aureus (4), pseudomonads (1), Enterobacteriaceae (1), enterococcus (1)] and 8 of the 12 ET tubes from patients receiving cefuroxime [Enterobacteriaceae (6), P. aeruginosa (1) and enterococcus (1)]. While microbial biofilm was observed on five ETs from patients receiving nebulised gentamicin, none of these were from pathogens for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Tracheal concentrations of both cephalosporins were lower than those needed to inhibit the growth of pathogens recovered from ET tube biofilm. The median (and range) concentrations for cefotaxime were 0.90 (<0.23–1.31) mg/l and 0.28 (<0.23–0.58) mg/l for 2 h post-dose and trough samples, respectively. Two hours post-dose concentrations of cefuroxime (median and range) were 0.40 (0.34–0.83) mg/l, with trough concentrations of 0.35 (<0.22–0.47) mg/l. Tracheal concentrations (median and range) of gentamicin measured 1 h post-nebulisation were 790 (352–>1250) mg/l and then, before the next dose, were 436 (250–1000) mg/l.

Conclusion: Nebulised gentamicin attained high concentrations in the ET lumen and was more effective in preventing the formation of biofilm than either parenterally administered cephalosporin and therefore may be effective in preventing this complication of mechanical ventilation.


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Coronaviruses are important pathogens that cause acute respiratory diseases in humans. Replication of the 30-kb positive-strand RNA genome of coronaviruses and discontinuous synthesis of an extensive set of subgenome-length RNAs (transcription) are mediated by the replicase-transcriptase, a barely characterized protein complex that comprises several cellular proteins and up to 16 viral subunits. The coronavirus replicase-transcriptase was recently predicted to contain RNA-processing enzymes that are extremely rare or absent in other RNA viruses. Here, we established and characterized the activity of one of these enzymes, replicative nidoviral uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (NendoU). It is considered a major genetic marker that discriminates nidoviruses (Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae) from all other RNA virus families. Bacterially expressed forms of NendoU of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E were revealed to cleave single-stranded and double-stranded RNA in a Mn2+-dependent manner. Single-stranded RNA was cleaved less specifically and effectively, suggesting that double-stranded RNA is the biologically relevant NendoU substrate. Double-stranded RNA substrates were cleaved upstream and downstream of uridylates at GUU or GU sequences to produce molecules with 2'-3' cyclic phosphate ends. 2'-O-ribose-methylated RNA substrates proved to be resistant to cleavage by NendoU, indicating a functional link with the 2'-O-ribose methyltransferase located adjacent to NendoU in the coronavirus replicative polyprotein. A mutagenesis study verified potential active-site residues and allowed us to inactivate NendoU in the full-length human coronavirus 229E clone. Substitution of D6408 by Ala was shown to abolish viral RNA synthesis, demonstrating that NendoU has critical functions in viral replication and transcription.


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This study describes the formulation, characterisation and preliminary clinical evaluation of mucoadhesive, semi-solid formulations containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC, 1-5%, w/w), polyvinylpyrrolidine (PVP, 2 or 3%, w/w), poly carbophil (PC, 1 or 3%, w/w) and tetracycline (5%, w/w, as the hydrochloride). Each formulation was characterised in terms of drug release, hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness (using a texture analyser in texture profile analysis mode), syringeability (using a texture analyser in compression mode) and adhesion to a mucin disc (measured as a detachment force using the texture analyser in tensile mode). The release exponent for the formulations ranged from 0.78+/-0.02 to 1.27+/-0.07, indicating that drug release was non-diffusion controlled. Increasing the concentrations of each polymeric component significantly increased the time required for 10 and 30% release of the original mass of tetracycline, due to both increased viscosity and, additionally, the unique swelling properties of the formulations. Increasing concentrations of each polymeric component also increased the hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, syringeability and mucoadhesion of the formulations. The effects on product hardness, compressibility and syringeability may be due to increased product viscosity and, hence, increased resistance to compression. Similarly, the effects of these polymers on adhesiveness/mucoadhesion highlight their mucoadhesive nature and, importantly, the effects of polymer state (particularly PC) on these properties. Thus, in formulations where the neutralisation of PC was maximally suppressed, adhesiveness and mucoadhesion were also maximal. Interestingly, statistical interactions were primarily observed between the effects of HEC and PC on drug release, mechanical and mucoadhesive properties. These were explained by the effects of HEC on the physical state of PC, namely swollen or unswollen. In the preliminary clinical evaluation, a formulation was selected that offered an appropriate balance of the above physical properties and contained 3% HEC, 3% PVP and 1% PC, in addition to tetracycline 5% (as the hydrochloride). The clinical efficacy of this (test) formulation was compared to an identical tetracycline-devoid (control) formulation in nine periodontal pockets (greater than or equal to 5 mm depth). One week following administration of the test formulation, there was a significant improvement in periodontal health as identified by reduced numbers of sub-gingival microbial pathogens. Therefore, it can be concluded that, when used in combination with mechanical plaque removal, the tetracycline-containing semi-solid systems described in this study would augment such therapy by enhancing the removal of pathogens, thus improving periodontal health. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Interferon ? receptor 1 (IFN? R1) deficiency is a primary immunodeficiency with allelic dominant and recessive mutations characterised clinically by severe infections with mycobacteria. We aimed to compare the clinical features of recessive and dominant IFN?R1 deficiencies. Methods We obtained data from a large cohort of patients worldwide. We assessed these people by medical histories, records, and genetic and immunological studies. Data were abstracted onto a standard form. Findings We identified 22 patients with recessive complete IFN?R1 deficiency and 38 with dominant partial deficiency. BCG and environmental mycobacteria were the most frequent pathogens. In recessive patients, 17 (77%) had environmental mycobacterial disease and all nine BCG-vaccinated patients had BCG disease. In dominant patients, 30 (79%) had environmental mycobacterial disease and 11 (73%) of 15 BCG-vaccinated patients had BCG disease. Compared with dominant patients, those with recessive deficiency were younger at onset of first environmental mycobacterial disease (mean 3·1 years [SD 2·5] vs 13·4 years [14·3], p=0·001), had more mycobacterial disease episodes (19 vs 8 per 100 person-years of observation, p=0·0001), had more severe mycobacterial disease (mean number of organs infected by Mycobacterium avium complex 4·1 [SD 0·8] vs 2·0 [1·1], p=0·004), had shorter mean disease-free intervals (1·6 years [SD 1·4] vs 7·2 years [7·6], p


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Antimicrobial peptides play an important role in host defence, particularly in the oral cavity where there is constant challenge by microorganisms. The a-defensin antimicrobial peptides comprise 30–50% of the total protein in the azurophilic granules of human neutrophils, the most abundant of which is human neutrophil peptide 1 (HNP-1). Despite its antimicrobial activity, a limiting factor in the potential therapeutic use of HNP-1 is its chemical synthesis with the correct disulphide topology. In the present study, we synthesised a range of truncated defensin analogues lacking disulphide bridges. All the analogues were modelled on the C-terminal region of HNP-1 and their antimicrobial activity was tested against a range of microorganisms, including oral pathogens. Although there was variability in the antimicrobial activity of the truncated analogues synthesised, a truncated peptide named 2Abz23S29 displayed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, effectively killing all the bacterial strains tested. The finding that truncated peptides, modelled on the C-terminal ß-hairpin region of HNP-1 but lacking disulphide bridges, display antimicrobial activity could aid their potential use in therapeutic interventions.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) secrete cytokines such as interleukin-23 (IL-23) when stimulated with certain Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists and infected with pathogens such as P. aeruginosa. IL- 23 is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays a critical role in the proliferation and differentiation of the IL-17 producing Th17- CD4 T helper cells. The lack of efficient cytokine production from antigen-presenting cells, such as DCs, can impact CD4 differentiation and thus impair the immune responses against pathogens. Clearance of some bacterial infections, such as Klebsiella pneumonia and Listeria monocytogenes has been shown to be dependent on the induction of IL-23 and therefore, deregulation of these cytokines as a direct result of virus infection may impede immune responses to secondary infections. Here, an inhibition of TLR ligand or P. aeruginosa-induced IL- 23 expression in Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV)-infected bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) has been demonstrated, indicating that an important function of these cells is disrupted during virus/bacterial coinfection. While production of TNF-α was unaffected in LPS stimulated cells, TNF-α was significantly inhibited in bacterium infected cells by LCMV. Type I IFN in LPS or LCMV infected cell was not detected and therefore, ruling out the possibility of cytokine suppression by Type I IFN. The production of IL-10 was high in BMDCs infected with LCMV and stimulated with LPS or bacteria. Analysis of multiple cytokines produced in this coinfection model demonstrated that LCMV infection impacts specific cytokine production upon LPS or bacterium infection, which may be important for bacterial clearance. This data is important for future immunotherapy use in viral/bacterial coinfection scenarios.


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Ohlsen K, Ternes T, Werner G, Wallner U, Löffler D, Ziebuhr W, Witte W, Hacker J. Institute for Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases, The University of Würzburg, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. knut.ohlsen@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de The growing rate of microbial pathogens becoming resistant to standard antibiotics is an important threat to public health. In order to assess the role of antibiotics in the environment on the spread of resistance factors, the impact of subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in sewage on gene transfer was investigated using conjugative gentamicin resistance (aacA-aphD) plasmids of Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, the concentration of antibiotics in hospital sewage was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Several antibiotics were found to be present in sewage, e.g. ciprofloxacin up to 0.051 mgl(-1) and erythromycin up to 0.027 mgl(-1). Resistance plasmid transfer occurred both on solidified (dewatered) sewage and in liquid sewage in a bioreactor with a frequency of 1.1x10(-5)-5.0x10(-8). However, low-level concentrations of antibiotics measured in sewage are below concentrations that can increase plasmid transfer frequencies of gentamicin resistance plasmids of staphylococci.


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Langerin is a C-type lectin receptor that recognizes glycosylated patterns on pathogens. Langerin is used to identify human and mouse epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs), as well as migratory LCs in the dermis and the skin draining lymph nodes (DLNs). Using a mouse model that allows conditional ablation of langerin(+) cells in vivo, together with congenic bone marrow chimeras and parabiotic mice as tools to differentiate LC- and blood-derived dendritic cells (DCs), we have revisited the origin of langerin(+) DCs in the skin DLNs. Our results show that in contrast to the current view, langerin(+)CD8(-) DCs in the skin DLNs do not derive exclusively from migratory LCs, but also include blood-borne langerin(+) DCs that transit through the dermis before reaching the DLN. The recruitment of circulating langerin(+) DCs to the skin is dependent on endothelial selectins and CCR2, whereas their recruitment to the skin DLNs requires CCR7 and is independent of CD62L. We also show that circulating langerin(+) DCs patrol the dermis in the steady state and migrate to the skin DLNs charged with skin antigens. We propose that this is an important and previously unappreciated element of immunosurveillance that needs to be taken into account in the design of novel vaccine strategies.


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There are conflicting data in the literature regarding the role of epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) in promoting skin immune responses. On one hand, LC can be extremely potent APCs in vitro, and are thought to be involved in contact hypersensitivity (CHS). On the other hand, it seems counterintuitive that a cell type continually exposed to pathogens at the organism\'s barrier surfaces should readily trigger potent T cell responses. Indeed, LC depletion in one model led to enhanced contact hypersensitivity, suggesting they play a negative regulatory role. However, apparently similar LC depletion models did not show enhanced CHS, and in one case showed reduced CHS. In this study we found that acute depletion of mouse LC reduced CHS, but the timing of toxin administration was critical: toxin administration 3 days before priming did not impair CHS, whereas toxin administration 1 day before priming did. We also show that LC elimination reduced the T cell response to epicutaneous immunization with OVA protein Ag. However, this reduction was only observed when OVA was applied on the flank skin, and not on the ear. Additionally, peptide immunization was not blocked by depletion, regardless of the site. Finally we show that conditions which eliminate epidermal LC but spare other Langerin(+) DC do not impair the epicutaneous immunization response to OVA. Overall, our results reconcile previous conflicting data in the literature, and suggest that Langerin(+) cells do promote T cell responses to skin Ags, but only under defined conditions.


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Rationale: Pulmonary infection in cystic ?brosis (CF) is polymicrobial and it is possible that anaerobic bacteria, not detected by routine aerobic culture methods, reside within infected anaerobic airway
Objectives: To determine whether anaerobic bacteria are present in the sputum of patients with CF.
Methods: Sputum samples were collected from clinically stable adults with CF and bronchoalveolar lavage ?uid (BALF) samples from children with CF. Induced sputum samples were collected from healthy volunteers who did not have CF. All samples were processed using anaerobic bacteriologic techniques and bacteria within the samples were quanti?ed and identi?ed.
Measurements and Main Results: Anaerobic species primarily within the genera Prevotella,Veillonella, Propionibacterium, andActinomyces were isolated in high numbers from 42 of 66 (64%) sputum samples from adult patients with CF. Colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa signi?cantly increased the likelihood that anaerobic bacteria would be present in the sputum. Similar anaerobic species were identi?ed in BALF from pediatric patients with CF. Although anaerobes were detected in induced sputum samples from 16 of 20 volunteers, they were present in much lower numbers and were
generally different species compared with those detected in CF sputum. Species-dependent differences in the susceptibility of the anaerobes to antibiotics with known activity against anaerobes were apparent with all isolates susceptible to meropenem.
Conclusions: A range of anaerobic species are present in large numbers in the lungs of patients with CF. If these anaerobic bacteria are contributing signi?cantly to infection and in?ammation in the CF
lung, informed alterations to antibiotic treatment to target anaerobes, in addition to the primary infecting pathogens, may improve management.