891 resultados para Zinc and magnesium catalysts


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Australian Magnesium Corporation, in collaboration with the Cooperative Research Centre for Cast Metals Manufacturing (CAST) and Magnesium Elektron Limited, has developed a magnesium alloy, AM-SC1, which has been specifically designed for engine block applications [1]. This alloy has been used for the engine block of the Genois LE turbo charged diesel injection motor developed by AVL List [2].


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To investigate the neurotoxic effects of aluminium (Al) Al was administered: 1) in the diet of the rat (30 mg Al/kg body weight for 6 weeks); 2) as a suspension of aluminium acetate in drinking water of the rat for 3 months and 3) in a long-term study in the mouse in which aluminosilicates were incorporated into a pelleted diet (1035 mg/kg of food over 23 months). In the latter treatment, increased Al was combined with a reduction in calcium and magnesium; a treatment designed to increase absorption of Al into the body. Administration of Al in the drinking water significantly reduced total brain biopterins and BH4 synthesis. However, no significant affect of Al in the diet on total biopterins or BH4 synthesis was found either in the rat or in the long-term study in the mouse. In addition, in the mouse no significant effects of the Al diet on levels of noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, 5-HIAA or CAT could be demonstrated. Hence, the occurrence of brain alterations may depend on the Al species present and the method of administration. Al salts in drinking water may increase brain tissue levels compared with the administration of a more insoluble species. Since alterations in biopterin metabolism are also a feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) these results support the hypothesis that Al in the water supply may be a factor in AD.


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The role of nutritional supplementation in prevention of onset or progression of ocular disease is of interest to health care professionals and patients. The aim of this review is to identify those antioxidants most appropriate for inclusion in an ideal ocular nutritional supplement, suitable for those with a family history of glaucoma, cataract, or age-related macular disease, or lifestyle factors predisposing onset of these conditions, such as smoking, poor nutritional status, or high levels of sunlight exposure. It would also be suitable for those with early stages of age-related ocular disease. Literature searches were carried out on Web of Science and PubMed for articles relating to the use of nutrients in ocular disease. Those highlighted for possible inclusion were vitamins A, B, C and E, carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, minerals selenium and zinc, and the herb, Ginkgo biloba. Conflicting evidence is presented for vitamins A and E in prevention of ocular disease; these vitamins have roles in the production of rhodopsin and prevention of lipid peroxidation respectively. B vitamins have been linked with a reduced risk of cataract and studies have provided evidence supporting a protective role of vitamin C in cataract prevention. Beta-carotene is active in the prevention of free radical formation, but has been linked with an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers. Improvements in visual function in patients with age-related macular disease have been noted with lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation. Selenium has been linked with a reduced risk of cataract and activates the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage while zinc, although an essential component of antioxidant enzymes, has been highlighted for risk of adverse effects. As well as reducing platelet aggregation and increasing vasodilation, Gingko biloba has been linked with improvements in pre-existing field damage in some patients with normal tension glaucoma. We advocate that vitamins C and E, and lutein/zeaxanthin should be included in our theoretically ideal ocular nutritional supplement.


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The present study investigates the effect of different sample preparation methods on the pyrolysis behaviour of metal-added biomass; Willow samples were compared in the presence of two salts of zinc and lead containing sulphate and nitrate anions which were added to the wood samples with three different techniques as dry-mixing, impregnation and ion-exchange. The effect of acid and water wash as common demineralisation pre-treatments were also analysed to evaluate their roles in the thermal degradation of the biomass. Results from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and pyrolysis-mass spectrometry (Py-MS) measurements indicated that these pre-treatments change the matrix and the physical-chemical properties of wood. Results suggested that these structural changes increase the thermal stability of cellulose during pyrolysis. Sample preparation was also found to be a crucial factor during pyrolysis; different anions of metal salts changed the weight loss rate curves of wood material, which indicates changes in the primary degradation process of the biomass. Results also showed that dry-mixing, impregnation or ion-exchange influence the thermal behaviour of wood in different ways when a chosen metal salt was and added to the wood material. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Disturbances of spatial orientation are an early clinical component of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). since it has been suggested that an elevated aluminium intake associated with chronic nutritional deficiencies of calcium and magnesium may play an important role in the aetiology of SDAT, we have investigated the effect of such a dietary regime on the spatial orientation abilities of female C57BL6 mice using the Morris swimming pool test. Statistical analysis of the performances of control and experimental groups indicate that the ability to orientate towards a submerged and thus invisible platform is conistently and markedly impaired in the experimental group. The ability to orientate towards a visible platform is also significantly impaired although to a lesser extent. Analysis of the performances of individual animals demonstrate that this impairment of orientation in the experimental group only occurs in a sub-group of animals: the remainder display normal orientational ability.


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The problems associated with x-ray-transparent denture base are defined and conventional approaches to their solution are assessed. Consideration of elemental absorption parameters leads to the postulation that atoms such as zinc, and bromine, may be effective radiopacifiers over at least part of the clinical x-ray spectrum. These elements had hitherto been considered too light to be effective. Investigation of copolymers of methylmethacrylate and p-bromostyrene revealed no deleterious effects arising from the aromatically brominated monomer (aliphatic bromination caused UV destabilisation). For effective x-ray absorption a higher level of bromination would be necessary, but the expense of suitable compounds made further study unjustifiable. Incorporation of zinc atoms into the polymer was accomplished by copolymerisation of zinc acrylate with methylmethacrylate in solution. At high zinc levels this produced a powder copolymer convenient for addition to dental polymers in the dough moulding process. The resulting mouldings showed increasing brittleness at high loadings of copolymer. Fracture was shown to be through the powder particles rather than around them, indicating the source of weakness to be in the internal structure of the copolymer. The copolymer was expected to be cross-linked through divalent zinc ions and its insolubility and infusibility supported this. Cleavage of the ionic cross links with formic acid produced a zinc-free linear copolymer of high molecular weight. Addition of low concentrations of acrylic acid to the dough moulding monomer appeared to 'labilise' the cross links producing a more homogeneous moulding with adequate wet strength. Toxicologically the zinc-containing materials are satisfactory and though zinc is extracted at a measurable rate in an aqueous system, this is very small and should be acceptable over the life of a denture. In other respects the composite is quite satisfactory and though a marketable product is not claimed the system is considered worthy of further study.


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The question of which factors are central in determining whether a cell will undertake a new round of mitosis or will decycle has been examined in the isolated thymic lymphocyte model. Such cell populations possess both in vivo and in vitro a subpopulation of quiescent lymphoblasts which may be induced to reinitiate their mitotic programme. In the intact animal the major determinant of proliferative activity is the plasma ionised calcium concentration. However it has been established in culture that a variety of hormones, ions, cyclic nucleotides, plant lectins and ionophores may like calcium elicit a mitogenic response. These agents do not appear however to initiate DNA synthesis in an identical fashion. Rather there are two distinct intracellular mitogenic axes. The first axis includes a number of adenylate cyclase stimulants, cyclic AMP, phosphodiesterase inhibitors and magnesium ions. It was found that all these mitogens required extracellular magnesium ions to exhibit their stimulatory capacity. This dichotomy in mitogenic activity was further emphasised by the observation that these mitogens are all inhibited by testosterone, whilst the magnesium-independent mitogens were insensitive to this androgen. Indeed this second group of stimulatory factors required the presence of calcium ions in the extracellular milieu for activity, and were, in contrast to the magnesium-dependent mitogens inhibited by the presence of oestradiol in the culture. By examining the interrelationships between these various mitogens and inhibitors it has been possible to propose a mechanism to describe the activation process in the thymocyte. Studies of the metabolism of cyclic nucleotides, membrane potential and transmembrane ion fluxes indicate that there may be a complex relationship between membrane fluidity, ion balance and cyclic nucleotide levels which may individually or in concert promote the initiation of DNA synthesis. A number of possible mechanisms are discussed to account for these observations.


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Disturbances of cation homeostasis, particularly hypomagnesaemia, are a frequent consequence of treatment with aminoglycoside antibiotics. These disturbances are thought to result from renal wasting of cations and administration of gentamicin to rats has been shown to produce hypercalciuria and hypermagnesiuria. The aims of this study were to attempt to elucidate these responses in anaesthetised rats infused with gentamicin and to use this model to investigate the mechanisms of these effects. Fischer 344 rats were anaesthetised and surgically prepared for clearance experiments. Infusion of gentamicin in isotonic saline increased urinary output of calcium and magnesium while sodium and potassium output were unaffected. These elevations in calcium and magnesium excretion were explained by reduced tubular reabsorption of these cations. Both the hypercalciuric and hypermagnesiuric responses to gentamicin were extremely rapid and were sustained during drug infusion; when gentamicin infusion ceased both responses were rapidly reversible. Infusion of another aminoglycoside, tobramycin, produced very similar effects to gentamicin. The hypercalciuria and hypermagnesiuria caused by gentimicin infusion were unaffected by parathyroidectomy. The peak increases in calcium and magnesium output brought about by infusion of gentamicin with frusemide were not significantly different to the increases produced by frusemide alone. The site at which gentamicin interferes with calcium and magnesium reabsorption cannot be firmly deduced from these results. However, the known close association between calcium and sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule implies that gentamicin is unlikely to change proximal calcium reabsorption without a similar change in proximal sodium reabsorption. The similarity between the hypercalciuric and hypermagnesiuric effects of frusemide alone and the effects of frusemide infused simultaneously with gentamicin suggests that gentamicin may act at the same site as the diuretic, the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle.


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Chronic experimental lung infection in rats was induced by intratracheal inoculation of agar beads containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacteria were recovered directly without subculture from the lungs of rats at 14 days post-infection and the outer membrane (OM) antigens were studied. The results indicated that bacteria grew under iron-restricted conditions as revealed by the expression of several iron-regulated membrane proteins (IRMPs) which could also be observed when the isolate was grown under iron-depleted conditions in laboratory media. The antibody response to P. aeruginosa OM protein antigens was investigated by immunoblotting with serum and lung fluid from infected rats. These fluids contained antibodies to all the major OM proteins, including the IRMPs, and protein H1. Results obtained using immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was the major antigen recognised by antibodies in sera from infected rats. The animal model was used to follow the development of the immune response to P. aeruginosa protein and LPS antigens. Immunoblotting was used to investigate the antigens recognised by antibodies in sequential serum samples. An antibody response to the IRMPs and OM proteins D, E, G and H1 and alao to rough LPS was detected as early as 4 days post-infection. Results obtained using immunoblotting and crossed immunoelectrophoresis techniques indicated that there was a progressive increase in the number of P. aeruginosa antigens recognised by antibodies in these sera. Both iron and magnesium depletion influenced protein H1 production. Antibodies in sera from patients with infections due to P. aeruginosa reacted with this antigen. Results obtained using quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis indicated that growth phase and magnesium and iron depletion also affected the amount of LPS fatty acids, produced by P. aeruginosa. The silver stained SDS-polyacrylamide gels of proteinase K digested whole cell lysates of P. aeruginosa indicated that the O-antigen and core LPS were both affected by growth phase and specific nutrient depletion.


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The aim of this research was to determine the effect of a lutein-based nutritional supplemented on measures of visual function in normal and ARMD-affected eyes. Thirty participants were recruited to the ARMD cohort (aged between 55 and 82 years, mean ± SD: 69.2 ± 7.8) and 46 were recruited into the normal cohort (aged between 22 and 73 years, mean ± SD: 50.0 ± 15.9). Outcome measures were distance (DVA) and near (NVA) visual acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), photostress recovery time measured with the Eger Macular Stressometer (EMS), central visual function assessed with the Macular Mapping test (MMT), and fundus photography. Reliability studies were carried out for the EMS and the MMT. A change of 14 s is required to indicate a clinically significant change in EMS time, and a change of 14 MMT points is required to indicate a clinically significant change in MMT score. Sample sizes were sufficient for the trial to have 80% power to detect a significant clinical effect at the 5% significance level for all outcome measures in the normal cohort, and for CS in the ARMD cohort. The study demonstrated that a nutritional supplement containing 6mg lutein, 750 mg vitamin A, 250 mg vitamin C, 34 mg vitamin E, 10 mg zinc, and 0.5 mg copper had no effect on the outcome measures over nine or 18 months in normal or ARMD affected participants. The finding that nine months of antioxidant supplementation, in this case, has no significant effect on CS in ARMD-affected participants adds to the literature, and contrasts with previous RCTs, the AREDS and the LAST. This project has added to the debate about the use of nutritional supplementation prior to the onset of ARMD.


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The diagnosis of ocular disease is increasingly important in optometric practice and there is a need for cost effective point of care assays to assist in that. Although tears are a potentially valuable source of diagnostic information difficulties associated with sample collection and limited sample size together with sample storage and transport have proved major limitations. Progressive developments in electronics and fibre optics together with innovation in sensing technology mean that the construction of inexpensive point of care fibre optic sensing devices is now possible. Tear electrolytes are an obvious family of target analytes, not least to complement the availability of devices that make the routine measurement of tear osmolarity possible in the clinic. In this paper we describe the design, fabrication and calibration of a fibre-optic based electrolyte sensor for the quantification of potassium in tears using the ex vivo contact lens as the sample source. The technology is generic and the same principles can be used in the development of calcium and magnesium sensors. An important objective of this sensor technology development is to provide information at the point of routine optometric examination, which would provide supportive evidence of tear abnormality.


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Biochemical changes brought about by the influence of the contact lens on the tear film are conveniently split into two categories. Firstly, the lens can remove or reduce the levels of specific components in the tear film, and secondly, the lens can augment the tear film, by stimulating the influx of new components or increasing the level of existing components. The most obvious tear film components for study in this context are lipids, proteins, mucins and electrolytes. The interactions are affected by the properties of the lens, the characteristics of the individual wearer and the wear schedule. An additional complicating factor is the fact that the lens is many times thicker than the tear film and any immobilised tear components will be more extensively exposed to oxygen and UV radiation than is the case in the absence of a lens. It is arguably the lipoidal components that are most markedly affected by lens wear, since their immobilisation on the lens surface markedly increases their susceptibility to autoxidative degradation. The limited information that is available highlights the importance of subject specificity and suggests that lipid oxidation phenomena are potentially important in contributing to the 'end of day' discomfort of symptomatic contact lens patients. It is clear that tear lipids, although regarded as relatively inert for many years, are now seen as a reactive and potentially important family of compounds in the search for understanding of contact lens-induced discomfort. The influence of the lens on tear proteins shows the greatest range of complexity. Deposition and denaturation can stimulate immune response, lower molecular weight proteins can be extensively absorbed into the lens matrix and the lens can stimulate cascade or upregulation processes leading either to the generation of additional proteins and peptides or an increase in concentration of existing components. Added to this is the stimulating influence of the lens on vascular leakage leading to the influx of plasma proteins such as albumin. The evidence from studies of mucin expression in tears is not consistent and conclusive. This is in part because sample sources, lens materials and methods of analysis vary considerably, and in some cases the study population numbers are low. Expression levels show mucin and material specificity but clear patterns of behaviour are elusive. The electrolyte composition of tears is significantly different from that of other body fluids. Sodium and potassium dominate but potassium ion concentrations in tears are much higher than in serum levels. Calcium and magnesium concentrations in tears are lower than in serum but closer to interstitial fluids. The contact lens provides the potential for increased osmolarity through enhanced evaporation and differential electrolyte concentrations between the anterior and posterior tear films. Since the changes in ocular biochemistry consequent upon contact lens wear are known to be subject-dependent - as indeed is wearer response to the lens - pre-characterisation of individual participant tear chemistry in clinical studies would enhance understanding of these complex effects. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The quest for energy security and widespread acceptance of the anthropogenic origin of rising CO2 emissions and associated climate change from combusting fossil derived carbon sources, is driving academic and commercial research into new routes to sustainable fuels to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population. Biodiesel is one of the most readily implemented and low cost, alternative source of transportation fuels to meet future societal demands. However, current practises to produce biodiesel via transesterification employing homogeneous acids and bases result in costly fuel purification processes and undesired pollution. Life-cycle calculations on biodiesel synthesis from soybean feedstock show that the single most energy intensive step is the catalytic conversion of TAGs into biodiesel, accounting for 87% of the total primary energy input, which largely arises from the quench and separation steps. The development of solid acid and base catalysts that respectively remove undesired free fatty acid (FFA) impurities, and transform naturally occurring triglycerides found within plant oils into clean biodiesel would be desirable to improve process efficiency. However, the microporous nature of many conventional catalysts limits their ability to convert bulky and viscous feeds typical of plant or algal oils. Here we describe how improved catalyst performance, and overall process efficiency can result from a combination of new synthetic materials based upon templated solid acids and bases with hierarchical structures, tailored surface properties and use of intensified process allowing continuous operation.


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The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of routes to utilize renewable feedstocks as sustainable sources of fuels. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient selective molecular transformations and contributes to 90% of chemical manufacturing processes and to more than 20% of all industrial products. In a post-petroleum era catalysis will be central to overcoming the engineering and scientific barriers to economically feasible routes to bio-fuels. This article will highlight some of the recent developments in the development of solid acid and base catalysts for the transesterification of oils to biodiesel. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced when developing new catalysts and importance of considering the design of pore architectures to improve in-pore diffusion of bulky substrates. © 2011 Materials Research Society.


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Focal points Over a six-week period in January and February 2002, 2ml samples were removed from all neonatal PN bags dispensed Samples were submitted for analysis of sodium, potassium and magnesium in triplicate by the hospital's clinical chemistry department using a Vitros Codac 950AT, dry slide, automated analyser Only 19.3, 7.1 and 30.4 per cent of measured sodium, potassium and magnesium concentrations respectively deviated by £5 per cent from stated bag concentrations The results indicate that it is possible that some electrolyte concentrations included in neonatal PN vary significantly from stated values