937 resultados para Young adult


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a influência da religião na dinâmica da personalidade de adolescentes universitários da grande São Paulo. A amostra do estudo foi realizada com 60 universitários de escolas do ensino privado com idades entre 18 e 23 anos, igualmente divididos entre os sexos. Os universitários foram alocados em dois grupos, 30 adolescentes que, notadamente, possuíam vínculos com alguma religião e outros 30 totalmente desvinculados de qualquer orientação religiosa. Na pesquisa, foram levantados os dados sócio-demográficos que fazem parte do Questionário de Constatação Qualitativa, que foi aplicado com o objetivo de verificar, qual a possível influência sofrida pelo adolescente religioso ao longo de sua vida, se mais da família, da sociedade ou da religião. Por fim, os adolescentes religiosos e menos religiosos foram submetidos ao Método de Rorschach, instrumento psicológico para a investigação da estrutura de personalidade dos indivíduos. A análise baseou-se na comparação das variáveis categóricas entre os grupos, utilizando-se tratamentos estatísticos compatíveis com os dados. As conclusões a que se chegou foram: a religião influencia significativamente o comportamento dos adolescentes universitários, implicando uma conduta de vida mais adequada e controlada. Os jovens religiosos demonstraram uma forma de agir diferente dos jovens não religiosos, portanto, a interação do adolescente com o ambiente religioso provoca alterações no comportamento do indivíduo ou na dinâmica de sua personalidade; dependendo das relações do adolescente com o ambiente religioso durante seu desenvolvimento, sua personalidade poderá ser mais sensível às religiões e ensinamentos. Os adolescentes religiosos possuem posições morais mais rígidas, acentuado temor a Deus, submissão ao pai, obediência às figuras de autoridade e família mais rigorosa no tocante à educação. Estas características demonstram funcionar, como mecanismos de controle do indivíduo, oriundos de influência religiosa, não se mostrando danosas à organização e integração da personalidade em si e desta com o ambiente, pelo contrário, esses mecanismos tornam, a pessoa mais prudente e equilibrada no cotidiano. Não existem diferenças significativas em relação à flexibilidade dos jovens universitários, bem como não há diferenças significativas na organização estrutural da personalidade quando se comparam adolescentes universitários religiosos e não religiosos. Em síntese, às vezes a religião é um evento social com inegável capacidade de controle que pode ou não ser excessivo às vezes, contudo mostra-se construtiva e organizadora, portanto, positiva para o adolescente.(AU)


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A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenário desafiador no qual educador e educando não comungam do mesmo espaço físico. A Educação a Distância (EAD), ainda é vista como uma solução que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduação de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o título: “O estudante da EAD (educação a distância): um estudo de perfil e interação geracional” propõe conhecer as características do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o diálogo entre as gerações no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa é qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva com dados que foram coletados através de entrevista com 08 alunos das gerações X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrículas. Já a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrículas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda é o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduação com o propósito de progressão no ambiente profissional. As duas gerações citadas geração X e geração Y, mesmo em contextos históricos diferenciados de valores, crenças e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformação social que contempla os meios de produção do trabalho, a formação educacional e as relações sociais. O diálogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experiências mutuas. Para a geração X o jovem atual não é mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnológicos. E para a geração Y, na partilha não há barreiras de idade, mas a segurança de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experiências


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PURPOSE. The purposes of the present study were to assess the effect of a sympathetic inhibitory pharmacologic agent, timolol maleate, on the magnitude of nearwork-induced transient myopia (NITM) and its decay in different refractive groups for an extended near task duration and to determine the proportion of the young adult population manifesting effective sympathetic access under naturalistic closed-loop viewing conditions. METHODS. Ten subjects with emmetropia and 10 with myopia were tested. They read binocularly for 1 hour at a distance of 35 to 40 cm. NITM was calculated as the difference in distance refractive state after task as compared with before task immediately after reading. All subjects received timolol maleate to block the sympathetic nervous system and betaxolol as a control agent in independent test sessions separated by at least 3 days. Forty minutes after drug instillation, the NITM measurement procedure was repeated. RESULTS. Initial NITM magnitude was larger in subjects with myopia than in subjects with emmetropia before and after timolol instillation. Furthermore, NITM magnitude in subjects with sympathetic access was increased after timolol instillation. In contrast, with the control agent betaxolol, there was no increase. NITM decay duration to baseline was increased after timolol instillation in the subjects with myopia only. Only 15% of the subjects (n = 3 subjects with myopia) demonstrated effective and significant access to sympathetic facility. CONCLUSIONS. Subjects with myopia demonstrated an increase in decay duration with timolol, thus suggesting impaired sympathetic inhibition of accommodation. This may be a precursor for myopia progression in some persons.


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Ocular dimensions are widely recognised as key variants of refractive error. Previously, accurate depiction of eye shape in vivo was largely restricted by limitations in the imaging techniques available. This thesis describes unique applications of the recently introduced 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach to evaluate human eye shape in a group of young adult subjects (n=76) with a range of ametropia (MSE= -19.76 to +4.38D). Specific MRI derived parameters of ocular shape are then correlated with measures of visual function. Key findings include the significant homogeneity of ocular volume in the anterior eye for a range of refractive errors, whilst significant volume changes occur in the posterior eye as a function of ametropia. Anterior vs. posterior eye differences have also been shown through evaluations of equivalent spherical radius; the posterior 25% cap of the eye was shown to be relatively steeper in myopes compared to emmetropes. Further analyses showed differences in retinal quadrant profiles; assessments of the maximum distance from the retinal surface to the presumed visual axes showed exaggerated growth of the temporal quadrant in myopic eyes. Comparisons of retinal contour values derived from transformation of peripheral refraction data were made with MRI; flatter retinal curvature values were noted when using the MRI technique. A distinctive feature of this work is the evaluation of the relationship between ocular structure and visual function. Multiple aspects of visual function were evaluated through several vehicles: multifocal electroretinogram testing, visual field sensitivity testing, and the use of psychophysical methods to determine ganglion cell density. The results show that many quadrantic structural and functional variations exist. In general, the data could not demonstrate a significant correlation between visual function and associated measures of ocular conformation either within or between myopic and emmetropic groups.


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This thesis attempts a psychological investigation of hemispheric functioning in developmental dyslexia. Previous work using neuropsychological methods with developmental dyslexics is reviewed ,and original work is presented both of a conventional psychometric nature and also utilising a new means of intervention. At the inception of inquiry into dyslexia, comparisons were drawn between developmental dyslexia and acquired alexia, promoting a model of brain damage as the common cause. Subsequent investigators found developmental dyslexics to be neurologically intact, and so an alternative hypothesis was offered, namely that language is abnormally localized (not in the left hemisphere). Research in the last decade, using the advanced techniques of modern neuropsychology, has indicated that developmental dyslexics are probably left hemisphere dominant for language. The development of a new type of pharmaceutical prep~ration (that appears to have a left hemisphere effect) offers an oppertunity to test the experimental hypothesis. This hypothesis propounds that most dyslexics are left hemisphere language dominant, but some of these language related operations are dysfunctioning. The methods utilised are those of psychological assessment of cognitive function, both in a traditional psychometric situation, and with a new form of intervention (Piracetam). The information resulting from intervention will be judged on its therapeutic validity and contribution to the understanding of hemispheric functioning in dyslexics. The experimental studies using conventional psychometric evaluation revealed a dyslexic profile of poor sequencing and name coding ability, with adequate spatial and verbal reasoning skills. Neuropsychological information would tend to suggest that this profile was indicative of adequate right hemsiphere abilities and deficits in some left hemsiphere abilities. When an intervention agent (Piracetam) was used with young adult dyslexics there were improvements in both the rate of acquisition and conservation of verbal learning. An experimental study with dyslexic children revealed that Piracetam appeared to improve reading, writing and sequencing, but did not influence spatial abilities. This would seem to concord with other recent findings, that deve~mental dyslexics may have left hemisphere language localisation, although some of these language related abilities are dysfunctioning.


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Visual perception is dependent on both light transmission through the eye and neuronal conduction through the visual pathway. Advances in clinical diagnostics and treatment modalities over recent years have increased the opportunities to improve the optical path and retinal image quality. Higher order aberrations and retinal straylight are two major factors that influence light transmission through the eye and ultimately, visual outcome. Recent technological advancements have brought these important factors into the clinical domain, however the potential applications of these tools and considerations regarding interpretation of data are much underestimated. The purpose of this thesis was to validate and optimise wavefront analysers and a new clinical tool for the objective evaluation of intraocular scatter. The application of these methods in a clinical setting involving a range of conditions was also explored. The work was divided into two principal sections: 1. Wavefront Aberrometry: optimisation, validation and clinical application The main findings of this work were: • Observer manipulation of the aberrometer increases variability by a factor of 3. • Ocular misalignment can profoundly affect reliability, notably for off-axis aberrations. • Aberrations measured with wavefront analysers using different principles are not interchangeable, with poor relationships and significant differences between values. • Instrument myopia of around 0.30D is induced when performing wavefront analysis in non-cyclopleged eyes; values can be as high as 3D, being higher as the baseline level of myopia decreases. Associated accommodation changes may result in relevant changes to the aberration profile, particularly with respect to spherical aberration. • Young adult healthy Caucasian eyes have significantly more spherical aberration than Asian eyes when matched for age, gender, axial length and refractive error. Axial length is significantly correlated with most components of the aberration profile. 2. Intraocular light scatter: Evaluation of subjective measures and validation and application of a new objective method utilising clinically derived wavefront patterns. The main findings of this work were: • Subjective measures of clinical straylight are highly repeatable. Three measurements are suggested as the optimum number for increased reliability. • Significant differences in straylight values were found for contact lenses designed for contrast enhancement compared to clear lenses of the same design and material specifications. Specifically, grey/green tints induced significantly higher values of retinal straylight. • Wavefront patterns from a commercial Hartmann-Shack device can be used to obtain objective measures of scatter and are well correlated with subjective straylight values. • Perceived retinal stray light was similar in groups of patients implanted with monofocal and multi focal intraocular lenses. Correlation between objective and subjective measurements of scatter is poor, possibly due to different illumination conditions between the testing procedures, or a neural component which may alter with age. Careful acquisition results in highly reproducible in vivo measures of higher order aberrations; however, data from different devices are not interchangeable which brings the accuracy of measurement into question. Objective measures of intraocular straylight can be derived from clinical aberrometry and may be of great diagnostic and management importance in the future.


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The thesis investigates the relationship between the biomechanical properties of the anterior human sclera and cornea in vivo using Schiotz tonometry (ST), rebound tonometry (RBT, iCare) and the Ocular Response Analyser (ORA, Reichert). Significant differences in properties were found to occur between scleral quadrants. Structural correlates for the differences were examined using Partial Coherent Interferometry (IOLMaster, Zeiss), Optical Coherent tomography (Visante OCT), rotating Scheimpflug photography (Pentacam, Oculus) and 3-D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Subject groups were employed that allowed investigation of variation pertaining to ethnicity and refractive error. One hundred thirty-five young adult subjects were drawn from three ethnic groups: British-White (BW), British-South-Asian (BSA) and Hong-Kong-Chinese (HKC) comprising non-myopes and myopes. Principal observations: ST demonstrated significant regional variation in scleral resistance a) with lowest levels at quadrant superior-temporal and highest at inferior-nasal; b) with distance from the limbus, anterior locations showing greater resistance. Variations in resistance using RBT were similar to those found with ST; however the predominantly myopic HKC group had a greater overall mean resistance when compared to the BW-BSA group. OCT-derived scleral thickness measurements indicated the sclera to be thinner superiorly than inferiorly. Thickness varied with distance from the corneolimbal junction, with a decline from 1 to 2 mm followed by a successive increase from 3 to 7 mm. ORA data varied with ethnicity and refractive status; whilst axial length (AL) was associated with corneal biometrics for BW-BSA individuals it was associated with IOP in the HKC individuals. Complex interrelationships were found between ORA Additional-Waveform-Parameters and biometric data provided by the Pentacam. OCT indicated ciliary muscle thickness to be greater in myopia and more directly linked to posterior ocular volume (from MRI) than AL. Temporal surface areas (SAs, from MRI) were significantly smaller than nasal SAs in myopic eyes; globe bulbosity (from MRI) was constant across quadrants.


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Purpose: Recent studies indicate that ocular and scleral rigidity is pertinent to our understanding of glaucoma, age related macular degeneration and the development and pathogenesis of myopia. The principal method of measuring ocular rigidity is by extrapolation of data from corneal indentation tonometry (Ko) using Friedenwald’s transformation algorithms. Using scleral indentation (Schiotz tonometry) we assess whether regional variations in resistance to indentation occur in vivo across the human anterior globe directly, with reference to the deflection of Schiotz scale readings. Methods: Data were collected from both eyes of 26 normal young adult subjects with a range of refractive error (mean spherical equivalent ± S.D. of -1.77 D ± 3.28 D, range -10.56 to +4.38 D). Schiotz tonometry (5.5 g & 7.5 g) was performed on the cornea and four scleral quadrants; supero-temporal (ST) and -nasal (SN), infero-temporal (IT) and -nasal (IN) approximately 8 mm posterior to the limbus. Results: Values of Ko (mm3)-1 were consistent with those previously reported (mean 0.0101 ± 0.0082, range 0.0019–0.0304). In regards to the sclera, significant differences (p < 0.001) were found across quadrants with indentation readings for both loads between means for the cornea and ST; ST and SN; ST and IT, ST and IN. Mean (±S.D.) scale readings for 5.5 g were: cornea 5.93 ± 1.14, ST 8.05 ± 1.58, IT 7.03 ± 1.86, SN 6.25 ± 1.10, IN 6.02 ± 1.49; and 7.5 g: cornea 9.26 ± 1.27, ST 11.56 ± 1.65, IT 10.31 ± 1.74, SN 9.91 ± 1.20, IN 9.50 ± 1.56. Conclusions: Significant regional variation was found in the resistance of the anterior sclera to indentation produced by the Schiotz tonometer.


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Purpose. This study reports data from an 18-month longitudinal study of neophyte contact lens wearers and compares changes in ocular refraction and biometry induced by daily wear and continuous wear of two different silicone hydrogel (SiH) materials. Methods. Forty-five subjects were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to wear one of the two silicone hydrogel materials: Lotrafilcon A or Balafilcon A lenses on either a daily or continuous wear basis. Measurements of objective refraction, axial length, anterior chamber depth, corneal curvature, and the rate of peripheral corneal flattening were performed before and 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months after initial fitting. Results. Mean spherical equivalent refractive error increased in the myopic direction in all contact lens groups across time (p < 0.001). Axial length was the main biometric contributor to the development of myopia. After 18 months of lens wear, subjects in the Lotrafilcon A group showed the greater mean increase in myopia (i.e., -0.50 D). Conclusions. The results of this study show that increases in myopia, similar if not higher than those found to occur normally in young adult noncontact lens wearers, still occur with silicone hydrogel contact lens wear. The main biometric contributor to the progression of myopia was an increase in axial length. Differences between our results and those of previous studies with silicone hydrogel contact lenses could be attributed to the differing populations used in which both age and occupation may have played a role. Copyright © 2005 American Academy of Optometry.


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Whereas there are numerous reported ocular side effects from systemic sulpha medication, most are rare and reversible, with myopia being the most common reaction observed. A case report is presented of sudden bilateral onset of -1.0 DS of myopia (from -3.0 to -4.0 DS) in a young adult female following the addition of a sulphonamide (sulphasalazine) to oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory treatment (meloxicam) for rheumatoid arthritis. The myopia regressed to -3.50 DS after 2 weeks when all medication was withdrawn and stabilised at this level when subsequent treatment was resumed after 8 weeks with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib. The case indicates that account needs to be taken of the possibility that relatively modest myopic shifts encountered in young adult contact lens wearers may be associated with concomitant systemic medication. © 2003 The College of Optometrists.


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To identify novel cell ageing markers in order to gain insight into ageing mechanisms, we adopted membrane enrichment and comparison of the CD4+ T cell membrane proteome (purified by cell surface labelling using Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin reagent) between healthy young (n=9, 20-25y) and older (n=10; 50-70y) male adults. Following two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) to separate pooled membrane proteins in triplicates, the identity of protein spots with age-dependent differences (p<0.05 and >1.4 fold difference) was determined using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Seventeen protein spot density differences (ten increased and seven decreased in the older adult group) were observed between young and older adults. From spot intensity analysis, CD4+ T cell surface α-enolase was decreased in expression by 1.5 fold in the older age group; this was verified by flow cytometry (n=22) and qPCR with significantly lower expression of cellular α-enolase mRNA and protein compared to young adult CD4+ T cells (p<0.05). In an independent age-matched case-control study, lower CD4+ T cell surface α-enolase expression was observed in age-matched patients with cardiovascular disease (p<0.05). An immune-modulatory role has been proposed for surface α-enolase and our findings of decreased expression suggest that deficits in surface α-enolase merit investigation in the context of immune dysfunction during ageing and vascular disease.


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Adolescents are at the greatest risk for victimization and perpetration of sexual assault. This paper examines the current trends in literacy education which marginalize aesthetic reading experiences and using reader response theory, and argues that young adult literature may provide an opportunity to reduce rape myth acceptance in adolescents.


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THE ROAD FROM EMMAUS is a collection of 20 personal and lyric essays that explores the narrator’s role as mother and daughter through a close look at significant life events, including her parents’ divorce, a high-risk pregnancy, the death of her father, talking to her daughter for the first time about sex, and accompanying her daughter to the DMV for a learner’s permit. Through examining familial roles and relationships, the narrator’s longing for home emerges as a unifying theme. The essays in THE ROAD FROM EMMAUS vary in style and tone, from light and funny to serious and probing. The collection is divided into five sections, each highlighting a different aspect of the narrator’s life as she evolves from a child, to a young adult, a mother, and a daughter who must help take care of her aging parents.


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The necessity of the view of the Youth and Adults Education (EJA) subjects beyond of their academic failures becomes imperative for a reconfiguration of this teaching modality. Thus, the compromise of this study is to go into these subjects‘ universe, give them a voice and, therefore, understand, in general, the web of relationships between these subjects and the school. It is understood that it is not possible to figure out the means attributed by the subjects without consideration, as an essential element, the social context in which such means has been built. For the development of this study, the methodology adopted was the ethnographic research. The procedures used for the data construction were the participative observation, the semi-structured interviews with a focal group, and the individualized semi-structured interviews. For the understanding of the data constructed in the field, the content analysis technique was used, which reach the expectations of an interpretative analysis. The observation occurred mainly in the classrooms, on a public school, located in a City of Natal/RN. The interviews were taken with a sample of eight students, males and females, with 25 to 60 year-olds. Such interviews highlight that for the young adult students, the school is much more than a place to learn. They realize such space as enabler of social interaction, as well as the possibility of rising through new professional horizons and, therefore achieve a social mobility. For the older students, mainly among women, the return to the school benches brings into the learning discourse, the desire of making new friends, having moments of meeting, chatting and relaxation, finally, to forget the problems of the day by day. The school quotidian observation allows a better understanding of the action of the subjects in relationship with the school practices. Finally, it can be affirmed that seeking for the school has not only the intention to recover the time lost in the childhood. Learning remains as a secondary goal. It does not matter whether they will be retained or promoted to the next level at the end of the academic year, what really matters is to be in school.


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Background: Depression is the most common mental health problem among young people, particularly university students, with prevalence rates as high as 48% reported. This population however, is reluctant to seek professional help. Online interventions may be particularly appealing to students, with evidence suggesting that they use the Internet for mental health support. While there are many mental health resources on the Internet few focus specifically on the needs of young people and few have been evaluated. This research aimed to develop and pilot test an online peer support intervention for students experiencing depressive symptoms. Methods: A depression support Web site (www.losetheblues.ie) was designed specifically for 18-24. year old students. The study used a mixed method, involving quantitative descriptive, pre- and post-test and qualitative descriptive designs. Data were collected using the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), a background questionnaire and online forum posts. Results: The sample consisted of 117 university students with self-reported depressive symptoms. Results from participants in the pre- and post-test element of the study, showed no statistical significance. The forum posts revealed that the participants' main difficulties were loneliness and perceived lack of socialization skills. The Web site provided a place for sharing, offering and receiving emotional and informational support. Conclusion: Developing health care interventions in an online environment presents unique challenges to the research process, however they have the potential to provide mental health care that is accessible and affordable.