919 resultados para Yb3 doping


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Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]


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The use of laser light to modify the material's surface or bulk as well as to induce changes in the volume through a chemical reaction has received great attention in the last few years, due to the possibility of tailoring the material's properties aiming at technological applications. Here, we report on recent progress of microstructuring and microfabrication in polymeric materials by using femtosecond lasers. In the first part, we describe how polymeric materials' micromachining, either on the surface or bulk, can be employed to change their optical and chemical properties promising for fabricating waveguides, resonators, and self-cleaning surfaces. In the second part, we discuss how two-photon absorption polymerization can be used to fabricate active microstructures by doping the basic resin with molecules presenting biological and optical properties of interest. Such microstructures can be used to fabricate devices with applications in optics, such as microLED, waveguides, and also in medicine, such as scaffolds for tissue growth.


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Surface properties play an important role in understanding and controlling nanocrystalline materials. The accumulation of dopants on the surface, caused by surface segregation, can therefore significantly affect nanomaterials properties at low doping levels, offering a way to intentionally control nanoparticles features. In this work, we studied the distribution of chromium ions in SnO2 nanoparticles prepared by a liquid precursor route at moderate temperatures (500 degrees C). The powders were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, (scanning) transmission electron microscopy, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, and Mossbauer spectroscopy. We showed that this synthesis method induces a limited solid solution of chromium into SnO2 and a segregation of chromium to the surface. The s-electron density and symmetry of Sn located on the surface were significantly affected by the doping, while Sn located in the bulk remained unchanged. Chromium ions located on the surface and in the bulk showed distinct oxidation states, giving rise to the intense violet color of the nanoparticles suitable for pigment application.


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The combination of semiconducting oxides and polyaniline in the nanoscale range may result in hybrid materials having enhanced properties, such as electrochromism and charge capacity. This paper reports the spectroscopic, morphological and electrochromic characterization of hybrid films made up of hexaniobate one-dimensional (1D) nanoscrolls and polyaniline prepared by the layer-by-layer assembly technique (LbL). Secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron imaging techniques performed using a scanning electron microscope showed that polyaniline is adsorbed on the hexaniobate nanoscrolls, which confirms the combination of the components in the nanoscale domain. UV-VIS-NIR electronic spectra of the LbL hybrid films showed the absorption tail in the NIR region, assigned to delocalized polarons of the polyaniline. Resonance Raman spectra in the 1000-1700 cm(-1) range indicated that hybrid films present a higher relative intensity of polaron bands at 1337 and 1508 cm(-1) than pristine polyaniline in the emeraldine salt form. These results suggest that hexaniobate nanoscrolls induce a secondary doping of polyaniline. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) data for the hybrid film showed a specific capacity of 870 C cm(-3). According to CV results, the synergistic effect on charge storage properties of the hybrid material is attributed to the enhanced electroactivity of the hexaniobate component in the LbL film. Spectroelectrochemical experiments showed that the electrochromic efficiencies at 420 nm are ca. -41 and 24 cm(2) C-1 as the potential changes from 0.8 to -0.9 V and from -0.9 to -1.8 V, respectively, whereas at 800 nm the efficiencies are ca. -55 and 8 cm(2) C-1 for the same potential ranges. The electrochromic efficiencies and multi-colour character of the LbL film of hexaniobate nanoscrolls and polyaniline indicate that this novel hybrid material is an interesting modified electrode for electrochromic devices.


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Devido s suas aes anablicas, os esteroides anabolizantes (EAs) so usados por atletas para melhorar o desempenho fsico, mas seu uso vem sendo crescente tambm entre indivduos que praticam atividade fsica como forma de lazer, com o simples objetivo de melhorar a aparncia fsica. Os usurios de EAs fazem uso de doses suprafisiolgicas, que podem levar ao aparecimento de srios efeitos colaterais, como os prejuzos cardiovasculares, o que faz do uso indiscriminado e abusivo um importante problema de sade publica. Com isso, a presente reviso tem como objetivo despertar o interesse dos leitores e professores de Educao Fsica pelo EA e os perigos, muitas vezes ocultos, associados ao uso indiscriminado dessas drogas, principalmente sobre o sistema cardiovascular.


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The effect of terbium (Tb) doping on the photoluminescence (PL) of crystalline aluminum nitride (c-AlN) and amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide (a-SiC:H) thin films has been investigated for different Tb atomic concentrations. The samples were prepared by DC and RF magnetron reactive sputtering techniques covering the concentration range of Tb from 0.5 to 11 at.%. The Tb-related light emission versus the Tb concentration is reported for annealing temperatures of 450 C, 750 C and 1000 C. In the low concentration region the intensity exhibits a linear increase and its slope is enhanced with the annealing temperature giving an activation energy of 0.106 eV in an Arrhenius plot. In the high concentration region an exponential decay is recorded which is almost independent on the host material, its structure and the annealing process.


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This thesis is focused on studies of substituted Hg-based superconducting copper oxides ((Hg1-xMx)Ba2Can-1CunO2n+2+). These compounds are promising objects of investigation, not only from a fundamental point of view but also because of their high values of superconducting transition temperature (Tc) and irreversibility field (Hirr). The first part of the thesis is devoted to optimization of the synthesis procedure for Hg-based cuprates. The influence of different parameters (T, t, p(Hg), p(O2)) on the synthesis of these compounds in sealed silica tubes was studied. Optimal conditions yielded samples containing up to 95% of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ (Hg-1223). The formation of solid solutions with the formula (Hg1-xCux)Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+ (where x <= 0.5) was also established. Another technique was developed, using LiF as a flux, for synthesis of samples containing up to 90% of the HgBa2CaCu2O6+ (Hg-1212) phase. The second part concerns synthesis and studies of oxyfluorides using Hg-1212 and Hg-1223 as starting materials together with XeF2 as a fluorinating agent. It was found that oxyfluorides of both phases have a parabolic dependence of Tc vs. a parameter as well as enhanced Tc values (T 3-4 K) in comparison with optimally doped non-fluorinated analogues. The crystal structure of Hg-1223 oxyfluoride was studied by X-ray powder and neutron diffraction methods. It is suggested that chemical modification of the crystal structure leads to a decrease in Cu-O distance without noticeable change in Cu-O-Cu angle (in the (CuO2) layers), which may be the significant factors influencing this Tc increase. Hg-1223 oxyfluoride was also studied under high pressure for first time. It was found that this compound has a record-high Tc value ( 166 K) at P 23 GPa. The last part describes the investigation of substituted Hg-based superconductors in the series (Hg0.9M0.1)Ba2CuO4+ {(Hg,M)-1201}, where M = Tl, Pb, W, Mo, Nb and V. A comprehensive study of these compounds by various methods (X-ray powder diffraction, EDX, IR-, EXAFS- and XANES -spectroscopy) indicated that the change of charge carrier doping level is a crucial factor determining the irreversibility line. (Hg0.9Mo0.1)Ba2CuO4+ showed the most improved irreversibility line position among the (Hg,M)-1201 compounds studied in this series.


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Technology scaling increasingly emphasizes complexity and non-ideality of the electrical behavior of semiconductor devices and boosts interest on alternatives to the conventional planar MOSFET architecture. TCAD simulation tools are fundamental to the analysis and development of new technology generations. However, the increasing device complexity is reflected in an augmented dimensionality of the problems to be solved. The trade-off between accuracy and computational cost of the simulation is especially influenced by domain discretization: mesh generation is therefore one of the most critical steps and automatic approaches are sought. Moreover, the problem size is further increased by process variations, calling for a statistical representation of the single device through an ensemble of microscopically different instances. The aim of this thesis is to present multi-disciplinary approaches to handle this increasing problem dimensionality in a numerical simulation perspective. The topic of mesh generation is tackled by presenting a new Wavelet-based Adaptive Method (WAM) for the automatic refinement of 2D and 3D domain discretizations. Multiresolution techniques and efficient signal processing algorithms are exploited to increase grid resolution in the domain regions where relevant physical phenomena take place. Moreover, the grid is dynamically adapted to follow solution changes produced by bias variations and quality criteria are imposed on the produced meshes. The further dimensionality increase due to variability in extremely scaled devices is considered with reference to two increasingly critical phenomena, namely line-edge roughness (LER) and random dopant fluctuations (RD). The impact of such phenomena on FinFET devices, which represent a promising alternative to planar CMOS technology, is estimated through 2D and 3D TCAD simulations and statistical tools, taking into account matching performance of single devices as well as basic circuit blocks such as SRAMs. Several process options are compared, including resist- and spacer-defined fin patterning as well as different doping profile definitions. Combining statistical simulations with experimental data, potentialities and shortcomings of the FinFET architecture are analyzed and useful design guidelines are provided, which boost feasibility of this technology for mainstream applications in sub-45 nm generation integrated circuits.


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The progresses of electron devices integration have proceeded for more than 40 years following the wellknown Moores law, which states that the transistors density on chip doubles every 24 months. This trend has been possible due to the downsizing of the MOSFET dimensions (scaling); however, new issues and new challenges are arising, and the conventional bulk architecture is becoming inadequate in order to face them. In order to overcome the limitations related to conventional structures, the researchers community is preparing different solutions, that need to be assessed. Possible solutions currently under scrutiny are represented by: devices incorporating materials with properties different from those of silicon, for the channel and the source/drain regions; new architectures as SiliconOnInsulator (SOI) transistors: the body thickness of Ultra-Thin-Body SOI devices is a new design parameter, and it permits to keep under control ShortChannelEffects without adopting high doping level in the channel. Among the solutions proposed in order to overcome the difficulties related to scaling, we can highlight heterojunctions at the channel edge, obtained by adopting for the source/drain regions materials with bandgap different from that of the channel material. This solution allows to increase the injection velocity of the particles travelling from the source into the channel, and therefore increase the performance of the transistor in terms of provided drain current. The first part of this thesis work addresses the use of heterojunctions in SOI transistors: chapter 3 outlines the basics of the heterojunctions theory and the adoption of such approach in older technologies as the heterojunctionbipolartransistors; moreover the modifications introduced in the Monte Carlo code in order to simulate conduction band discontinuities are described, and the simulations performed on unidimensional simplified structures in order to validate them as well. Chapter 4 presents the results obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations performed on doublegate SOI transistors featuring conduction band offsets between the source and drain regions and the channel. In particular, attention has been focused on the drain current and to internal quantities as inversion charge, potential energy and carrier velocities. Both graded and abrupt discontinuities have been considered. The scaling of devices dimensions and the adoption of innovative architectures have consequences on the power dissipation as well. In SOI technologies the channel is thermally insulated from the underlying substrate by a SiO2 buriedoxide layer; this SiO2 layer features a thermal conductivity that is two orders of magnitude lower than the silicon one, and it impedes the dissipation of the heat generated in the active region. Moreover, the thermal conductivity of thin semiconductor films is much lower than that of silicon bulk, due to phonon confinement and boundary scattering. All these aspects cause severe selfheating effects, that detrimentally impact the carrier mobility and therefore the saturation drive current for highperformance transistors; as a consequence, thermal device design is becoming a fundamental part of integrated circuit engineering. The second part of this thesis discusses the problem of selfheating in SOI transistors. Chapter 5 describes the causes of heat generation and dissipation in SOI devices, and it provides a brief overview on the methods that have been proposed in order to model these phenomena. In order to understand how this problem impacts the performance of different SOI architectures, threedimensional electrothermal simulations have been applied to the analysis of SHE in planar single and doublegate SOI transistors as well as FinFET, featuring the same isothermal electrical characteristics. In chapter 6 the same simulation approach is extensively employed to study the impact of SHE on the performance of a FinFET representative of the highperformance transistor of the 45 nm technology node. Its effects on the ONcurrent, the maximum temperatures reached inside the device and the thermal resistance associated to the device itself, as well as the dependence of SHE on the main geometrical parameters have been analyzed. Furthermore, the consequences on selfheating of technological solutions such as raised S/D extensions regions or reduction of fin height are explored as well. Finally, conclusions are drawn in chapter 7.


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The aim of this Ph.D. project has been the design and characterization of new and more efficient luminescent tools, in particular sensors and labels, for analytical chemistry, medical diagnostics and imaging. Actually both the increasing temporal and spatial resolutions that are demanded by those branches, coupled to a sensitivity that is required to reach the single molecule resolution, can be provided by the wide range of techniques based on luminescence spectroscopy. As far as the development of new chemical sensors is concerned, as chemists we were interested in the preparation of new, efficient, sensing materials. In this context, we kept developing new molecular chemosensors, by exploiting the supramolecular approach, for different classes of analytes. In particular we studied a family of luminescent tetrapodal-hosts based on aminopyridinium units with pyrenyl groups for the detection of anions. These systems exhibited noticeable changes in the photophysical properties, depending on the nature of the anion; in particular, addition of chloride resulted in a conformational change, giving an initial increase in excimeric emission. A good selectivity for dicarboxylic acid was also found. In the search for higher sensitivities, we moved our attention also to systems able to perform amplification effects. In this context we described the metal ion binding properties of three photoactive poly-(arylene ethynylene) co-polymers with different complexing units and we highlighted, for one of them, a ten-fold amplification of the response in case of addition of Zn2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions. In addition, we were able to demonstrate the formation of complexes with Yb3+ an Er3+ and an efficient sensitization of their typical metal centered NIR emission upon excitation of the polymer structure, this feature being of particular interest for their possible applications in optical imaging and in optical amplification for telecommunication purposes. An amplification effect was also observed during this research in silica nanoparticles derivatized with a suitable zinc probe. In this case we were able to prove, for the first time, that nanoparticles can work as off-on chemosensors with signal amplification. Fluorescent silica nanoparticles can be thus seen as innovative multicomponent systems in which the organization of photophysically active units gives rise to fruitful collective effects. These precious effects can be exploited for biological imaging, medical diagnostic and therapeutics, as evidenced also by some results reported in this thesis. In particular, the observed amplification effect has been obtained thanks to a suitable organization of molecular probe units onto the surface of the nanoparticles. In the effort of reaching a deeper inside in the mechanisms which lead to the final amplification effects, we also attempted to find a correlation between the synthetic route and the final organization of the active molecules in the silica network, and thus with those mutual interactions between one another which result in the emerging, collective behavior, responsible for the desired signal amplification. In this context, we firstly investigated the process of formation of silica nanoparticles doped with pyrene derivative and we showed that the dyes are not uniformly dispersed inside the silica matrix; thus, core-shell structures can be formed spontaneously in a one step synthesis. Moreover, as far as the design of new labels is concerned, we reported a new synthetic approach to obtain a class of robust, biocompatible silica core-shell nanoparticles able to show a long-term stability. Taking advantage of this new approach we also showed the synthesis and photophysical properties of core-shell NIR absorbing and emitting materials that proved to be very valuable for in-vivo imaging. In general, the dye doped silica nanoparticles prepared in the framework of this project can conjugate unique properties, such as a very high brightness, due to the possibility to include many fluorophores per nanoparticle, high stability, because of the shielding effect of the silica matrix, and, to date, no toxicity, with a simple and low-cost preparation. All these features make these nanostructures suitable to reach the low detection limits that are nowadays required for effective clinical and environmental applications, fulfilling in this way the initial expectations of this research project.


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In the present work a series of thiophene oligomers of three and six thiophene units were synthesized, starting from thiophene, and characterized. Polymers containing these electroative side groups were then prepared by two strategies. The oligomers were attached to existing polymer systems and were connected to a polymerizable unit leading to monomer containing the oligothiophenes as side groups. Subsequently the properties of the monomers and the polymers were investigated. A butylcellulose derivative carrying terthienyl side chains (BCTTE, 26) was synthesized starting from cellulose acetate and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-2,2':5',2'-terthiophene (4). The polymer had a degree of substitution (DS) of the butyl and terthienyl side chains of DSbutyl = 1.9 and DSterth = 0.35, respectively. It was successfully spread on a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) trough and then transferred to several solid substrates. X-rays reflectometry showed an ordered architecture of the cellulose backbones. However, the terthiophene side groups were found as isotropically aligned by polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. When used as anode material in the electropolymerization of 3-pentylthiophene (28), polythiophene was grafted onto the cellulose backbone through the terthienyl side groups. The polythiophene chains showed an average anisotropic alignment of 20 % along the LB dipping direction, calculated by means of polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. A second butylcellulose derivative carrying sexithienyl side chains (BCST) was synthesized and investigated, starting from butylcellulose and 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl p-toluensulfonate (7). The polymer showed formation of stable LB monolayers at the air-water interface, but its transfer onto solid substrates was not successful. A poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) bearing sexithienyl side chains (BzAcST, 31) was prepared by reaction of the two monomers 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diiodobenzoate (15) and 2-[b', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diethynylbenzoate (18). The polymer was obtained as insoluble product. Upon oxidation with FeCl3 (doping) of the polymer suspension, BzAcST showed an electrical conductivity of = 2.5 . 10 -6 S/cm, a typical value for semiconductors. The IR spectrum of the doped polymer presented the diagnostic bands of oxidized sexithiophene in good agreement with literature results. Along with the monomer and polymer synthesis, an a,a '-disubstituted sexithiophene, b ', b ''-dipentyl-5,5'''-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophene (6a),was synthesized and characterized. The UV-Vis absorption of the chromophore wasinvestigated as a function of temperature and different solvents, showing a blue-shift of the absorption maximum with increasing temperature and a red-shift changing the solvent from hexane to ethanol to toluene. Monitoring the change of the UV-Vis spectrum upon electrochemical oxidation, the oxidized chromophore showed a new broad absorption band, red shifted with respect to the p -p* transition of the neutral state. Upon reduction, the new band disappeared and the UV-Vis spectrum of the chromophore was restored. Such oxidation-reduction cycles were totally reversible. This feature, together with the absorption maximum falling in the visible region, makes this chromophore a suitable compound for the development of an electrochemical sensor.Attempts to polymerize acrylic monomers carrying sexythienyl side chains both via radical polymerization, as in the case of 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl acrylate (8), and anionic polymerization, as in the case of 2-{b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-[2-(tertbutyldimethylsiloxy)ethyl]-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'': 5'',2''' -sexithiophen-5-yl}-ethylacrylate (29), were not successful, probably due to the steric hindrance of the oligothiophene side group. However, due to the time consuming and therefore restricted availability of the monomers, a screening of the polymerization conditions towards the formation of polymeric material was not possible.


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Es wird ein neues Konzept fr ein protonenleitendes Polymer vorgestellt, das ohne eine zweite, flssige Phase auskommt. Es beruht darauf, basische Gruppen (Imidazol) ber flexible Spacer kovalent an ein Polymerrckgrat zu binden und durch Dotierung mit einer geringen Menge Sure Ladungstrger (Protonen) in dieses System einzubringen.Um die fr die Leitfhigkeit und ihren Mechanismus verantwortlichen Gren zu identifizieren, wurde ein Satz von niedermolekularen Modellverbindungen definierter Struktur und hoher Reinheit synthetisiert und im reinen Zustand sowie nach Dotierung mit geringen Mengen Sure umfassend charakterisiert. Untersucht wurden die thermischen Eigenschaften, die Leitfhigkeit, die Diffusion der jeweiligen Modellverbindung sowie ggf. der zugesetzten Sure, das Protonierungsgleichgewicht und die dielektrischen Eigenschaften. Insbesondere wurden durch den Vergleich von Leitfhigkeits- und Diffusionsdaten unter Anwendung der Nernst-Einstein-Beziehung Rckschlsse auf den Leitmechanismus gezogen.Es wurden Leitfhigkeiten von bis zu 6.5E-3 S/cm bei 120C erreicht. Der Anteil der Strukturdiffusion (vergleichbar mit dem Grotthus-Mechanismus in Wasser) an der protonischen Leitfhigkeit betrug bis zu ber 90%. Als entscheidende Faktoren fr die Leitfhigkeit wurden die Glastemperatur und, mit geringerer Prioritt, der Imidazolgehalt des Materials identifiziert. Die Temperaturabhngigkeit aller untersuchten Transportgren lie sich durch die Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher-Gleichung exzellent beschreiben.Die vorgestellten Daten bilden die Grundlage fr den Entwurf eines entsprechenden Polymers.


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Es werden neuartige, polymere Protonenleiter vorgestellt die nach dem 'Konzept des polymergebunden Protonensolvens' realisiert wurden. Sie zeigen protonische Leitfhigkeit als intrinsische Eigenschaft, sodass keine zweite, flssige Phase zur Protonenleitung ntig ist. Verwirklicht wurde das Konzept anhand von kammartigen Siloxanoligomeren und -polymeren, wobei Imidazol als Protonensolvens durch flexible Spacer kovalent an das Rckgrat gebunden ist. Durch Pfropfung mit imidazoltragenden Spacereinheiten wurden ferner Kieselgelnanopartikel oberflchenmodifiziert. Um die Auswirkungen der Immobilisierung von Imidazol auf die Leitfhigkeit zu untersuchen, wurden neben unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten, die Verbindungen auch jeweils mit verschiedenen Spacerlngen synthetisiert. Die Materialien wurden umfassend charakterisiert und auf ihr thermisches Verhalten, Stabilitt, Leitfhigkeit, Diffusion und dielektrisches Verhalten sowie auch nach Dotierung mit Sure untersucht. Thermisch stabil sind die Materialien bis ca. 200C. Die Leitfhigkeiten betragen bis zu 1,5E-3 S/cm bei 160C, welche aufgrund der Immobilisierung des Imidazols ausschlielich auf Strukturdiffusion zurckzufhren sind. Die Strukturdiffusion ist vergleichbar mit dem Grotthus-Mechanismus in Wasser und wird durch die lokale Mobilitt der Imidazolmolekle, d.h. durch die Glasbergangstemperatur des Systems bestimmt. Entsprechend wird das fr Glasbildner typische Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher-Verhalten fr alle untersuchten Transportprozesse gefunden. Die mit abnehmender Glasbergangstemperatur abnehmende mechanische Stabilitt der Materialien kann, wie gezeigt ist, durch Compoundierung mit Kieselgelnanopartikeln entscheidend verbessert werden, was eine kostengnstige und aussichtsreiche Mglichkeit zur Herstellung von Membranen fr Brennstoffzellen darstellt.


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In the present study, thin functional conducting polyaniline (PANI) films, either doped or undoped, patterned or unpatterned, were prepared by different approaches. The properties of the obtained PANI films were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with several other techniques, such as SPR, QCM, SPFS, diffraction, etc. The sensing applications (especially biosensing applications) of the prepared PANI films were explored. Firstly, the pure PANI films were prepared by the electropolymerisation method and their doping/dedoping properties in acidic conditions were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with SPR and QCM. Dielectric constants of PANI at different oxidation states were obtained quantitatively. The results obtained here laid a good foundation for the following investigations of PANI films in neutral pH conditions. Next, PANI multilayer films doped by a variety of materials were prepared by the layer-by-layer method in order to explore their biosensing applications, because of the loss of redox activity of pure PANI in neutral pH conditions. The dopants used include not only the traditionally used linear polyelectrolytes, but also, for the first tim, some other novel materials, like modified gold nanoparticles or modified carbon nanotubes. Our results showed that all the used dopants could form stable multilayer films with PANI. All the obtained PANI multilayer films showed good redox activity in a neutral pH environment, which makes them feasible for bioassays. We found that all the prepared PANI multilayer films can electrocatalyze the oxidation of NADH in neutral conditions at a low potential, although their catalytic efficiencies are different. Among them, PANI/carbon nanotube system showed the highest catalytic efficiency toward the oxidation of NADH, which makes it a good candidate as a NADH sensor. Besides, because some of the prepared PANI multilayer systems were end-terminated with COOH groups (like PANI/Au nanoparticles system), which can be utilized to easily link biomolecules for biosensing applications. Here, we demonstrated, for the first time, to use the prepared PANI multilayer films for the DNA hybridisation detection. The detection event was monitored either by direct electrochemical method, or by enzyme-amplified electrochemical method, or by surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence spectroscopic method. All the methods can effectively differentiate non-complementary DNA from the complementary ones, even at the single-base mismatch level. It should also be noted that, our success in fabricating PANI multilayer films with modified Au nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes also offered another novel method for incorporating such novel materials into (conducting) polymers. Because of the unique electrochemical and optical properties of each component of the obtained PANI multilayer films, they should also find potential applications in many other fields such as microelectronics, or for electrochromic and photovoltaic devices. Finally, patterned PANI films were fabricated by the combination of several patterning techniques, such as the combination of electrocopolymerization with micromolding in capillaries (EP-MIMIC), the combination of microcontact printing with the layer-by-layer technique (CP-LBL), and the polystyrene (PS) template induced electropolymerisation method. Using the obtained stripe-shaped PANI/PSS film, a redox-switchable polymer grating based on the surface-plasmon-enhanced mode was constructed and its application in the field of biosensing was explored. It was found that the diffraction efficiency (DE) of the grating was very sensitive to the applied potential (i.e. redox state of the film) as well as the pH environment of the dielectric medium. Moreover, the DE could also be effectively tuned by an electrocatalytic event, such as the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by the grating film. By using PS colloidal crystal assemblies as templates, well-ordered 3D interconnected macroporous PANI arrays (PANI inverse opals) were fabricated via electropolymerisation method. The quality of the obtained inverse opals was much higher than those reported by chemical synthesis method. By electrochemical method, the structures of the prepared inverse opals can be easily controlled. To explore the possible biosensing applications of PANI inverse opals, efforts were also done toward the fabrication of PANI composite inverse opals. By selecting proper dopants, high quality inverse opals of PANI composites were fabricated for the first time. And the obtained opaline films remained redox-active in neutral pH conditions, pointing to their possible applications for electrobioassays.


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Currently pi-conjugated polymers are considered as technologically interesting materials to be used as functional building elements for the development of the new generation of optoelectronic devices. More specifically during the last few years, poly-p-phenylene materials have attracted considerable attention for their blue photoluminescence properties. This Thesis deals with the optical properties of the most representative blue light poly-p-phenylene emitters such as poly(fluorene), oligo(fluorene), poly(indenofluorene) and ladder-type penta(phenylene) derivatives. In the present work, laser induced photoluminescence spectroscopy is used as a major tool for the study of the interdependence between the dynamics of the probed photoluminescence, the molecular structures of the prepared polymeric films and the presence of chemical defects. Complementary results obtained by two-dimensional wide-angle X-ray diffraction are reported. These findings show that the different optical properties observed are influenced by the intermolecular solid-state interactions that in turn are controlled by the pendant groups of the polymer backbone. A significant feedback is delivered regarding the positive impact of a new synthetic route for the preparation of a poly(indenofluorene) derivative on the spectral purity of the compound. The energy transfer mechanisms that operate in the studied systems are addressed by doping experiments. After the evaluation of the structure/property interdependence, a new optical excitation pathway is presented. An efficient photon low-energy up-conversion that sensitises the blue emission of poly(fluorene) is demonstrated. The observed phenomenon takes place in poly(fluorene) derivatives hosts doped with metallated octaethyl porphyrins, after quasi-CW photoexcitation of intensities in the order of kW/cm2. The up-conversion process is parameterised in terms of temperature, wavelength excitation and central metal cation in the porphyrin ring. Additionally the observation of the up-conversion is extended in a broad range of poly-p-phenylene blue light emitting hosts. The dependence of the detected up-conversion intensity on the excitation intensity and doping concentration is reported. Furthermore the dynamics of the up-conversion intensity are monitored as a function of the doping concentration. These experimental results strongly suggest the existence of triplet-triplet annihilation events into the porphyrin molecules that are subsequently followed by energy transfer to the host. After confirming the occurrence of the up-conversion in solutions, cyclic voltammetry is used in order to show that the up-conversion efficiency is partially determined from the energetic alignment between the HOMO levels of the host and the dopant.