1000 resultados para XMAP TECHNOLOGY
A presentation given in the Health Sciences E-Learning Enhnacnement Academy away-day, June 2010
Technology is changing how students learn and how we research. Perhaps you want to use technology to enhance communication or improve student support. You may want create a distance learning activity, a flexibly delivered module or indeed a whole course. You may simply want to find out where to find authoritative information, or to see what support exists for this type of work. The University is committed to delivering high quality learning and teaching, using technology where appropriate, in order to offer a distinctive Southampton educational experience. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), also known as e‑learning, is becoming increasingly important to students, teaching staff and the institution. This guide highlights some of the most important matters to consider. It is intended to help you to tackle the key issues that determine the success of TEL projects and to work on those projects in a considered way. Written with the input of colleagues from around the University, it prompts you to ask important questions and points you to sources of up-to-date knowledge and advice. Technology changes rapidly. This guide is about managing the work in a practical way. The University supports the use of a variety of TEL approaches for teaching and learning and colleagues are ready to offer their experience and advice. Each person has distinctive skills and specific experiences. No single person will have all the answers you are looking for. Be ready to investigate alternative approaches that suit you and your students’ needs in different ways. - Madeline Paterson, University of Southampton
A short overview of TEL intended for a short PCAP workshop
A few slides used in 2013 class to introduce the subject of learning technology
Set readings 1. Sismondo S. (2009). The Kuhnian revolution. In An introduction to science and technology studies. p12-22 2. Ben-David J, Sullivan T. (1975) Sociology of science. Annual Review of Sociology p203-21 3. Clarke A, Star SL. (2008) The social worlds framework: a theory/methods package. In Hackett EJ et al. The handbook of science and technology studies. Cambridge MA: MIT Press p113-137 Bonus paper (read if you have time) 4. Mitroff I. (1974). Norms and Counternorms in a Select Group of Apollo Moon Scientists. American Sociological Review 39:79-95 • Aim to ensure that you understand the core arguments of each paper • Look up/note any new terminology (and questions you want to ask) • Think about your critical appraisal of the paper (what are the merits/demerits of the argument, evidence etc) In the seminar we will spend about 5 minutes talking about each paper, and then - building on the two lectures - discuss how these ideas might be used to think about the Web and Web Science. At the end there will be some time for questions and a chance to note your key learning points.
Details of all the companies attending the Careers Fair on 10 February 2015 as well as stand plans
Guide to the companies attending the FPSE Careers Fair with stand plan
This article presents the results of a research project undertaken to obtain a Masters inBusiness Administration from the Business School at the Universidad del Norte, whosepurpose was to identify and test a methodology to measure the impact exerted by thechange from 2nd to 3rd generation mobile tech, based on the perception of users belongingto Barranquilla SME, motivated by the influence of technological changes in behavior andthe knowledge creation among society members, and the importance it has taken to thesurvival of organizations the adoption of applications for process automation, web-basedapplications, voice, data and video that allow the development of competitive advantages,based on information and creativity for new and better products or services.
RIO TECHNOLOGY SAS es una empresa que lleva 11 años en el mercado de la distribución al por mayor de tecnología a todo nivel y suministros para oficina en Bogotá y en algunas otras ciudades del país. Fue constituida formalmente en el año 2001 ante la cámara de comercio de Bogotá como una sociedad anónima, y en el año 2010 cambió su tipo de sociedad, y se convirtió en sociedad por acciones simplificada, aprovechando los beneficios que este tipo de sociedad comercial brinda a las empresas medianas y pequeñas en Colombia. La idea de este proyecto nace porque desde Julio del año 2013, la marca RIO® se encuentra registrada, lo que genera grandes inquietudes acerca del cómo poder aprovechar esta situación para que la empresa RIO TECHNOLOGY se dé a conocer en el mercado y lograr un mayor crecimiento de la misma mediante la promoción y fortalecimiento de su marca, generando mayores utilidades. El mercadeo online podría ser una excelente alternativa para lanzar la marca RIO® al mercado; usando las redes sociales, por ejemplo, pues estas han sido creadas para conectar personas, grupos, páginas, etc. Y además son un medio de comunicación muy efectivo, por lo que la empresa RIO TECHNOLOGY podría estar en contacto permanente y cercano con sus clientes, dando a conocer en todo momento su marca RIO® mediante estrategias promocionales. En la actualidad, las redes sociales han significado una gran oportunidad tanto para las grandes empresas como para las Pymes; pues por medio de ellas se llega a una gran cantidad de personas en cuestión de segundos, con lo cual, usando estrategias eficientes, se logran resultados potenciales que se ven reflejados en un fortalecimiento de marca. El objetivo de este proyecto es presentar a RIO TECHNOLOGY un plan estratégico de mercadeo online para lanzar y fortalecer su marca. Se busca que la empresa mejore potencialmente el nivel de sus ventas y comience a posicionar su marca en el mercado.
Low take up of stigma-free social benefits is often blamed on information asymmetries or administrative barriers. There is limited evidence on which of these potential channels is more salient in which contexts. We designed and implemented a randomized controlled trial to assess the extent to which informational barriers are responsible for the prevalent low take-up of government benefits among Colombian conflict-driven internal refugees. We provide timely information on benefits eligibility via SMS to a random half of the displaced household that migrated to Bogot´a over a 6-month period. We show that improving information increases benefits’ take up. However, the effect is small and only true for certain type of benefits. Hence, consistent with previous experimental literature, the availability of timely information explains only part of the low-take up rates and the role of administrative barriers and bureaucratic processes should be tackled to increase the well-being of internal refugees in Colombia.
Recopilación de aportaciones seleccionadas para su exposición en la Conferencia Internacional de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la Educación celebrada en Badajoz en el 2002. La Conferencia pretendía constituir un foro de discusión sobre nuevos entornos de aprendizaje y sus aplicaciones y tenía como objetivos, dar una visión general sobre el estado actual de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la Educación, así como de las tendencias que se vislumbran, y promover la discusión sobre el potencial pedagógico de nuevas tecnologías para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, tanto en el mundo académico como corporativo.