993 resultados para Western District (Vic.) -- Pictorial works


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Tendo como objetivo principal destrinchar o conceito do vazio e a forma como este permeou a produção artística e o pensamento humano ao longo dos tempos, esta pesquisa faz uma incursão por teorias filosóficas desde a Antiguidade Clássica ocidental até conceitos filosóficos e religiosos do Oriente, a fim de compreender como o interesse pela ideia de vazio migrou para a produção artística e, mais do que isso, consolidou-se como um importante fundamento para a Arte Moderna e para a produção contemporânea. Partindo de exemplos e momentos da História da Arte que permitam a compreensão das várias formas como o pensamento artístico incorporou o conceito nas obras de arte, a partir desta primeira busca histórica e conceitual, será feita uma investigação pela produção de artistas visuais cujas trajetórias foram marcadas por ideias de esvaziamento. Num segundo momento, uma análise da 28 Bienal de São Paulo cujo eixo curatorial manteve todo um pavimento vazio durante o período expositivo buscará compreender a forma como a presença do vazio pode se ampliar para além do objeto artístico e se incorporar ao próprio espaço institucional


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A deep-water trapping survey in the Palauan archipelago, Western Caroline Islands, has revealed an abundance of the Japanese red crab, Chaceon granulatus. The recorded depth range (250-900 m) is similar to that of other geryonids, but the large numbers of females caught below 700 m is atypical. Mean yields in excess of 5 kg crabs plus 1 kg shrimp, Heterocarpus laevigatus, by-catch per trap-night were attainable at optimum depths. Chaceon granulatus is apparently a very large geryonid, with maximum weights of 2.02 kg and 1.51 kg recorded for male and female specimens, respectively. A range of body colors was observed: Orange-red shades appear to dominate the deeper waters (below 500 m) while yellow-tan colors are more abundant in the upper reaches. Preliminary evidence suggests that Chaceon granulatus is highly marketable, and the infrastructure in Palau is such that crabs could either be marketed fresh locally or airfreighted to Japan as a quick-frozen product. The high post-trapping survival rates observed indicate that maintaining crabs in live-holding tanks may be a feasible option. The large catches and quality of deep-water crabs taken suggests that the Palauan population of Chaceon granulatus may be able to support a small-scale fishery. It is not yet known whether this population is unusually large or whether these findings typify the deep forereef fauna of the region.


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Blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, tag and recapture data are summarized for 1954-1988. During this period, 8,447 fish have been tagged and only 30 (0.35 percent) have been returned. Results of the tagging program indicate that blue marlin not only travel considerable distances (7,OOO km from the U. S. Virgin Islands to the Ivory Coast of West Africa), but have remained at large for up to 8 years. Seasonal movements, however, are difficult to determine accurately.


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O livro Lições de Pedagogia (1915) foi produzido por Manoel José do Bomfim (1868-1932). Médico, formado pela Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 1890, com a tese Das nefrites, Bomfim iniciou seus trabalhos em Educação no ano de 1896 na instituição Pedagogium como subdiretor, órgão no qual atuou como diretor por longa data, entre os finais do século XIX e princípios do século XX. Nesse período também foi professor da Escola Normal do Distrito Federal, tendo publicado vários livros, entre eles o que foi convertido em núcleo central desta dissertação. Bomfim relata que os resumos de suas aulas na Escola Normal foram transformados em livro no ano de 1915 como preocupação de não que se perdessem os conteúdos lecionados durante o período em que foi professor na Escola citada. Precisava guardar memória do trabalho que fora desenvolvido enquanto docente do curso de Pedagogia. Reformas curriculares estavam sendo realizadas naquela instituição, voltadas para unificar os cursos de Pedagogia e Psicologia. Com isso, muito do conteúdo referente ao campo de Psicologia foi retirado do programa, medida que autor discordava. Assim, percebemos que o livro em seu formato material nunca adentrou as salas de aula de Manoel Bomfim, embora seu conteúdo tenha sido ministrado. Neste trabalho, analisamos aspectos gerais do livro Lições de Pedagogia (1915) como documento de memória da prática educativa do autor como professor de futuros professores destinados à Educação Primária ou Educação Elementar de crianças, com idade entre 6 e 15 anos, no Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal, capital da República do Brasil. Para esta reflexão, agregamos a leitura de quatro teses apresentadas à Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 1890. Com esta leitura, buscamos relacionar traços da formação médica do autor com as prescrições para a Escola Normal, materializadas no livro, com três edições nos anos de 1915, 1917 e 1926; sendo esta última a edição trabalhada nesta dissertação. Outro trabalho considerado de forma incidental nesta reflexão corresponde ao do livro Pensar e Dizer (2006, [1923]), em que Bomfim estuda as relações entre símbolo e linguagem, conceitos que também apresentavam desdobramentos para o campo da Educação, indício das teses que procurava legitimar orientadas pela perspectiva médica à qual Manoel Bomfim se encontrava associado


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É notório que o senso comum trabalha com a ideia de que o medo está cada vez mais se intensificando no mundo que é o nosso. Nas metrópoles das sociedades ocidentais a alusão ao medo tem espaço partilhado. Jornais, revistas, rádio e TV são os meios populares que noticiam todos os tipos de violência e, consecutivamente, apontam e vinculam certos discursos sensacionalistas de temor a toda população. O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um estudo acerca do modo como a retórica do medo, patente no mundo histórico que é o nosso, potencializa o medo de modo a criar um solo propício ao surgimento de diferentes comportamentos temerosos. Interessa-nos sobre tudo tematizar o medo segundo a retórica que o potencializa, ou seja, segundo a impessoalidade do mundo que é o nosso. Isso coloca a exigência de tematizarmos o pensamento fenomenológico-hermenêutico de Martin Heidegger, sua ontologia fundamental e sua proposta de análise da essência do mundo contemporâneo. O método documental foi a ferramenta utilizada para visualização do fenômeno da retórica do medo submetida ao jornal Diário de Pernambuco


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 14th October 1975. The report looks at the planning study for the post 1981 period and fisheries activities on the Eden and Esk. This section includes catches of miragtory, brown trout and coarse fish, the summary of the stocking carried out from Holmewrangle hatchery and Biological work undertaken on the Eden. It also contain sections on fish mortalities, new code of fishery byelaws and fishing licence duties. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 13th January 1976. The report contains information on the land drainage representation on local committees, fisheries activities report, salmon stocking on the River Eden, status of Haweswater and Castle Carrock Reservoir, fisheries byelaws, licensing provisions for the River Esk and progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the 'Taking Stock' publication. The section on fisheries activities reported by area fisheries officers looks at fishing, spawning disease and poaching of migratory fish and coarse fishing. It also contains description of ova obtained at Holmwrange hatchery and provisions of new equipment, biological work carried on Eden and Blackrack Beck and suggestions for new fish counters and traps. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee, which was held on the 28th June, 1977. The report looks at the comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer which includes information on salmon, brown trout and sea trout catches in the River Eden; restockings from Holmwrangle Hatchery to some rivers: Eden, Esk and Tarn. Electro fishing information is also given by river (Cocker, Marron, Ellen, Glenderaterra, Ehen, Calder, Irt, Esk or Annas)and stream for 1977. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 18th October, 1977. It covers fisheries income and expenditure, licence duties and a brief bit on draft nets for the River Eden and netting on the Solway Firth. It also looks at the possible development of Rivers Waver and Wampool as a sea trout fishery, in which the report covers the physical descriptions of the catchments, abstractions, discharges, biological aspects, chemical aspects and the present situation regarding fisheries. Also included is the report by the area fisheries officer on fisheries activities which includes information on river conditions and fishing, fish kills on the River Petteril, River Wiza and Ullswater, bailiff activities, stock numbers, and an update on Holmwrangle hatchery. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 29th March, 1977. The report contains sections on Fisheries income and expenditure, netting on the Solway Firth, water bailiffs on the River Eden and fisheries activities. The section on fisheries activities includes river conditions and salmon fishing in the River Eden and on the Border Esk; salmon catches from the Border Esk, Eden, and Solway; restocking; and fish mortalities. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 10th January, 1978. It covers information of fisheries income and expenditure, licence duties, regional water resources study, salmon fishing, radioactive discharge in relation to fishery interests and a brief mention about the possibilities of opening Castle Carrock reservoir for public angling. It also includes the report by the area fisheries officer on river conditions and fishing, Holmwrangle Hatchery and stocking. Included in this report is a note on the survey work carried out on the Upper Eden and Eamont regarding brown trout, the collection of fish for hatcheries, Redd counting and the transfer of coarse fish. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 4th April, 1978. It covers information on fisheries income and expenditure, net licence duties and a fishery dispute in the Solway Firth. It also includes the report by the area fisheries officer on river conditions and fishing, and Holmwrangle hatchery which include sections on disease outbreaks, movements of fish and stock lists. Included in this report is also fish disease, biological work and a brief note on the spotting of Cormorants on the Eden and the worry about the effect this will have on shoals of smolts. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 17th October, 1978. It covers information on fisheries income and expenditure, the study of salmon propagation in England and Wales, work on the future programme of fisheries work and keep nets. It also covers the report by the area fisheries officer on fishing activities including river conditions and fishing for salmon, sea trout, brown trout, and coarse fish, and an update on Holmwrangle hatchery. The report also looks at stocking numbers of salmon and sea trout in various rivers, predator counts for various rivers, biological work and fish disease. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 11th January, 1977. The report contains sections on netting on the Solway Firth, fisheries activities, fish stocking, eel fishing on estuarial waters, and infectious Pancreatic Necrosis. The section on fisheries activities includes general information on the River Eden and Esk; fish transfers; predators; disease; fish mortalities; restocking; and information of Holmwrangle hatchery. The section on Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis looks at this fish disease highlighting its prevention on imports of salmonid fish and ova. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.