956 resultados para Water in agriculture


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Diminishing water in the Denver Basin aquifers requires Parker Water and Sanitation District plan for the future to ensure availability of supply. Water conservation is one approach to prolonging the life of the aquifers. Homeowner installed gray water systems will help conserve 25 percent of the water needed and reduce the need to pump ground water for irrigation. Non-potable water through gray water systems will reduce the demand on the supplier. Gray water use will prolong a potable supply to Parker for years ahead. For this plan to be effective, Colorado regulations must change to allow gray water use. This goal will be achieved as the mind-set about water conservation shifts and water suppliers and consumers demand modification to policies.


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We have measured experimental adsorption isotherms of water in zeolite LTA4A, and studied the regeneration process by performing subsequent adsorption cycles after degassing at different temperatures. We observed incomplete desorption at low temperatures, and cation rearrangement at successive adsorption cycles. We also developed a new molecular simulation force field able to reproduce experimental adsorption isotherms in the range of temperatures between 273 K and 374 K. Small deviations observed at high pressures are attributed to the change in the water dipole moment at high loadings. The force field correctly describes the preferential adsorption sites of water at different pressures. We tested the influence of the zeolite structure, framework flexibility, and cation mobility when considering adsorption and diffusion of water. Finally, we performed checks on force field transferability between different hydrophilic zeolite types, concluding that classical, non-polarizable water force fields are not transferable.


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Well-functioning factor markets are an essential condition for the competitiveness and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. At the same time, the functioning of the factor markets themselves is influenced by changes in agriculture and the rural economy. Such changes can be the result of progress in technology, globalisation and European market integration, changing consumer preferences and shifts in policy. Changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) over the last decade have particularly affected the rural factor markets. This book analyses the functioning of factor markets for agriculture in the EU-27 and several candidate countries. Written by leading academics and policy analysts from various European countries, these chapters compare the different markets, their institutional framework, their impact on agricultural development and structural change, and their interaction with the CAP. As the first comparative study to cover rural factor markets in Europe, highlighting their diversity − despite the Common Agricultural Policy and an integrated single market − Land, Labour & Capital Markets in European Agriculture provides a timely and valuable source of information at a time of further CAP reform and the continuing transformation of the EU's rural areas.


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Progress in agriculture and food issues in the TTIP talks will largely be determined by the level of ambition in the negotiations as a whole. If ambitions are modest, a low-level agreement could probably be reached that includes some limited commitments on agricultural market access and food regulations. These could include promises of mutual support in the area of opening up agricultural markets through the WTO and of further Transatlantic cooperation in trying to resolve conflicts over food regulations. Bolder ambitions would allow more scope for tackling the difficult problems, though at the cost of time. It would be unfortunate if the opportunity were not taken to make some significant progress in removing some longstanding irritants in the area of agricultural policy and food regulations: this is where the economic gains are likely to be significant and the spill-overs useful. This paper argues the case that it is worthwhile making the effort to secure a constructive and imaginative agreement on agriculture and food regulations in the TTIP. A fairly detailed suggestive list of potential sub-deals in agro-food, supported by the analysis in the paper, is the most concrete one of a series of policy conclusions


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Vertical profiles of dissolved and particulate 230Th and 231Pa were obtained across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the southern Atlantic. North of the Polar Front, dissolved and total 230Th increase with depth in conformity with published scavenging models. There is no depletion of 230Th or 231Pa in the water column south of the Polar Front, thought to be an area of enhanced biological productivity. 230Th concentrations increase three-fold to the Weddell Sea across the ACC. Dissolved and total 231Pa concentrations are relatively constant below 500 m depth at about 0.3 dpm m**-3, and change little with depth or latitude. The results from the Weddell Gyre are explained by a mixing-scavenging model that takes into account the input of lower Circumpolar Deep Water through upwelling, which is the main source of water in the Weddell Gyre and is enriched in 230Th but not in 231Pa. 230Th accumulates in the Weddell Gyre as a result of a reduction in the scavenging rate and by ingrowth from 234U. Ingrowth is more significant for 230Th than for 231Pa because the residence time of water in the gyre (about 35 years) is similar to the scavenging residence time of Th in the south Atlantic (29 years) but shorter than that of Pa (120 years). It is argued that changes in 230Th accumulation in the past may reflect changes in water residence time and in the formation rate of Weddell Sea Deep Water.


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The transpolar drift is strongly enriched in 228Ra accumulated on the wide Arctic shelves with subsequent rapid offshore transport. We present new data of Polarstern expeditions to the central Arctic and to the Kara and Laptev seas. Because 226Ra activities in Pacific waters are 30% higher than in Atlantic waters, we correct 226Ra for the Pacific admixture when normalizing 228Ra with 226Ra. The use of 228Ra decay as age marker critically depends on the constancy in space and time of the source activity, a condition that has not yet adequately been tested. While 228Ra decays during transit over the central basin, ingrowth of 228Th could provide an alternative age marker. The high 228Th/228Ra activity ratio (AR = 0.8-1.0) in the central basins is incompatible with a mixing model based on horizontal eddy diffusion. An advective model predicts that 228Th grows to an equilibrium AR, the value of which depends on the scavenging regime. The low AR over the Lomonosov Ridge (AR = 0.5) can be due to either rapid transport (minimum age without scavenging 1.1 year) or enhanced scavenging. Suspended particulate matter load (derived from beam transmission and particulate 234Th) and total 234Th depletion data show that scavenging, although extremely low in the central Arctic, is enhanced over the Lomonosov Ridge, making an age of 3 years more likely. The combined data of 228Ra decay and 228Th ingrowth confirm the existence of a recirculating gyre in the surface water of the eastern Eurasian Basin with a river water residence time of at least 3 years.


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We have measured the 3He/4He and 20Ne/4He ratios of gases dissolved in the pore water in sediments at two sites in the Nankai Trough (Site 583) and the Japan Trench (Site 584). The 3He/4He and 20Ne/4He ratios vary from 0.215 * 10**-6 to 1.23 * 10**-6 and from 50 * 10**-3 to 2700 * 10**-3, respectively. These values can be explained by mixing two components, one from the atmosphere and one with a 3He/4He ratio of (0.2 to 0.3) * 10**-6. The latter component may be derived from the ocean crust near the subduction zone.


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Tracking the movement of migratory freshwater fish is essential to those invested in rebuilding declining fish populations. Using strontium isotopic signatures to match calcified fish tissues to streams where fish spawn is a useful method of tracking migratory fish where physical tracking methods such as radio, acoustic, or external tags, have proven unsuccessful. In this study, we develop tools to practice this method of tracking fish in Lake Roosevelt and its upstream tributaries in Washington State by analyzing the elemental concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of water samples, and mussel shell samples. This study evaluates whether mussel shells act as an appropriate proxy for water chemistry by comparing the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of water samples to the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of mussel shells sampled from the same, or nearby, locations. We compare concentrations of Ba, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Pb, Sr, and U in the water and mussel shell samples to determine the feasibility of using mussel shells as a proxy for water chemistry. If it is determined that the concentrations of these elements in mussel shells reflect that of the surrounding water composition, the elemental composition of mussel shells can be compared to that of calcified tissues in fish, such as otoliths, to infer the location of the natal stream. We report analyses of water and mussel shell samples collected from Lake Roosevelt, Sanpoil River, Spokane River, Colville River, Kettle River, Pend Oreille River, Kootenay River, and Columbia River in Washington State. Each of these rivers is a tributary to Lake Roosevelt, and each flows through different geologic units. We hypothesize that the differences in the rock units of each stream’s watershed are reflected in the elemental concentrations and strontium isotopic ratios of water in each stream and in the lake. We also hypothesize that the composition of the mussel shells will match the composition of the water samples, therefore allowing us to use the mussel shells as a proxy for local water chemistry. Additionally, we hypothesize that the composition of the mussel shells will vary by location, and that we will be able to then infer where a fish is from by matching the composition of the fish in question to the mussels we have analyzed. We found that 87Sr/86Sr values for water and mussel hinge samples collected from tributaries east of Lake Roosevelt are significantly higher than the 87Sr/86Sr values for samples collected from tributaries west of Lake Roosevelt with averages of 0.7235 and 0.7089, respectively. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios for water and mussel hinge samples collected within Lake Roosevelt is 0.7158, which is between the averages for samples collected east and west of the lake. Generally, older rocks are exposed on the east side of the lake, and younger rocks on the west side of the lake, so our 87Sr/86Sr values support the hypothesis that geologic units are a primary control on water chemistry, and that tributary compositions mix to form an average weighed by flow in Lake Roosevelt. The 87Sr/86Sr values for water and mussel shell samples collected from the same locations have a strong, positive linear correlation, suggesting that mussel shell 87Sr/86Sr ratios reflect the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the ambient water. With these data, we can distinguish between different streams and the lake, but cannot distinguish between samples from within the same stream or within Lake Roosevelt. The Sr:Ca and Fe:Ca ratios of water samples show positive correlations with mussel shell compositions, with R2 values of 0.82 and 0.52, respectively. Ratios of Mg, Ba, Cu, Cd, Pb, and U to Ca showed little or no positive correlation between water and mussel shell samples. The elemental concentration data collected for this study do not demonstrate whether a correlation between elemental ratios in water samples and elemental ratios in mussel shell samples collected from the same location exists. Positive Sr:Ca and Fe:Ca correlations for water versus mussel shell samples indicate that perhaps for some elements, the composition of mussel shells are representative of the composition of ambient water. Using elemental concentration ratios to complement 87Sr/86Sr isotopic data may enhance our ability to identify correlations between water and mussel shell samples, and ultimately between mussel shell and otolith samples. The hinge part of a mussel shell may be used as a proxy for local water composition because the mussel shell composition reflects that of the local ambient water. The hinge of the mussel has the same composition as the whole mussel shell. We measured variation of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the water among different streams and Lake Roosevelt. The 87Sr/86Sr values for samples collected in tributaries east of Lake Roosevelt, which erode older rocks, are higher for mussel shell and water samples than the average 87Sr/86Sr values for mussel shell and water samples collected in tributaries west of Lake Roosevelt, which flow through younger rocks.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The effect of soil puddling on growth of lowland rice (Oryza sativa) and post-rice mungbean (Vigna radiata) was investigated using mini rice beds under controlled glasshouse conditions. Each mini rice bed was approximately 1 m(3) in size. Three different soil types were used: a well-drained, permeable loam; a hardsetting, structurally unstable silty loam; and a medium clay. Rice yields were reduced by low puddling compared with high puddling intensity on the loam but not affected on the heavier textured soils (silty loam and clay). Yield of mungbean was reduced on highly puddle, structurally unstable soil, indicating that puddling should be reduced on structurally unstable soils. Under glasshouse condition where crop establishment was not a limiting factor and plant available water in 0.65 m of soil was 100 mm, mungbean yields of >1 t/ha were achieved. However, under conditions where subsoil water reserves were depleted for the production of vegetative biomass during initial optimal growing condition, grain yield remained well below 1 t/ha.


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Water recovery is one of the key parameters in flotation modelling for the purposes of plant design and process control, as it determines the circulating flow and residence time in the individual process units in the plant and has a significant effect on entrainment and froth recovery. This paper reviews some of the water recovery models available in the literature, including both empirical and fundamental models. The selected models are tested using the data obtained from the experimental work conducted in an Outokumpu 3 m(3) tank cell at the Xstrata Mt Isa copper concentrator. It is found that all the models fit the experimental data reasonably well for a given flotation system. However, the empirical models are either unable to distinguish the effect of different cell operating conditions or required to determine the empirical model parameters to be derived in an existing flotation system. The model developed by [Neethling, SJ., Lee, H.T., Cilliers, J.J., 2003, Simple relationships for predicting the recovery of liquid from flowing foams and froths. Minerals Engineering 16, 1123-1130] is based on fundamental understanding of the froth structure and transfer of the water in the froth. It describes the water recovery as a function of the cell operating conditions and the froth properties which can all be determined on-line. Hence, the fundamental model can be used for process control purposes in practice. By incorporating additional models to relate the air recovery and surface bubble size directly to the cell operating conditions, the fundamental model can also be used for prediction purposes. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Structured soils are characterized by the presence of inter- and intra-aggregate pore systems and aggregates, which show varying chemical, physical, and biological properties depending on the aggregate type and land use system. How far these aspects also affect the ion exchange processes and to what extent the interaction between the carbon distribution and kind of organic substances affect the internal soil strength as well as hydraulic properties like wettability are still under discussion. Thus, the objective of this research was to clarify the effect of soil aggregation on physical and chemical properties of structured soils at two scales: homogenized material and single aggregates. Data obtained by sequentially peeling off soil aggregates layers revealed gradients in the chemical composition from the aggregate surface to the aggregate core. In aggregates from long term untreated forest soils we found lower amounts of carbon in the external layer, while in arable soils the differentiation was not pronounced. However, soil aggregates originating from these sites exhibited a higher concentration of microbial activity in the outer aggregate layer and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, soil depth and the vegetation type affected the wettability. Aggregate strength depended. on water suction and differences in tillage treatments.


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In the Mekong region, most paddies in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) lie in a sequence on gentle sloping land, and grain yield (GY) often depends on the toposequence position. There is, however, lack of information on toposequential effects on field water supply in rainfed lowland rice and how that influences GY. A total of eight field experiments were carried out on sandy, coarse-textured soils in Southern Laos (Champassak Province and Savannakhet Province) over three wet seasons (2000-2002). Components of the water balance, including downward and lateral water movement (D and L, respectively), were quantified at three different positions along toposequences (top, middle and bottom). GY, days-to-flower (DTF) and rainfall were measured, and the water productivity (WP) was determined. In most experiments, standing water disappeared first in the top position and gradually in lower positions. This was associated with the observation that when there was standing water in the field, the higher position had larger D in both the provinces and also larger L in Champassak Province. However, in one experiment, water loss appeared later in the higher position, as the result of lower L, apparently due to some water inputs other than rainfall occurring at this position. Despite larger D plus L at the top position, seasonal sum of D and L were not much affected by the toposequence position, as the daily rate of D plus L became minimal when the standing water was lost earlier in the top position. Lower GY was associated with earlier disappearance of standing water from the field. Relatively low GY was expected in the top toposequence position. This was clearly shown in the toposequence of Phonthong, Champassak Province, as the timing of standing water disappearance relative to flowering was earlier in the top position. Variation in GY across the toposequence positions was coupled with the WP variation, and both GY and WP tended to decline with increased DTF. Therefore, variation in productivity of rainfed lowland rice across toposequence positions depends mainly on the field water status around flowering time. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the challenges of water supply in agriculture, with particular emphasis on requirements of field crops, including maize. It places the issue of water supply to agriculture in the context of increasing demands for water from alternatives users, declining quality water, pressure of increasing population, all of which are placing stresses on water availability at local, regional and national levels. The paper also examines existing freshwater resources and the potential impact of climate change on water supply and distribution and consequential impact on water stress incidence in various parts of the globe. It examines competition for water in both industrialized and developing countries, with particular emphasis on the impacts on agriculture and food supplies. The challenge of water use efficiency (WUE) in agriculture is explored with discussion of agronomic, economic and physiological WUE concepts, with specific reference to maize.