944 resultados para Visual Speech Recognition, Multiple Views, Frontal View, Profile View


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Propõe-se estudo teórico com o objetivo de examinar a extensão e os limites da proteção jurídica concedida aos nascituros no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Há décadas a doutrina nacional se debruça acerca da exegese mais adequada do art. 4 do Código Civil de 1916, que, atualmente, corresponde ao art. 2 do Código Civil, com pequenas modificações textuais, mas sem alterar substancialmente o dispositivo. O Código Civil aparentemente optou pela atribuição da personalidade civil somente após o nascimento com vida, assegurando, contudo, os direitos do nascituro desde a concepção. O próprio Código Civil prevê expressamente direitos ao nascituro, como o direito a se beneficiar de doação e herança, o direito ao reconhecimento de paternidade e o direito à curatela. Nas últimas décadas outras leis infraconstitucionais reforçaram a proteção do nascituro, para resguardar direitos próprios do nascituro, entre eles o direito à assistência pré-natal, o direito à saúde e à integridade física e o direito aos alimentos. Não obstante, é costumeira a consciência de que o reconhecimento desses direitos pressupõe a concessão da personalidade civil desde a concepção, visto que a titularidade deles dependeria do gozo pleno da personalidade. Embora, pelo perfil do interesse, não haja óbice ao reconhecimento de situações patrimoniais, existenciais e dúplices, que podem ser titularizadas pelo nascituro, a preocupação do legislador nacional sempre se centrou nos aspectos patrimoniais. Diante da existência de situações jurídicas subjetivas merecedoras de proteção por parte do ordenamento jurídico titularizáveis pelos nascituros, pretende-se identificar e revelar os direitos extrapatrimoniais do ente por nascer como merecedores de tutela no direito brasileiro. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, observada a metodologia do direito civil constitucional, serão examinados os conceitos de nascituro, bem como as teorias existentes sobre os direitos que lhe são assegurados, com vista à possibilidade de proteção de seus direitos existenciais


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The paper describes the architecture of VODIS, a voice operated database inquiry system, and presents some experiments which investigate the effects on performance of varying the level of a priori syntactic constraints. The VODIS system includes a novel mechanism for incorporating context-free grammatical constraints directly into the word recognition algorithm. This allows the degree of a priori constraint to be smoothly varied and provides for the controlled generation of multiple alternatives. The results show that when the spoken input deviates from the predefined task grammar, a combination of weak a priori syntax rules in conjunction with full a posteriori parsing on a lattice of alternative word matches provides the most robust recognition performance. © 1991.


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This paper reports our experiences with a phoneme recognition system for the TIMIT database which uses multiple mixture continuous density monophone HMMs trained using MMI. A comprehensive set of results are presented comparing the ML and MMI training criteria for both diagonal and full covariance models. These results using simple monophone HMMs show clear performance gains achieved by MMI training, and are comparable to the best reported by others including those which use context-dependent models. In addition, the paper discusses a number of performance and implementation issues which are crucial to successful MMI training.


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We propose a novel label processor which can recognize multiple spectral-amplitude-code labels using four-wave-mixing sidebands and selective optical filtering. Ten code-labels x 10 Gbps variable-length packets are transmitted over a 200 km single-hop switched network.


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An increasingly common scenario in building speech synthesis and recognition systems is training on inhomogeneous data. This paper proposes a new framework for estimating hidden Markov models on data containing both multiple speakers and multiple languages. The proposed framework, speaker and language factorization, attempts to factorize speaker-/language-specific characteristics in the data and then model them using separate transforms. Language-specific factors in the data are represented by transforms based on cluster mean interpolation with cluster-dependent decision trees. Acoustic variations caused by speaker characteristics are handled by transforms based on constrained maximum-likelihood linear regression. Experimental results on statistical parametric speech synthesis show that the proposed framework enables data from multiple speakers in different languages to be used to: train a synthesis system; synthesize speech in a language using speaker characteristics estimated in a different language; and adapt to a new language. © 2012 IEEE.


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Visual recognition problems often involve classification of myriads of pixels, across scales, to locate objects of interest in an image or to segment images according to object classes. The requirement for high speed and accuracy makes the problems very challenging and has motivated studies on efficient classification algorithms. A novel multi-classifier boosting algorithm is proposed to tackle the multimodal problems by simultaneously clustering samples and boosting classifiers in Section 2. The method is extended into an online version for object tracking in Section 3. Section 4 presents a tree-structured classifier, called Super tree, to further speed up the classification time of a standard boosting classifier. The proposed methods are demonstrated for object detection, tracking and segmentation tasks. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The visual system must learn to infer the presence of objects and features in the world from the images it encounters, and as such it must, either implicitly or explicitly, model the way these elements interact to create the image. Do the response properties of cells in the mammalian visual system reflect this constraint? To address this question, we constructed a probabilistic model in which the identity and attributes of simple visual elements were represented explicitly and learnt the parameters of this model from unparsed, natural video sequences. After learning, the behaviour and grouping of variables in the probabilistic model corresponded closely to functional and anatomical properties of simple and complex cells in the primary visual cortex (V1). In particular, feature identity variables were activated in a way that resembled the activity of complex cells, while feature attribute variables responded much like simple cells. Furthermore, the grouping of the attributes within the model closely parallelled the reported anatomical grouping of simple cells in cat V1. Thus, this generative model makes explicit an interpretation of complex and simple cells as elements in the segmentation of a visual scene into basic independent features, along with a parametrisation of their moment-by-moment appearances. We speculate that such a segmentation may form the initial stage of a hierarchical system that progressively separates the identity and appearance of more articulated visual elements, culminating in view-invariant object recognition.


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Statistical approaches for building non-rigid deformable models, such as the Active Appearance Model (AAM), have enjoyed great popularity in recent years, but typically require tedious manual annotation of training images. In this paper, a learning based approach for the automatic annotation of visually deformable objects from a single annotated frontal image is presented and demonstrated on the example of automatically annotating face images that can be used for building AAMs for fitting and tracking. This approach employs the idea of initially learning the correspondences between landmarks in a frontal image and a set of training images with a face in arbitrary poses. Using this learner, virtual images of unseen faces at any arbitrary pose for which the learner was trained can be reconstructed by predicting the new landmark locations and warping the texture from the frontal image. View-based AAMs are then built from the virtual images and used for automatically annotating unseen images, including images of different facial expressions, at any random pose within the maximum range spanned by the virtually reconstructed images. The approach is experimentally validated by automatically annotating face images from three different databases. © 2009 IEEE.