940 resultados para Viral load of HIV


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L’obiettivo della tesi è studiare il virus HIV-1 in relazione alle alterazioni sistemiche, riscontrate nel paziente HIV-infetto, in particolare alterazioni a carico del sistema scheletrico, indotte dal virus o dall’azione dei farmaci utilizzati nella terapia antiretrovirale (HAART). L’incidenza dell’osteoporosi nei pazienti HIV-positivi è drammaticamente elevata rispetto alla popolazione sana. Studi clinici hanno evidenziato come alcuni farmaci, ad esempio inibitori della proteasi virale, portino alla compromissione dell’omeostasi ossea, con aumento del rischio fratturativo. Il nostro studio prevede un follow-up di 12 mesi dall’inizio della HAART in una coorte di pazienti naïve, monitorando diversi markers ossei. I risultati ottenuti mostrano un incremento dei markers metabolici del turnover osseo, confermando l’impatto della HAART sull’omeostasi ossea. Successivamente abbiamo focalizzato la nostra attenzione sugli osteoblasti, il citotipo che regola la sintesi di nuova matrice ossea. Gli esperimenti condotti sulla linea HOBIT mettono in evidenza come il trattamento, in particolare con inibitori della proteasi, porti ad apoptosi nel caso in cui vi sia una concentrazione di farmaco maggiore di quella fisiologica. Tuttavia, anche concentrazioni fisiologiche di farmaci possono regolare negativamente alcuni marker ossei, come ALP e osteocalcina. Infine esiste la problematica dell’eradicazione di HIV-1 dai reservoirs virali. La HAART riesce a controllare i livelli viremici, ciononostante diversi studi propongono alcuni citotipi come potenziali reservoir di infezione, vanificando l’effetto della terapia. Abbiamo, perciò, sviluppato un nuovo approccio molecolare all’eradicazione: sfruttare l’enzima virale integrasi per riconoscere in modo selettivo le sequenze LTR virali per colpire il virus integrato. Fondendo integrasi e l’endonucleasi FokI, abbiamo generato diversi cloni. Questi sono stati transfettati stabilmente in cellule Jurkat, suscettibili all’infezione. Una volta infettate, abbiamo ottenuto una significativa riduzione dei markers di infezione. Successivamente la transfezione nella linea linfoblastica 8E5/LAV, che porta integrata nel genoma una copia di HIV, ha dato risultati molto incoraggianti, come la forte riduzione del DNA virale integrato.


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L'infezione da HIV-1 resta ancora oggi una delle principali problematiche nell'ambito della sanità mondiale, con circa 35 milioni di individui infetti in tutto il mondo. L'introduzione della terapia antiretrovirale combinata (cART) ha drasticamente modificato l’evoluzione di questa infezione, che da patologia a sviluppo terminale dopo alcuni anni dalla trasmissione, è diventata una patologia cronica con una lunga aspettativa di vita per i pazienti. Tuttavia, la cART non è in grado di eradicare l’infezione e nei pazienti HIV-infetti trattati è possibile notare un aumento della comparsa di comorbidità, tra le quali le più frequentemente riscontrate sono lesioni al sistema nervoso centrale, ai reni, al tessuto osseo, al fegato e al sistema cardiovascolare. I danni al sistema cardiocircolatorio derivano da una serie di concause virologiche, comportamentali, ambientali e farmacologiche che alterano la parete vascolare, il metabolismo dei lipidi e la regolazione della coagulazione, inducendo la formazione di lesioni strutturali di tipo aterosclerotico che sono alla base dell’aumentata incidenza di infarti, ictus e alterazioni del circolo osservabili nei pazienti HIV-positivi. Dalla recente letteratura è emerso come l’omeostasi del tessuto endoteliale sia regolata anche a livello delle cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) presenti nella parete vascolare. Per questo abbiamo voluto analizzare possibili effetti dell’infezione di HIV, delle sue proteine e di alcune molecole antiretrovirali sulla vitalità e sul differenziamento delle MSC purificate dalla parete arteriosa umana. I risultati ottenuti indicano come l’infezione da HIV e l’azione delle proteine gp120 e Tat attivino il meccanismo di apoptosi nelle MSC e una profonda alterazione nel differenziamento verso la filiera adipocitaria e verso quella endoteliale. Inoltre, alcune molecole ad azione antiretrovirale (in particolare specifici inibitori della proteasi virale) sono in grado bloccare il differenziamento delle MSC verso le cellule endoteliali. Dall’insieme di queste osservazioni emergono nuovi meccanismi patogenetici correlati al danno cardiovascolare riscontrato nei pazienti HIV-positivi.


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La Sindrome da Immunodeficienza Acquisita (AIDS o SIDA) causata da HIV-1 (Virus dell'Immunodeficienza umana) è caratterizzata dalla graduale compromissione del sistema immunitario del soggetto colpito. Le attuali terapie farmacologiche, purtroppo, non riescono a eliminare l'infezione a causa della comparsa di continui ceppi resistenti ai farmaci, e inoltre questi trattamenti non sono in grado di eliminare i reservoir virali latenti e permettere l'eradicazione definitiva del virus dall’organismo. E' in questo ambito che si colloca il progetto a cui ho lavorato principalmente in questi anni, cioè la creazione di una strategia per eradicare il provirus di HIV integrato nel genoma della cellula ospite. L'Integrasi di HIV-1 è un enzima che media l'integrazione del cDNA virale nel genoma della cellula ospite. La nostra idea è stata, quindi, quella di associare all'attività di legame dell'IN stessa, un'attività catalitica. A tal fine abbiamo creato una proteina chimerica costituita da un dominio DNA-binding, dato dall'Integrasi, e da un dominio con attività nucleasica fornito dall'enzima FokI. La chimera ottenuta è stata sottoposta a mutagenesi random mediante UV, ed è stata oggetto di selezione in vivo, al fine di ottenere una chimera capace di riconoscere, specificamente le LTR di HIV-1, e idrolizzare i siti di inserzione. Questo lavoro porterà a definire pertanto se l'IN di HIV può essere riprogrammata a catalizzare una nuova funzione mediante la sostituzione dell'attività del proprio dominio catalitico con quello di FokI.


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Objectives: We assessed mortality associated with immunologic and virologic patterns of response at 6 months of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in HIV-infected individuals from resource-limited countries in Africa and South America. Methods: Patients who initiated HAART between 1996 and 2007, aged 16 years or older, and had at least 1 measurement (HIV-1 RNA plasma viral load or CD4 cell count) at 6 months of therapy (3-9 month window) were included. Therapy response was categorized as complete, discordant (virologic only or immunologic only), and absent. Associations between 6-month response to therapy and all-cause mortality were assessed by Cox proportional hazards regression. Robust standard errors were calculated to account for intrasite correlation. Results: A total of 7160 patients, corresponding to 15,107 person-years, were analyzed. In multivariable analysis adjusted for age at HAART initiation, baseline clinical stage and CD4 cell count, year of HAART initiation, clinic, occurrence of an AIDS-defining condition within the first 6 months of treatment, and discordant and absent responses were associated with increased risk of death. Conclusions: Similar to reports from high-income countries, discordant immunologic and virologic responses were associated with intermediate risk of death compared with complete and no response in this large cohort of HIV-1 patients from resource-limited countries. Our results support a recommendation for wider availability of plasma viral load testing to monitor antiretroviral therapy in these settings.


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Long-term side-effects and cost of HIV treatment motivate the development of simplified maintenance. Monotherapy with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (LPV/r-MT) is the most widely studied strategy. However, efficacy of LPV/r-MT in compartments remains to be shown.


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The M184V mutation decreases the replication capacity of HIV-1. This prospective study aimed to characterize the virologic and immunologic changes during monotherapy with lamivudine (3TC) in patients with limited options for a fully suppressive new therapy.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the role of vocational rehabilitation services in contributing to the goals of the National HIV/AIDS strategy. Three key research questions are addressed: (a) What is the relationship among factors associated with the use of vocational rehabilitation services for people living with HIV/AIDS? (b) Are the factors associated with use of vocational rehabilitation also associated with access to health care, supplemental employment services and reduced risk of HIV transmission? And (c) What unique role does use of vocational rehabilitation services play in access to health care and HIV prevention? Survey research methods were used to collect data from a broad sample of volunteer respondents who represented diverse racial (37% Black, 37% White, 18% Latino, 7% other), gender (65% male, 34% female, 1% transgender) and sexual orientation (48% heterosexual, 44% gay, 8% bisexual) backgrounds. The fit of the final structural equation model was good (root mean square error of approximation = .055, Comparative Fit Index=.953, Tucker Lewis Index=.945). Standardized effects with bootstrap confidence intervals are reported. Overall, the findings support the hypothesis that vocational rehabilitation services can play an important role in health and prevention strategies outlined in the National HIV/AIDS strategy.


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The risk of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is increased in patients infected with HIV-1. We studied the incidence and outcomes of HL, and compared CD4⁺ T-cell trajectories in HL patients and controls matched for duration of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). A total of 40 168 adult HIV-1-infected patients (median age, 36 years; 70% male; median CD4 cell count, 234 cells/μL) from 16 European cohorts were observed during 159 133 person-years; 78 patients developed HL. The incidence was 49.0 (95% confidence interval [CI], 39.3-61.2) per 100,000 person-years, and similar on cART and not on cART (P = .96). The risk of HL declined as the most recent (time-updated) CD4 count increased: the adjusted hazard ratio comparing more than 350 with less than 50 cells/μL was 0.27 (95% CI, 0.08-0.86). Sixty-one HL cases diagnosed on cART were matched to 1652 controls: during the year before diagnosis, cases lost 98 CD4 cells (95% CI, -159 to -36 cells), whereas controls gained 35 cells (95% CI, 24-46 cells; P < .0001). The incidence of HL is not reduced by cART, and patients whose CD4 cell counts decline despite suppression of HIV-1 replication on cART may harbor HL.


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Data on outcomes of antiretroviral treatment (ART) programs in rural sub-Saharan African are scarce. We describe early losses and long-term outcomes in 6 rural programs in Southern Africa with limited access to viral load monitoring and second-line ART.


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Background. Measles control may be more challenging in regions with a high prevalence of HIV infection. HIV-infected children are likely to derive particular benefit from measles vaccines because of an increased risk of severe illness. However, HIV infection can impair vaccine effectiveness and may increase the risk of serious adverse events after receipt of live vaccines. We conducted a systematic review to assess the safety and immunogenicity of measles vaccine in HIV-infected children. Methods. The authors searched 8 databases through 12 February 2009 and reference lists. Study selection and data extraction were conducted in duplicate. Meta-analysis was conducted when appropriate. Results. Thirty-nine studies published from 1987 through 2008 were included. In 19 studies with information about measles vaccine safety, more than half reported no serious adverse events. Among HIV-infected children, 59% (95% confidence intervals [CI], 46–71%) were seropositive after receiving standard-titer measles vaccine at 6 months (1 study), comparable to the proportion of seropositive HIV-infected children vaccinated at 9 (8 studies) and 12 months (10 studies). Among HIV-exposed but uninfected and HIV-unexposed children, the proportion of seropositive children increased with increasing age at vaccination. Fewer HIV-infected children were protected after vaccination at 12 months than HIV-exposed but uninfected children (relative risk, 0.61; 95% CI, .50–.73). Conclusions. Measles vaccines appear to be safe in HIV-infected children, but the evidence is limited. When the burden of measles is high, measles vaccination at 6 months of age is likely to benefit children of HIV-infected women, regardless of the child's HIV infection status.


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High levels of HIV-1 replication during the chronic phase of infection usually correlate with rapid progression to severe immunodeficiency. However, a minority of highly viremic individuals remains asymptomatic and maintains high CD4⁺ T cell counts. This tolerant profile is poorly understood and reminiscent of the widely studied nonprogressive disease model of SIV infection in natural hosts. Here, we identify transcriptome differences between rapid progressors (RPs) and viremic nonprogressors (VNPs) and highlight several genes relevant for the understanding of HIV-1-induced immunosuppression. RPs were characterized by a specific transcriptome profile of CD4⁺ and CD8⁺ T cells similar to that observed in pathogenic SIV-infected rhesus macaques. In contrast, VNPs exhibited lower expression of interferon-stimulated genes and shared a common gene regulation profile with nonpathogenic SIV-infected sooty mangabeys. A short list of genes associated with VNP, including CASP1, CD38, LAG3, TNFSF13B, SOCS1, and EEF1D, showed significant correlation with time to disease progression when evaluated in an independent set of CD4⁺ T cell expression data. This work characterizes 2 minimally studied clinical patterns of progression to AIDS, whose analysis may inform our understanding of HIV pathogenesis.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Sarcoids are nonmetastasising, yet locally aggressive skin tumours that constitute the most frequent neoplasm in equids. Infection by bovine papillomaviruses types 1 and 2 (BPV-1, BPV-2) has been recognised as major causative factor in sarcoid pathogenesis, but a possible correlation of intralesional virus load with disease severity has not been established thus far. HYPOTHESIS: Given the pathogenic role of BPV-1 and BPV-2 in sarcoid disease, we suggest that intralesional viral DNA concentration may reflect the degree of affection. METHODS: Severity of disease was addressed by recording the tumour growth kinetics, lesion number and tumour type for 37 sarcoid-bearing horses and one donkey. Viral load was estimated via quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) of the E2, E5, L1 and L2 genes from the BPV-1/-2 genome for one randomly selected lesion per horse and correlated with disease severity. RESULTS: Quantitative PCR against E2 identified viral DNA concentrations ranging from 0-556 copies/tumour cell. Of 16 horses affected by quiescent, slowly growing single tumours or multiple mild-type lesions, 15 showed a viral load up to 1.4 copies per cell. In stark contrast, all equids (22/22) bearing rapidly growing and/or multiple aggressive sarcoids had a viral load between 3 and 569 copies per cell. Consistent results were obtained with qPCR against E5, L1 and L2. CONCLUSIONS: While tumours of the same clinical type carried variable virus load, confirming that viral titre does not determine clinical appearance, we identified a highly significant correlation between intralesional viral load and disease severity. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The rapid determination of BPV viral load will give a reliable marker for disease severity and may also be considered when establishing a therapeutic strategy.


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Background In HIV-infected patients, prediction of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease remains difficult. A protective role of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and ficolins against CMV disease has been reported after transplantation, but the impact in HIV-infected patients is unclear. Methods In a case-control study nested within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, we investigated associations between plasma levels of MBL/ficolins and CMV disease. We compared HIV-infected patients with CMV disease (cases) to CMV-seropositive patients without CMV disease (controls) matched for CD4 T-cells, sampling time, and use of combination antiretroviral therapy. MBL and M-ficolin, L-ficolin, and H-ficolin were quantified using ELISA. Results We analysed 105 cases and 105 matched controls. CMV disease was neither associated with MBL (odds ratio [OR] 1.03 per log10 ng/mL increase (95% CI 0.73–1.45)) nor with ficolins (OR per log10 ng/mL increase 0.66 (95% CI 0.28–1.52), 2.34 (95% CI 0.44–12.36), and 0.89 (95% CI 0.26–3.03) for M-ficolin, L-ficolin, and H-ficolin, respectively). We found no evidence of a greater association between MBL and CMV disease in patients with low CD4 counts; however in the multivariable analysis, CMV disease was more likely in patients with an increased HIV RNA (OR 1.53 per log10 copies/mL; 95% CI 1.08–2.16), or a shorter duration of HIV-infection (OR 0.91 per year; 95% CI 0.84–0.98). Conclusions CMV disease is not associated with low levels of MBL/ficolins, suggesting a lack of a protective role in HIV-infected patients.


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Antiretroviral therapy (ART) suppresses HIV viraemia, thereby reducing the antigenic drive for T cells to proliferate. Accordingly, selected HIV-specific T-cell responses have been described to contract within weeks of ART initiation. Here, we sought to investigate whether these findings apply to the entire repertoire of HIV-specific T cells.


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Monitoring of renal function becomes increasingly important in the aging population of HIV-1 infected patients. We compared Cockroft & Gault (C&G), Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), Cystatin C- and 24 h urine-based estimated GFR (eGFR) with the gold standard, measured GFR (mGFR) using [125I]-iothalamate.