959 resultados para Viatura Médica de Emergência e Reanimação.


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Considered the disease of the 20th century, the trauma is still the main cause of mortality in the age group of one to forty-four years old in World, and among several possible etiologies, the terrestrial transit accident has a strong impact on these statistics. The operational essentiality of nurses in the organization and integration of this scenario of care to the terrestrial transit casualties and the recognition that the moments after the trauma are decisive in the victim's prognosis, justify this study. Thus, it was sought to evaluate the nurses´care to casualties of land transit in this crucial process in a public hospital in urgent and emergency reference. This is an normative evaluative study with qualitative approach, carried out at the Hospital Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel, located in the municipality of Natal/RN. Data collection occurred in May 2014, with approval of the Ethics Committee in Research (CAAE 27971114.9.0000.5537). The target population of the study were the nurses who work in Politrauma area of the hospital, following the inclusion criteria: agree to be part of the study voluntarily and act in the mentioned area and, as exclusion: allocated professionals in other areas (eventually acting in the area) and professionals on vacation and/or medical license. A semi-structured interview and non-participant observation was held to obtain data submitted subsequently to the technique of Content Analysis based on Bardin. The lack of specific training for trauma care was identified, whose severity can be mitigated with proper and skilled care. Therefore, the urgent need of the nurses' training for qualification of care to the victims of traffic accidents on land was evidenced


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This thesis aims at understanding the aspects related to the concept of humanization that contribute to a humanized education in the pedagogical project of the medicine graduation course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). It has been used a qualitative research through non - structured interviews to six professors and through the focus group technique with participant observation of 30 students of the 2 nd , 4 th and 6 th terms of the med program. The data has been analyzed through the cate gorical thematic subject analysis technique from which two categories have emerged: tendency changes and initial changes. In the former we ’ ve identified aspects related to the social reality based in the experiences of professors and students in their work field; the competencies such as stimulation to the students ’ critical and reflexive knowledge through professors ’ encouragements and learning to learn as a way of developing professors ’ education towards the process of learning and evaluation of students. In the latter, we ’ ve noticed positive and negative aspects. While in the positive aspects we ’ ve testified actions and attitudes that were crucial for the development of the curricular proposals, in the negative ones we ’ ve verified controversial arguments between the students and teachers ’ speeches regarding the process of medical education in a humanized approach. For last, we ’ ve got large different results within the period investigated. However, we understand that the data found in the study has contribu ted to reach the proposed objectives regarding what has been perceived between the professors and students ’ point of views in relation to a humanized based education. Even if it ́s an initial perception, it is moving towards a medical education more humaniz ed and centered in the human being.


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Este estudo de caráter qualitativo, com base em metodologia pesquisa – ação, procurou descrever características funcionais da estratégia de ensino „Imitating Art”, construída com base em métodos de dramatização, solução de problemas e tempestade cerebral e alicerçada no processo de ensino de arte do conhecer, apreciar e fazer arte. Participaram da pesquisa 96 alunos do ensino em saúde com idade média de 21 anos. Com o objetivo de desenhar as características funcionais da estratégia, a mesma foi planejada, descrita, modificada e avaliada em 4 etapas: experimentação, metodização, adequação e replicação. Cada etapa foi verificada a partir de avaliação observacional pelos docentes envolvidos e análise de conteúdo sobre as respostas dos alunos participantes, em instrumento de avaliação próprio. Da fase experimental participaram 14 alunos dos quais 100 % aprovaram a estratégia. A análise de conteúdo mostrou Identificação de ferramentas cognitivas e afetivas (30,6%), características da atividade (22,2%), e mediação de trabalho em grupo (16,7%). A observação identificou ativo trabalho atitudinal em uma dinâmica de grupo criativa. Na fase de metodização participaram 31 alunos, dos quais 96,9% aprovaram a estratégia. Na análise de conteúdo, as ideias mais presentes foram, dificuldades encontradas pelos participantes (28%), identificação de ferramentas cognitivas e afetivas (17,6%), Implicação da estratégia no cotidiano profissional (13,2%) e mediação do trabalho em grupo (13,2%). Na fase de Adequação, participaram 32 alunos, dos quais 90,7% demonstraram aprovação da estratégia. A avaliação dos participantes evidenciou como mais importante a mediação do trabalho em grupo (29,6%), identificação de ferramentas cognitivas e afetivas (21,3%) e características da atividade (19,7%). A fase de replicação teve 19 alunos, dos quais 100% aprovaram a estratégia e cuja avaliação demonstrou principalmente dificuldades encontradas pelo participante (27,8%), mediação do trabalho em grupo (25%) e Habilidade criativa da atividade (22,2%). A avaliação bidimensional mostrou que se constitui como uma estratégia de abordagem ativa e colaborativa, podendo ser usada como instrumento linear de diagnóstico e incremento de competências atitudinais tais como criatividade e trabalho em grupo.


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This dissertation introduces a study that aims to analyze the simulated training of emergency teams and proposes recommendations for the current training system in order to improve the collective skills and resilience of these teams when facing possible critical situations, triggered by possible accident occurrences during aerospace vehicle launching operations in the Barreira do Inferno Launch Center in Parnamirim / RN. This is a field, exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and a case study with a qualitative approach. Therefore, we adopted the ergonomics approach, using the situated method of ergonomic work analysis (AET), combining observational and interactive methods. The relevance of this research is characterized by the contributions to minimize the human and material hazzards resulting from possible accidents in these operations, the scientific contribution of the AET for simulated emergency training analysis in the launching operations of aerospace vehicles - which are complex and involve risk of accidents - and consequently, the scientific contribution to the current process of recovering the Brazilian Space Program. The survey results point to problems of various kinds in the current simulated training system which compromise the safety of the operations. These problems are grouped into four categories: technological, organizational, team training and from the activity itself, regarding more specifically communication and cooperation (among the team members and these ones with other sectors involved in the launching operation) and regarding the coordination of actions. We propose: a) a new training model, from the creation and application of scenarios based on postulated abnormalities, which could simulate real critical situations, in order to train and improve the skills of the emergency response teams especially in terms of communication, coordination and cooperation; b) restructuring and reorganizing the current training system, based on the formal establishment of a managing staff, on the clear division of responsibilities, on the standardization of processes, on the production of management indicators, on the continuous monitoring, on the feedback from trainees about the quality of the training and on the continuing and frequent training of emergency teams.


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In whole world, including in Brazil, there is an absence of professionals who are able to be present at the moment of birth and give to the newborn the cares that they need to because either an absence of opportunity or inappropriate training to those professionals. This master´s thesis describes a construction and application of a neonatal resuscitation course that uses the problem based learning (PBL) methodology. The course has done in two meetings, one for the tutorial session, and another for practice session. The students were divided in groups of eight students each, under supervision of two teachers with experience in PBL methodology. The experience was considered successfully because there were students involvement and motivation. Some course aspects were rebuilt for its upgrading, like the correct use of methodology and building of custom educational material for students learning necessity. It suggests that the course can be used by the medical and nursing schools and perhaps other kind of health courses.


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Objective: Evaluate the determinants of morbidity and mortality in an obstetric intensive care unit and professional medical skills of students/residents at a university hospital. Methods: observational cross - sectional with 492 pregnant/pue rperal women and 261 students/residents. Patients were admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit during a year, being informed about the proposals of the study and a questionnaire was applied. The analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and G raphPad6. Chi - square tests were used to evaluate risk factors and student t test evaluates resident/students' skills concerning the cognitive test and the Mini - Cex. Results: the main risk factors to near miss were: non - white race (OR = 2.527; RR = 2.342) ; marital status(married women) (OR = 7.968; RR = 7.113) , schooling (primary) (OR = 3.177 ; RR = 2.829) , from country town (OR = 4.643 ; RR = 4.087), low income (OR = 7014 ; RR = 5.554) , gestational hypertensive disorders (OR = 16.35 ; RR = 13.27) , re alization of pre - natal (OR = 5.023 ; RR = 4.254) and C - section before labor(OR = 39.21 ; RR = 31.25). In cognitive/Mini - cex analysis were noted significant difference in the performance of students on the subject (3.75 ± 0.93, 4.03 ± 0.94 and 4.88 ± 0.35). We still observed the best performance of residents, when compared to graduation students (p < 0.01). Conclusions: the prevalence of near miss was associated with socioeconomic/clinics factors and care issues, revealing the importance of interventions to improve these indicators. In addition, we suggest a better curriculum insertion of this subject in the medical Course disciplines due the importance to avoid the near miss through of adequacy of medical education.


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Studies have shown that resident informally plays the role of teacher. It is estimated that up to 25% of the residents of the time is devoted to teaching, mainly contributing as a facilitator, however, almost the entire medical residency programs in Brazil did not offer teacher training during residency education. This paper aims to introduce educational content initiation to teaching as part of the training of resident physician inserted in residency program of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). It is an exploratory, descriptive and prospective study in HUOL the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Three steps were developed: preparation and planning of a pedagogic course, associated with a motivating technical content (basic and advanced life support); second stage, testing of pedagogical model for medical students; and finally, replication to residents. The interventions were made two practice stations life support with performance evaluation in practical activity through OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination). The techniques presented teachings were one-minute preceptor and feedback. Data collection was conducted through a structured evaluation form during the life support stations and at the end of the course, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the feedback and one minute preceptor were considered important for teaching and learning for more than 85% of participants. The feedback from evaluators practices stations added information about the performance and were held appreciatively way, according to 100% of the participants. Positive aspects highlighted by the participants were related to educational content, especially the participants of the first intervention. The time of the lectures of motivating technical content was the most repeated negative. Based on the good acceptance of pedagogical contents, this pioneer teacher training strategy was included in the formal residency program in Cardiology of our institution. It is considered therefore that the educational training model with motivating technical content was feasible and had a good evaluation and acceptance by most participants in both interventions. Thus, we believe that the educational content can be inserted in the formal curriculum of medical residency of other programs at HUOL through the training model developed in this study.


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Studies have shown that resident informally plays the role of teacher. It is estimated that up to 25% of the residents of the time is devoted to teaching, mainly contributing as a facilitator, however, almost the entire medical residency programs in Brazil did not offer teacher training during residency education. This paper aims to introduce educational content initiation to teaching as part of the training of resident physician inserted in residency program of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). It is an exploratory, descriptive and prospective study in HUOL the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Three steps were developed: preparation and planning of a pedagogic course, associated with a motivating technical content (basic and advanced life support); second stage, testing of pedagogical model for medical students; and finally, replication to residents. The interventions were made two practice stations life support with performance evaluation in practical activity through OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination). The techniques presented teachings were one-minute preceptor and feedback. Data collection was conducted through a structured evaluation form during the life support stations and at the end of the course, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the feedback and one minute preceptor were considered important for teaching and learning for more than 85% of participants. The feedback from evaluators practices stations added information about the performance and were held appreciatively way, according to 100% of the participants. Positive aspects highlighted by the participants were related to educational content, especially the participants of the first intervention. The time of the lectures of motivating technical content was the most repeated negative. Based on the good acceptance of pedagogical contents, this pioneer teacher training strategy was included in the formal residency program in Cardiology of our institution. It is considered therefore that the educational training model with motivating technical content was feasible and had a good evaluation and acceptance by most participants in both interventions. Thus, we believe that the educational content can be inserted in the formal curriculum of medical residency of other programs at HUOL through the training model developed in this study.


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A residência médica é uma modalidade de ensino de pós-graduação destinada a médicos, funciona em instituições de saúde, sob a orientação de profissionais médicos de elevada qualificação ética e profissional, sendo considerada o “padrão ouro” para a formação do especialista. A utilização do método de avaliação 360 graus na residência médica visa a avaliação integral dos médicos residentes, preenchendo lacunas que a avaliação cognitiva isolada deixa, quando utilizada como método único. Essa avaliação proporciona uma avaliação mais global do médico residente, já que inclui sua autoavaliação, avaliação pelos pares, pacientes e equipe de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi definir instrumentos de avaliação para implementar a avaliação 360 graus no programa de residência médica em cardiologia da UFRN e capacitar os docentes e preceptores do citado programa para avaliação de desempenho clínico do residente. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, prospectivo e descritivo, envolvendo quatro médicos residentes do programa de residência médica de cardiologia e 20 de clínica médica, esses durante o rodízio de cardiologia do programa de residência médica (PRM) em Cardiologia do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), além de 13 preceptores/docentes do PRM em Cardiologia do HUOL. Para implementação do novo modelo avaliativo na residência médica foram programadas três etapas, sendo a primeira a elaboração dos instrumentos de avaliação para a avaliação 360 grus; a segunda, o planejamento e a capacitação dos preceptores do PRM em Cardiologia do HUOL; e a terceira, o início das avaliações 360 graus dos residentes do PRM em Cardiologia e Clínica Médica, durante o período de janeiro de 2014 a março de 2015. Foram avaliados, no total, 24 residentes até o momento, sendo quatro residentes da cardiologia (três residentes do primeiro ano e um residente do segundo ano) e vinte residentes da clínica médica (sendo doze residentes do primeiro ano e oito residentes do segundo ano). Foram realizadas autoavaliações por oito residentes, sendo essas consideradas difíceis pela maioria dos residentes. A avaliação por pares foi realizada por 6 residentes, sendo o desempenho dos pares considerado acima do esperado em todos os itens da avaliação. A avaliação pela equipe de preceptores e equipe multiprofissional com feedback ao final das avaliações mostrou que os residentes de clínica médica do primeiro ano apresentam desempenho acima do esperado em relação ao humanismo, ética e profissionalismo, enquanto os do segundo ano apresentaram desempenho abaixo do esperado no item referente ao exame físico. Quanto aos demais domínios da avaliação todos estiveram dentro do esperado. Dez pacientes avaliaram os oito residentes, sendo tais avaliações positivas no sentido da qualidade da assistência prestada e das informações fornecidas pelos residentes. O método de avaliação 360 graus foi implementado na residência de cardiologia do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes da UFRN, tendo sido realizada em quatro residentes. A maioria dos preceptores e equipe multiprofissional da residência estão capacitados para utilização do método de avaliação.


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Debido a la importancia que supone el estudio de la prensa médica para la historiografía de la medicina y teniendo en cuenta que no son muy numerosos los relativos a la Especialidad de Hidrología Médica hemos estudiado veinte años de los Boletines de la Sociedad Española de Hidrología Médica (B.S.E.H.M) en su cuarta época, desde el año 1986 al 2005. Objetivos Para la elaboración de la presente Memoria nos hemos propuestos los siguientes objetivos: 1) Realizar un estudio descriptivo del Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Hidrología Médica del período comprendido entre los años 1986-2005, correspondientes a su cuarta época. 2) Evaluar su calidad siguiendo las directrices de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT). 3) Realizar un Estudio Bibliométrico de la publicación. 4) Estudiar el desarrollo de la especialidad de Hidrología Médica española durante el período indicado...


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Um Handover é um momento particularmente crítico num serviço de urgência, comprometendo a segurança e a qualidade dos cuidados (Joint Commission Perspectives, 2012). Para averiguar qual a perceção da qualidade e os fatores relacionados com Handover que ocorre numa sala de emergência, entre os enfermeiros e a equipa de assistência pré-hospitalar, validou-se para a população portuguesa o instrumento de medida Handover Quality Rating Form (HQRF) de Manser et al. (2010), construi-se e validou-se para a população portuguesa o instrumento de medida, Importância da Informação Transmitida Durante o Handover (IITDH) e identificaram-se as dificuldades durante o Handover. Desenvolveu-se um estudo quantitativo, transversal e correlacional e aplicou-se um questionário a 143 enfermeiros do serviço de urgência do Centro Hospitalar de Leira e Centro Hospitalar do Oeste. A consistência interna das escalas HQRF-PT e IITDH e ficou demonstrada por um alfa de Cronbach de 0,830. A HQRF-PT apresentou um score médio de 2,19 (DP=0,58). A IITDH demonstrou que todos os itens apresentam importância elevada, com valores médios compreendidos entre 3,25 e 4,92. As dificuldades durante a realização do Handover foram o “ruído”, o “difícil acesso ao relatório escrito da equipa de assistência pré-hospitalar”, a “escuta ativa perante um doente em deterioração” e o “ambiente stressante”. Por fim, concluímos que a qualidade do Handover é tanto maior quanto menor for a pressão do tempo da pessoa que entrega (rho= -0,244; p≤0,01) e da que assume a responsabilidade do doente (rho= -0,188; p≤0,05), da complexidade (rho=-0,166; p≤0,05) e da incerteza da situação (rho= -0,297; p≤0,05), e que existe uma correlação estatisticamente não significativa entre a perceção da qualidade do Handover e a importância da informação transmitida durante o Handover.


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Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico-psicológico argentino entre 1936 y 1954


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Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico-psicológico argentino entre 1936 y 1954