977 resultados para Veterinary therapeutics.


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Establishment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) with Escherichia coli 83972 is a viable prophylactic alternative to antibiotic therapy for the prevention of recurrent bacterial urinary tract infection in humans. Approximately 2 x 108 viable E. coli 83972 cells were introduced into the bladder of six healthy female dogs via a sterile urinary catheter. The presence of pyuria, depression, stranguria, pollakiuria and haematuria was documented for 6 weeks and urinalysis and aerobic bacterial cultures were performed every 24–72 h. Pyuria was present in all dogs on day 1 post-inoculation and 4/6 dogs (67%) had a positive urine culture on this day. Duration of colonization ranged from 0 to 10 days (median 4 days). Four dogs were re-inoculated on day 20. Duration of colonization following the second inoculation ranged from 1 to 3 days. No dog suffered pyrexia or appeared systemically unwell but all dogs initially exhibited mild pollakiuria and a small number displayed gross haematuria and/or stranguria. By day 3 of each trial all clinical signs had resolved. Persistent bacteriuria was not achieved in any dog but two dogs were colonized for 10 days following a single inoculation. Further research is required to determine whether establishment of ABU in dogs with recurrent urinary tract infection is a viable alternative to repeated doses of antimicrobial agents.


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Introduction Student professional identity formation is important for enabling the successful transition between academic education and professional practice. Recognition of this has resulted in significant changes in professional education (e.g., the inclusion of experiential placements and authentic learning experiences). There is limited research that examines how the curricular experience influences pharmacy studentsʼ professional identity formation. Methods Using focus groups, comprising 82 students from all levels of a four-year Australian undergraduate pharmacy course, this study examined studentsʼ perceptions of their overall curricular experience and examined how these experiences influenced the construction of their professional identities. Results Our analysis found that the pharmacy students struggled with their professional identity formation. Many were entering the degree with little understanding of what being a pharmacist entailed. Once in the educational context, the nature of the role became both apparent and idealistic but not enacted. Students experienced dissonance between the idealistic notion of pharmacy practice and the realities of placements, and this may have been enhanced by a lack of patient-centered care role models. This struggle left them concluding that the role of the pharmacist was constrained and limited. Conclusions We argue that professional identity formation needs to be in the foreground from commencement of the degree and throughout the curriculum.


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Background: Pharmacy educators play an important role in supporting the professional identity formation of students, particularly in relation to their perceptions and strategies for the curriculum and subsequent learning experiences. Aim: To explore pharmacy educators’ perceptions of the purpose of the pharmacy curriculum and how they contribute to students’ development as pharmacists. Methods: A one-off survey using a 20-item questionnaire distributed to all pharmacy educators at a single school of pharmacy who contributed to an Australian undergraduate pharmacy degree program. Results: Most educators viewed the curriculum and their role from a traditional perspective. The educators felt the key purpose of the curriculum was to develop competent pharmacists by providing students with knowledge and skills. There was a limited emphasis on patient-centredness. Conclusion: Whilst educators were focused on developing competent pharmacists through the provision of knowledge and skills, important learning opportunities supporting identity formation may be missed.


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Soluble endoglin is an anti-angiogenic protein that is released from the placenta and contributes to both maternal endothelial dysfunction and the clinical features of severe preeclampsia. The mechanism through which soluble endoglin is released from the placenta is currently unknown; however, recent work in colorectal cancer identified matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP-14) as the cleavage protease of endoglin. To determine whether this is also the mechanism responsible for soluble endoglin release in preeclampsia, we investigated the expression of MMP-14 within the placenta and the effects of its inhibition on soluble endoglin release. Placentas were obtained from severe, early onset preeclamptic pregnancies (n = 8) and gestationally matched preterm controls (n = 8). MMP-14 was predominately localized to the syncytiotrophoblast. Results from a proximity ligation assay showed protein interactions between endogenous MMP-14 and endoglin within the preeclamptic placenta. To demonstrate that this interaction produces soluble endoglin, we treated trophoblastic BeWo cells with either a broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor (GM6001) or MMP-14 siRNA. Both treatments produced a decrease in soluble endoglin (P ≤ 0.05). Treatment of mice bearing BeWo xenografts with GM6001 decreased circulating soluble endoglin levels in mouse serum (P ≤ 0.05). These findings indicate that MMP-14 is the likely cleavage protease of endoglin in the setting of preeclampsia. This approach provides a novel method for the development of potential therapeutics to reduce circulating soluble endoglin and ameliorate the clinical features of severe preeclampsia.


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Tissue engineering technologies, which have originally been designed to reconstitute damaged tissue structure and function, can mimic not only tissue regeneration processes but also cancer development and progression. Bioengineered approaches allow cell biologists to develop sophisticated experimentally and physiologically relevant cancer models to recapitulate the complexity of the disease seen in patients. Tissue engineering tools enable three-dimensionality based on the design of biomaterials and scaffolds that re-create the geometry, chemistry, function and signalling milieu of the native tumour microenvironment. Three-dimensional (3D) microenvironments, including cell-derived matrices, biomaterial-based cell culture models and integrated co-cultures with engineered stromal components, are powerful tools to study dynamic processes like proteolytic functions associated with cancer progression, metastasis and resistance to therapeutics. In this review, we discuss how biomimetic strategies can reproduce a humanised niche for human cancer cells, such as peritoneal or bone-like microenvironments, addressing specific aspects of ovarian and prostate cancer progression and therapy response.


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Background/Aims: Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction contribute to cardiovascular disease, prevalent in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Antioxidant supplements such as tocopherols may reduce inflammation and atherosclerosis. This study aimed to investigate the effect of tocopherol supplementation on vascular function, aortic plaque formation, and inflammation in apolipoprotein E−/− mice with 5/6 nephrectomy as a model of combined cardiovascular and kidney disease. Methods: Nephrectomized mice were assigned to a normal chow diet group (normal chow), a group receiving 1000 mg/kg diet of α-tocopherol supplementation or a group receiving 1000 mg/kg diet mixed-tocopherol (60% γ-tocopherol). Results: Following 12 weeks, in vitro aortic endothelial-independent relaxation was enhanced with both α-tocopherol and mixed-tocopherol (P < 0.05), while mixed-tocopherol enhanced aortic contraction at noradrenaline concentrations of 3 × 10−7 M to 3 × 10−5 M (P < 0.05), when compared to normal chow. Supplementation with α- and mixed-tocopherol reduced systemic concentrations of IL-6 (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively) and IL-10 (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively), while α-tocopherol also reduced MCP-1 (P < 0.05) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α (P < 0.05). Aortic sinus plaque area was significantly reduced with α-tocopherol supplementation when compared to normal chow (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Tocopherol supplementation favorably influenced vascular function and cytokine profile, while it was also effective in reducing atherosclerosis in the apolipoprotein E−/− mouse with CKD.


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Pharmacist-administered vaccination is a reality in many counties including USA, Canada, UK, Portugal, Ireland and New Zealand. In Australia the role of pharmacist administered vaccination has long been supported by the profession particularly the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and Pharmacy Guild of Australia, however legislation prohibits this practice in each state and territory. In 2013 the only available in-pharmacy vaccination services are those delivered by an immunization nurse, nurse practitioner or general practitioner.


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In November 2013, the Queensland Department of Health announced its intention to pilot pharmacists vaccination for influenza in the 2014 Flu season. The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Queensland Branch was tasked with development of an appropriate training program for the pilot.


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The Queensland Pharmacist Immunisation Pilot is Australia’s first to allow pharmacists vaccination. The pilot ran between April 1st 2014 and August 31st 2014, with pharmacists administering influenza vaccination during the flu season. METHODS Participant demographics and previous influenza vaccination experiences were recorded using GuildCare software. Participants also completed a ‘post-vaccination satisfaction survey’ following their influenza vaccination. RESULTS A total of 11,475 participant records were analysed. Females accounted for 63% of participants, with the majority of participants aged between 45 – 64 years (53%). Overall, 49% of participants had been vaccinated before, the majority at a GP clinic (60%). Most participants reported receiving their previous influenza vaccination from a nurse (61%). Interestingly, 1% thought a pharmacist had administered their previous vaccination, while 7% were unsure which health professional had administer it. It was also of note that approximately 10% of all participants were eligible to receive a free vaccination from the National Immunisation Program, but still opted to receive their vaccine in a pharmacy. Over 8,000 participants took part in the post-vaccination survey, 93% were happy to receive their vaccination from a pharmacy in the future while 94% would recommend this service to other people. The remaining 7% and 6% respectively had omitted to fill in those questions. DISCUSSION Participants were overwhelmingly positive in their response to the pharmacist vaccination pilot. These findings have helped pave the way for expanding the scope of practice for pharmacists with the aim to increase vaccination rates across the state.


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BACKGROUND Globally there are emerging trends for non-medical health professionals to expand their scope of practice into prescribing. The NPS Prescribing Competencies Framework and the Health Professionals Prescribing Pathway Program are recent initiatives to assist with implementation of prescribing for allied health professionals (AHPs). For AHPs to become prescribers, training programmes must be designed to extend their knowledge of medicines information and medicine management principles with the aim of optimising medicines related outcomes for patients. AIM To explore the understanding and confidence in clinical therapeutic choices for patient management of those AHPs enrolled in the Allied Health Prescribing Training Program Module One: Introduction to clinical therapeutics for prescribers, delivered by Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. METHOD A pre-post survey was developed to explore key themes around understanding and confidence in selecting therapeutic choices for patients with varying complexities of conditions. Data were collected from participants in week one and 13 of the module via an online survey using a five-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Agree (SA) to 5 = Strongly Disagree (SD)). RESULTS In the pre-Module survey the AHPs had a limited degree (D/SD) of understanding and confidence regarding the safe and effective use of medicines and appropriate therapeutic choices for managing patients, particularly with complex patients. This improved significantly in the post Module survey (A/SA).


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Solid medications are often crushed and mixed with food or thickened water to aid drug delivery for those who cannot or prefer not to swallow whole tablets or capsules. Dysphagic patients have the added problem of being unable to safely swallow thin fluids so water thickened with polysaccharides is used to deliver crushed medications and ensure safe swallowing. It is postulated that these polysaccharide systems may restrict drug release by reducing the diffusion of the drug into gastric fluids. METHODS By using a vertical diffusion cell separated with a synthetic membrane, the diffusion of a model drug (atenolol) was studied from a donor system containing the drug dispersed into thickened water with xanthan gum (concentration range from 0.005%-2.2%) into a receptor system containing simulated gastric fluid (SGF) at 37°C. The amount of drug transferred was measured over 8 hours and diffusion coefficients estimated using the Higuchi model approach. RESULTS Atenolol diffusion decreased with increasing xanthan gum concentration up to 1.0%, above which diffusion remained around 300 μ2s-1. The rheological measurements captured the influence of the structure and conformation of the polysaccharide in water on the movement and availability of the drug in SGF. DISCUSSION Dose form administration for dysphagic patients’ needs special attention from general practitioners, pharmacist and patients. Improving drug release of crushed tablets from thickening agents requires a reduction in the diffusion pathway (e.g. by decreasing drop size radius). This approach could make the drug available in SGF in a short time without compromising the mechanical aspects of thickening agents that guarantee safe swallowing.


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Dysphagia, often associated with conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and dementia, causes patients to have difficulty with swallowing food and/or liquids. These patients require their fluids to be thickened using gum-based thickening powders in order to facilitate safe swallowing. These thickened fluids are also used as a vehicle for delivery of crushed medicines. Our in vitro measurements suggest that thickened fluids can delay and reduce the dissolution of a number of medications. This study was conducted to assess the impact of the use of thickened fluids on the clinical pharmacokinetics of oral paracetamol. METHODS 20 Healthy volunteers were administered a single oral dose (1g) of paracetamol as either whole tablets, crushed with water, crushed with semi-solid jam, or crushed with thickened fluid according to a randomised, crossover design. Saliva samples were collected periodically over 8 hr and paracetamol concentration analysed by HPLC-UV. Non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was conducted using Winnonlin®. RESULTS The mean peak concentration (Cmax) of paracetamol ranged between 5.62 – 8.00 μg/mL. Comparison between the crushed paracetamol with thickened water (Level 900) and other treatment options (whole, crushed with water, and crushed with jam) showed there was a significant difference in Cmax at 90% CI (p < 0.05). Also, whole tablet had a significant difference in Cmax between crushed with water and crushed with jam. There was no significant difference in AUC irrespective of the treatment. DISCUSSION The use of thickened water resulted in alteration in the absorption kinetics of paracetamol. Given this interaction, co-administration with thickened fluids may have important clinical implications for medications with a narrow therapeutic index.


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BACKGROUND Prescribing is a complex task, requiring specific knowledge and skills combined with effective, context-specific clinical reasoning. Prescribing errors can result in significant morbidity and mortality. For all professions with prescribing rights, a clear need exists to ensure students graduate with a well-defined set of prescribing skills, which will contribute to competent prescribing. AIM To describe the methods employed to teach and assess the principles of effective prescribing across five non-medical professions at Queensland University of Technology. METHOD The NPS National Prescribing Competencies Framework (PCF) was used as the prescribing standard. A curriculum mapping exercise was undertaken to determine how well the PCF was addressed across the disciplines of paramedic science, pharmacy, podiatry, nurse practitioner and optometry. Identified gaps in teaching and/or assessment were noted. RESULTS Prescribing skills and knowledge are taught and assessed using a range of methods across disciplines. A multi-modal approach is employed by all disciplines. The Pharmacy discipline uses more tutorial sessions to teach prescribing principles and relies less on case studies and clinical appraisal to assess prescribing when compared to other disciplines. Within the pharmacy discipline approximately 90% of the PCF competencies are taught and assessed. This compares favourably with the other disciplines. CONCLUSION Further work is required to establish a practical, effective approach to the assessment of prescribing competence especially between the university and clinical settings. Effective and reliable assessment of prescribing undertaken by students in diverse settings remains challenging.