927 resultados para Vegetable extracts. Corrosion inhibitors. AISI 1020 carbon steel. linear polarization resistence


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The aging behavior of a thermomechanically processed Mo-Al-Nb transformation-induced plasticity steel with ultrafine microstructure was investigated using transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography (APT). Strain aging at 73 K (200 °C) for 1800 seconds led to a significant bake-hardening response (up to 222 MPa). Moreover, aging for 1800 seconds at room temperature after 4 pct pre-strain also revealed a bake-hardening response (~60 MPa). The experimental results showed the formation of carbon Cottrell atmospheres around dislocations and the formation of carbon clusters/fine carbides in the bainitic ferrite during aging. It is proposed that this is associated with the high dislocation density of bainitic ferrite with formation of a complex dislocation substructure after pre-straining and its high average carbon content (~0.35 at. pct). The segregation of carbon and substitutional elements such as Mn and Mo to the retained austenite/bainitic ferrite interface during aging was observed by APT. This segregation is likely to be the preliminary stage for Mo-C particles’ formation. The aging after pre-straining also induced the decomposition of retained austenite with formation of ferrite and carbides.


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Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) is a mechanical peening process used to generate ultrafine grain surfaces on a metal. SMAT was carried out on pure magnesium using different attrition media (zirconia [ZiO2], alumina [Al2O3], and steel balls) to observe the effect on microstructure, surface residual stress, surface composition, and corrosion. Surface contamination from SMAT was characterized using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). The SMAT process produced a refined grain structure on the surface of Mg but resulted in a region of elemental contamination extending ~10 μm into the substrate, regardless of the media used. Consequently, SMAT-treated surfaces showed an increased corrosion rate compared to untreated Mg, primarily through increased cathodic kinetics. This study highlights the issue of contamination resulting from the SMAT process, which is a penalty that accompanies the significant grain refinement of the surface produced by SMAT. This must be considered if attempting to exploit grain refinement for improving corrosion resistance.


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In the present study, copper-bearing low carbon steels were produced by direct strip casting (DSC) method on a pilot scale. The effects of copper on mechanical, microstructural, and recrystallization behavior were investigated. As-cast microstructure mainly consists of polygonal ferrite and Widmanstatten ferrite. The increase in Cu increases the amount of Widmanstatten ferrite and induces the formation of bainite in the as-cast condition. It was found that copper increases strength and hardness by solid solution strengthening, grain refinement, and precipitation hardening and the increment is significant above 1% Cu in as-cast condition. Six different compositions were selected for recrystallization study. All the samples were cold rolled to 70% reduction and annealed at three different temperatures, 600, 650, and 700°C for various times. Recrystallization responses were strongly dependent on initial microstructure and Cu content and the effect is dramatic between 1 and 2% Cu. Recrystallization time and temperature were found to be increased with increase in copper content.


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The demand for high strength materials and improvements in heat treatment techniques has given rise to this new form of high strength steel known as nanobainite steel. The production of nanobainite steel involves slow isothermal holding of austenitic steel around 200oC for 10 days, in order to obtain a carbon enriched austenite and cooling to room temperature using austempering. The microstructure of nanobainite steel is dual phase consisting of alternate layers of bainitic ferrite and austenite. The experimental design consists of face milling under 12 combination of Depth of Cut (DoC)-1, 2 and 3mm; cutting speed-100 and 150m/min; constant feed- 0.15mm/rev and coolant on/off. The machinability of the material is assessed by means of analysis such as metallography and cutting force analysis. The results obtained are used to assess the most favorable condition to machine this new variety of steel. Future work involves study on phase transformation by quantifying the microstructural phase before and after milling using XRD.


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The data is from an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the microstructure of high carbon ‘Wootz’ steel. The objective of the study is to infer an unknown thermomechanical history from observation and analysis of the final microstructure in various ancient artefacts (swords and tools), and then compare the findings with heat treatments of the ancient artefacts and modern attempts at duplication of the structure. Electron backscatter data reveals the orientation relationships between various phases in the material, particularly cementite and ferrite. The dataset is randomly structured and organised. The data is automatically generated by an electron backscattered diffraction system attached to a field emission scanning electron microscope. The dataset uses proprietary software (cannot be copied or distributed without complying with licensing agreements): Oxford HKL Channel 5. As the native formats are binary they cannot be read with standard software.


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Previous studies have shown that cerium diphenyl phosphate (Cedpp) 3 is a very effective inhibitor of corrosion of aluminium alloys in chloride solutions. This paper describes the results of further studies using electrochemical and constant immersion corrosion tests to compare the effectiveness of Ce(dpp) 3 and Mischmetal diphenyl phosphate Mm(dpp) 3 as inhibitors of corrosion pitting on AA7075-T651 aluminium alloy. The results shows that both Ce(dpp) 3 and Mm(dpp) 3 are excellent inhibitors of pitting corrosion of this alloy in very aggressive environments of continuously aerated 0.1M and 1.0M sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions. Polarisation tests indicate that these compounds act as a cathodic inhibitors by reducing the rate of the oxygen reduction reaction, which results in a decreased corrosion current density and a separation of the corrosion potential from the pitting potential. This inhibition is thought to be due to the formation of a surface film consisting of rare earth metal oxide, aluminium oxide and a cerium-aluminium organo-phosphate complex. Surface analysis data from scanning electron microscopy and X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy show the complex nature of this protective film. This work further develops our understanding about the mechanisms through which these complex films form, and how inhibition occurs in the presence of these compounds.


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Replacement of precious Pt catalyst with cost-effective alternatives would be significantly beneficial for hydrogen production via electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). All candidates thus far are exclusively metallic catalysts, which suffer inherent corrosion and oxidation susceptibility during acidic proton-exchange membrane electrolysis. Herein, based on theoretical predictions, we designed and synthesized nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dual-doped graphene as a nonmetallic electrocatalyst for sustainable and efficient hydrogen production. The N and P heteroatoms could coactivate the adjacent C atom in the graphene matrix by affecting its valence orbital energy levels to induce a synergistically enhanced reactivity toward HER. As a result, the dual-doped graphene showed higher electrocatalytic HER activity than single-doped ones and comparable performance to some of the traditional metallic catalysts.


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Different modes of scanning electrochemical mapping (SECM) such as surface generation/tip collection (SG/TC), amperometry, AC-SECM and potentiometry were employed to characterize the active/passive domains, hydrogen gas (H2) evolution and local pH on a corroding surface of AZ31 in simulated biological fluid (SBF). It was found that the main domains of H2 evolution are associated with lower insulating properties of the surface as well as higher local pH. The near surface pH was found to be highly alkaline indicating that, even in a buffered solution such as SBF, the local pH on a corroding AZ31 surface can be significantly different to the bulk pH. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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 Background: Fresh Facts is a 30-day email-delivered intervention designed to increase the fruit and vegetable consumption of Australian young adults. This study investigated the extent to which the program was acceptable to members of the target audience and examined the relationships between participant and intervention characteristics, attrition, effectiveness, and acceptability ratings. Methods: Young adults were randomised to two levels of message frequency: high-frequency (n = 102), low-frequency (n = 173). Individuals in the high-frequency group received daily emails while individuals in the low-frequency group received an email every 3 days. Results: Individuals in the high-frequency group were more likely to indicate that they received too many emails than individuals in the low-frequency group. No other differences in acceptability were observed. Baseline beliefs about fruit and vegetables were an important predictor of intervention acceptability. In turn, acceptability was associated with a number of indicators of intervention success, including change in fruit and vegetable consumption. Conclusions: The findings highlight the importance of considering the relationship between these intervention and participant factors and acceptability in intervention design and evaluation. Results support the ongoing use of email-based interventions to target fruit and vegetable consumption within young adults. However, the relationships between beliefs about fruit and vegetable consumption and acceptability suggest that this intervention may be differentially effective depending on individual's existing beliefs about fruit and vegetable consumption. As such, there is a pressing need to consider these factors in future research in order to minimize attrition and maximize intervention effectiveness when interventions are implemented outside of a research context.


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The mitigation of external corrosion of energy pipelines by a combination of barrier coatings and Cathodic Protection (CP) is not always effective. Even when design specifications are properly met, the shielding of cathodic protection current from reaching steel surface by disbonded barrier coatings, often referred to as cathodic shielding, may lead to severe corrosion problems such as deep pitting, high and near neutral pH Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) and Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC). Unfortunately, current indirect assessment methods used in the pipeline industry have serious difficulties in detecting such corrosion problems. This paper provides a brief review of current techniques and their limitations when being applied under complex buried pipeline environmental conditions. The main purpose is to identify potential methods that could be utilised in the design of new monitoring probes specific for the monitoring of cathodic shielding and corrosion of disbonded coatings in the pipeline industry.


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Steel pipelines, buried under the soil and protected by the combination of protective coatings and cathodic protection (CP), are used for oil and gas transportation. These pipelines are one of the critical infrastructures for energy transportation and therefore became lifelines of modern society. The deterioration of the external surfaces of transmission pipelines is a serious problem and is caused mainly by coating and/or CP failure leading to the loss of integrity of pipelines. To avoid such damage, there is a need of techniques which are able to locate active corrosion sites, monitor corrosion, and evaluate corrosion damage. Fundamental understanding of such processes occurring on coated pipelines (with various types of defects in coatings as well as pipe) in complex soil environment is necessary for the development of such techniques. Numerous laboratory techniques, i.e., electrochemical impedance spectroscopy based, polarisation measurements based, mathematical simulations, direct observation etc. have been used to develop fundamental understanding, simulate and evaluate corrosion occurring in oil and gas pipelines under various operating conditions. Given the complex nature of the pipeline corrosion, application of these laboratory techniques in field measurements as well as in understanding the corrosion mechanisms is lacking. This paper presents an overview of investigations, based on electrochemical techniques, for simulation and evaluation of pipeline corrosion in laboratory.


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 A new method has been developed to measure metal corrosion rates and their distribution under cathodic protection (CP). This method uses an electrochemically integrated multi-electrode array to take local measurements of cathodic current density while simulating a continuous metallic surface. The distribution of cathodic current densities obtained under CP was analyzed to estimate the anodic current component at each electrode of the array. Corrosion patterns determined by this new method have shown good correlation with visual inspection and surface profilometry of the multi-electrode array surface.


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An approach to achieving the ambitious goal of cost effectively extending the safe operation life of energy pipeline to 100 years is the application of health monitoring and life prediction tools that are able to provide both long-term remnant pipeline life prediction and in-situ pipeline condition monitoring. A critical step is the enhancement of technological capabilities that are required for understanding and quantifying the effects of key factors influencing buried steel pipeline corrosion and environmentally assisted materials degradation, and the development of condition monitoring technologies that are able to provide in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline damage. This paper provides an overview of our current research aimed at developing new sensors and electrochemical cells for monitoring, categorising and quantifying the level and nature of external pipeline and coating damages under the combined effects of various inter-related variables and processes such as localised corrosion, coating cracking and disbondment, cathodic shielding, transit loss of cathodic protection.


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This work presents a novel corrosion monitoring probe designed for simulating the conditions developed under disbonded coatings and for measuring current densities and their distribution over a simulated pipeline surface. The probe’s concept was experimentally evaluated via immersion tests under Cathodic Protection (CP) in high resistivity aqueous solution. Under the disbonded area, anodic currents as well as cathodic currents were both measured. Anodic current densities were used to calculate metal losses by means of Faraday’s law. Calculated corrosion patterns were compared with corrosion damage observed at the probe’s surface after a period of test. The probe’s working principles are explained in terms of simple electrochemistry.


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Duplex stainless steels (DSSs) have many advantages due to the unique structural combination of ferrite and austenite grains. The structural change of these materials is very complex during welding, and it deteriorates the functional properties. This research investigates different welding processes such as laser beam, resistance, tungsten inert gas, friction stir, submerged arc, and plasma arc weldings considering the research available in the literature. The welding mechanism, change of material structure, and control parameters have been analyzed for every welding process. This analysis clearly shows that DSS melts in all most all welding processes, but the thermal cycle and maximum heat input are different. This difference affects the resulting structure and functional properties of the weld significantly.