The thermal, mechanical, and adhesive properties of nanoclay-modified adhesives were investigated. Two organically modified montmorillonites: Cloisite 93A (C93A) and Nanomer I.30E (I.30E) were used as reinforcement of an epoxy adhesive. C93A and I.30E are modified with tertiary and primary alkyl ammonium cations, respectively. The aim was to study the influence of the organoclays on the curing, and on the mechanical and adhesive properties of the nanocomposites. A specific goal was to compare their behavior with that of Cloisite30B/epoxy and Cloisite15A/ epoxy nanocomposites that we have previously studied. Both C30B and C15A are modified with quaternary alkyl ammonium cations. Differential scanning calorimetry results showed that the clays accelerate the curing reaction, an effect that is related to the chemical structure of the ammonium cations. The three Cloisite/nanocomposites showed intercalated clay structures,the interlayer distance was independent of the clay content. The I.30E/epoxy nanocomposites presented exfoliated structure due to the catalytic effect of the organic modifier. Clay-epoxy nanocompo-sites showed lower glass transition temperature (Tg) and higher values of storage modulus than neat epoxy thermoset, with no significant differences between exfoliated or intercalated nanocom-posites. The shear strength of aluminum joints using clay/epoxy adhesives was lower than with the neat epoxy adhesive. The wáter aging was less damaging for joints with I.30E/epoxy adhesive.
La presente tesis revisa y analiza algunos aspectos fundamentales relativos al comportamiento de los sensores basados en resonadores piezoeléctricos TSM (Thickness Shear Mode), así como la aplicación de los mismos al estudio y caracterización de dos medios viscoelásticos de gran interés: los fluidos magnetoreológicos y los biofilms microbianos. El funcionamiento de estos sensores está basado en la medida de sus propiedades resonantes, las cuales varían al entrar en contacto con el material que se quiere analizar. Se ha realizado un análisis multifrecuencial, trabajando en varios modos de resonancia del transductor, en algunas aplicaciones incluso de forma simultánea (excitación pulsada). Se han revisado fenómenos como la presencia de microcontactos en la superficie del sensor y la resonancia de capas viscoelásticas de espesor finito, que pueden afectar a los sensores de cuarzo de manera contraria a lo que predice la teoría convencional (Sauerbrey y Kanazawa), pudiéndonos llevar a incrementos positivos de la frecuencia de resonancia. Además, se ha estudiado el efecto de una deposición no uniforme sobre el resonador piezoeléctrico. Para ello se han medido deposiciones de poliuretano, modelándose la respuesta del resonador con estas deposiciones mediante FEM. El modelo numérico permite estudiar el comportamiento del resonador al modificar distintas variables geométricas (espesor, superficie, no uniformidad y zona de deposición) de la capa depositada. Se ha demostrado que para espesores de entre un cuarto y media longitud de onda aproximadamente, una capa viscoelástica no uniforme sobre la superficie del sensor, amplifica el incremento positivo del desplazamiento de la frecuencia de resonancia en relación con una capa uniforme. Se ha analizado también el patrón geométrico de la sensibilidad del sensor, siendo también no uniforme sobre su superficie. Se han aplicado sensores TSM para estudiar los cambios viscoelásticos que se producen en varios fluidos magneto-reológicos (FMR) al aplicarles distintos esfuerzos de cizalla controlados por un reómetro. Se ha podido ver que existe una relación directa entre diversos parámetros reológicos obtenidos con el reómetro (fuerza normal, G’, G’’, velocidad de deformación, esfuerzo de cizalla…) y los parámetros acústicos, caracterizándose los FMR tanto en ausencia de campo magnético, como con campo magnético aplicado a distintas intensidades. Se han estudiado las ventajas que aporta esta técnica de medida sobre la técnica basada en un reómetro comercial, destacando que se consigue caracterizar con mayor detalle algunos aspectos relevantes del fluido como son la deposición de partículas (estabilidad del fluido), el proceso de ruptura de las estructuras formadas en los FMR tanto en presencia como en ausencia de campo magnético y la rigidez de los microcontactos que aparecen entre partículas y superficies. También se han utilizado sensores de cuarzo para monitorear en tiempo real la formación de biofilms de Staphylococcus epidermidis y Eschericia coli sobre los propios resonadores de cristal de cuarzo sin ningún tipo de recubrimiento, realizándose ensayos con cepas que presentan distinta capacidad de producir biofilm. Se mostró que, una vez que se ha producido una primera adhesión homogénea de las bacterias al sustrato, podemos considerar el biofilm como una capa semi-infinita, de la cual el sensor de cuarzo refleja las propiedades viscoelásticas de la región inmediatamente contigua al resonador, no siendo sensible a lo que sucede en estratos superiores del biofilm. Los experimentos han permitido caracterizar el módulo de rigidez complejo de los biofilms a varias frecuencias, mostrándose que el parámetro característico que indica la adhesión de un biofilm tanto en el caso de S. epidermidis como de E. coli, es el incremento de G’ (relacionado con la elasticidad o rigidez de la capa), el cual viene ligado a un incremento de la frecuencia de resonancia del sensor. ABSTRACT This thesis reviews and analyzes some key aspects of the behavior of sensors based on piezoelectric resonators TSM (Thickness Shear Mode) and their applications to the study and characterization in two viscoelastic media of great interest: magnetorheological fluids and microbial biofilms. The operation of these sensors is based on the analysis of their resonant properties that vary in contact with the material to be analyzed. We have made a multi-frequency analysis, working in several modes of resonance of the transducer, in some applications even simultaneously (by impulse excitation). We reviewed some phenomena as the presence of micro-contacts on the sensor surface and the resonance of viscoelastic layers of finite thickness, which can affect quartz sensors contrary to the conventional theory predictions (Sauerbrey and Kanazawa), leading to positive resonant frequency shifts. In addition, we studied the effect of non-uniform deposition on the piezoelectric resonator. Polyurethane stools have been measured, being the resonator response to these depositions modeled by FEM. The numerical model allows studying the behavior of the resonator when different geometric variables (thickness, surface non-uniformity and deposition zone) of the deposited layer are modified. It has been shown that for thicknesses between a quarter and a half of a wavelength approximately, non-uniform deposits on the sensor surface amplify the positive increase of the resonance frequency displacement compared to a uniform layer. The geometric pattern of the sensor sensitivity was also analyzed, being also non-uniform over its surface. TSM sensors have been applied to study the viscoelastic changes occurring in various magneto-rheological fluids (FMR) when subjected to different controlled shear stresses driven by a rheometer. It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between various rheological parameters obtained with the rheometer (normal force, G', G'', stress, shear rate ...) and the acoustic parameters, being the FMR characterized both in the absence of magnetic field, and when the magnetic field was applied at different intensities. We have studied the advantages of this technique over the characterization methods based on commercial rheometers, noting that TSM sensors are more sensitive to some relevant aspects of the fluid as the deposition of particles (fluid stability), the breaking process of the structures formed in the FMR both in the presence and absence of magnetic field, and the rigidity of the micro-contacts appearing between particles and surfaces. TSM sensors have also been used to monitor in real time the formation of biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli on the quartz crystal resonators themselves without any coating, performing tests with strains having different ability to produce biofilm. It was shown that, once a first homogeneous adhesion of bacteria was produced on the substrate, the biofilm can be considered as a semi-infinite layer and the quartz sensor reflects only the viscoelastic properties of the region immediately adjacent to the resonator, not being sensitive to what is happening in upper layers of the biofilm. The experiments allow the evaluation of the biofilm complex stiffness module at various frequencies, showing that the characteristic parameter that indicates the adhesion of a biofilm for the case of both S. epidermidis and E. coli, is an increased G' (related to the elasticity or stiffness of the layer), which is linked to an increase in the resonance frequency of the sensor.
In adhesion, the wetting process depends on three fundamental factors: the surface topography of the adherend, the viscosity of the adhesive, and the surface energy of both. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of viscosity and surface roughness on the wetting and their effect on the bond strength. For this purpose, an acrylic adhesive with different viscosities was synthesized and some properties, such as viscosity and surface tension, were studied before adhesive curing took place. Furthermore, the contact angle and the lap-shear strength were analyzed using aluminum adherends with two different roughnesses. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the effect of the viscosity and the roughness on the joint interface. The results showed that the adhesive exhibits an optimal value of viscosity. Below this value, at low viscosities, the low neoprene content produces poor bond strength due to the reduced toughness of the adhesive. Additionally, it also produces a high shrinkage during curing, which leads to the apparition of residual stresses that weakens the interfacial strength. However, once the optimum value, an increase in the viscosity produces a negative effect on the joint strength as a result of an important decrease in the wettability.
Protein engineering of gluten, the exogenous effector in celiac disease, seeking its detoxification by selective chemical modification of toxic epitopes is a very attractive strategy and promising technology when compared to pharmacological treatment or genetic engineering of wheat. Here we present a simple and efficient chemo-enzymatic methodology that decreases celiac disease toxic epitopes of gluten proteins improving its technological value through microbial transglutaminase-mediated transamidation of glutamine with n-butylamine under reducing conditions. First, we found that using low concentrations of amine-nucleophile under non-reducing conditions, the decrease in toxic epitopes is mainly due to transglutaminase-mediated cross-linking. Second, using high amine nucleophile concentrations protein cross-linking is substantially reduced. Third, reducing conditions increase 7-fold the transamidation reaction further decreasing toxic epitopes amount. Fourth, using n-butylamine improves gluten hydrophobicity that strengthens the gluten network. These results open the possibility of tailoring gluten for producing hypoallergenic flours while still taking advantage of the unique viscoelastic properties of gluten.
Selectins are adhesion molecules that initiate tethering and rolling of leukocytes on the vessel wall. Rolling requires rapid formation and breakage of selectin–ligand bonds that must have mechanical strength to resist premature dissociation by the forces applied in shear flow. P- and L-selectin bind to the N-terminal region of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), a mucin on leukocytes. To define determinants on PSGL-1 that contribute to the kinetic and mechanical properties of bonds with selectins, we compared rolling of transfected preB cells expressing P- or L-selectin on transfected cell monolayers expressing wild-type PSGL-1 or PSGL-1 constructs with substitutions in targeted N-terminal residues. Rolling through P- or L-selectin required a Thr or Ser at a specific position on PSGL-1, the attachment site for an essential O-glycan, but required only one of three nearby Tyr residues, which are sites for Tyr-SO3 formation. The adhesive strengths and numbers of cells rolling through P- or L-selectin were similar on wild-type PSGL-1 and on each of the three PSGL-1 constructs containing only a single Tyr. However, the cells rolled more irregularly on the single-Tyr forms of PSGL-1. Analysis of the lifetimes of transient tethers on limiting densities of PSGL-1 revealed that L-selectin dissociated faster from single-Tyr than wild-type PSGL-1 at all shears examined. In sharp contrast, P-selectin dissociated faster from single-Tyr than wild-type PSGL-1 at higher shear but not at lower shear. Thus, tyrosine replacements in PSGL-1 affect distinct kinetic and mechanical properties of bonds with P- and L-selectin.
O amido é um ingrediente com grande versatilidade de aplicação, e as sementes de jaca, fruto bem difundido, porém pouco aproveitado no Brasil, contêm uma quantidade considerável de amido, sendo ainda fonte de ferro e proteínas. Dessa maneira, os objetivos desse projeto foram a obtenção da farinha de sementes de jaca das variedades mole e dura, a extração do amido utilizando diferentes solventes, e a caracterização de suas propriedades físico-químicas, estruturais e funcionais, bem como a caracterização reológica de dispersões/géis de amido em cisalhamento estacionário e oscilatório. A extração alcalina do amido, além de reduzir significativamente o conteúdo de lipídeos e proteínas, deixando o amido mais puro, promoveu um aumento no teor de amilose e influenciou diretamente as características de inchamento e solubilidade, que apresentaram aumento significativo a partir da temperatura de 70 °C. O aumento da temperatura ocasionou aumento no poder de inchamento e solubilidade, que foi mais pronunciado para a variedade dura, porém esses valores ainda foram considerados baixos (< 17%). Os amidos de sementes de jaca apresentaram grânulos lisos, arredondados e em forma de sino, com formato mais truncado para o amido extraído com hidróxido de sódio. O diâmetro médio dos grânulos de amido foi menor para a extração alcalina, mas sempre com comportamento monomodal. Foi observado um padrão de difração de Raios-X do tipo A para todas as amostras estudadas, e o índice de cristalinidade foi maior para os amidos de sementes de jaca dura, com uma redução estimada em 70% para os amidos obtidos por extração alcalina. A temperatura de gelatinização dos amidos de semente de jaca foi considerada alta (70-100 °C). Os amidos de sementes de jaca dura obtidos na extração com água apresentaram maiores valores de viscosidade de pico e de Breakdown, que representa menor resistência mecânica. A extração com solução de NaOH 0,1 M aumentou a tendência a retrogradação de ~36% (extração aquosa) para 64% e 45% dos amidos de sementes de jaca das variedades mole e dura, respectivamente. Todas as amostras apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico (n < 1) nas concentrações e temperaturas estudadas, e as dispersões e/ou géis de amido obtidos pela extração alcalina com NaOH apresentaram menor tixotropia e maiores valores de viscosidade. Os modelos Lei da Potência e Herschel Bulkley apresentaram ótimos ajustes aos pontos experimentais (R² ~0,998) para as amostras com 2 e 6 % de amido, respectivamente, porém para a concentração de 5%, o melhor modelo foi função da variedade do fruto usado na obtenção do amido. A dependência das propriedades reológicas com a temperatura foi analisada pela equação de Arrhenius e a energia de ativação foi baixa (15-25 kJ/mol). Quanto ao comportamento viscoelástico, as amostras com 5 e 6% de amido apresentaram comportamento de gel fraco e o aumento da concentração desse polissacarídeo produziu um aumento na elasticidade do material. Os módulos de armazenamento (G\') associados à elasticidade do gel de amido aumentaram durante o seu resfriamento nos ensaios de varredura de temperatura, o que pode ser relacionado à recristalização da amilose durante esse processo e mantiveram-se praticamente constantes no aquecimento isotérmico a 80 °C, sugerindo boa estabilidade térmica do gel. A farinha isolada da semente de jaca pode ser considerada fonte de fibras e apresentou elevados teores de proteínas (~14-16%) e ferro (~85-150 mg/kg). A distribuição do tamanho de partículas da farinha apresentou comportamento bimodal, com grânulos arredondados, presença de fibras e uma matriz proteica envolvendo os grânulos de amido. As propriedades de pasta revelaram maior pico de viscosidade para a farinha de semente de jaca mole. As características encontradas sugerem que os amidos de semente de jaca poderiam ser aplicados na produção de filmes biodegradáveis, e a farinha da semente de jaca poderia ser utilizada em substituição parcial à farinha convencional na fabricação de bolos e biscoitos.
The decomposition of azodicarbonamide, used as foaming agent in PVC—plasticizer (1/1) plastisols was studied by DSC. Nineteen different plasticizers, all belonging to the ester family, two being polymeric (polyadipates), were compared. The temperature of maximum decomposition rate (in anisothermal regime at 5 K min−1 scanning rate), ranges between 434 and 452 K. The heat of decomposition ranges between 8.7 and 12.5 J g−1. Some trends of variation of these parameters appear significant and are discussed in terms of solvent (matrix) and viscosity effects on the decomposition reactions. The shear modulus at 1 Hz frequency was determined at the temperature of maximum rate of foaming agent decomposition, and differs significantly from a sample to another. The foam density was determined at ambient temperature and the volume fraction of bubbles was used as criterion to judge the efficiency of the foaming process. The results reveal the existence of an optimal shear modulus of the order of 2 kPa that corresponds roughly to plasticizer molar masses of the order of 450 ± 50 g mol−1. Heavier plasticizers, especially polymeric ones are too difficult to deform. Lighter plasticizers such as diethyl phthalate (DEP) deform too easily and presumably facilitate bubble collapse.
We report the material properties of 26 granular analogue materials used in 14 analogue modelling laboratories. We determined physical characteristics such as bulk density, grain size distribution, and grain shape, and performed ring shear tests to determine friction angles and cohesion, and uniaxial compression tests to evaluate the compaction behaviour. Mean grain size of the materials varied between c. 100 and 400 μm. Analysis of grain shape factors shows that the four different classes of granular materials (14 quartz sands, 5 dyed quartz sands, 4 heavy mineral sands and 3 size fractions of glass beads) can be broadly divided into two groups consisting of 12 angular and 14 rounded materials. Grain shape has an influence on friction angles, with most angular materials having higher internal friction angles (between c. 35° and 40°) than rounded materials, whereas well-rounded glass beads have the lowest internal friction angles (between c. 25° and 30°). We interpret this as an effect of intergranular sliding versus rolling. Most angular materials have also higher basal friction angles (tested for a specific foil) than more rounded materials, suggesting that angular grains scratch and wear the foil. Most materials have an internal cohesion in the order of 20–100 Pa except for well-rounded glass beads, which show a trend towards a quasi-cohesionless (C < 20 Pa) Coulomb-type material. The uniaxial confined compression tests reveal that rounded grains generally show less compaction than angular grains. We interpret this to be related to the initial packing density after sifting, which is higher for rounded grains than for angular grains. Ring-shear test data show that angular grains undergo a longer strain-hardening phase than more rounded materials. This might explain why analogue models consisting of angular grains accommodate deformation in a more distributed manner prior to strain localisation than models consisting of rounded grains.
In order to determine the shear parameters of the forearc sedimentary strata drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186, West Pacific Seismic Network, Japan Trench, eight whole-round samples were selected from different depths in the drilled sections of Sites 1150 and 1151. Whereas Site 1150 lays above the seismically active part of the subduction zone, Site 1151 is situated in an aseismic zone. The aim of the triaxial tests was, apart from determination of the static stress strain behavior of the sediments, to test the hypothesis that the static stress strain parameter could differ for each sites. In order to simulate undrained deformation conditions according to the high clay mineral content of the strata, consolidated undrained shear tests were performed in a triaxial testing setup. Measurements of water content, grain density, organic content, and microtextural investigations under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) accompanied the compression experiments. After the saturation and consolidation stages were completed, failure occurred in the compression stage of the experiments at peak strengths of 280-7278 kPa. The stiffness moduli calculated for each sample from differential stress vs. strain curves show a linear relationship with depth and range between 181 and 5827 kPa. Under the SEM, the artificial fault planes of the tested specimen only show partial alignment of clay minerals because of the high content of microfossils.