971 resultados para VINYL POLYMERIZATION


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The kinetics and mechanisms of ring opening polymerization and copolymerizntion of different cyclic ethers were studied using mainly a cationic system of iinitiation. BF30Et2/ethanediol. The cyclic ethers reacted differently showing that ring strain and basicity are the main driving forces in cationic ring opening polymerizaion. In most cases it was found that the degree of polymerization is controlled kinetically via terminations with the counterion and the monomers, and that the contribution of each type of reaction to the overall termination differs markedly. The Gel permeation chromatography studies showed that the molecular weight distribution of the samples of polyoxetanes were bimodal. This was in accordance with previous work establishing that the cyclic tetramer is found in much higher proportions than any of the other cyclic oligomers. However the molecular weight distribution of the copolymers made from oxetane and THF or from oxetane and oxepane were shown to be unimodal. These observations could be explained by a change in the structure of the growing end involved in the cationic polymerization. In addition crown ethers like dibenzo-crown-6 and compounds such as veratrole are believed to stabilise the propagating end and promote the formation of living polymers from oxetane.


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This thesis is primarily concerned with the synthesis and polymerization of 5-methyl-1;3, 2-dioxathiolan-4-one-2-oxide (lactic acid anhydrosulphite (LAAS)) using anionic initiators under various conditions. Poly(lactic acid) is a biodegradable polymer which finds many uses in biomedical applications such as drug-delivery and wound-support systems. For such applications it is desirable to produce polymers having predictable molecular weight distributions and crystallinity, The use of anionic initiators offers a potential route to the creation of living polymers. The synthesis of LAAS was achieved by means of an established route though the procedure was modified to some extent and a new method of purification of the monomer using copper oxides was introduced, Chromatographic purification methods were also examined but found to be ineffective. An unusual impurity was discovered in some syntheses and this was identified by means of 1H and 13C NMR, elemental analysis and GC-MS. Since poly-α-esters having hydroxyl-bearing substituents might be expected to have high equilibrium water contents and hence low surface tension characteristics which might aid bio-compatibility, synthesis of gluconic acid anhydrosulphite was also attempted and the product characterised by 1H and 13C NMR. The kinetics of the decomposition of lactic acid anhydrosulphite by lithium tert-butoxide in nitrobenzene has been examined by means of gas evolution measurements. The kinetics of the reaction with potassium tert-butoxide (and also sec-butyl lithium) in tetrahydrofuran has been studied using calorimetric techniques. LAAS was block co-polymerized with styrene and also with 1,3-butadiene in tetrahydrofuran (in the latter case a statistical co-polymer was also produced).


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The kinetics and mechanisms of the ring-opening polymerization of oxetane were studied using cationic and coordinated anionic catalysts. The cationic initiators used were BF30Et2!/ethanol, BF30Et2!/ethanediol and BF30Et2/propantriol. Kinetic determinations with the BF30Et2/diol system indicated that a 1: 1 BF3:0H ratio gave the maximum rate of polymerization and this ratio was employed to detenmne the overall rates of polymerization. An overall second-order dependence was obtained when the system involved ethanediol or propantriol as co-catalyst and a 3/2-order dependence with ethanol, in each case the monomer gave a first-order relationship. This suggested that two mechanisms accounted for the cationic polymerization. These mechanisms were investigated and further evidence for these was obtained from the study of the complex formation of BF30Et2 and the co-catalysts by 1H NMR. Molecular weight studies (using size-exclusion chromatography) indicated that the hydroxyl ion acted as a chain transfer reagent when the [OH] > [BF3]. A linear relationship was observed when the number average molecular weight was plotted against [oxetane] at constant [BF3:0H], and similarly a linear dependency was observed on the BF3:0H 1:1 adduct at constant oxetane concentration. Copolymerization of oxetane and THF was carried out using BF30Et2/ethanol system. The reactivity ratios were calculated as rOXT = 1.2 ± 0.30 and rTHF = 0.14 ± 0.03. These copolymers were random copolymers with no evidence of oligomer formation. The coordinated anionic catalyst, porphinato-aluminium chloride [(TPP)AICl], was used to produce a living polymerization of oxetane. An overall third-order kinetics was obtained, with a second-order with respect to the [(TPP)AICl] and a first-order with respect to the [oxetane] and a mechanism was postulated using these results. The stereochemistry of [(TPP)AlCl] catalyst was investigated using cyclohexene and cyclopentene oxide monomers, using extensive 1H NMR, 2-D COSY and decoupling NMR techniques it was concluded that [(TPP)AlCl] gave rise to stereoregular polymers.


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Controlled polymerization of 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene using reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization has been demonstrated for the first time. 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene, more commonly known as chloroprene, has significant industrial relevance as a crosslinked rubber, with uses ranging from adhesives to integral automotive components. However, problems surrounding the inherent toxicity of the lifecycle of the thiourea-vulcanized rubber have led to the need for control over the synthesis of poly(2-chloro-1,3-butadiene). To this end, four chain transfer agents in two different solvents have been trialed and the kinetics are discussed. 2-Cyano-2-propylbenzodithioate (CPD) is shown to polymerize 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene in THF, using AIBN as an initiator, with complete control over the target molecular weight, producing polymers with low polydispersities (Mw/Mn < 1.25 in all cases).


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We have used neutron reflectometry to characterize the swelling behaviour of brushes of poly[2-(diethyl amino)ethyl methacrylate], a polybase, as a function of pH. The brushes, synthesized by the "grafting from" method of atom transfer radical polymerization, were observed to approximately double their thickness in low pH solutions, although the pK is shifted to a lower pH than in dilute solution. The composition-depth profile obtained from the reflectometry experiments for the swollen brushes reveals a region depleted in polymer between the substrate and the extended part of the brush.


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Poly(styrene)-block-poly(2-vinyl pyridine)-block-poly(styrene) (PS-b-P2VP-b-PS) triblock copolymers were synthesised by anionic polymerisation. Thick films were cast from solution and their structure analysed by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Longer annealing times led to more ordered structures whereas short evaporation times effectively "lock" the polymer chains in a disordered state by vitrification. Well-ordered structures not only provide an isotropic network, which reduces localised stress within the material, but are also essential for fundamental studies of soft matter because their activity on the molecular scale must be analysed and understood prior to their use in technological applications. Well-characterised PS-b-P2VP-b-PS materials have been coupled to a pH-oscillating reaction and their potential application as responsive actuators is discussed. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Incorporation of catechols into polymers has long been of interest due to their ability to chelate heavy metals and their use in the design of adhesives, metal-polymer nanocomposites, antifouling coatings, and so on. This paper reports, for the first time, the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization of a protected catechol-inspired monomer, 3,4-dimethoxystyrene (DMS), using commercially available trithiocarbonate, 2-(dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio)-2-methylpropionic acid (DDMAT), as a chain transfer agent. Our identified RAFT system produces well-defined polymers across a range of molecular weights (5-50 kg/mol) with low molar mass dispersities (Mw/Mn < 1.3). Subsequent facile demethylation of poly(3,4-dimethoxystyrene) (PDMS) yields poly(3,4-dihydroxystyrene) (PDHS), a catechol-bearing polymer, in quantitative yields. Semiquantitative zinc binding capacity analysis of both polymers using SEM/EDXA has demonstrated that both PDMS and PDHS have considerable surface binding (65% and 87%, respectively), although the films deposited from PDMS are of a better quality and processability due to solubility and lower processing temperatures. © 2014 American Chemical Society.


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The activation-deactivation pseudo-equilibrium coefficient Qt and constant K0 (=Qt x PaT1,t = ([A1]x[Ox])/([T1]x[T])) as well as the factor of activation (PaT1,t) and rate constants of elementary steps reactions that govern the increase of Mn with conversion in controlled cationic ring-opening polymerization of oxetane (Ox) in 1,4-dioxane (1,4-D) and in tetrahydropyran (THP) (i.e. cyclic ethers which have no homopolymerizability (T)) were determined using terminal-model kinetics. We show analytically that the dynamic behavior of the two growing species (A1 and T1) competing for the same resources (Ox and T) follows a Lotka-Volterra model of predator-prey interactions. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to produce both adenosine and L-homocysteine and is a feedback inhibitor of S-adenosyl- L-methionine (SAM). Nucleoside analogues bearing an alkenyl or fluoroalkenyl chain between sulfur and C5' utilizing Negishi coupling reactions were synthesized. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling between the 5'-deoxy-5'-(iodomethylene) nucleosides and alkylzinc bromides gives analogues with the alkenyl unit. Palladium-catalyzed selective monoalkylation of 5'-(bromofluoromethylene)-5'-deoxy-adenosine with alkylzinc bromide afford adenosylhomocysteine analogues with a 6'-(fluoro)vinyl motif. The vinylic adenine nucleosides produced time-dependent inactivation of the S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolases. Stannydesulfonylation reaction is a critical step in the synthesis of E-fluorovinyl cytidine (Tezacitabine) a ribonucleoside reductase inhibitor with a potent anticancer activity. The synthesis involves the removal of the sulfonyl group by a radical-mediated stannyldesulfonylation reaction using tributyltin hydride. In order to eliminate the toxicity of tin, I developed a radical-mediated germyldesulonylation utilizing less toxic germane hydrides. Treatment of the protected (E)-5'-deoxy-5'-[(p-toluenesulfonyl)-methylene]uridine and adenosine derivatives with tributyl- or triphenylgermane hydride effected radical-mediated germyldesulfonylations to give 5'-(tributyl- or triphenylgermyl)methylene-5'-deoxynucleoside derivatives as single (E)-isomers. Analogous treatment of 2'-deoxy-2'-[(phenylsulfonyl)methylene]uridine with Ph3GeH afforded the corresponding vinyl triphenylgermane product. Stereoselective halodegermylation of the (E)-5'-(tributylgermyl)-methylene-5'-deoxy nucleosides with NIS or NBS provided the Wittig-type (E)-5'-deoxy-5'-(halomethylene) nucleosides quantitatively. Radical-mediated thiodesulfonylation of the readily available vinyl and (α-fluoro) vinyl sulfones with aryl thiols in organic or aqueous medium to provide a bench and environmentally friendly protocol to access (α-fluoro)vinyl sulfides were developed. Methylation of the vinyl or (α-fluoro)vinyl phenyl sulfide gave access to the corresponding vinyl or (α-fluoro)vinyl sulfonium salts. These sulfonium ions were tested as possible methyl group donors during reactions with thiols, phenols or amino groups which are commonly present in natural amino acids.


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Although group 14 organometallic compounds (Si, Sn) have been well developed as transmetallation reagents in cross-coupling reactions, the application of organogermanium compounds as cross-coupling reagents is still a relatively new area with few papers published. This study aimed to develop methods for the synthesis of new classes of vinyl germane and vinyl silane compounds, mainly Z and E tris(trimethylsilyl)germanes and silanes, which were then applied to Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings with aryl and alkenyl halides. The stereoselective radical-mediated desulfonylation of vinyl sulfones with tris(trimethyl)germanium or silane hydrides provided access to the synthesis of trans vinyl germanes or silanes. Alternatively hydrogermylation or hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes gave cis vinyl germanes or silanes. The application of these new classes of organometallic compounds in cross-coupling reactions with various aryl and alkenyl halides under aqueous [NaOH/H2O2/Pd(PPh 3)4] and anhydrous [KH/t-BuOOH/Pd(PPh 3)4] oxidative conditions were investigated. ^ It was found that the vinyl tris(trimethylsilyl)germanes successfully underwent Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings with aryl and alkenyl halides and aryl triflates under aqueous and anhydrous oxidative conditions. These procedures provided examples of "ligand-free" Pd-catalyzed coupling of organogermanes with aryl and alkenyl halides. Interestingly, couplings with fluorinated vinyl germanes appeared to occur more easily than with the corresponding (α-fluoro)vinyl stannanes and silanes since neither addition of an extra ligand nor activation with fluoride was necessary. The vinyl tris(trimethyl)silanes were found to be alternative substrates for the Hiyama reaction. The coupling of TTMS-silanes with various aryl, heteroaryl as well as alkenyl halides proceeded smoothly upon treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of sodium hydroxide and fluoride ion. ^


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The use of DNA as a polymeric building material transcends its function in biology and is exciting in bionanotechnology for applications ranging from biosensing, to diagnostics, and to targeted drug delivery. These applications are enabled by DNA’s unique structural and chemical properties, embodied as a directional polyanion that exhibits molecular recognition capabilities. Hence, the efficient and precise synthesis of high molecular weight DNA materials has become key to advance DNA bionanotechnology. Current synthesis methods largely rely on either solid phase chemical synthesis or template-dependent polymerase amplification. The inherent step-by-step fashion of solid phase synthesis limits the length of the resulting DNA to typically less than 150 nucleotides. In contrast, polymerase based enzymatic synthesis methods (e.g., polymerase chain reaction) are not limited by product length, but require a DNA template to guide the synthesis. Furthermore, advanced DNA bionanotechnology requires tailorable structural and self-assembly properties. Current synthesis methods, however, often involve multiple conjugating reactions and extensive purification steps.

The research described in this dissertation aims to develop a facile method to synthesize high molecular weight, single stranded DNA (or polynucleotide) with versatile functionalities. We exploit the ability of a template-independent DNA polymerase−terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to catalyze the polymerization of 2’-deoxyribonucleoside 5’-triphosphates (dNTP, monomer) from the 3’-hydroxyl group of an oligodeoxyribonucleotide (initiator). We termed this enzymatic synthesis method: TdT catalyzed enzymatic polymerization, or TcEP.

Specifically, this dissertation is structured to address three specific research aims. With the objective to generate high molecular weight polynucleotides, Specific Aim 1 studies the reaction kinetics of TcEP by investigating the polymerization of 2’-deoxythymidine 5’-triphosphates (monomer) from the 3’-hydroxyl group of oligodeoxyribothymidine (initiator) using in situ 1H NMR and fluorescent gel electrophoresis. We found that TcEP kinetics follows the “living” chain-growth polycondensation mechanism, and like in “living” polymerizations, the molecular weight of the final product is determined by the starting molar ratio of monomer to initiator. The distribution of the molecular weight is crucially influenced by the molar ratio of initiator to TdT. We developed a reaction kinetics model that allows us to quantitatively describe the reaction and predict the molecular weight of the reaction products.

Specific Aim 2 further explores TcEP’s ability to transcend homo-polynucleotide synthesis by varying the choices of initiators and monomers. We investigated the effects of initiator length and sequence on TcEP, and found that the minimum length of an effective initiator should be 10 nucleotides and that the formation of secondary structures close to the 3’-hydroxyl group can impede the polymerization reaction. We also demonstrated TcEP’s capacity to incorporate a wide range of unnatural dNTPs into the growing chain, such as, hydrophobic fluorescent dNTP and fluoro modified dNTP. By harnessing the encoded nucleotide sequence of an initiator and the chemical diversity of monomers, TcEP enables us to introduce molecular recognition capabilities and chemical functionalities on the 5’-terminus and 3’-terminus, respectively.

Building on TcEP’s synthesis capacities, in Specific Aim 3 we invented a two-step strategy to synthesize diblock amphiphilic polynucleotides, in which the first, hydrophilic block serves as a macro-initiator for the growth of the second block, comprised of natural and/or unnatural nucleotides. By tuning the hydrophilic length, we synthesized the amphiphilic diblock polynucleotides that can self-assemble into micellar structures ranging from star-like to crew-cut morphologies. The observed self-assembly behaviors agree with predictions from dissipative particle dynamics simulations as well as scaling law for polyelectrolyte block copolymers.

In summary, we developed an enzymatic synthesis method (i.e., TcEP) that enables the facile synthesis of high molecular weight polynucleotides with low polydispersity. Although we can control the nucleotide sequence only to a limited extent, TcEP offers a method to integrate an oligodeoxyribonucleotide with specific sequence at the 5’-terminus and to incorporate functional groups along the growing chains simultaneously. Additionally, we used TcEP to synthesize amphiphilic polynucleotides that display self-assemble ability. We anticipate that our facile synthesis method will not only advance molecular biology, but also invigorate materials science and bionanotechnology.


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Ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) is a variant of olefin metathesis used to polymerize strained cyclic olefins. Ruthenium-based Grubbs’ catalysts are widely used in ROMP to produce industrially important products. While highly efficient in organic solvents such as dichloromethane and toluene, these hydrophobic catalysts are not typically applied in aqueous systems. With the advancements in emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization, it is promising to conduct ROMP in an aqueous dispersed phase to generate well-defined latex nanoparticles while improving heat transfer and reducing the use of volatile organic solvents (VOCs). Herein I report the efforts made using a PEGylated ruthenium alkylidene as the catalyst to initiate ROMP in an oil-in-water miniemulsion. 1H NMR revealed that the synthesized PEGylated catalyst was stable and reactive in water. Using 1,5-cyclooctadiene (COD) as monomer, we showed the highly efficient catalyst yielded colloidally stable polymer latexes with ~ 100% conversion at room temperature. Kinetic studies demonstrated first-order kinetics with good livingness as confirmed by the shift of gel permeation chromatography (GPC) traces. Depending on the surfactants used, the particle sizes ranged from 100 to 300 nm with monomodal distributions. The more strained cyclic olefin norbornene (NB) could also be efficiently polymerized with a PEGylated ruthenium alkylidene in miniemulsion to full conversion and with minimal coagulum formation.