878 resultados para Usina Termelétrica Santana - AP


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Early afterdepolarizations (EADs), which are abnormal oscillations of the membrane potential at the plateau phase of an action potential, are implicated in the development of cardiac arrhythmias like Torsade de Pointes. We carry out extensive numerical simulations of the TP06 and ORd mathematical models for human ventricular cells with EADs. We investigate the different regimes in both these models, namely, the parameter regimes where they exhibit (1) a normal action potential (AP) with no EADs, (2) an AP with EADs, and (3) an AP with EADs that does not go back to the resting potential. We also study the dependence of EADs on the rate of at which we pace a cell, with the specific goal of elucidating EADs that are induced by slow or fast rate pacing. In our simulations in two-and three-dimensional domains, in the presence of EADs, we find the following wave types: (A) waves driven by the fast sodium current and the L-type calcium current (Na-Ca-mediated waves); (B) waves driven only by the L-type calcium current (Ca-mediated waves); (C) phase waves, which are pseudo-travelling waves. Furthermore, we compare the wave patterns of the various wave-types (Na-Ca-mediated, Ca-mediated, and phase waves) in both these models. We find that the two models produce qualitatively similar results in terms of exhibiting Na-Ca-mediated wave patterns that are more chaotic than those for the Ca-mediated and phase waves. However, there are quantitative differences in the wave patterns of each wave type. The Na-Ca-mediated waves in the ORd model show short-lived spirals but the TP06 model does not. The TP06 model supports more Ca-mediated spirals than those in the ORd model, and the TP06 model exhibits more phase-wave patterns than does the ORd model.


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This paper reports microwave spectroscopic and theoretical investigations on the interaction of water with hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). The HFIP monomer can exist in two conformations, antiperiplanar (AP) and synclinical (SC). The former is about 5 kJ mol(-1) more stable than the latter. Theoretical calculations predicted three potential minima for the complex, two having AP and one having SC conformations. Though, the binding energy for the HFIP(SC)...H2O turned out to be larger than that for the other two conformers having HFIP in the AP form, the global minimum for the complex in the potential energy hypersurface had HFIP in the AP form. Experimental rotational constants for four isotopologues measured using a pulsed nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer, correspond to the global minimum in the potential energy hypersurface. The structural parameters and the internal dynamics of the complex could be determined from the rotational spectra of the four isotopologues. The global minimum has the HFIP(AP) as a hydrogen bond donor forming a strong hydrogen bond with H2O. To characterize the strength of the bonding and to probe the other interactions within the complex, atoms in molecules, non-covalent interaction index and natural bond orbital theoretical analyses have been performed.


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The present immuno-diagnostic method using soluble antigens from whole cell lysate antigen for trypanosomosis have certain inherent problems like lack of standardized and reproducible antigens, as well as ethical issues due to in vivo production, that could be alleviated by in vitro production. In the present study we have identified heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) from T. evansi proteome. The nucleotide sequence of T. evansi HSP70 was 2116 bp, which encodes 690 amino acid residues. The phylogenetic analysis of T. evansi HSP70 showed that T. evansi occurred within Trypanosoma clade and is most closely related to T. brucei brucei and T. brucei gambiense, whereas T. congolense HSP70 laid in separate clade. The two partial HSP70 sequences (HSP-1 from N-terminal region and HSP-2 from C-terminal region) were expressed and evaluated as diagnostic antigens using experimentally infected equine serum samples. Both recombinant proteins detected antibody in immunoblot using serum samples from experimental infected donkeys with T. evansi. Recombinant HSP-2 showed comparable antibody response to Whole cell lysate (WCL) antigen in immunoblot and ELISA. The initial results indicated that HSP70 has potential to detect the T. evansi infection and needs further validation on large set of equine serum samples.


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When spatial boundaries are inserted, supersymmetry (SUSY) can be broken. We have shown that in an N = 2 supersymmetric theory, all local boundary conditions allowed by self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian break N = 2 SUSY, while only a few of these boundary conditions preserve N = 1 SUSY. We have also shown that for a subset of the boundary conditions compatible with N = 1 SUSY, there exist fermionic ground states which are localized near the boundary. We also show that only very few nonlocal boundary conditions like periodic boundary conditions preserve full N = 2 supersymmetry, but none of them exhibits edge states.


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Body mass index (BMI) is a non-invasive measurement of obesity. It is commonly used for assessing adiposity and obesity-related risk prediction. Genetic differences between ethnic groups are important factors, which contribute to the variation in phenotypic effects. India inhabited by the first out-of-Africa human population and the contemporary Indian populations are admixture of two ancestral populations; ancestral north Indians (ANI) and ancestral south Indians (ASI). Although ANI are related to Europeans, ASI are not related to any group outside Indian-subcontinent. Hence, we expect novel genetic loci associated with BMI. In association analysis, we found eight genic SNPs in extreme of distribution (P <= 3.75 x 10(-5)), of which WWOX has already been reported to be associated with obesity-related traits hence excluded from further study. Interestingly, we observed rs1526538, an intronic SNP of THSD7A; a novel gene significantly associated with obesity (P = 2.88 x 10(-5), 8.922 x 10(-6) and 2.504 x 10(-9) in discovery, replication and combined stages, respectively). THSD7A is neural N-glycoprotein, which promotes angiogenesis and it is well known that angiogenesis modulates obesity, adipose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, hence our result find a correlation. This information can be used for drug target, early diagnosis of obesity and treatment.


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Speech polarity detection is a crucial first step in many speech processing techniques. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed that improvises the existing technique using the skewness of the voice source (VS) signal. Here, the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) is used as the VS estimate, which is obtained using linear prediction on long-term frames of the low-pass filtered speech signal. This excludes the unvoiced regions from analysis and also reduces the computation. Further, a modified skewness measure is proposed for decision, which also considers the magnitude of the skewness of the ILPR along with its sign. With the detection error rate (DER) as the performance metric, the algorithm is tested on 8 large databases and its performance (DER=0.20%) is found to be comparable to that of the best technique (DER=0.06%) on both clean and noisy speech. Further, the proposed method is found to be ten times faster than the best technique.


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In this paper, a methodology to reduce composite structure maintenance operational cost using SHM systems is adressed. Based on SHM real-time data, in-service structure lifetime prognostic and remaining useful lifetime (RUL) can be performed. Maintenance timetable can be therefore predicted by optimizing inspection times. A probabilistic ap-proach is combined with phenomenological fatigue damage models for composite mate-rials to perform maintenance cost-effectiveness of composite structure. A Monte Carlo method is used to estimate the probability of failure of composite structures and com-pute the average number of composite structure components to be replaced over the component lifetime. The replacement frequency of a given structure component over the aircraft lifetime is assessed. A first application of aeronautical composite structure maintenance is considered. Two composite models to predict the fatigue life and several laminates have been used. Our study shows that maintenance cost-effectiveness depends on material and fatigue loading applied.


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Melanosomes are a type of lysosome-related organelle that is commonly defective in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Biogenesis of melanosomes is regulated by BLOC-1, -2, -3, or AP-1, -3 complexes, which mediate cargo transport from recycling endosomes to melanosomes. Although several Rab GTPases have been shown to regulate these trafficking steps, the precise role of Rab9A remains unknown. Here, we found that a cohort of Rab9A associates with the melanosomes and its knockdown in melanocytes results in hypopigmented melanosomes due to mistargeting of melanosomal proteins to lysosomes. In addition, the Rab9A-depletion phenotype resembles Rab38/ 32-inactivated or BLOC-3-deficient melanocytes, suggesting that Rab9A works in line with BLOC-3 and Rab38/ 32 during melanosome cargo transport. Furthermore, silencing of Rab9A, Rab38/ 32 or its effector VARP, or BLOC-3-deficiency in melanocytes decreased the length of STX13-positive recycling endosomal tubules and targeted the SNARE to lysosomes. This result indicates a defect in directing recycling endosomal tubules to melanosomes. Thus, Rab9A and its co-regulatory GTPases control STX13-mediated cargo delivery to maturing melanosomes.


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Algorithms for extracting epochs or glottal closure instants (GCIs) from voiced speech typically fall into two categories: i) ones which operate on linear prediction residual (LPR) and ii) those which operate directly on the speech signal. While the former class of algorithms (such as YAGA and DPI) tend to be more accurate, the latter ones (such as ZFR and SEDREAMS) tend to be more noise-robust. In this letter, a temporal measure termed the cumulative impulse strength is proposed for locating the impulses in a quasi-periodic impulse-sequence embedded in noise. Subsequently, it is applied for detecting the GCIs from the inverted integrated LPR using a recursive algorithm. Experiments on two large corpora of speech with simultaneous electroglottographic recordings demonstrate that the proposed method is more robust to additive noise than the state-of-the-art algorithms, despite operating on the LPR.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en base a los registros productivos y reproductivos del hato Holstein. Friesian Canadiense existente en el distrito tres de la Empresa Genética "Roberto Alvarado" (Chiltepe); ubicada en el Departamento de Managua, Nicaragua, a una latitud 12º 14' y una longitud de 86º 25' y a una elevación promedio de 49 msnm, con una temperatura promedio anual de 28.43°C, humedad relativa promedio anual 68.38% y una precipitación promedio anual de 87.72 mm. distribuida en dos épocas: Época lluviosa (Mayo - Octubre ) y época seca (Noviembre - Abril). A partir de la información proporcionada se evaluó el efecto de distintos factores ambientales : número de partos (NUMPA), época de parto (EPOCA) y año de parto (AP); sobre las variables productivas y reproductivas: producción de leche total (PLT), duración de la lactancia (DL), producción de leche diaria (PLD), intervalo entre partos (IEP) y producción de leche por día de intervalo entre partos (PLDIEP), las cuales resultaron todas altamente significativas (P < 0.01), considerando para la variable PLT el efecto de la covariable DL con Numpa. También se caracterizó el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo del hato, basado en el cálculo de los promedios de mínimos cuadrados de las características productivas y reproductivas en los diferentes niveles de cada uno de los factores estudiados, resultando promedios generales de: PLT 3,207.53 ± 54.37 Kg., DL 321.98 ± 3.89 días, PLD 10.67 ± 0.17 Kg., IEP 468;63 ± 4.29 días y PLDIEP 7.51 ± 0.14 Kg. Además se estimaron las correlaciones lineales fenotípicas entre las variables y los factores NUMPA y EPAR , resultando entre ellos los valores más altos para: EPAR -NUMPA (r= + 0.96), DL - IEP (r= + 0.80), PLD - PLDIEP (r= + 0.80), PLT - PLDIEP (r= + 0.76) y valores absolutos para r más bajos entre NUMPA - PLDIEP (r= + 0.18), NUMPA - PLT (r= -0.19), NUMPA - PLD (r= + 0.23) y EPAR - PLT (r= - 0.21).


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Con el propósito de evaluar el intervalo entre partos (IEP), producción de leche por día (PLDk) y composición de la leche en contenidos de grasa (FATT), proteína (PROTT), lactosa (LACTT), materia seca (DRYMT) y sólidos no gras os (SNFT) en genotipos lecheros (Holstein, Pardo suizo, Jersey y cruces entre estos y con Brahman) de la Finca Las Mercedes de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, manejado intensivamente, se utilizó información de producción del periodo 2005 – 2007, intervalo entre partos (IEP), pesajes de leche por día (diciembre 2005 a Junio 2007) y sus respectivos análisis de composición. Los análisis se efectuaron mediante modelos aditivos lineales que incluyeron efectos fijos de grupo racial (GR), año de parto (AP), númer o de parto (NP), época de parto (EP), periodo de lactancia (PLAC) y sexo de la cría (SC) e interacciones importantes. Para IEP, fueron importantes solamente las interacciones GRxAP (P<0.02), GRxEP (P<0.01) y NP x EP (P<0.07), no así para efectos principale s; se obtuvo una media de mínimos cuadrados para IEP de 14.4 meses y los valores oscilaron entre 11 y 18 meses. Para PLDk, se encontró diferencias importantes para todas las fuentes e interacciones, excepto para AP. PLDk mostró una media de mínimos cuadra dos de 7.5 kg. /día. Los GR 2 y 4 mostraron valores mayores que 12 kg. /día; el parto 3 presento la mayor producción (10.3 kg /día); la época de parto 1 (lluvia) mostró 1.5 kg de leche mayor que la época seca; la tendencia de la curva de lactancia a lo lag o de los PLAC resulto un poco atípica sin pico de producción. De la composición de la leche, los efectos de GR, AP y PLAC resultaron importantes sobre todas las características; los promedios generales para grasa, proteína, lactosa, materia seca y sólidos no grasos fueron de 3.78%, 3.08%, 3.66%, 11.25%, 7.46%, respectivamente. El GR 2 mostró valores mayores en composición de leche; y en general, si se incrementa el volumen de leche por día se reducen todos los parámetros de composición, visto más clarament e en la curva de lactación a través de PLAC. La información generada puede sustentar las políticas de utilización de estos genotipos en Las Mercedes.


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An investigation concerning suitable termination techniques for 4H-SiC trench JFETs is presented. Field plates, p+ floating rings and junction termination extension techniques are used to terminate 1.2kV class PiN diodes. The fabricated PiN diodes evaluated here have a similar design to trench JFETs. Therefore, the conclusions for PiN diodes can be applied to JFET structures as well. Numerical simulations are also used to illustrate the effect of the terminations on the diodes' blocking mode behaviour.