982 resultados para Urban forms


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Suurpetojen kannanhoitoon, ja etenkin suden kannanhoitoon liittyvä monitahoinen konfl ikti esiintyy jännitteinä paikallisyhteisöjen ja keskushallinnon, maaseudun ja kaupunkien sekä maallikoiden ja tutkijoiden välillä. Suurpetopolitiikan legitimiteettikriisi näkyy kansallisen kannanhoidon tavoitteiden ja toimenpiteiden kiistämisenä passiivisin ja aktiivisin toimin. Tällä ajankohtaisella ongelmalla on mittavat historialliset juuret. Luonnon ja ihmisen välinen suhde on ollut jatkuvaa tasapainottelua konfl iktien ja niiden hallinnan kanssa, ja suurpedot ovat väistämättä olleet konfl iktin keskiössä lajityypillisten piirteidensä vuoksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on osoittaa ympäristöhistoriallisen tutkimusotteen kautta suomalaisen vahinkoeläinhistorian keskeiset toimet ja toimijat, sekä ymmärtää vahinkoeläinten kannanhoidon tavoite- ja toimenpideasettelun vaikutukset eläinpopulaatioihin historiallisessa ja ekologisessa kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen toinen tavoite on tuottaa synteesi nykypäivän suurpetojen kannanhoidon tavoite- ja toimenpiteiden tarkoituksenmukaisuudesta ja vaikuttavuudesta historiallisessa kontekstissa ja esittää uudenlainen lähestymismalli sosiaalisesti kestävämmälle suurpetopolitiikalle. Vahinkoeläinhistoriaa käsitellään deduktiivisella ja rekonstruktiivisella tutkimusotteella käyttäen aineistona lakitekstejä, maksettuja tapporahoja, sanomalehtikirjoituksia, sidosryhmien kirjoituksia sekä eläintieteellisiä julkaisuja. Etenkin laeissa ja asetuksissa eri eläimistä asetetut tapporahat ja toisaalta saalistilastojen perusteella maksetut palkkiot on nostettu tässä tutkimuksessa merkittävään rooliin asenteiden tulkinnan välineenä. Tarkastelu ulotetaan nisäkkäiden lisäksi myös lintuihin, jotka ovat edellä mainitun aineiston valossa olleet merkittävä vainottu eläinryhmä. Nykypäivän petokonfl iktin tarkastelussa keskiöön nostetaan suurpetoasenteet, niiden muodostuminen ja vaikutus suurpetopolitiikan tavoitteiden ja toimenpiteiden kiistämisessä. Suurpetopolitiikan legitimiteettikriisiä tarkastellaan paikallisten uhmakkuutena hallintoa kohtaan ja tulkinta keinoista puuttua sosiopoliittiseen rikokseen rakennetaan tätä ajatusta vasten. Suurpetojen salakaatajat toimivat yhteisönsä puolesta ja saavat tukensa toimilleen yhteisöltään. Sosiopoliittinen rikos ei siten ole ainoastaan salakaatajien vaan sen sijaan yhteisön yhteinen. Salakaatajat ja paikallisyhteisö pyrkivät häivyttämään yhteiskunnassa viranomaisten ja sidosryhmien taholta toimintaan liittämää stigmaa ja siten oikeuttamaan tekonsa vallitsevissa olosuhteissa. Arvoristiriitoihin perustuvat konfl iktit ovat haasteellisia hallita ja lähtökohtana on oltava ymmärrys siitä, että etenkin suteen liittyvät jännitteet ja ristiriidat ihmisten välisissä suhteissa ovat väistämättömiä. Tunnistamalla historiallisen aineiston merkittävyys nykypäivän ongelmakeskeisen kannanhoidon ratkaisun tietopohjana on mahdollista rakentaa sosiaalisesti kestävämpää suurpetojen kannanhoitoa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä painotetaan suurpetoihin liittyen ajatusta, jonka mukaan paikallisilta suurpetoalueilla eläviltä ihmisiltä tai sidosryhmien edustajilta ei edellytetä arvomaailman muuttumista, vaan hyväksytään heidän käsityksensä suurpetojen roolista vahingontekijöinä. Sen sijaan vahvistetaan suurpetojen välineellistä roolia paikallisyhteisöjen resurssina ja oleellisten sidosryhmien roolia yhteisön toimijoina psykologisen omistajuuden rakentamisen kautta. Suurpetojen kestävä kannanhoito vaatii siten riistahallinnon toimintakulttuurin muutosta ja uudenlaista suhdetta yhteiskunnan eri toimijoihin.


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The effects of short-term burst (5 min at 1.8 m/s) swimming and long-term cruiser (60 min at 1.2 m/s) swimming on maximal enzyme activities and enzyme distribution between free and bound states were assessed for nine glycolytic and associated enzymes in tissues of horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus. The effects of exercise were greatest in white muscle. The activities of phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyruvate kinase (PK), fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase), and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) all decreased to 47, 37, 37 and 67%, respectively, during 60-min exercise and all enzymes except phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI) and PGM showed a change in the extent of binding to subcellular particulate fractions during exercise. In red muscle, exercise affected the activities of PGI, FBPase, PFK, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and altered percent binding of only PK and LDH. In liver, exercise increased the PK activity 2.3-fold and reduced PGI 1.7-fold only after 5 min of exercise but altered the percent binding of seven enzymes. Fewer effects were seen in brain, with changes in the activities of aldolase and PGM and in percent binding of hexokinase, PFK and PK. Changes in enzyme activities and in binding interactions with subcellular particulate matter appear to support the altered demands of tissue energy metabolism during exercise.


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In patients with uremia, intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) measurement appears to overestimate the biologically active hormone in circulation. The recent description of the accumulation in these patients of a non-intact PTH form measured by the standard immunometric assays, re-opened the question. In this study we submitted serum samples from 7 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) and from 10 patients with hyperparathyroidism secondary to chronic renal failure (SHP) to preparative HPLC in order to discriminate the molecular forms measured by our currently used immunofluorometric assay for intact PTH. The elution profile obtained with the HPLC system showed two clearly defined peaks, the first one corresponding to a lower molecular weight form, and the second to the intact PTH (1-84) form. In patients with SHP the area under the curve for the first peak (mean 29.5%, range 20.6 to 40.4%) was significantly greater than that observed for patients with PHP (mean 15.6%, range 5.6 to 21.9%). This confirms previous studies showing accumulation of molecular forms of slightly lower molecular weight, presumably PTH (7-84), in patients with SHP and, to a lesser extent, in patients with PHP. The real necessity of assays that discriminate between these two molecular forms is debatable.


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The effect of the skin secretion of the amphibian Siphonops paulensis was investigated by monitoring the changes in conductance of an artificial planar lipid bilayer. Skin secretion was obtained by exposure of the animals to ether-saturated air, and then rinsing the animals with distilled water. Artificial lipid bilayers were obtained by spreading a solution of azolectin over an aperture of a Delrin cup inserted into a cut-away polyvinyl chloride block. In 9 of 12 experiments, the addition of the skin secretion to lipid bilayers displayed voltage-dependent channels with average unitary conductance of 258 ± 41.67 pS, rather than nonspecific changes in bilayer conductance. These channels were not sensitive to 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid or tetraethylammonium ion, but the experimental protocol used does not permit us to specify their characteristics.


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Congenital heart defects are the most common of all human birth defects. Numerous studies have shown that a deletion within chromosome 22q11 is associated with DiGeorge syndrome and certain forms of sporadic congenital cardiovascular disease. We have determined the value of a PCR assay using markers D22S941, D22S944 and D22S264 designed for the screening of 22q11.2 deletion through consecutive homozygosity in an ethnically admixed urban population. The study population comprised 149 unrelated men and women from three different ethnic groups (white, mulatto and black). Test specificity for the overall population was estimated at 98.3%. We found no significant difference when comparing heterozygosity indices and ethnicity (P value = 0.43 (D22S944), 0.22 (D22S264), and 0.58 (D22S941)). There was no significant difference regarding assay specificity between the three different ethnic groups studied. This assay could constitute a cost-effective way to screen a large number of patients at increased risk, since PCR techniques are easily available, are fast, can be automatized, and are significantly less expensive than fluorescence in situ hybridization.


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Avhandlingen studerar samspelet mellan det politiska och det ekonomiska systemet genom det föregående seklet, med speciellt fokus på den nyliberala omdaning som utspelats de senaste tre årtiondena. Med en liberaliserad ekonomi och en individualiserad människa måste också det politiska systemet utformas på ett annat sätt. Gradvisa förändringar har varit synliga, som den växande nätverksorganiseringen, dvs. att olika typer av utvecklingspolitik allt mer genomförs som ett samspel mellan samhällssektorerna, istället för att enbart utföras av den offentliga sektorn som tidigare. Genom fyra fallstudier i Österbotten demonstreras hur arenor för samverkan kan konstrueras i enlighet med vad den aktuella frågan kräver. Ett exempel är det innovationsnätverk som skapats i Karleby-Jakobstad-regionen, där offentliga och privata intressenter deltar, och som samtidigt bryter traditionella administrativa gränser. Ett annat mer negativt exempel är omstruktureringsprocessen i Kaskö-regionen eft er Metsä-Botnia-fabrikens nedläggning, där småkommunproblemet tillsammans med att den privata intressenten inte haft skyldighet att samverka lett till att en tillräckligt regionalt förankrad arena för en långsiktig utvecklingspolitik inte har kunnat skapas. Det här visar på trögheten i det finska systemet, där en stark enhetsstat och en splittrad kommunal nivå ur ett historiskt perspektiv hindrat flexibla anpassningar till samhällsförändringar. Avhandlingen visar att nätverksorganiseringen bör vara en integrerad del av de representativa strukturerna för att kunna påverka processernas utfall. Avhandlingen visar framförallt att deltagande och funktionellt definierade regionala och lokala arenor har stor potential, både ekonomiskt och demokratiskt. Det handlar om att skapa en kultur med aktiverade och engagerade medborgare, vilket står i kontrast till det allt mer passiverande representativa systemet. ---------------------------------------- Väitöskirja tutkii viime vuosisadan poliittisen ja taloudellisen järjestelmän vuorovaikutusta keskittyen erityisesti kolmen viimeisen vuosikymmenen uusliberaaliseen muutokseen. Talouden liberalisoituminen ja ihmisen individualisoituminen edellyttävät myös poliittisen järjestelmän mukautumista. Asteittaisia muutoksia on ollut havaittavissa, kuten kasvava verkosto-organisaatio, toisin sanoen eri alojen kehityspolitiikkaa toteutetaan yhä enemmän eri yhteiskuntasektoreiden vuorovaikutuksena, kun aikaisemmin ainoastaan julkinen sektori vastasi kehityspolitiikan toteuttamisesta. Pohjanmaan maakunnan neljän tapaustutkimuksen avulla osoitetaan, miten vuorovaikutusareena voidaan rakentaa kulloinkin ajankohtaisen asiakokonaisuuden ympärille. Tästä esimerkkinä on Kokkola-Pietarsaari –alueen innovaatioverkosto, johon osallistuvat sekä julkiset että yksityiset sidosryhmät ja joka samalla rikkoo perinteisiä hallinnollisia rajoja. Toinen, kielteisempi esimerkki on Kaskisten alueen rakennemu utosprosessi Metsä-Botnian tehtaan sulkemisen jälkeen. Siellä pienkuntaongelma yhdistettynä siihen, että yksityinen sidosryhmä ei ole ollut velvollinen tekemään yhteistyötä, on johtanut siihen, että ei ole kyetty luomaan alueen pitkäaikaiseen kehittämiseen sitoutunutta vuorovaikutusareenaa. Tämä osoittaa suomalaisen järjestelmän kankeuden, jossa historiallisesta näkökulmasta vahva yhtenäinen valtio ja hajanainen kuntataso estävät joustavan yhteiskuntamuutoksiin sopeutumisen. Väitöskirja osoittaa, että verkosto-organisaation on oltava yhteiskunnassa vaikuttaviin rakenteisiin integroitu osa, jotta se voi vaikuttaa prosessien tuloksiin. Väitöskirja osoittaa ennen kaikkea, että osallistuvilla ja toiminnallisesti määritellyillä alueellisilla ja paikallisilla areenoilla on suuri taloudellinen ja demokraattinen potentiaali. Passivoivan edustavan järjestelmän tilalle on luotava aktiivisten ja tavoitteisiin sitoutuneiden kansalaisten vuorovaikutusjärjestelmä.


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A direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous machine for a small urban use electric vehicle is presented. The measured performance of the machine at the test bench as well as the performance over the modified New European Drive Cycle will be given. The effect of optimal current components, maximizing the efficiency and taking into account the iron loss, is compared with the simple id=0 – control. The machine currents and losses during the drive cycle are calculated and compared with each other.


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Psychological depression is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. C-reactive protein has been implicated as a mediator of the effect of psychological depression. Several studies have found that individuals, especially men, who report higher levels of psychological depression also have higher levels of C-reactive protein. The current study was undertaken to replicate these results in a Brazilian population, in which there is a much wider range of variation in both background characteristics (such as socioeconomic status) and coronary artery disease risk factors. A sample of 271 individuals was interviewed using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Fasting blood samples were obtained and evaluated for C-reactive protein (assessed by a turbidimetric immunoassay using a Dade Behring kit) analysis in a subsample (N = 258) of individuals. The mean ± SD C-reactive protein for the entire sample was 0.43 ± 0.44, with 0.42 ± 0.48 for men and 0.43 ± 0.42 mg/L for women. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis, controlling for age, sex, body mass index, socioeconomic status, tobacco use, and both total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Higher reported depressive symptoms were correlated with higher C-reactive protein for men (partial r = 0.298, P = 0.004) and with lower C-reactive protein for women (partial r = -0.154, P = 0.059). The differences in the associations for men and women could be a result of differential effects of sex hormones on stress reactivity and immune response. On the other hand, this difference in the associations may be related to gender differences in the disclosure of emotion and the effect that self-disclosure has on physical health and immune response.


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Leptin is produced primarily by adipocytes. Although originally associated with the central regulation of satiety and energy metabolism, increasing evidence indicates that leptin may be an important mediator in cardiovascular pathophysiology. The aim of the present study was to investigate plasma leptin levels in patient with Chagas' heart disease and their relation to different forms of the disease. We studied 52 chagasic patients and 30 controls matched for age and body mass index. All subjects underwent anthropometric, leptin and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) measurements and were evaluated by echocardiography, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), and chest X-ray. All patients had fasting blood samples taken between 8:00 and 9:00 am. Chagasic patients were divided into 3 groups: group I (indeterminate form, IF group) consisted of 24 subjects with 2 positive serologic reactions for Chagas' disease and no cardiac involvement as evaluated by chest X-rays, ECG and two-dimensional echocardiography; group II (showing ECG abnormalities and normal left ventricular systolic function, ECG group) consisted of 14 patients; group III consisted of 14 patients with congestive heart failure (CHF group) and left ventricular dysfunction. Serum leptin levels were significantly lower (P < 0.001) in the CHF group (1.4 ± 0.8 ng/mL) when compared to the IF group (5.3 ± 5.3 ng/mL), ECG group (9.7 ± 10.7 ng/mL), and control group (8.1 ± 7.8 ng/mL). NT-proBNP levels were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the CHF group (831.8 ± 800.1 pg/mL) when compared to the IF group (53.2 ± 33.3 pg/mL), ECG group (83.3 ± 57.4 pg/mL), and control group (32 ± 22.7 pg/mL). Patients with Chagas' disease and an advanced stage of CHF have high levels of NT-ProBNP andlow plasma levels of leptin. One or more leptin-suppressing mechanisms may operate in chagasic patients.


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The mechanisms by which PM2.5 increases cardiovascular mortality are not fully identified. Autonomic alterations are the current main hypotheses. Our objective was to determine if PM2.5 induces acute cardiac polarization alterations in healthy Wistar rats. PM2.5 samples were collected on polycarbonate filters. Solutions containing 10, 20, and 50 µg PM2.5 were administered by tracheal instillation. P wave duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.95 ± 0.06, and 0.96 ± 0.07; P < 0.001), and 50 µg (0.98 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.96 ± 0.08; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution (P < 0.001). PR interval duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.97 ± 0.08) and 50 µg (0.99 ± 0.05, 0.97 ± 0.0, and 0.95 ± 0.05; 60, 90, and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QRS interval duration decreased at 20 and 50 µg in relation to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QT interval duration decreased significantly (P < 0.001) with time in animals receiving 20 µg (0.94 ± 0.12, 0.88 ± 0.14, and 0.88 ± 0.11) and 50 µg (1.00 ± 0.13; 0.97 ± 0.11 and 0.98 ± 0.16; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). PM2.5 induced reduced cardiac conduction time, within a short period, indicating that depolarization occurs more rapidly across ventricular tissue.


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Acute gastroenteritis caused by viruses is one of the leading causes of infantile morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of human caliciviruses of the genera norovirus and sapovirus in children up to 3 years of age with acute gastroenteritis from low-income communities in the city of Salvador, Brazil. This study is an extension of previous work carried out to establish the profile of the most prevalent enteric pathogens present in these communities. In this report, 139 fecal samples, collected from July 2001 to January 2002 were analyzed by RT-PCR and 13 (9%) were positive for human caliciviruses. By sequencing, seven isolates were characterized as norovirus genogroup GII and one as sapovirus genotype GII/1. Sequencing of the previously detected group-A rotaviruses and human astroviruses was also performed and revealed the circulation of rotavirus group A genotypes G1P[8] and G9P[8], and human astrovirus genotypes 6, 7, and 8. No mixed infection was observed. Community-based studies provide geographically representative information on disease burden. However, there are only a few reports in developing countries concerning the genotypes of the most important gastroenteric viruses detected in such communities. The present findings demonstrate the wide diversity of genotypes of the most important viruses responsible for acute gastroenteritis circulating in low-income communities.


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The incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease have been increasing in recent years in developing countries. The aim of this study was to report the results of a general chronic kidney disease awareness program applied to an urban population in a large Brazilian city. From January 2002 to January 2005 a total of 8883 individuals in the city of Curitiba (PR, Brazil) were screened for hypertension, body mass index, hematuria, and proteinuria. A family history and previous medical diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) were also recorded. Of the 8883 individuals assessed, 56% were women, subject median age was 47 years (range: 17-93 years) and more than 90% were Caucasian. Thirty percent had signs of hematuria, 6% had proteinuria, and 3% had hematuria and proteinuria. The median of mean arterial pressure values was 93 mmHg (range: 71-135 mmHg) and 16% of the population screened had a history of hypertension. A significant positive family history of both hypertension or DM was present in 42% (P < 0.0001; chi-square = 83.18) and 7% (P < 0.0001; chi-square = 161.31) of the hypertensive group, respectively. Finally, the prevalence of hypertension and DM was significantly higher in older individuals with proteinuria. In the present study, a higher prevalence of hematuria and proteinuria was found in older individuals with hypertension and diabetes compared to the general population. These data confirm the need for public awareness of renal disease in high-risk individuals.


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O isolamento e a identificação de microrganismos produtores de enzimas de interesse comercial, utilizando tubérculos de jacatupé (Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban), foi o objetivo principal deste trabalho. Isolaram-se microrganismos endofíticos e epifíticos identificados por observação micromorfológica. A avaliação da atividade enzimática das linhagens foi determinada pelo método de difusão em ágar. As sessenta e oito linhagens isoladas dos tubérculos de jacatupé foram cultivadas em meio sólido específico para amilase, lipase, protease e celulase por 96h a 280 C. Os microrganismos epifíticos encontrados foram Pithomyces (7,3%), Aspergillus (19,2%), Fusarium (5,9%) e Trichoderma (5,8%), e os endofíticos foram Mucor (7,3%), Rhizopus (10,3%), Bacillus (19,0%), Staphylococcus (10,3%) e Nocardiopsis (15%). As linhagens de Nocardiopsis sp. apresentaram atividade lipolítica superior à do padrão, porém a atividade amilolítica não apresentou diferença significativa comparada com o padrão. As linhagens de Mucor sp., Pithomyces sp. e Staphylococcus sp. produziram atividade proteolítica abaixo do padrão. Nenhum isolado apresentou atividade celulolítica.


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Kollaasi Salomea esittäneistä oopperalaulajista: Henny Dima, Josephine von Hubbenet, Fanchette Verhunk, Signe von Rappe, Mme. Isnardon, Agnes Klebe, Malvine Kann, Kruszelnicka, Aino Ackté, Emma Destinn, Anna Sutter, Thyra Larsen.