960 resultados para Urban Heritage
Sociomuseology expresses a considerable amount of the effort made to suit museological facilities to the conditions of contemporary society. The process of opening up the museum, as well as its organic relation with the social context that infuses it with life, has resulted in the need to structure and clarify the relations, notions and concepts that may define this process. Sociomuseology is thus a scientific field of teaching, research and performance which emphasizes the articulation of museology, in particular, with the areas of knowledge covered by Human Sciences, Development Studies, Services Science, and Urban and Rural Planning. The multidisciplinary approach of Sociomuseology aims to strengthen the acknowledgement of museology as a resource for the sustainable development of Humanity, based on equal opportunities as well as social and economic inclusion. Sociomuseology bases its social intervention on mankind’s cultural and natural heritage, both tangible and intangible. What characterizes Sociomuseology is not so much the nature of its premises and its goals, as is the case with other areas of knowledge, but the interdisciplinary focus which makes it draw on perfectly consolidated areas of knowledge and relate them with Museology itself.
Pierre Mayrand is a long-time member of ICTOP and founder of MINOM. He did graduate studies in Montreal and overseas, studying art history with a specialization in architecture and urban planning. In 1970, when the Université du Québec was founded, Pierre entered the teaching profession, participating (as director, professor, and researcher) in the setting up of programs in national heritage, museology and cultural development. He is still active in teaching and project development now as a altermuseologist.
A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo a análise morfológica do centro histórico de Torres Vedras. Após um rigoroso estudo do seu plano estratégico de reabilitação urbana, verifica-se a ausência de um documento complementar que permita conhecer sua identidade. A informação existente é bastante planimétrica, pouco esclarecedora da qualidade espacial do Lugar. Devido à escassa cartografia existente, julgou-se essencial desenvolver a reconstituição urbanística da cidade, permitindo dissipar algumas memórias artificiais, fomentadas pelo ‘neo-romantismo’ do Estado Novo, mas que ainda hoje se fazem sentir na memória colectiva dos torrienses. O estudo da génese fundacional do Lugar e do seu enquadramento histórico é fundamental para o entendimento do valor patrimonial enquanto conceito subjacente às políticas de reabilitação dos centros históricos. O estudo da evolução urbana de Torrres Vedras desde a vila medieval, até à cidade do séc. XXI, dando a conhecer os pólos de atracção do crescimento periurbano, e a sua relação com o centro histórico, permitiu um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre os elementos essenciais que caracterizam a sua Identidade. Verifica-se que a matriz urbana fundacional, ainda hoje perceptível, provém da ocupação romana, materializada pelos dois principais eixos reguladores: cardus e decumanus. A leitura do passado, alicerçada sobre a historiografia e arqueologia, pretende apenas mostrar que os núcleos urbanos antigos foram sempre elementos dinâmicos, capazes de se adaptarem às circunstâncias de cada época, garantindo a sua permanência e importância até ao início do séc. XX. A abordagem feita ao centro histórico pretende demonstrar a sua potencialidade para se tornar num elemento activo da cidade de Torres Vedras, capaz de se adaptar às necessidades da sociedade do séc. XXI, sem perder a sua identidade.
Flood modelling of urban areas is still at an early stage, partly because until recently topographic data of sufficiently high resolution and accuracy have been lacking in urban areas. However, Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generated from airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) having sub-metre spatial resolution have now become available, and these are able to represent the complexities of urban topography. The paper describes the development of a LiDAR post-processor for urban flood modelling based on the fusion of LiDAR and digital map data. The map data are used in conjunction with LiDAR data to identify different object types in urban areas, though pattern recognition techniques are also employed. Post-processing produces a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for use as model bathymetry, and also a friction parameter map for use in estimating spatially-distributed friction coefficients. In vegetated areas, friction is estimated from LiDAR-derived vegetation height, and (unlike most vegetation removal software) the method copes with short vegetation less than ~1m high, which may occupy a substantial fraction of even an urban floodplain. The DTM and friction parameter map may also be used to help to generate an unstructured mesh of a vegetated urban floodplain for use by a 2D finite element model. The mesh is decomposed to reflect floodplain features having different frictional properties to their surroundings, including urban features such as buildings and roads as well as taller vegetation features such as trees and hedges. This allows a more accurate estimation of local friction. The method produces a substantial node density due to the small dimensions of many urban features.
A wind-tunnel study was conducted to investigate ventilation of scalars from urban-like geometries at neighbourhood scale by exploring two different geometries a uniform height roughness and a non-uniform height roughness, both with an equal plan and frontal density of λ p = λ f = 25%. In both configurations a sub-unit of the idealized urban surface was coated with a thin layer of naphthalene to represent area sources. The naphthalene sublimation method was used to measure directly total area-averaged transport of scalars out of the complex geometries. At the same time, naphthalene vapour concentrations controlled by the turbulent fluxes were detected using a fast Flame Ionisation Detection (FID) technique. This paper describes the novel use of a naphthalene coated surface as an area source in dispersion studies. Particular emphasis was also given to testing whether the concentration measurements were independent of Reynolds number. For low wind speeds, transfer from the naphthalene surface is determined by a combination of forced and natural convection. Compared with a propane point source release, a 25% higher free stream velocity was needed for the naphthalene area source to yield Reynolds-number-independent concentration fields. Ventilation transfer coefficients w T /U derived from the naphthalene sublimation method showed that, whilst there was enhanced vertical momentum exchange due to obstacle height variability, advection was reduced and dispersion from the source area was not enhanced. Thus, the height variability of a canopy is an important parameter when generalising urban dispersion. Fine resolution concentration measurements in the canopy showed the effect of height variability on dispersion at street scale. Rapid vertical transport in the wake of individual high-rise obstacles was found to generate elevated point-like sources. A Gaussian plume model was used to analyse differences in the downstream plumes. Intensified lateral and vertical plume spread and plume dilution with height was found for the non-uniform height roughness