990 resultados para Triple Consistency Principle


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We propose a unifying picture where the notion of generalized entropy is related to information theory by means of a group-theoretical approach. The group structure comes from the requirement that an entropy be well defined with respect to the composition of independent systems, in the context of a recently proposed generalization of the Shannon-Khinchin axioms. We associate to each member of a large class of entropies a generalized information measure, satisfying the additivity property on a set of independent systems as a consequence of the underlying group law. At the same time, we also show that Einstein's likelihood function naturally emerges as a byproduct of our informational interpretation of (generally nonadditive) entropies. These results confirm the adequacy of composable entropies both in physical and social science contexts.


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Aims. We investigated in detail the system WDS 19312+3607, whose primary is an active M4.5Ve star previously inferred to be young (τ ~ 300–500 Ma) based on its high X-ray luminosity. Methods. We collected intermediate- and low-resolution optical spectra taken with 2 m-class telescopes, photometric data from the B to 8 μm bands, and data for eleven astrometric epochs with a time baseline of over 56 years for the two components in the system, G 125–15 and G 125–14. Results. We derived the M4.5V spectral types of both stars, confirmed their common proper motion, estimated their heliocentric distance and projected physical separation, determined their Galactocentric space velocities, and deduced a most-probable age of older than 600 Ma. We discovered that the primary, G 125–15, is an inflated, double-lined, spectroscopic binary with a short period of photometric variability of 1.6 d, which we associated with orbital synchronisation. The observed X-ray and Hα emissions, photometric variability, and abnormal radius and effective temperature of G 125–15 AB are indicative of strong magnetic activity, possibly because of the rapid rotation. In addition, the estimated projected physical separation between G 125–15 AB and G 125–14 of about 1200 AU ensures that WDS 19312+3607 is one of the widest systems with intermediate M-type primaries. Conclusions. G 125–15 AB is a nearby (d ≈ 26 pc), bright (J ≈ 9.6 mag), active spectroscopic binary with a single proper-motion companion of the same spectral type at a wide separation. They are thus ideal targets for specific follow-ups to investigate wide and close multiplicity or stellar expansion and surface cooling because of the lower convective efficiency.


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We examine the predictive ability and consistency properties of exchange rate expectations for the dollar/euro using a survey conducted in Spain by PwC among a panel of experts and entrepreneurs. Our results suggest that the PwC panel have some forecasting ability for time horizons from 3 to 9 months, although only for the 3-month ahead expectations we obtain marginal evidence of unbiasedness and efficiency in the forecasts. As for the consistency properties of the exchange rate expectations formation process, we find that survey participants form stabilising expectations in the short-run and destabilising expectations in the long- run and that the expectation formation process is closer to fundamentalists than chartists.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o impacto dos Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (SGI) no desempenho organizacional sob a óptica do Triple Bottom Line (TBL), verificando se esta implementação auxilia a empresa a se tornar mais sustentável. A abordagem multi-método utilizada está dividida em três partes. A primeira compreende uma revisão sistemática da literatura, tendo como base a abordagem bibliométrica. A base de dados escolhida para a seleção dos artigos que compõem a amostra foi a ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). As análises conduzidas sugerem lacunas na literatura a serem pesquisadas de modo a relacionar a integração dos sistemas de gestão como meio para as organizações tornarem-se mais sustentáveis, auxiliando assim na elaboração de um modelo teórico e das hipóteses de pesquisa. Os resultados parciais obtidos ressaltam a lacuna na literatura de estudos nessa área, principalmente que contemplem a dimensão social do Triple Bottom Line. Lacunas na literatura foram identificadas também no que se refere à análise do impacto da adoção dessas abordagens normativas no desempenho organizacional. A segunda etapa da metodologia é composta por estudos de casos múltiplos em empresas de diferentes setores e que tenham implantado sistemas de gestão de maneira integrada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a certificação auxilia no desenvolvimento de ações sustentáveis, resultando em impactos econômicos, ambientais e sociais positivos. Nesta etapa, testou-se o modelo e as hipóteses levantadas na abordagem bibliométrica. A terceira etapa da metodologia é composta por análises estatísticas de dados secundários extraídos da revista Exame ?Maiores e Melhores\'. Os dados do ano de 2014 das empresas foram tratados por meio do software MINITAB 17 ®. Por meio do teste de mediana de mood, as amostras foram testadas e apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o desempenho das empresas em diferentes setores. De maneira geral, as empresas com SGI apresentam melhor desempenho econômico do que as demais. Com a mesma base de dados, utilizando o modelo de equações estruturais e o software Smart PLS 2.0, criou-se um diagrama de caminhos analisando os constructos (SGI) com variáveis de desempenho (Endividamento, Lucratividade, Patrimônio, Crescimento e Retorno). O modelo de equações estruturais testado apresentou força para a relação entre SGI com Endividamento, Lucratividade, Patrimônio e Crescimento. As diferentes metodologias apresentadas contribuíram para responder a hipótese e afirmar com base na amostra deste trabalho que o SGI leva as empresas a terem melhor desempenho econômico, ambiental e social (baseado no TBL).


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The ontogenic development of the sphincter iris has been studied by immunocytochemistry and standard staining on chick embryos from stage 25 HH to the time of hatching. We have used the monoclonal antibody 13F4, a highly specific marker of muscular cells. We have observed three different regions in the iris. Tn the pupillary region, immunoreactive cells are in continuous contact with the inner epithelium of the pupillary margin. In the intermediate region, the outer epithelium forms buds of pigmented cells that emigrate toward the stroma. In this epithelium cells that are totally or partially unpigmented exist, and they are 13F4 positive. In the sphincter we have observed 13F4 positive cells with melanin granules. In the ciliary region, the immunoreactivity appears in dispersed mesenchymal cells. The present findings are consistent with a triple origin of the sphincter iris in the chick embryo. This muscle is derived from the inner epithelium of the pupillary margin, the intermediate region of the outer epithelium, and from the mesenchymal cells. The cells of the inner epithelium of the pupillary margin are differentiated into smooth muscle cells, and the remaining cells form striated muscle cells.


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The thermodynamic consistency of almost 90 VLE data series, including isothermal and isobaric conditions for systems of both total and partial miscibility in the liquid phase, has been examined by means of the area and point-to-point tests. In addition, the Gibbs energy of mixing function calculated from these experimental data has been inspected, with some rather surprising results: certain data sets exhibiting high dispersion or leading to Gibbs energy of mixing curves inconsistent with the total or partial miscibility of the liquid phase, surprisingly, pass the tests. Several possible inconsistencies in the tests themselves or in their application are discussed. Related to this is a very interesting and ambitious initiative that arose within the NIST organization: the development of an algorithm to assess the quality of experimental VLE data. The present paper questions the applicability of two of the five tests that are combined in the algorithm. It further shows that the deviation of the experimental VLE data from the correlation obtained by a given model, the basis of some point-to-point tests, should not be used to evaluate the quality of these data.


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Thermodynamics Conference 2013 (Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry), The University of Manchester, 3-6 September 2013.


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We provide a complete characterization of the astrophysical properties of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B hierarchical triple system and an improved set of orbital parameters for the highly eccentric σ Ori Aa, Ab spectroscopic binary. We compiled a spectroscopic data set comprising 90 high-resolution spectra covering a total time span of 1963 days. We applied the Lehman-Filhés method for a detailed orbital analysis of the radial velocity curves and performed a combined quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B system by means of the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND. We used our own plus other available information on photometry and distance to the system for measuring the radii, luminosities, and spectroscopic masses of the three components. We also inferred evolutionary masses and stellar ages using the Bayesian code BONNSAI. The orbital analysis of the new radial velocity curves led to a very accurate orbital solution of the σ Ori Aa, Ab pair. We provided indirect arguments indicating that σ Ori B is a fast-rotating early B dwarf. The FASTWIND+BONNSAI analysis showed that the Aa, Ab pair contains the hottest and most massive components of the triple system while σ Ori B is a bit cooler and less massive. The derived stellar ages of the inner pair are intriguingly younger than the one widely accepted for the σ Orionis cluster, at 3 ± 1 Ma. The outcome of this study will be of key importance for a precise determination of the distance to the σ Orionis cluster, the interpretation of the strong X-ray emission detected for σ Ori Aa, Ab, B, and the investigation of the formation and evolution of multiple massive stellar systems and substellar objects.


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This raster layer represents surface elevation and bathymetry data for the Boston Region, Massachusetts. It was created by merging portions of MassGIS Digital Elevation Model 1:5,000 (2005) data with NOAA Estuarine Bathymetric Digital Elevation Models (30 m.) (1998). DEM data was derived from the digital terrain models that were produced as part of the MassGIS 1:5,000 Black and White Digital Orthophoto imagery project. Cellsize is 5 meters by 5 meters. Each cell has a floating point value, in meters, which represents its elevation above or below sea level.