932 resultados para Théologie inductive
Enth.: 1. Critiques, exégèse et philologie bibliques. 2. Sources rabbiniques des six premiers siècles de l'E.V.. 3. De l'origine des dogmes chrétiens. 4. Théologie et philosophie de l'̂ame dans la bible. 5. Théosophie. [6.] Histoire et littérature. [7.] Pratique et institutions hébraiques.
The human blood brain barrier (BBB) is a selective barrier formed by human brain endothelial cells (hBECs), which is important to ensure adequate neuronal function and protect the central nervous system (CNS) from disease. The development of human in vitro BBB models is thus of utmost importance for drug discovery programs related to CNS diseases. Here, we describe a method to generate a human BBB model using cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells. The cells were initially differentiated into ECs followed by the induction of BBB properties by co-culture with pericytes. The brain-like endothelial cells (BLECs) express tight junctions and transporters typically observed in brain endothelium and maintain expression of most in vivo BBB properties for at least 20 days. The model is very reproducible since it can be generated from stem cells isolated from different donors and in different laboratories, and could be used to predict CNS distribution of compounds in human. Finally, we provide evidence that Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway mediates in part the BBB inductive properties of pericytes.
Segmented filamentous bacterium (SFB) is a symbiont that drives postnatal maturation of gut adaptive immune responses. In contrast to nonpathogenic E. coli, SFB stimulated vigorous development of Peyer's patches germinal centers but paradoxically induced only a low frequency of specific immunoglobulin A (IgA)-secreting cells with delayed accumulation of somatic mutations. Moreover, blocking Peyer's patch development abolished IgA responses to E. coli, but not to SFB. Indeed, SFB stimulated the postnatal development of isolated lymphoid follicles and tertiary lymphoid tissue, which substituted for Peyer's patches as inductive sites for intestinal IgA and SFB-specific T helper 17 (Th17) cell responses. Strikingly, in mice depleted of gut organized lymphoid tissue, SFB still induced a substantial but nonspecific intestinal Th17 cell response. These results demonstrate that SFB has the remarkable capacity to induce and stimulate multiple types of intestinal lymphoid tissues that cooperate to generate potent IgA and Th17 cell responses displaying only limited target specificity.
Introduction: In professional soccer, talent selection relies on the subjective judgment of scouts and coaches. To date, little is known about coaches´ “eye for talent” (Christensen, 2009, p. 379) and the nature of the subjective criteria they use to identify those players with the greatest potential to achieve peak performance in adulthood (Williams & Reilly, 2000). Drawing on a constructivist approach (Kelly, 1991), this study explores coaches´ subjective talent criteria. It is assumed that coaches are able to verbalise and specify their talent criteria, and that these are related to their talent selection decisions based on instinct. Methods: Participants and generation of data. Five national youth soccer coaches (Mage = 55.6; SD = 5.03) were investigated at three appointments: (1) talent selection decision based on instinct, (2) semi-structured inductive interview to elicit each coaches´ talent criteria in detail, (3) communicative validation and evaluation of the players by each coach using the repertory grid technique (Fromm, 2004). Data Analysis: Interviews were transcribed and summarized with regard to each specified talent criterion. Each talent criterion was categorized using a bottom-up-approach (meaning categorization, Kvale, 1996). The repertory grid data was analysed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Results and Discussion: For each coach, six to nine talent criteria were elicited and specified. The subjective talent criteria include aspects of personality, cognitive perceptual skills, motor abilities, development, technique, social environment and physical constitution, which shows that the coaches use a multi-dimensional concept of talent. However, more than half of all criteria describe personality characteristics, in particular achievement motivation, volition and self-confidence. In contrast to Morris (2000), this result shows that coaches have a differentiated view of the personality characteristics required to achieve peak performance. As an indication of criterion validity, moderate to high correlations (.57 ≤ r ≤ .81) are found between the evaluations of the players according to the coaches´ talent criteria and their talent selection decision. The study shows that coaches are able to specify their subject talent criteria and that those criteria are strongly related to their instinctive selection decisions. References: Christensen, M. K. (2009). "An Eye for Talent": Talent Identification and the "Practical Sense" of Top-Level Soccer Coaches. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26, 365–382. Fromm, M. (2004). Introduction to the Repertory Grid Interview. Münster: Waxmann. Kelly, G. A. (1991). The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Volume One: Theory and personality. London: Routledge. Kvale, S. (1996). InterViews: An introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Morris, T. (2000). Psychological characteristics and talent identification in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 715–726. Williams, A. M., & Reilly, T. (2000). Talent identification and development in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 657–667.
Critical situations (CSs) involving football fans is a well-researched phenomenon with most studies examining factors leading to an escalation of violence (e.g. Braun & Vliegenthart, 2008). However, research so far has fallen short of analysing CSs that do not escalate (e.g. Hylander & Guvå, 2010) as well as establishing observable criteria that constitute such CSs. Granström et al. (2009), for instance, put forward a definition of a CS describing such situations as characterised by a discrepancy between peace and war-making behaviours between police and demonstrators. Still, this definition remains vague and does not provide concrete, defining criteria that can be identified on site. The present study looks beyond fans’ violent acts per se and focuses on these situations with a potentially – but not necessarily - violent outcome. The aim of this preliminary study is to identify observable criteria defining such a CS involving football fans. This focus group comprised of five experts working with football fans in the German-speaking area of Switzerland who discussed observable characteristics of a CS. Inductive content analysis led to the identification of specific criteria such as, “arrest of a fan”, “insufficient distance (<30m) between fans and police” and “fans mask themselves”. These criteria were then assigned to four phases of a CS highlighting the dynamic aspect of this phenomenon: Antecedents, Causes, Reactions, Consequence. Specifically, Causes, Reactions and Consequences are observable on site, while Antecedents include relevant, background information directly influencing a CS. This study puts forward a working definition of a CS that can facilitate the assessment of actual situations in the football context as well as for further research on fan violence prevention and control. These results also highlight similarities with studies investigating fan violence in other European countries while acknowledging unique characteristics of the Swiss German fan culture.
Well-established methods exist for measuring party positions, but reliable means for estimating intra-party preferences remain underdeveloped. While most efforts focus on estimating the ideal points of individual legislators based on inductive scaling of roll call votes, this data suffers from two problems: selection bias due to unrecorded votes and strong party discipline, which tends to make voting a strategic rather than a sincere indication of preferences. By contrast, legislative speeches are relatively unconstrained, as party leaders are less likely to punish MPs for speaking freely as long as they vote with the party line. Yet, the differences between roll call estimations and text scalings remain essentially unexplored, despite the growing application of statistical analysis of textual data to measure policy preferences. Our paper addresses this lacuna by exploiting a rich feature of the Swiss legislature: on most bills, legislators both vote and speak many times. Using this data, we compare text-based scaling of ideal points to vote-based scaling from a crucial piece of energy legislation. Our findings confirm that text scalings reveal larger intra-party differences than roll calls. Using regression models, we further explain the differences between roll call and text scalings by attributing differences to constituency-level preferences for energy policy.
A comprehensive strategic agenda matters for fundamental strategic change. Our study seeks to explore and theorize how organizational identity beliefs influence the judgment of strategic actors when setting an organization's strategic agenda. We offer the notion of "strategic taboo" as those strategic options initially disqualified and deemed inconsistent with the organizational identity beliefs of strategic actors. Our study is concerned with how strategic actors confront strategic taboos in the process of setting an organization's strategic agenda. Based on a revelatory inductive case study, we find that strategic actors engage in assessing the concordance of the strategic taboos with organizational identity beliefs and, more specifically, that they focus on key identity elements (philosophy; priorities; practices) when doing so. We develop a typology of three reinterpretation practices that are each concerned with a key identity element. While contextualizing assesses the potential concordance of a strategic taboo with an organization's overall philosophy and purpose, instrumentalizing assesses such concordance with respect to what actors deem an organization's priorities to be. Finally, normalizing explores concordance with respect to compatibility and fit with the organization's practices. We suggest that assessing concordance of a strategic taboo with identity elements consists in reinterpreting collective identity beliefs in ways that make them consistent with what organizational actors deem the right course of action. This article discusses the implications for theory and research on strategic agenda setting, strategic change, a practice-based perspective on strategy, and on organizational identity.
INTRODUCTION Monitoring breathing pattern is especially relevant in infants with lung disease. Recently, a vest-based inductive plethysmograph system (FloRight®) has been developed for tidal breathing measurement in infants. We investigated the accuracy of tidal breathing flow volume loop (TBFVL) measurements in healthy term-born infants and infants with lung disease by the vest-based system in comparison to an ultrasonic flowmeter (USFM) with a face mask. We also investigated whether the system discriminates between healthy infants and those with lung disease. METHODS Floright® measures changes in thoracoabdominal volume during tidal breathing through magnetic field changes generated by current-carrying conductor coils in an elastic vest. Simultaneous TBFVL measurements by the vest-based system and the USFM were performed at 44 weeks corrected postmenstrual age during quiet unsedated sleep. TBFVL parameters derived by both techniques and within both groups were compared. RESULTS We included 19 healthy infants and 18 infants with lung disease. Tidal volume per body weight derived by the vest-based system was significantly lower with a mean difference (95% CI) of -1.33 ml/kg (-1.73; -0.92), P < 0.001. Respiratory rate and ratio of time to peak tidal expiratory flow over total expiratory time (tPTEF/tE) did not differ between the two techniques. Both systems were able to discriminate between healthy infants and those with lung disease using tPTEF/tE. CONCLUSION FloRight® accurately measures time indices and may discriminate between healthy infants and those with lung disease, but demonstrates differences in tidal volume measurements. It may be better suited to monitor breathing pattern than for TBFVL measurements.
This research project sought to answer the primary research question: What occurs when the music program in a church changes its emphasis from performance to education? This qualitative study of a church choir included participant observation of Wednesday evening and Sunday morning rehearsals over a 12 week period, individual interviews, group interviews, written responses, and written and visual assessment of musical skills. The goal was a rich description of the participants and emerging themes resulting from the shift in emphasis. Analysis of data occurred through inductive processing. Data was initially coded and then the codes were categorized into sub-themes, and finally into major themes. Early analysis of the data began with reflection in a researcher journal. Following the completion of the study the journal was entered into a word processor, as were transcriptions of videotaped rehearsals, and written reflections from the participants. After all data had been reviewed repeatedly and entered into the word processor, it was coded, reexamined, and finally categorized into sub-themes and themes. After coding and identification of major themes and sub-themes the finding were challenged by looking for disconfirming evidence. Finally, after the completion of the analysis stage, member checks were conducted. The results of the analysis of data revealed themes that could be associated either with the choir or the director. The key themes primarily associated with the choir were: Response to the change in rehearsal format; Attitude toward learning; Appropriateness of community learning model; and, Member's perceptions of the results of the program. The key themes associated with the director were identified as: Conductor assuming the role of educator; Conductor recognizing the choir as learners; Conductor treating rehearsals as a time for teaching and learning; and, Conductor's perception of the effectiveness of the change in focus. The study concluded that a change in focus from performance to education did not noticeably improve the sound of the choir after twelve-weeks. There were however, indications that improvements were being made by the individual members. Further study of the effects over a longer period of time is recommended.
The heart is the first organ to form in vertebrates during embryogenesis, and its circulatory function is essential to embryonic survival. Cardiac morphogenesis comprises a complex series of interactions involving cells from several embryonic origins. These cell-cell interactions are regulated temporally and spatially by programs of inductive signaling events, including BMP signaling transduced by Smads and left-right asymmetry signaling mediated by Pitx2. Disruptions of BMP signaling and left-right asymmetry signaling result in abnormal cardiac morphogenesis that causes congenital heart disease in humans. In this study, conventional and conditional gene targeting approaches were employed to dissect the functions of Smad8 and Smad1, intracellular BMP signaling transducers, and Pitx2, a direct target of left-right signaling, in cardiac development. We generated the Smad8mt mutant allele and the Smad8lacZ knock-in allele. Smad8 homozygous mutant mice were viable and fertile without obvious abnormalities. The Smad8lacZ knock-in allele showed that Smad8 was expressed in the myocardium of cardiac outflow tract and atrioventricular cushions. We did not find defects in these Smad8-expressing cardiac regions in Smad8mt/mt and Smad8lacZ/lacZ mutants, indicating that Smad8 is dispensable for cardiac development. Conditional knockout of Smad1 using the Nkx2.5Cre allele in cardiac mesoderm resulted in partial inactivation of Smad1 in the myocardium and complete deletion of Smad1 in the epicardium, and caused ventricular hypoplasia featured with a thinner compact zone, suggesting that Smad1 signaling in the epicardium is required for myocardial morphogenesis in ventricles. Previous data have shown that Pitx2 null mutants exhibit defects in the cardiac outflow tract, a region populated with cells from the cardiac mesoderm and the cardiac neural crest. We found that the cardiac neural crest normally populated into the outflow tract in Pitx2 null mutant. Moreover, specific deletion of Pitx2 in the neural crest resulted in normal heart formation. Deletion of Pitx2 in the cardiac mesoderm caused defective outflow tract, revealing that the function of Pitx2 in the cardiac outflow tract resides in splanchnic and branchial arch mesoderm, and is independent of cardiac neural crest cells. ^
Social capital, a relatively new public health concept, represents the intangible resources embedded in social relationships that facilitate collective action. Current interest in the concept stems from empirical studies linking social capital with health outcomes. However, in order for social capital to function as a meaningful research variable, conceptual development aimed at refining the domains, attributes, and boundaries of the concept are needed. An existing framework of social capital (Uphoff, 2000), developed from studies in India, was selected for congruence with the inductive analysis of pilot data from a community that was unsuccessful at mobilizing collective action. This framework provided the underpinnings for a formal ethnographic research study designed to examine the components of social capital in a community that had successfully mobilized collective action. The specific aim of the ethnographic study was to examine the fittingness of Uphoff's framework in the contrasting American community. A contrasting context was purposefully selected to distinguish essential attributes of social capital from those that were specific to one community. Ethnographic data collection methods included participant observation, formal interviews, and public documents. Data was originally analyzed according to codes developed from Uphoff's theoretical framework. The results from this analysis were only partially satisfactory, indicating that the theoretical framework required refinement. The refinement of the coding system resulted in the emergence of an explanatory theory of social capital that was tested with the data collected from formal fieldwork. Although Uphoff's framework was useful, the refinement of the framework revealed, (1) trust as the dominant attribute of social capital, (2) efficacy of mutually beneficial collective action as the outcome indicator, (3) cognitive and structural domains more appropriately defined as the cultural norms of the community and group, and (4) a definition of social capital as the combination of the cognitive norms of the community and the structural norms of the group that are either constructive or destructive to the development of trust and the efficacy of mutually beneficial collective action. This explanatory framework holds increased pragmatic utility for public health practice and research. ^
CYP4F subfamily comprises a group of enzymes that metabolize LTB4 to biologically less active metabolites. These inactive hydroxy products are incapable of chemotaxis and recruitment of inflammatory cells. This has led to a hypothesis that CYP4Fs may modulate inflammatory conditions serving as a signal of resolution. ^ We investigated the regulation of rat CYP4F gene expression under various inflammatory prompts including a bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treated model system, controlled traumatic brain injury (TBI) model as well as using direct cytokine challenges. CYP4Fs showed an isoform specific response to LPS. The pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α produced an overall inductive CYP4F response whereas IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, suppressed CYP4F gene expression in primary hepatocytes. The molecular mechanism behind IL-6 mediated CYP4F induction was partially STAT3 dependent. ^ An alternate avenue of triggering the inflammatory cascade is TBI, which is known to cause several secondary effects leading to multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. The results from this study elicited that trauma to the brain can produce acute inflammatory changes in organs distant from the injury site. Local production of LTB4 after CNS injury caused mobilization of inflammatory cells such as neutrophils to the lung. In the resolution phase, CYP4F expression increased with time along with the associated activity causing a decline in LTB4 concentration. This marked a significant reduction in neutrophil recruitment to the lung which led to subsequent recovery and repair. In addition, we showed that CYP4Fs are localized primarily in pulmonary endothelium. We speculate that the temporally regulated LTB4 clearance in the endothelium may be a novel target for treatment of pulmonary inflammation following injury. ^ In humans, several CYP4F isoforms have been identified and shown to metabolize LTB4 and other endogenous eicosanoids. However, the specific activity of the recently cloned human CYP4F11 is unknown. In the final part of this thesis, CYP4F11 protein was expressed in yeast in parallel to CYP4F3A. To our surprise, CYP4F11 displayed a different substrate profile than CYP4F3A. CYP4F3A metabolized eicosanoids while CYP4F11 was a better catalyst for therapeutic drugs. Thus, besides their endogenous function in clearing inflammation, CYP4Fs also may play a part in drug metabolism. ^
traduits de l'arabe par Jules Wolff
The development of dentition is a fascinating process that involves a complex series of epithelial-mesenchymel signaling interactions. That such a precise process frequently goes awry is not surprising. Indeed, tooth agenesis is one of the most commonly inherited disorders in humans that affects up to twenty percent of the population and imposes significant functional, emotional and financial burdens on patients. Mutations in the paired box domain containing transcription factor PAX9 result in autosomal dominant tooth agenesis that primarily involves posterior dentition. Despite these advances, little is known about how PAX9 mediates key signaling actions in tooth development and how aberrations in PAX9 functions lead to tooth agenesis. As an initial step towards providing evidence for the pathogenic role of mutant PAX9 proteins, I performed a series of molecular genetic analyses aimed at resolving the structural and functional defects produced by a number of PAX9 mutations causing non-syndromic posterior tooth agenesis. It is likely that the pathogenic mechanism underlying tooth agenesis for the first two mutations studied (219InsG and IIe87Phe) is haploinsufficiency. For the six paired domain missense mutations studied, the lack of functional defects observed for three of the mutant proteins suggests that these mutations altered PAX9 function through alternate mechanisms. Next, I explored further the nature of the partnership between Pax9 and the Msx1 homeoprotein and their role in the expression of a downstream effector molecule, Bmp4. When viewed in the context of events occurring in dental mesenchyme, the results of these studies indicate that the Pax9-Msx1 protein interaction involves the localized up-regulation of Bmp4 activity that is mediated by synergistic interactions between the two transcription factors. Importantly, these assays corroborate in vivo data from mouse genetic studies and support reports of Pax9-dependent expression of Bmp4 in dental mesenchyme. Taken together, these results suggest that PAX9 mutations cause an early developmental defect due to an inability to maintain the inductive potential of dental mesenchyme through involvement in a pathway involving Msx1 and Bmp4. ^
The purpose of this research was to study groups of students and young professionals in the clinical laboratory science field using exploratory discovery and inductive logic regarding the attitudes of four groups in Texas: (1) 3rd and 4th year college biology students, (2) students currently enrolled in Clinical Laboratory Science/Clinical Laboratory Technician (CLS/CLT) programs, (3) young CLS/CLT professionals (1-2 years post education), and (4) mid-career CLS/CLTs (4-10 years post education). It was also a comparative study looking at these four groups and their attitudes and perception regarding: career selection factors and legislative incentive measures which might attract individuals to an allied health care career, the field of practice and factors needed to keep individuals in the chosen field of practice. ^ The study found that the career is attractive to individuals who enjoy laboratory work and find the various areas in which to choose to work very attractive. Government programs offering grants/scholarships or loan forgiveness programs offered by health care institutions would be beneficial in attracting students to study in the clinical laboratory sciences. Students are unsure if there is a viable career ladder associated with the field and are anticipating the possibility of going on to other fields in the future. ^ While young and mid-career professionals share many of the same points of view on some aspects (skills used, trends) of the CLS/CLT profession there were a few areas were opinions diverged; perceptions of the field itself and if they plan to remain in the profession for the next 5 years. The mid-career professionals had a much more negative outlook on the profession (low salary, no visible career ladder, lack of respect from other health care professionals) and only a small number plan to be in the field within the next 5 years. ^ The lower salaries in the profession as compared to other similar health care careers, lack of a career ladder and lack of respect from laboratory and institutional management and other health care providers are critical missing pieces to the retention of CLS/CLT professionals. ^