934 resultados para Textile dyes


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A direct, extraction-free spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of acebutolol hydrochloride (ABH) in pharmaceutical preparations. The method is based on ion-pair complex formation between the drug and two acidic dyes (sulphonaphthalein) namely bromocresol green (BCG) and bromothymol blue (BTB). Conformity to Beer's law enabled the assay of the drug in the range of 0.5-13.8 µg mL-1 with BCG and 1.8-15.9 µg mL-1 with BTB. Compared with a reference method, the results obtained were of equal accuracy and precision. In addition, these methods were also found to be specific for the analysis of acebutolol hydrochloride in the presence of excipients, which are co-formulated in the drug.


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Starch is the most important carbohydrate storage in plants. It is a raw material with diverse botanical origins, and is used by the food, paper, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile and other industries. In this work, native starches of Paraná pine seeds (pinhão) (Araucária angustiofolia, Bert O. Ktze) and european chestnut seeds (Castanea sativa, Mill) were studied by thermoanalytical techniques: thermo-gravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as X-ray powder patterns diffractometry. Apparent and total amylose content was also determined.


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A new spectrophotometric method is proposed for the assay of ranitidine hydrochloride (RNH) in bulk drug and in its dosage forms using ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS) and two dyes, malachite (MAG) green and crystal violet (CV) as reagents. The method involves the addition of a known excess of ceric ammonium sulphate to ranitidine hydrochloride in acid medium, followed by the determination of unreacted CAS by reacting with a fixed amount of malachite green or crystal violet and measuring the absorbance at 615 or 582 nm respectively against the reagent blank. The Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 0.4-8.0 µg/ ml of ranitidine hydrochloride (RNH) for RNH-MAG system and 0.2-1.6µg/ml of ranitidine hydrochloride for RNH-CV system. The molar Absorptivity, Sandell's sensitivity for each system were calculated. The method has been successfully applied to the determination of ranitidine hydrochloride in pure and dosage forms.


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Rising population, rapid urbanisation and growing industrialisation have severely stressed water quality and its availability in Malawi. In addition, financial and institutional problems and the expanding agro industry have aggravated this problem. The situation is worsened by depleting water resources and pollution from untreated sewage and industrial effluent. The increasing scarcity of clean water calls for the need for appropriate management of available water resources. There is also demand for a training system for conceptual design and evaluation for wastewater treatment in order to build the capacity for technical service providers and environmental practitioners in the country. It is predicted that Malawi will face a water stress situation by 2025. In the city of Blantyre, this situation is aggravated by the serious pollution threat from the grossly inadequate sewage treatment capacity. This capacity is only 23.5% of the wastewater being generated presently. In addition, limited or non-existent industrial effluent treatment has contributed to the severe water quality degradation. This situation poses a threat to the ecologically fragile and sensitive receiving water courses within the city. This water is used for domestic purposes further downstream. This manuscript outlines the legal and policy framework for wastewater treatment in Malawi. The manuscript also evaluates the existing wastewater treatment systems in Blantyre. This evaluation aims at determining if the effluent levels at the municipal plants conform to existing standards and guidelines and other associated policy and regulatory frameworks. The raw material at all the three municipal plants is sewage. The typical wastewater parameters are Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The treatment target is BOD5, COD, and TSS reduction. Typical wastewater parameters at the wastewater treatment plant at MDW&S textile and garments factory are BOD5 and COD. The treatment target is to reduce BOD5 and COD. The manuscript further evaluates a design approach of the three municipal wastewater treatment plants in the city and the wastewater treatment plant at Mapeto David Whitehead & Sons (MDW&S) textile and garments factory. This evaluation utilises case-based design and case-based reasoning principles in the ED-WAVE tool to determine if there is potential for the tool in Blantyre. The manuscript finally evaluates the technology selection process for appropriate wastewater treatment systems for the city of Blantyre. The criteria for selection of appropriate wastewater treatment systems are discussed. Decision support tools and the decision tree making process for technology selection are also discussed. Based on the treatment targets and design criteria at the eight cases evaluated in this manuscript in reference to similar cases in the ED-WAVE tool, this work confirms the practical use of case-based design and case-based reasoning principles in the ED-WAVE tool in the design and evaluation of wastewater treatment 6 systems in sub-Sahara Africa, using Blantyre, Malawi, as the case study area. After encountering a new situation, already collected decision scenarios (cases) are invoked and modified in order to arrive at a particular design alternative. What is necessary, however, is to appropriately modify the case arrived at through the Case Study Manager in order to come up with a design appropriate to the local situation taking into account technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects. This work provides a training system for conceptual design and evaluation for wastewater treatment.


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This thesis is based on the personal experience gained related to the planning and production of three web-based teaching materials for the teaching subject knownas sloyd at the comprehensive school in Finland. After the teaching materials had been produced and published on the Internet at the Finnish textile teachers' website KässäBoxi, the idea for this thesis emanated from the questions: Why do the three teaching materials look the way they do and why do other textile teachers comment that they are different? In earlier sloyd educational research it has been stated that a scientific paradigm affects the individual ideology of a sloyd teacher. The aimfor my doctoral thesis is to continue on the topic. As the area of interest comprises the thought behind three teaching materials in sloyd, the aim of the thesis is to show how teaching and educational ideologies in sloyd appear in the teaching materials at hand. The research approach has parallels to research about another, tangible phenomena, namely the iceberg. In a similar way as an iceberg, a teaching material has a profound base, but the base is not always completely visible to the user of the teaching material. In this thesis I strive to show what there is under the surface, on the surface and above the surface of three teaching materials in sloyd. The research approach is defined as qualitative and phenomenologic-hermeneutic. The analysis results in knowledge about how the producer of a teaching material affects the character of a teaching material by choices concerning for example the form, structure, language and illustrations of the teaching material. The analysis also shows how the producers' individual educational and teaching ideologies within the teaching subject at hand appear by means of traces concerning the view on the pupil and the teacher, and the view on planning and conducting teaching in sloyd. The thesis also results in knowledge about how sloyd educational scientific theories and demands from society, as they are stated in the national core curriculum, appear in the three teaching materials. The application of the sloyd educational scientific theory of individual sloyd activity as a holistic educative system is also widened in the thesis. This thesis contributes to future research on producing teaching materials by information about what aspects a producer of teaching materials needs to consider and how the aspects become visible in the teaching materials. This kind of knowledge is valuable to teacher students in sloyd, to teachers in sloyd who intend to plan and produce teaching materials and to teachers who tutor the planning and production of teaching materials.


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Tausta Kansainvälinen kauppa on globaalia toimintaa, jossa tavaroiden ja palveluiden tuottaminen ja kuluttaminen on jakautunut maapallon eri osiin. Arvoketjukäsitteellä korostetaan eri toimijoiden panosta lopputuotteen valmistamiseksi, sekä yhteisten tavoitteiden merkitystä. Toimijaverkostot ovat moni-ilmeisiä ja monimutkaisia. Globaalin kaupan toinen tärkeä piirre on yhteiskuntavastuu, joka tulee esiin niin yksityisen kuin julkisen sektorin toiminnassa. Sen toteuttaminen asettaa suuria haasteita sekä yksityisen että julkisen sektorin toimijoille. Kansallisvaltion mahdollisuudet hallita globaaleja kaupan arvoketjuja julkisella sääntelyllä on osoittautunut ongelmalliseksi. Tutkimuskysymykset Tämä tutkimus on oikeustieteen alaan kuuluva sääntelytutkimuksen artikkeliväitöskirja, joka on tutkimusotteeltaan poikkitieteellinen. Tutkimus pyrkii kaikkiaan valaisemaan yksityisen sääntelyn käyttömahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia elinkeinotoiminnassa. Keskeisessä roolissa oikeustieteen rinnalla on liiketaloustieteen tutkimus. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat ensinnäkin, mistä nousee kansainvälistä kauppaa koskeva yksityisen sääntelyn tarve ja toiseksi, mikä motivoi yrityksiä yksityiseen sääntelyyn tai itsesääntelyyn. Lopuksi pohditaan, miten lainsäätäjän tulisi suhtautua yksityiseen sääntelyyn. Tutkimuskysymyksiin vastaamalla syvennetään ja täsmennetään oikeustieteen piirissä tehtävää tutkimusta ennakoivasta oikeudesta. Menetelmät ja aineistot Tutkimus on oikeusvertaileva tutkimus, jossa pääpaino on yksityisessä sääntelyssä. Tutkimusaineisto nojautuu eri tieteenaloilla tehtyihin sekä kvalitatiivisiin että kvantitatiivisiin empiirisiin sääntelyjärjestelmien käyttöä ja toimivuutta koskeviin tutkimuksiin sekä tutkijan tekemään 42:en, metsäsektorin, elintarvikealan, vaatetusalan sekä vähittäiskaupan piirissä käytössä olevan sääntelyjärjestelmän analyysiin. Johtopäätökset Yksityisen sääntelyn tarve nousee tarpeesta hallita globaaleja arvoketjuja kohti yhteisiä tavoitteita. Tulevan lainsäädännön uhan sijasta yrityksiä motivoi yksityiseen sääntelyyn kilpailuedun tavoitteluun liittyvät tekijät. Koska kilpailuetuun yhä yleisemmin sisältyy yhteiskuntavastuullisuus, ovat yritysten tavoitteet ja julkisen sektorin tavoitteet lähentyneet. Erilaisten kansalaisjärjestöjen rooli kasvaa koko ajan. Ne osallistuvat vahvasti niin yksityisen sääntelyn laadintaan kuin myös sääntöjen valvontaan. Yksityisen sääntelyn tavoitteet ovat aiemmin liittyneet ympäristönsuojelun painottamiseen ja elintarviketurvallisuuteen erityisesti metsäsektorilla ja elintarvikealalla, myöhemmin sosiaalisen vastuullisuuden parantaminen on myös tullut painokkaammin esiin. Kansainvälisen kaupan piirissä syntynyttä yksityisen sääntelyn ilmiötä kuvataan tässä ennakoiva oikeus –käsitteellä. Aiempi tutkimus rajoittui tarkastelemaan ilmiötä vain ennakoivana lähestymistapana oikeuteen. Tässä painopiste on sen sijaan ennakoivan lähestymistavan avulla aikaansaaduissa sääntelyn välineissä ja lopputuloksissa: mahdollistavassa, valtaistavassa, dynaamisessa ja käyttäjäystävällisessä oikeudessa, jonka avulla luodaan mahdollisuuksia, ennalta ehkäistään ja hallitaan riskejä eikä pelkästään ratkaista jo syntyneitä ongelmia. Käsitteen sisältöä avataan tutkimuksessa sekä sääntelyjärjestelmien sisällöllisen tarkastelun että prosessiin liittyvän tarkastelun avulla.


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Percarboxylic acids are commonly used as disinfection and bleaching agents in textile, paper, and fine chemical industries. All of these applications are based on the oxidative potential of these compounds. In spite of high interest in these chemicals, they are unstable and explosive chemicals, which increase the risk of synthesis processes and transportation. Therefore, the safety criteria in the production process should be considered. Microreactors represent a technology that efficiently utilizes safety advantages resulting from small scale. Therefore, microreactor technology was used in the synthesis of peracetic acid and performic acid. These percarboxylic acids were produced at different temperatures, residence times and catalyst i.e. sulfuric acid concentrations. Both synthesis reactions seemed to be rather fast because with performic acid equilibrium was reached in 4 min at 313 K and with peracetic acid in 10 min at 343 K. In addition, the experimental results were used to study the kinetics of the formation of performic acid and peracetic acid. The advantages of the microreactors in this study were the efficient temperature control even in very exothermic reaction and good mixing due to the short diffusion distances. Therefore, reaction rates were determined with high accuracy. Three different models were considered in order to estimate the kinetic parameters such as reaction rate constants and activation energies. From these three models, the laminar flow model with radial velocity distribution gave most precise parameters. However, sulfuric acid creates many drawbacks in this synthesis process. Therefore, a ´´greener´´ way to use heterogeneous catalyst in the synthesis of performic acid in microreactor was studied. The cation exchange resin, Dowex 50 Wx8, presented very high activity and a long life time in this reaction. In the presence of this catalyst, the equilibrium was reached in 120 second at 313 K which indicates a rather fast reaction. In addition, the safety advantages of microreactors were investigated in this study. Four different conventional methods were used. Production of peracetic acid was used as a test case, and the safety of one conventional batch process was compared with an on-site continuous microprocess. It was found that the conventional methods for the analysis of process safety might not be reliable and adequate for radically novel technology, such as microreactors. This is understandable because the conventional methods are partly based on experience, which is very limited in connection with totally novel technology. Therefore, one checklist-based method was developed to study the safety of intensified and novel processes at the early stage of process development. The checklist was formulated using the concept of layers of protection for a chemical process. The traditional and three intensified processes of hydrogen peroxide synthesis were selected as test cases. With these real cases, it was shown that several positive and negative effects on safety can be detected in process intensification. The general claim that safety is always improved by process intensification was questioned.


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Denne avhandlinga er resultatet av eit behov for å forske på og utvikle ein didaktikk for tekstilfaget ved Folkekunststudiet, Institutt for folkekultur, Høgskolen i Telemark, Noreg. Studiet med folkekunst som fagfelt er eit relativt ungt studium på høgskolen, som vart etablert i 1984. Problemstillinga i denne avhandlinga er korleis ein kan utvikle ein forskingsbasert didaktikk der dei grunnleggjande prinsippa som særmerkjer den tradisjonelle folkekunsten, vert tekne vare på. I arbeidet med avhandlinga har eg prøvd på å klårgjere problemstillinga ut frå ulike perspektiv. Forskingsarbeidet har fokus på kommunikasjon og arbeidsmåtar i ljos av ulike teoriar. Det er ei hermeneutisk tilnærming som er vald for den didaktiske forståinga. Det fyrste drøftingstemaet har søkjeljos på kommunikasjon og dialog ved vidareføring av tekstil folkekunst. Både estetiske, teoretiske, praktiske og sosiale aspekt er nedfelte i læreplanen for studiet og skal utgjere grunnlaget for kommunikasjon og arbeidsmåtar. I den skapande og kopierande prosessen er det utvikla språklege reiskapar for både den sosiale og den estetiske sida der den teoretiske og praktiske faktoren er integrert. Møte med døme på tekstile tradisjonar så vel som praktisk forming av tekstilar har ført til refleksjon og dialog som involverer kontemplasjon, korrespondens og imaginasjon. Det andre temaet som er drøfta, er vidareføring av tradisjonelt visuelt formspråk. Her er merksemda retta mot kva som har skjedd formalt med ei gruppe tradisjonelle formelement i tekstilar i den institusjonelle vidareføringa over eit lengre tidsperspektiv. Resultatet syner at mange tradisjonelle formelement er borte frå den institusjonelle produksjonen. Formelementa kan ha fått ei meir naturalistisk utforming, eller dei er overførte til andre tradisjonelle tekstilteknikkar enn dei som var utgangspunktet. Rombeforma i den institusjonelle produksjonen er utført i færre variasjonar og kombinasjonar enn i den tradisjonelle produksjonen. Konklusjonen på drøftingstemaet er at spelereglar og spatialitet i høve til den formale komponenten i utvalet med tradisjonelle tekstilar ikkje er vidareført i alle gruppene av institusjonelle produkt. Resultatet kan få innverknad og fylgjer for utforming av ein framtidig didaktikk for faget. Arbeidsmåte og erfaring frå vidareføring av tekstile tradisjonar er det tredje temaet som er drøfta i avhandlinga. Kopiering og skapande prosessar er arbeidsmåtar som er brukte ved studiet i dag, og dei utgjer grunnlag for drøftingar i relasjon til vidareføring og erfaring. Konklusjonen er at i den skapande prosessen korrigerer tradisjonen utforminga, medan i kopiprosessen er eigen stilvilje og improvisering resultat av prosessane. Personar som deltek i prosessane, har sett seg sjølve og si historiske forankring inn i spelet, der visuelt og verbalt språk er resultat av integrasjon av tradisjonar. Dei tre drøftingstemaa utgjer grunnlaget for at didaktikk for folkekunst og tekstil kan bli intersubjektiv forståing av kva ein didaktikk for vidareføring av folkekunst med vekt på tekstil kan vere i utdanninga i dag. Indre og ytre dialog i skapande og kopierande prosessar femner om estetiske, materielle og tekniske faktorar sett i høve til spelereglar, spelerom, spatialitet og samspel i møte med tekstile tradisjonar. Samla utgjer det ein forskingsbasert didaktikk for faget der den overordna intensjonen er samtykke mellom tradisjon og spel.


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The dissertation ´I knit, therefore I am!´ Learning and identity in informal space has two main purposes. The first purpose being an investigation of how new value attributions and thinking can generate novel and usable knowledge to the field of craftsmanship, and the second purpose being a display of a different and overlooked philosophical and cultural potential in a reflexive mode of expression, which is able to reflect the normative comprehension of craftsmanship. The dissertation focuses on learning and identity in informal spaces of learning and how it is possible to relate such a learning perspective to crafts training in educational establishments. The empirical foundation of this dissertation is ‘craftivism’. In the dissertation activists from the Nordic countries have been interviewed about what they do when they put up their textile graffiti on lamp posts and house walls. Three research problems are presented: 1) What stories do people who work as crafts activists, tell about ways of relating and methods of action when they make crafts? 2) What do these stories tell about learning and identity? 3) How may the research results influence training and education in craftsmanship? These questions are being asked in order to acquire new knowledge in two aspects; first aspect being knowledge about crafts in relation to techniques, tradition and the objects in crafts, and the second aspect being knowledge about learning and identity in informal spaces of learning. The dissertations theoretical foundation is post structural and sociocultural combined with hermeneutical-inspired qualitative interviews. The author’s position and pre-understanding is subject to discussion in relation to the informant; the performing activist, as the background for both of them is craftsmanship. Starting from cultural studies, it is possible to see the activist subject’s conditions of possibilities in the culture, as the activism of the sub-cultural phenomenon’s craft lights up through a performing approach to the individual’s actions. First the research material has been analysed for events of textile graffiti and possible themes in the events, after which the results have been summarised. Next the research material has been analysed for events about learning and identity due to the author’s wish of comprehending the background of and motivational force in activism. The analysis is divided in main perspectives with different dimensions. The results of the analysis show the activist subject’s construction of an individual who actively takes part in a community by e.g. creating joy, changing the world’s perception of sustainability or by feminizing the public space. By taking crafts over the borders (and away from the class room) crafts become contextualized in a novel fashion thus obtaining an independent status. In this fashion the dissertation writes itself into a new method of comprehending and performing traditional craftsmanship techniques.


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Different methods for lymphatic mapping in dogs, such as infusing tissues with vital dyes or radioactive substances, have been studied, aiming at the early detection of lymph node metastasis. Thus, one could anticipate therapeutic measures and, consequently, prolong the survival and improve the quality of life of the patients. The objectives of this experiment were to locate the nodes responsible for draining the uterine body and horns and to try to establish the relationship between the uterus and the medial iliac lymph nodes to contribute to the early diagnosis and prognosis of uterine disorders. We studied 15 female dogs divided into two groups (5 dead and 10 intraoperative ovariohysterectomy bitches). The dye used was patent blue V (Patent Bleu V®). It was observed that the iliac lymph node chain receives much of the uterine (horns) drainage. This method should be considered for safer studies of uterine sanity. This information suggests that evaluating these lymph nodes will allow correlating changes in their physiological status with uterine pathologies.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are increasingly being proposed as a therapeutic option for treatment of a variety of different diseases in human and veterinary medicine. Stem cells have been isolated from feline bone marrow, however, very few data exist about the morphology of these cells and no data were found about the morphometry of feline bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs). The objectives of this study were the isolation, growth evaluation, differentiation potential and characterization of feline BM-MSCs by their morphological and morphometric characteristics. in vitro differentiation assays were conducted to confirm the multipotency of feline MSC, as assessed by their ability to differentiate into three cell lineages (osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes). To evaluate morphological and morphometric characteristics the cells are maintained in culture. Cells were observed with light microscope, with association of dyes, and they were measured at 24, 48, 72 and 120h of culture (P1 and P3). The non-parametric ANOVA test for independent samples was performed and the means were compared by Tukey's test. On average, the number of mononuclear cells obtained was 12.29 (±6.05x10(6)) cells/mL of bone marrow. Morphologically, BM-MSCs were long and fusiforms, and squamous with abundant cytoplasm. In the morphometric study of the cells, it was observed a significant increase in average length of cells during the first passage. The cell lengths were 106.97±38.16µm and 177.91±71.61µm, respectively, at first and third passages (24 h). The cell widths were 30.79±16.75 µm and 40.18±20.46µm, respectively, at first and third passages (24 h).The nucleus length of the feline BM-MSCs at P1 increased from 16.28µm (24h) to 21.29µm (120h). However, at P3, the nucleus length was 26.35µm (24h) and 25.22µm (120h). This information could be important for future application and use of feline BM-MSCs.


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Abstract: The paired oviducal glands of immature and mature females of Mustelus schmitti were examined macro and microscopically. Findings indicate that these glands possessed the same zonation as in most chondrichthyans from anterior to posterior: club, papillary, baffle and terminal zones. The whole gland is composed by simple tubular glands that connect with transverse grooves all along the organ. The club zone presents a typical indian club shape with a simple columnar and ciliated epithelium including secretory cells PAS (+) and AB (+). The papillary zone is characterized by lamella forming small and long cones in numbers of three. The epithelium of this zone contains ciliated cells with apical nuclei and secretory cells with basal nuclei that stain AB (+)The baffle zone consists of apically flattened lamellae alternating with spinnerets which are small projections disposed by both sides of the plateau. This whole structure is present in number of 8 or 9 units. A simple columnar ciliated epithelium covers the plateau and spinnerets and no AB or PAS staining is observed. The epithelium of the terminal zone is PAS (-) and AB (+), and elongated tubules, that run adjacent to the baffle zone are the site where groups of spermatozoa are clearly observed in the lumen. The epithelium of the sperm storage tubules do not stain with any of the dyes tested. Sperm was also observed in the baffle zone, presumably in its way to the fecundation in the oviduct because it displays no aggregation pattern and was between the folds of the epithelium. By scanning electron microscopy sperm was observed in the club and baffle zones in a gland which belonged to a pregnant female.


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Textile manufacture occupies a prominent place in the national economy. Because of its importance researches have been made on the development of new materials, equipment and methods used in the production process. The cutting of textiles starts in the basic stage, to be followed by the process of the making of clothes and other articles. In the hot cutting of fabric, one of the variables of great importance in the control of the process is the contact temperature between the tool and the fabric. This work presents a technique for the measurement of the temperature based on the processing of infrared images. With this purpose, it was developed a system which is composed of an infrared camera, a framegrabber PC board and a software which analyses the punctual temperature in the cut area enabling the operator to achieve the necessary control of other variables involved in the process.


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In this study we discuss the electronic, structural, and optical properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, and also the properties of Ni(II) diimine dithiolato complexes as dyes in dye-sensitized TiO2 based solar cells. The abovementioned properties have been modeled by using computational codes based on the density functional theory. The results achieved show slight evidence on the structure-dependent band gap broadening, and clear blue-shifts in absorption spectra and refractive index functions of ultra-small TiO2 particles. It is also shown that these properties are strongly dependent on the shape of the nanoparticles. Regarding the Ni(II) diimine dithiolato complexes as dyes in dye-sensitized TiO2 based solar cells, it is shown that based on the experimental electrochemical investigation and DFT studies all studied diimine derivatives could serve as potential candidates for the light harvesting, but the e ciencies of the dyes studied are not very promising.


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Miconia albicans fruit and seed coat ontogeny were described under light microscope. The samples were fixed in formalin-aceto-alcohol (FAA), neutral-buffered formaldehyde solution (NBF) and formalin-ferrous sulphate (FFS) solutions, embedded in plastic resin, sectioned at 10 µm and stained with Toluidine Blue. Specific dyes and/or reagents were used for the microchemical tests. The ovary is semi-inferior and the indehiscent, fleshy globose berries are originated mainly from the development of the inferior portion of the ovary. The immature pericarp is mainly parenchymatous with some sclereids, druse crystal and phenolic-like compounds idioblasts widespread in the mesocarp. In the mature pericarp, the endocarp cells are often collapsed, the mesocarp is thick with cells more or less turgid, and the sclereids, the druses and the phenolic-like compound idioblasts are almost absent. The ovules are anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate, and the zig-zag micropyle is formed by both the exostome and the endostome. The mature seed is pyramidal-elongated in shape, exalbuminous and testal. The raphal part occupies about 40% of the seed coat total length and had the mechanical layer derived from its inner layer. The antiraphal side is non-multiplicative and the exotesta, mesotesta and endotesta are differentiated into a sclerotic layer, with the exotesta being the mechanical one. The tegmen is absent.