929 resultados para Text and reading literature


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This Working Paper reports the background to the first stage of the ongoing research project, The Quest for Well-being in Growth Industries: A Collaborative Study in Finland and Scotland, conducted under the auspices of the Academy of Finland research programme The Future of Work and Well-being (2008-2011). This collaborative project provides national and transnational data, analysis and outputs. The study is being conducted in the Department of Management and Organisation, Hanken School of Economics, Finland, in collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University, University of East London, Heriot-Watt University and Reading University, UK. The project examines policies and practices towards the enhancement of work-related well-being in growth industries, and contradictory pressures and tensions posed in this situation. The overall aim is to evaluate the development, implementation and use of work-related well-being policies in four selected growth industries. These sectors – electronics, care, finance and accounting, and tourism – have been selected on the basis of European Union and national forecasts, and demographic and socio-economic trends in employment. In this working paper we outline the background to the research study, the initial research plan, and how the survey of employers has been constructed. The working paper concludes with a brief discussion of general ongoing research issues arising in the project.


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Streszczenie angielskie: Using solid oxide galvanic cells of the type: MnO + Sm2O3 + SmMnO3 / O-2/ Ni + NiO and Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + SmMn2O5 / O-2 / air the equilibrium oxygen pressure for three-phase equilibria described by the following reactions of formation of ternary phases: MnO + 1/2Sm2O3 + 1/4O2 = SmMnO3 1/3Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + 1/3O2 = SmMn2O5 was determined in the temperature range from 1173 to 1450 K. From the obtained experimental data the corresponding Gibbs free energy change for above reactions of phases formation was derived: ΔG0f,SmMnO3(+/ - 250J) = -131321(+/ - 2000) + 48.02(+/ - 0:35)T / K ΔG0f,SmMn2O5(+/ - 2000 J) = -107085(+/ - 2200) + 69.74(+/ - 1:70)T / K Using obtained results and available literature data, thermodynamic data tables for the two ternary phases have been compiled from 298.15 to 1400 K. Streszczenie polskie: W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące własności termodynamicznych manganinów samaru, wyznaczone metodą pomiaru SEM ogniw ze stałym elektrolitem: MnO + Sm2O3 + SmMnO3 / O-2/ Ni + NiO ogniwo I Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + SmMn2O5 / O-2 / powietrze ogniwo II oraz określono równowagowe ciśnienie parcjalne tlenu dla reakcji tworzenia SmMnO3 i SmMn2O5 w zakresie temperatur 1173�1450 K: MnO + 1/2Sm2O3 + 1/4O2 = SmMnO3 1/3Mn3O4 + SmMnO3 + 1/3O2 = SmMn2O5 Z tych danych doświadczalnych wyznaczono zależności temperaturowe energii swobodnych tworzenia powyższych manganinów samaru: ΔG0f,SmMnO3(+/ - 250J) = -131321(+/ - 2000) + 48.02(+/ - 0:35)T / K ΔG0f,SmMn2O5(+/ - 2000 J) = -107085(+/ - 2200) + 69.74(+/ - 1:70)T / K W tablicach I i II zamieszczono dane termodynamiczne dla dwóch potrójnych faz otrzymane poprzez kompilacje własnych danych doświadczalnych z danymi literaturowymi.


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Maximum entropy approach to classification is very well studied in applied statistics and machine learning and almost all the methods that exists in literature are discriminative in nature. In this paper, we introduce a maximum entropy classification method with feature selection for large dimensional data such as text datasets that is generative in nature. To tackle the curse of dimensionality of large data sets, we employ conditional independence assumption (Naive Bayes) and we perform feature selection simultaneously, by enforcing a `maximum discrimination' between estimated class conditional densities. For two class problems, in the proposed method, we use Jeffreys (J) divergence to discriminate the class conditional densities. To extend our method to the multi-class case, we propose a completely new approach by considering a multi-distribution divergence: we replace Jeffreys divergence by Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence to discriminate conditional densities of multiple classes. In order to reduce computational complexity, we employ a modified Jensen-Shannon divergence (JS(GM)), based on AM-GM inequality. We show that the resulting divergence is a natural generalization of Jeffreys divergence to a multiple distributions case. As far as the theoretical justifications are concerned we show that when one intends to select the best features in a generative maximum entropy approach, maximum discrimination using J-divergence emerges naturally in binary classification. Performance and comparative study of the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated on large dimensional text and gene expression datasets that show our methods scale up very well with large dimensional datasets.


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Since the dawn of civilization, natural resources have remained the mainstay of various remedial approaches of humans vis-a-vis a large number of illnesses. Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde (Saraca indica L.) belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae has been regarded as a universal panacea in old Indian Ayurvedic texts and has especially been used to manage gynaecological complications and infections besides treating haemmorhagic dysentery, uterine pain, bacterial infections, skin problems, tumours, worm infestations, cardiac and circulatory problems. Almost all parts of the plant are considered pharmacologically valuable. Extensive folkloric practices and ethnobotanical applications of this plant have even lead to the availability of several commercial S. asoca formulations recommended for different indications though adulteration of these remains a pressing concern. Though a wealth of knowledge on this plant is available in both the classical and modern literature, extensive research on its phytomedicinal worth using state-of-the-art tools and methodologies is lacking. Recent reports on bioprospecting of S. asoca endophytic fungi for industrial bioproducts and useful pharmacologically relevant metabolites provide a silver lining to uncover single molecular bio-effectors from its endophytes. Here, we describe socio-ethnobotanical usage, present the current pharmacological status and discuss potential bottlenecks in harnessing the proclaimed phytomedicinal worth of this prescribed Ayurvedic medicinal plant. Finally, we also look into the possible future of the drug discovery and pharmaceutical R&D efforts directed at exploring its pharma legacy.


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Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) has been existing for several years now. While some forms of CAA do not require sophisticated text understanding (e.g., multiple choice questions), there are also student answers that consist of free text and require analysis of text in the answer. Research towards the latter till date has concentrated on two main sub-tasks: (i) grading of essays, which is done mainly by checking the style, correctness of grammar, and coherence of the essay and (ii) assessment of short free-text answers. In this paper, we present a structured view of relevant research in automated assessment techniques for short free-text answers. We review papers spanning the last 15 years of research with emphasis on recent papers. Our main objectives are two folds. First we present the survey in a structured way by segregating information on dataset, problem formulation, techniques, and evaluation measures. Second we present a discussion on some of the potential future directions in this domain which we hope would be helpful for researchers.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula


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Resumen: El resultado de la comprensión de textos depende tanto de las propiedades lingüísticas del discurso como de las características del lector. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la influencia del conocimiento previo en la comprensión de textos expositivos generales y específicos. Para ello se administraron dos textos: expositivo divulgativo y expositivo especializado a lectores novatos y expertos, comparando la realización de un resumen y las respuestas a preguntas como medidas de comprensión lectora. En ambas medidas no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en la comprensión del texto general, pero sí hubo un mejor desempeño del grupo de expertos en el texto disciplinar. Considerando la variable de agrupación de los sujetos, estos resultados apoyarían la hipótesis según la cual el conocimiento previo sería el principal factor explicativo de la diferencia de rendimiento entre ambos grupos.


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Resumen: Dado que la imaginación medieval del mundo se nutre de ideas directamente heredadas de la Biblia, a menudo en contienda con la exploración empírica del globo terrestre, el estudio de los relatos de viajes en general, y de las guías de peregrinos a Tierra Santa en particular, nos permite comprender el modo en que el hombre de letras medieval se apropiaba del imaginario bíblico para darle forma a un mundo cuyos límites exóticos cobraban familiaridad por ser el escenario de las historias más apreciadas por los lectores de la época. Dentro del repertorio de literatura de viajes hispánica, La fazienda de Ultramar, cuya redacción se habría llevado a cabo a comienzos del siglo XIII, es un texto de singular importancia, por ser una de las más antiguas versiones en romance de la Biblia. No solo es un texto fundacional para una tradición que cambió la forma en que el hombre medieval se acercaba a las Sagradas Escrituras, sino que, debido a su carácter de itinerarium, nos permite conocer el modo en que la Biblia afectaba la imaginación del lector medieval acerca de la geografía de Tierra Santa. Es por ello que el propósito de esta comunicación será analizar el modo en que la estructura de itinerarium incide sobre el tratamiento del texto sagrado y la forma en que la lógica narrativa de los episodios bíblicos se subordina a la geográfica. De esta forma, se intentará echar luz sobre algunas cuestiones que han limitado el estudio de esta obra.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar como as ferramentas propostas pela Legimática podem contribuir para diminuir as deficiências dos textos legislativos apontadas pela Legística. A preocupação com o processo de criação e com a qualidade do texto legislativo por ele produzido é o foco principal da Legística Formal. Esta atividade encontra amparo nas ferramentas propostas pela Legimática que auxiliam a elaboração de normas legais por meio de processadores eletrônicos de textos concebidos especificamente para este propósito, ou seja, redação de leis. Tais ferramentas garantem o emprego de regras formalmente estabelecidas para um texto legal, e de forma mais abrangente, facilitam a clareza, o rigor e a uniformidade da linguagem legislativa do documento produzido. A realização de pesquisas qualitativa e bibliográfica permitiu propor a criação de um software que auxilie no processo de elaboração normativa dos órgãos legislativos federais brasileiros baseando-se em considerações de especialistas, análise de ferramentas semelhantes e referências na literatura.


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[Es] Leer textos es una actividad frecuente entre los alumnos universitarios y constituye una exigencia habitual de gran parte del profesorado. Sin embargo, se percibe una queja bastante unánime respecto a las deficiencias que se detectan entre los estudiantes que acceden a la universidad en relación con esta destreza básica, que actúa como soporte de los aprendizajes programados.Desde la convicción de que ignorar esta situación no resuelve sino que agrava el problema, este artículo pretende exponer los resultados de una investigación consistente en diseñar, aplicar y evaluar la eficacia de un plan de intervención para mejorar la comprensión de textos escritos complejos en estudiantes universitarios.


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v.1 - Text and Summaries (272 page document)


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This paper reviews the published and gray literature concerning economic valuations of river fisheries in eastern and southern Africa, extracting the best available information on their direct economic values and on the impacts of changes in water management on this value. It then assesses the methods used and makes recommendations regarding approaches to be used in future. The review concentrates on rivers with their associated floodplains and major deltas. The values and issues associated with estuaries and lakes are not considered.


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Presentado en el IX Workshop F.E.R.C.A.N (Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Aantiquarum)


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[EUS] Irakurriaren ulermenaren eremu ezin zabalagora hurbiltzeko hainbat arlo ukituko ditugu artikulu honetan. Lehenik eta behin, gai honen gaineko garraztasunak arintzeko Wiki bat diseinatu dugu eta bertan hainbat atal ikuskatuko ditugu. Wiki hau, Lehen Hezkuntzako nahiz DBHko hainbat irakasleekin landu da, beti ere, irakurriaren ulermena eskolan zertan hobetu daitekeen ikusteko. Beraz, artikuluarekin batera wikiaren jarraipena egitea gomendatzen da. Hona hemen helbidea: www.letutaletu.wikispaces.com . Artikulu honek lau atal aski diferente izango ditu. Atal hauen helbururik behiena, Lehen Hezkuntzako hirugarren zikloko nahiz DBHko lehenengo zikloko irakasleei zein ikasleei irakurriaren ulermenaren gaineko hainbat lanabes praktiko ematea litzateke. Horretarako, lehen atalean, eskolak irakurriaren ulermenaren gainean diagnosia egin dezan hainbat gogoeta ekarpen gisara planteatuko dira. Bigarrenik, irakasleek klaseetan irakurketa estrategiak lan ditzaten lan eskema bat proposatuko da. Hirugarrenik, azalpen testuek dituzten zailtasunen inguruan hausnartuko da eta zailtasun horiek gainditze aldera irakasleari hainbat erreminta emango zaizkio. Eta azkenik, bibliografiak edota irakurketak errazteko hainbat ekarpen egingo dira.


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This manual presents geographic information by state of occurrence, and descriptions of the socio-economic impact created by the invasion of non-indigenous and native transplanted animal species in the Laurentian Great Lakes and the coastal waters of the United States. It is not a comprehensive literature review, but rather is intended as a primer for those unfamiliar with the socio-economic impacts of invasive aquatic and marine animals. Readers should also note that the information contained in this manual is current as of its publication date. New information and new species are routinely being added to the wider literature base. Most of the information was gathered from a number of web sites maintained by government agencies, commissions, academic institutions and museums. Additional information was taken from the primary and secondary literature. This manual focuses on socio-economic consequences of invasive species. Thus, ecological impacts, when noted in the literature, are not discussed unless a connection to socio-economic factors can be made. For a majority of the species listed, either the impact of their invasion is not understood, or it is not published in sources surveyed. In the species summaries, sources of information are cited except for information from the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database http://nas.er.usgs.gov. This website formed the base information used in creating tables on geographic distribution, and in many of the species summaries provided. Thus, whenever information is given without specific author/source and date citation, it has come from this comprehensive source. (PDF contains 90 pages)